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Rylie Lucas Jul 2019
Warning: Bleeped out profanity. Read at your own risk

I would call you "dad"
But I would be ashamed to do so
You cannot stand up for anyone
Fooled into submission by her
That f·cking Satanic b·tch
Who is more irresponsible than I
I am ashamed you ever bed with her
I watch your offspring, wishing to be dead
Now I love your children
They even call me "Mama"
Isn't that alarming?
When they confuse their birthgiver with their sister?
But what would I know
I'm just a young girl
I don't know anything, says you
You overprotect me anyhow
As soon as I can leave, I'll be gone without a trace
Living with my mother, the woman that you hate
That you talk sh·t about, while I am within hearing range
Then act like nothing happened, do you think I am a bafoon?
At least I have the ****** courage
To tell someone to f·ck off
I'm glad I'm nothing like you
So, just f·ck off
Sorry (not sorry) about the profanity. My dad was talking smack about my mom with my stepmom and I flipping hate him for it.
Catarina Pech Jun 2017
I was born of a fisherman, fine and faithful
Faithful to God and the sea, faithful to my mother and me
I am a daughter of the sea, sensible and salty
To the sea I am impressed, there is peace that permeates
Perhaps it is in my bones, Portuguese explorer’s blood
When I breathe the salt air, its spirit deflects despair
This love derives from my father, this love affair with saltwater

This man of the sea fosters respect, but also tends to overprotect
Perhaps the sea prepared him to be practical and prudent
Undulating waves shaping his vision, dreams escorted to fruition
For these dreams I am grateful, for the breath of the sea
The lust the ocean produces in me
The love from his heart, the love from the sea
Floated over the waters so lavishly so lovely
I'll send him a kiss across the Atlantic
I hope it lands neatly on his cheek
I hope it reaches him, quick
My father started working on a fishing boat at 13
Deanna May 2013
When the truth and my wisdom isnt what you wanna hear,
you wish for me to sit back while it crumbles my dear?
Ive cared and been around for all that youve been through,
but this is now a choice, that your choosing to do,
how am I supoosed to have sympathy for you,
when you go back to him even after all you knew.
After he breaks your heart you act like you regret it,
but then I see him in our house, did you already forget it?
You say I cant deny the way you guys connect,
but you cant believe that passion is worth all the neglect.
Hes controlling, neurotic, you say he likes to overprotect,
protecting isnt your phone and your facebook he just checked.
He leaves you for another, over text no doubt,
flaunts his new piece at your job, with you about.
you run off and cry, so surpised and hurt,
then the next day hes sorry, with you he flirts.
Awe how sweet, I swear hes changed this time!
Hmm, why do I feel like ive heard this line.
Ive been there for every fall,
and it always ends the same,
us fighting cuz I dont want her to play his stupid game.
But theres not much else at this point anyone can do. Shes made her mind up.
Shes thought it through.
Shes going to keep him around,
but when it all goes to heck,
this time all I can say is,
what did you expect?
26 months I had to prepare,
Of importance or relationship I was not aware.
Born into friendship, you were so lucky.
I never know the next time you'll hug me.
"Brother" they say, is the proper title,
But "Friend" says it better, there is no equal.
None can divide the connection we share,
The laughter, acceptance, and mutual prayer.

Distance, they say, makes the heart grow fonder,
I know for sure I can't wait much longer.
The distance pains me, but I'm doing my best.
Please don't be angry, please don't fret.
I'll be home soon, reunited again.
They have no idea what words have been said.
Through Hell and back is where we've been,
Hand in hand, you should be my twin.

Gravity makes us fall, but we reverse the effects,
I invite your desire to overprotect.
I know its of love, and I hold you dearly,
You'll be in my heart for all of eternity.
Ariel Knowels May 2014
I called you and said
"Mom my chest hurts I can't walk, I can barely breathe."
I had never known so much pain
You didn't sound scared or worried
You simply asked questions
I responded as best as I could
You were silent and then told me to grab the antacids
You told me that you would call once you got to work
I waited for you to call, even though I felt better
You called back and I listened to your voice as the antacids melted my pain

Your voice always soothes me
Even when you are mad or screaming

Whenever I'm in pain
Whether it be a broken arm or heart
A dull ache in my back or head
The simplest touch makes me feel better

Even when you annoy me
And I just want to yell at you and say "Shut up."
You still make me feel better when you call me a good daughter

You gossip too much
And you talk too much trash
You overreact
You overprotect
You over do it
But you're my mom
And no matter what happens I know you will be there
Just one phone call and you'll pick up expecting the worst
But will be relieved by what I have to say
You won't be mad
You will just say "It will be okay"

Thank you
Inspired by the upcoming mother's day
Jason Myrwoda Jun 2019
Beauty and light divinely inspired
A smile an a matter of seconds
Desperate to view for all else askew  
Needing a hug a cry and a cackle
I love your every fleeting thought
Naught i can do but stare and giggle
Have a lil think an such a happiness trickles
Fickle an frail oh no sir
Sickly and stale far from earth
Tickling my mind this trail is a torus
Infinite and clandestine
However always visible
An Able to be felt because
Indivisible individuals merge
Riding this rough reality
Soul and spirit entwined with a tiny to a nonexistent salary
But wealthy beyond measure
Incapable of monetization
Are my nation and a ton of sentimental pleasures n personal sensations

We are not anatomically correct
We were once together forever
Recollect your perfect mind
Redirect it when the dark shines
Disinfect our soul and overprotect
The Leader of the new sect of guides
The Architect who fights to keep you close by

— The End —