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This is A Faithful saying; If A Man Desire the Position of A Bishop, He Desire A Good Work. A Bishop then must be Blameless, the Husband Of One Wife, Temperate, Sober-Minded, of Good Behavior, Hospitable, Able to Teach: no given to Wine, no Violent, not Greedy for Money, bu Gentle, not Quarrelsome, not Covetous; One who Rules His Own House well, having His Children in Submission with all Reverence. For if a Man does not know how to Rule His Own House, how will He take Care of the Church Of GOD?; Not A Novice, lest Being Puffed-Up with Pride He Fall into the same Condemnation as the Devil. Moreover He must have A Good Testimony among those who are Outside, lest He Fall into Reproach and Snare of the devil. Likewise Deacons must be Reverent, no Double-Tongued, not given to much Wine, not Greedy for Money, Holding the Mystery of the Faith with Pure Conscience. But let these also First be Tested; then let them Serve as Deacons, Being Found Blameless. Likewise, their Wives mus be Reverent, not Slanderers, Temperate, Faithful in All Things. Let Deacons be the Husbands of One Wife, Ruling their Children and their Own House-Well. For those who have Served well as Deacons Obtain for Themselves A Good Standing and Great Boldness in the Faith which is in Chris Jesus. These things I write to You, though I Hope to Come to You shortly; But if I Am Delayed, I write so that You may know how You Ought to Conduct Thyself in the House Of GOD, which is the Church Of the Living GOD, he Pillar and Ground Of the Truth. And without Controversy Great is the Mystery Of Godliness: GOD was Manifested in the Flesh, Justified in thy Spirit, Seen by Angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the World, Receieved Up In Glory.!!!
May GOD Bless Our Days Ahead IJN... Peace And Love.!!
Colleen Ranney Jun 2010
The branch of learning
On this tree we call life is short or long
Arent we all at least once in our lifetime
A soldier of our own personal struggle

Returned home with leaves of green
We display our triumphs
To find we are relocated
In this courtroom
Of prompt condemnation
And served copied advice

Like a fish out of water
We seek the sea of our own redemption
But we were hooked
By those who knew better than us about our evolution
Better than us about our mistakes
Better than us about what we misplaced
Better than us about what we could have produced
Or should have produced
Or given
Or receieved.

The truth is not hard to see
It’s only hard to stand for
Love is the answer written inside the hearts of man
But who can look within anyones world and judge it

We each have many worlds inside
We each are unique inside
We can only see our own
Injured, abused, forgotten, betrayed
Ignored, accused, judge without delay

Trying,believing,hoping and strong
Stuck in a world where we’re always wrong
Or never wrong
And going to say it

The branch of learning
On this tree we call life is short or long
I live by my own advice
And care for the fruits of any goodness

Love is not what we chose it to be
Love has its own definition

Hurt is not what we choose it to be
Hurt has its own definition

Perfection is not what we choose it to be
Perfection has its own definition

Friendship is not what we choose it to be
Friendship has its own definition

Inside each of us is an unknown territory to the world outside us
I do not know my way around the world inside you
I only know my own
And in my own world
The tree is LIFE
all that is not life eventually withers away

(inspirational quote)
Life is about living, inside our own smile, above our own limits, around our own obstacles, outside our own prison before our own judgement
Dustin Dean Jan 2018
The places we hide under
For sanctimonious pleasure
If it fits, it sits, little sisters
So don’t get cold hands on me
For our feet will burn elsewhere
Pious, but intuitive sensations
Receieved for all of us
Here in our makeshift cubby

The faces we hide from
For sacrilegious fervor
From one scene to another
We’ll be the last ones left
Here in our makeshift cubby
Under the ground
Rejoice in thy LORD Always. Again I will say, Rejoice.! Let thy Gentleness be Known to All Kind. The LORD Is at Hand. Be Anxious for Nothing, but in Everything by Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let thy Requests be made known to GOD:: And thy Peace Of GOD, which Surpasses All Understanding, will guard your Hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus... Finally, brethren, whatever things are True, whatever things are Noble, whatever things are Just, whatever things are Pure, whatever things are Lovely, whatever things are of Good Report, if there is any Virtue and if there is Anything Praiseworthy- Meditate on these tthings.. The things which thee learned and Receieved and Heard and Saw in Me, these do, and the GOD Of Peace will be with Thee.. But I Rejoiced in thy LORD Greatly that now at last thy Care for me has Flourished again; though thy surely did Care, but thy Lacked Oppprtunity. Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever State I am, to be Content.! I know how to be Abased, and I know how to Abound. Everyhwere and in all things I have learned both to be Full and to be Hungry, both to Abound and to Suffer Need... I Can Do All Things Through Christ who Strengthens Me..... Nevertheless, thy have done Well that thy shared in my Distress.. Our GOD Changeth Not... GOD Remain Our Strength.. GOD Is Love.. GOD With Us.!!!
Grace Is Thy Faithfullness.!!

— The End —