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What a
Painful polaroid
I refect
On the happier times
And how
Life took
A dark turn
For us
Our white
Smiles gleam
From the paper
And I remember you
And wish that I
Could have remembered
all rights reserved
If he said i was in his image....
He may have been hungover.....
I wish i was at that party....
So a forgotten bro shake was neccessary...
I appeal to the ones whos vision is not clear....
So as we share a bifocal to see the reality.....
like Corey Hart i will wear my sunglasses at night....
And laugh like Wierd Al at the parody of your opinion....
I guess deep inside I refect the side of me no one want to see....
But i guess im in luck I never wanted your appealed acceptance....
Misha garg May 2018
Frisky zephyr tickles my senses in mischief of fate
Dulcet melody intoxicates my heart in hues of love
Season of spring swirls me in storm of hazy desires
A tinge of red in my face as i steal those  furtive glances
Novel emotions flowing in river of love seeping in me
Burning in these flames I die alive to refect in your eyes
Like a phoenix , I am reborn , Colored to suit your whims.
Rosa Lovetta Oct 2018
Please help me I lost my way,
The road looks the same
And honestly who is to blame,
My  hitchhiking Gears aren’t working today,
The bright stains on my  clothes refect the orange clay,
My arms go heavy and legs get lame,
Without support I’ll fall so I use a cane
I need to rest but I don’t know where to lay,
My direction is lost and my eyes are heavy,
Death in the desert is cold and on fire,
The the slow march of my stumbles as I levy,
My ich in my thought is burning and dire,
Please help me I’m lost and alone,
But you can’t  lead me for I have no home.
Greyson Fay Dec 2014
The painted roses have wilted to shrubs.
Rain showers against glass windows and my drawings.
Water seeps into ink
moving down my desk like a grey shadow
They cast tears down my portraits and fog through my still-lives
my fascinated eyes sit and stare.
Ruined and no longer beautiful
They refect the change in my life
How quickly came the rain's results.
How quickly came life's consequences
My insides filled with my crimes and sins
I find this injustice the worst.

The same salt in our tears is searing our cuts.
But yours,I'd tend to first.
To try and show how much I care
I will try my best to bear
The consequences life has given me.
Remember,the salt in your wounds must be cleared before mine
I really dont mind.
..Everyone needs some sad things here and there...right?
Dennis Willis Feb 2019
I throw up
to you



looking for someone
to cover

and protect
keep warm

ai got u

ai got u

ai got u

ahm skin
I have all of you
in me

think macrophage
think semi

I am conducting

I am conducting

breaks beats


the whale of time
slides against me
while I type

cells abraded drift along
I am there too

singing ahm always singing

this unlettered gut

this superior knowledge
this aint
according to the rules

I reach for the rule book
it's stupefying



wearing your undershirt
inside out

they are not all here
just us gast

just us

in a couplet

in a rhyme


in a ******

until I wake up

out somehow
to a chaparral

and a tumble
to tomorrow
that *****

she haunts
like Thursday

Copyright@2019 Dennis Willis

— The End —