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Jeremy Betts Apr 2018
I abuse words verbally like my voice is Bobby and the dictionary Whitney/
Like a literary hyperbole properly arranged to explain this deranged brutality perfectly/
Force the English language to work for me like a particularly dark time in history/
Optimistically take the tongue twister trickery and aggressively attack a vocabulary vocally and personally/
Not physically but a barrage on your psyche, almost psychedelically/
Use words medically, like a surgeon I expertly plant thoughts whispered softly but assertively/
Moving letters like chess pawns to express thoughts masterfully and creatively/
Gruesomely grotesque but gorgeous thoughts written down beautifully/
You can't help but hear the perplexity of mythoticly placed words with comradery/
An oddity with the audacity to raise the bar and up the capacity/
Because what comes out of me has to be exactly what you see because it is me/                
Not just a part of me but all of me/
I'm not a fallen tree sitting in the forest silently, quietly all by my lonely/
It's just the opposite actually and factually/
I will attack with a dialect so violent you violently retract causing you to react cowardly automatically/
I don't even have to lift a pinky, leave it stinky/
Let my words linger there in the air like **** smoke, thick and sticky/  
Periodically come back to peek and see if you've figured out the mystery and found the key/
One that'll decipher decisively what it is that I've let out of me and spread to all humanity/
I could never have planned it, see, it had to happen naturally, organically if you will/
And not to build it up falsely but I honestly, back then, didn't have the ***** to let it out of me and it cost me considerably/
So now this mastery I hold of word delivery bestowed to me gets jotted down feverishly/
With an intensity equal to none inside of this ******* century, can't censor me/
Got a consistency that forces me to constantly cross the border of insanity repeatedly/
Time only to watch my talents as they literally wither away for all of eternity/
Such a tragedy to see such agony but please, no apology brought on by sympathy/
Just let me be as I drift farther out to sea to a place you'll never see/
To let these works mold me into someone you could never be/

Trippin and falling, high like i can’t touch the ground proper
im stallin and falling like prophetic time stoppers

so stop!

and watch a television show, because when it comes to us you just can’t know

inside the body, outside of time, shulgin synthesized drugs parody the mind.

seen black holes ebb and flow, but you think you on a ro’?

Put on ZINNs shews and check the news


FROM THE pew pew pews….

our lazers are in favor

ignite the light,


mind blown dead slaver.

2) Silence as my psyche gets psychedelically psychonaugtic, toppin my minds eye-conic depiction of psychotropics, an ocean of dreams, im sailing through thoughts, so potent it seems, l on the drop, this is some ******-logic……

3)…..Naughty nautic.  Sailing through waves of rhymes, try to , but when it comes to the jugger-or-naught, you can’t stop it.

so we dreadlock the dreadnaught just so god can fill the hair lock,

fall from the sky, slow down and reverse this verse,

cause there is no up or down, just forward or rewound,


****** LOGIC
Collab- Zinn
We blazed and the memory after was so hazy
I unpaused the video and continued where we left off
And put visine in my eyes because of the irritation
I thought it would clear the path of what was to come
Back and forth of 20 questions left unanswered
Because it was overwhelming and the light was too bright
So you put on your all black shades to tame it and soon those 20 questions came down to 0
I left purgatory, not anymore caught in between the two
I repented my sins , my reward was you
Although it wasn't what I had wanted at first Beggars can't be choosers
I'm glad I get to have your body as much we want
I'm glad I get to have as many pills touch my tongue and put me in trans
I'm glad I get to have your cold breath give my neck goosebumps until I have to fade into the real world of drunken nights, pills, responsibilities , bills, cranky professors, being psychedelically in touch with nature, enjoying the breeze.
His voice had the strangely broken timbre of a child,
Of too many souls, wandering lost in his throat
Too many hands grasping onto his for help-
I knew we couldn't last.

He had psychedelically tinted neurons
Well concealed within a brave countenance of smiling canvas
He had a magnetic core, of hot iron and paper mache
He slung words together like magic hash

I'm still haunted, in love with all the words;
There are thousands of phrases to fall for,
Before the world closes up shop forever-
But today, I wish for him only peace.
wordvango Dec 2014
I had a dream, but,
  awoke into half-conciousness and continued  on,      
           psychedelically candy visions,
where lemon trees grew apples,
            weeds were harvested to smoke:
the skies there, never black, were
                              blacklighted with Ultraviolet,
your face glowed with moonlight!
   eyes were shining bright with hope-
               televisions gave the news, that Peace
was sold on every corner.

            Then, I ran and leapt- like gravity had not been discovered yet!-
I guess, I had caught a vision of Heaven, then,
    woke up!
Andrea Cullen Dec 2012
As my preconceived dreams unfold in your kaleidoscope eyes
and my mind endeavours to decipher the reasons why
our paths have collided,
bright colours provided
in powder form allow you to avoid the awkward questions we are about to ponder,
so that we are left with opportunities to psychedelically wonder or else sleep
which may seem meek
but we must remember:
despite all intoxication and inebriation
and manifestations of truth and unity
and all things pure, you see
Without impurity there would be no balance
and I would be less-challenged
So be happy with your less than perfect image of all that you might not be
And set yourself free, rest assured in the knowledge that you are courage
And no matter how big, or small, or not-enough-grown,
You are, to me, as vast as the sea and all it has encompassed
As expansive as space but with all the home comforts
And we will be love but not as we have known it
Which can only be good
Because up until now it’s been hard to truly show it!
Brannigan Nov 2020
I'm not ******, but you make me feel as high as a kite.
At the right time to assist in my plight, where I just forgot what it felt like to experience love, but you came in and psychedelically, euphorically, took me to a new dimension.

Time has no bearing on how someone can affect another's life; you glided in and landed straight into my heart.

It's not been long, but you make me believe that we can go the distance; that we can go the distance.
That dreams can come true.

That eventually, our hearts can transcend, together, and intertwine across the sky.

— The End —