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Sarah Smith Feb 2014
Prozac nation,
suffocating in frustration
while trying to save myself
from the life of living
under four black walls
alone in isolation.
i try to scream subliminaly
but no one can hear me-
thoughts running through my mind
i see my life coming to an end
with no hesistation to regain
a sense of purpose for the pain.
impulsive behaviors will lead me
to incarceration before i get the
chance to reconciliate with myself.
the past is all over me,
all under me and inside of me
manipulating my mind to believe
this interpretation of my life
is the one in which i die.
13 May 2013
Like a pin cushion I wait for the next edge to serrate,
it's been months since I've felt such hate
The metal will not yield
It refuses to bend and spill; lashing obscenely, obstinately adamant
The screws which drive this hastened race have failed to open
And the cold is ever vigilant, lurking in the sinuses of apathy

Forlorn attempts to reconciliate have piled consistently
And further ones will also fail inevitably
The need for a past is much greater than the search for a future
Knowing what has been matters more than what will come
For dying knowing what could have been is easier,
than to die not knowing what was.
Having bad days... hence bad poetry. this is my latest work... as opposed to all my other posted poems. 13th may '13
Steve Page Sep 2017
You might be
blogging or podding,
Googling, Yahoo-ing,
Texting, Twittering,
Instagraming, Messaging
Snapchating, WhatsApping,
or good old fashioned
rambling Tumblring -
whatever you're casting
your thumbs will be moving
like proverbial lightning
- proving again and again
the might of your words
over any old persitent swords.
Words of love over words of hate.
That's right - words that reconciliate.
Ignore the can'ts, hear the cans
Hash-tag: 'wordsaremightierthan'.
Facing those fears,
shouting through tears.
Redeeming the years
thought lost in arrears.
Letting them know
you're letting them go
and no longer able
to live with old labels.
Finding the roar
to voice who you are.
Finding the words
to blunt those old swords.
Thumbs at the ready,
hands nice and steady.
You're free men and women,
with a brand new beginning.
'The pen is mightier than the sword.'
Victoria Vitale Sep 2016
What am I; who am I
What am I going to be?
My lipstick stains my coffee cup
As the taste slips between my teeth

I’m walking down some lonesome road
Not sure where I am
The night is late, I feel alive
As my eyes watch the flickering street light.

I pull from my pocket, a piece of bubblegum
And as I start to chew
I stare deeply afar, keep pondering on
What more is there to do?

To my left there is an older diner
For which that I must go
4 minutes past, it was just summer
Now all I see is snow

I sit upon a rooftop
With a cigarette in hand.
My brain consumes of space, big places
And much more on this land

I pull the death stick from my lips
I exhale out the smoke
It’s 3am; I’m happy here
Then, I take another ****

I’m walking down an alley now; I’m
Drunken off this fate
I want to travel, I want to explore
And reconciliate.

This pathway is much longer then I once truly thought
But what I am experiencing, really can’t be bought

A man watches me in the distance
So, I then, stop to stare
I wake up from my dream to realize;
Nothing’s really there

My heart turns cold; my mind goes numb
My body’s in utter shock
So take the key of my dream-filled life
It will never find its lock
Nathan Pival Jun 2015
We can't escape our fate
But it's never too late
To reconciliate
And choose to love
Instead of hate

When burned
It's easy to judge
But no one is perfect
And life is too short to bear a grudge
Nathan Pival Oct 2014
All the negativity inside of you
I will never understand
You treat me with no respect
And I really try
I try
I ****** try
To be your friend
You get mad when we say you're crazy
But you never listen to ****
Even when it's ****** written down for you
No one sane would ever act this way
You've been through some ****?
Some real bad ****?
Well me too mother
And from the start
It started with you
Whatever we've been through
Whatever I or you
Have put each other through
I forgive you
I was but a child but now I am a man
This is what I want you to understand
No more disrespect
I don't have much patience left
For the only parent I've ever known
The lessons I've learned
Were not from you but my own
Life is not fair
And it never will be
Whoever or why ever
Made you expect it to be
Set you up for ****** failure
If you care and love us as much as you say
Shut the **** up a little bit
No one needs all that negativity
Not from you
Or me
Or anybody
I'm trying to help you out
Yet you make me want to scream and shout
I get it
I do understand
All the pain you be been put through
You haven't been able to fully recover
At the end of the day
You are still my and our mother
It's never too late
To reconciliate
But I will always be here as your son
And you, my mother
When I sit and think.. ????

