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Josephine Lnd Aug 2013
so here I sit alone in our apartment
while he is in his childhood town, cleaning out his dads
cleaning out the drunken chaos and the remains of a life
and tries to air out the smell of death
he is forced to clean out the remains of
a periodic alcoholic's liqour soaked period which ended in the definite end of it all
i'm stuck at work while he is forced to run to the funeral agency, the bank
  and an apartment whose walls could tell a story
that would make the ancient greeks' tragedies fade in comparison

he is forced to clean up after his absent dads' death,
a dad who was never there, whose resumé not only includes
the leaving of a son, but also the leaving of life,
all this while i'm looking for washing machines online


så här sitter jag ensam i vår lägenhet,
medan han är i barndomsstaden och rensar ur sin pappas
städar bort fyllekaoset och resterna av ett liv
och försöker vädra ut lukten av död
han tvingas städa bort resterna av
en periodares alkohol-indränkta period som slutade i det slutliga slutet på allt
jag är fast på jobbet när han tvingas springa till begravningsbyrån, banken
och en lägenhet vars väggar skulle kunna berätta en historia
som skulle få de gamla grekernas tragedier att blekna i jämförelse

han tvingas städa upp efter sin frånvarande pappas död,
en pappa som aldrig var där, vars cv inte bara innefattar
ett lämnande av en son, utan också lämnandet av ett liv
medans jag letar tvättmaskiner på nätet
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Jarred Karsten Nov 2019
Beers had with laughter
Bondings had with hugs and tears
Life-long memories
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
This is an ode to strangers,
As past my gaze you ranges,
Do you all have happier lives?
Or is that advertising jive?
No human is perfect, I guess,
Of has a  perfect life, no less,
Anyone can make a mistake, confess!
Pappas don't preach, I suggest,
Men just don't understand, be blessed!
Feedback welcome.
Sin Jan 2016
Lesson number one begins
How naughty girls must sin
And throw the blessed towel
In the bin

Now I ain't saying
It's all good
But baby if you could
Buy a smile a false heart
Maybe take his merc
That's a start

Dry him out and don't you cry
Pappas got you some bling this time
Sparkling glass upon your hands
Now hurry up this devils got plans

I'll give you everything you want
Money riches the whole lot
And all I ask for in return
Is your shallow worthless
Life that's spurned
All the things good girls
Zing amA Feb 2018
Its all gone wrong
major tom
Boomers singing
never gonna give you up
Just another day tucked in bed
Paradise can wait
Mummas teaching a course in free thinking
she won't be in till after ten
Pappas off perming mullets
all weekend
he's a successful business man

Questionable fashion and a lack of common sense
Less said about this decade the better
Who was  raising the kids?
Simba Nov 2020
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't sleep at night
Cause I'm thinking of you
Alone with my thoughts
Trapped in this bed
Know I'd give the world
Just to start over again

Oct. 30th that evening
We had a drink, watched a movie, nibble on some cheddar cheese.
Then you laid down
with me in my bed
Pillow talk
you whispered in my ear  you told me you found a sweet spot
as you laid your head upon my chest
I wish that moment didn't end
That night was over
I almost gave in
you didn't get it
from me like you expected
you might have

It really didn't matter to you
(so much for "that sweet spot")

So you did this instead
you already
had it  all planned
It was planned out ahead
Early that morning on Nov 1st
you laid in his bed and got it
from him.
Your forever lover,
Your forever friend

I knew you would go
You said you wouldn't
but, you did
You never stopped communicating or meeting up with Greg
Now he is happy
that you've been laying
in one of his beds.

And your imperfections
perfectly drawn up
I was a fool to think
you were in love with me
That you gave him up
So, you kept Gregory Pappas in your
back pocket and to keep interest in you because
Mary Ann, you need someone to
lay down with.
I know this to be true

This story will go on and on
it will never end
So, roses are red
Violets are blue
It's all in my head
No matter what I say
or what I do
The facts will remain.
You will always be
with him.
It's not Me and You
It's You and He


— The End —