I think of how God created US
God created Parents and others that are called Our Siblings.
God created Ears, Eyes, Noses and even Fingers and Toes.
How Fortune are some of US to have been BORN with them?

''God not only created One He created Two of each things''

He also decide to supply Us with water and other sources.
As I often Think??? Why do We destroy what has been here for so Many Centuries and its Purpose is to be able to use it???

How often do you think of others who might had lived as you and I do; and now are homeless???

How about thinking if they were once's wealthy and now poor???The struggles of trying to keep it altogether??? Or the little hope they had that was taking from them???

I often think of them and how they manage without...
It sadden me to see an Elderly women in a public bathroom washing her belongings. As I try not to share;  I shook my head and reach into my pocket to give her money. She bless me so many times it brought tears to my eyes!!
I often think of her... And I wonder what was her LIFE like.; some are out there with no HOPE; little FAITH or no desire to return to what was once's upon a time...

Some of them not having a place to call HOME as WE do...
while others go unnotice because they do not have No identity of there own; and some who just don't care to reconciliate anything of their past...

As I often think if I were your Parent or Sibling and HOMELESS would you be afraid to take the shirt of your back and Clothe ME? Would you pass Judgement of my Misfortune??? Or would you buy me something to eat or spare me some change to help ME??? Don't just pass by me and pretend that I do not exist because I do...  Remember I'am HUMAN just like You''!!!

God made good people like those who are reading this poem to give a lending ear; soar with your eyes and be a giver, at times It might just be a prayer that you may offer them, be a good servant and give them a bit of information of any avaliable shelter etc...  or maybe something to keep them warm . ''YOU DON-NOT KNOW THEIR STORIES''.  Let God use YOU and do a good deed in Someone Else LIFE;  do for the unknown and watch the BLESSING come back to YOU....

Its 2002
Five years after mum and dad split up to two
So I never get to do what I used to when my parent was still star and moon
Trying to adapt to a way of life that’s totally new
Odered aroung like a puppet and being told what to do
But I’m determined to stand on my own; till I substantly grew
And I learn that dad and mum gat their own struggle too
So I was prepared to work till I loose the soul of my shoe
And walk on my foot; if that’s what’s left to choose
And I think that I should; because the star is exactly where I shoot
Ten years later; I get to meet the father that I never knew
And I want to tell him how bad I never get the chance to choose
How I was deeply hurt inside but couldn’t show-out the wound
How my sister had to die amidst this family feud
How I’d being nursing this pain; but‘d keep it hid
But I was force to accept a father who was never there for his kids
So dad, since you and mummy separate
I only had the chance to see my mom once in an age
And you in decade
Why can’t the two of you reconciliate
Now is the time to accept the responsibilities that you never took
And be a caring parent that you never could
But there’s a family feud hidden that I never knew
The fsmily feud that keep shattering the two of you
But deep down; you’re more like the stars and moon
Irrespective of a family feud; I’ll still love you
Travis Green Mar 2021
Can I talk to you
for a moment?
Can I reach your heart?
Can we please restart
where we left off?

I know we are far apart,
but I still feel a spark
in my body that won’t stop.
I know that it’s a higher calling.
I know that it’s meant for us
to get back together and love.

Boy, I’m so sorry if I ever
did anything to you.
I apologize if I was moving too fast
and caused you to walk away from me.
I can’t be without you, baby.

How can I reconciliate the relationship?
How can I make you realize that you are
the only one I need in my life?
How can I let you go when your love
still flows in my soul?

Baby, I should move on.
I should leave it all alone,
but you are my home.
I’m not strong enough without you.
I need you more than ever.

— The End —