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What doth lie behind
those otherworldly portals
in link with the mind,
Existence rests upon something intangible,
Memory is our cradle
from which we muse upon this design.
Do excuse my wandering mind,
She's still got the liveliness I left behind.

I would implore
the resplendent words
that a daughter of Atlas
might bring forth; a veracious
representation of the world,
To wit, her.

Don't stop writing,
It keeps the mind strong.
for Kalypso;
kenz Sep 2014
i'm drowning in the  waves
splashing my heart with
the ache that comes with missing you

was i nothing to you all along?

you played me like that favorite song
you could never get enough of;
one day i was the only thing on your mind,
the only murmur to escape  your lips,
until you got bored of the same old tune
and turned the stereo off for good

now it's just white noise
fading with the rainy day sunset,
like apollo left his lyre in the sun to rot
and the music never sang again

my heart never did

even the air can taste the thrall
of dionysus in my breath;
it reeks of  jack these days

did you grow bored of me,
like theseus grew bored of ariadne?

maybe she could tie her string into a noose
and escort me to asphodel

...but i already feel like i'm
the walking epitome of death

a ghost
a whisper    
a shadow in the darkness;          
there but never there

the music has been silent on
this lonely island of ogygia
where you wouldn't stay with me
and i couldn't seem to leave

i spend every night watching you
float back to another world
while i'm stranded on the outside looking in

i know you'll never come back
but i spend every night with my feet in the water
and i pray that poseidon will  carry
your boat back to my shore

*false hope is all i have left
fray narte Jul 2020
calypso withers away in a lonely island —
a blunder away from crumbling
at the sight of seaspray and empty towns.

sweet one, this isle is too small
for heartbreaks too big and soon enough,
gods and grecian men
and sad, sad, dead-eyed boys
will be greeted by a mayhem of sobs,
like flies dispersing off a dead body
held together by skin —
dead —
skin, stretched across these bones,
like the sea stretches across all of its sadness —
and ogygia, a lost isle,
disappears —
a speck of black in a shade of teal;

a pity your heart is not big enough for these sorrows
and not small enough to vanish.

and perhaps, betrayals do not come from
temporary lovers but from your skin
stretching, growing,
making room for years of blunders
until  y o u  are
n o
m o r e
but a name baptized in the wrong side of the war
and caught in a blunder
thousands of years too late.

it's been a long while;
the sun remembers your smile in his death bed, sweet one.
Middle Class Jul 2020
Your eyes they felt, like a  b i g   l a k e
I had been failed, but now I  a m  p i n k
It reaches down and it counts o u t
the grain exhales, through your little hands
in the loose sand
We were one, when my m i n d rests
They can’t touch what I’ve never had

Your focus it felt, like a  t r a n q u i l
A state I’ve never been
Our shoes were all, in the c l o s e t
you use the space to dance for them,
I n  y o u r  t r a n q u i l
Not unaccustomed, but I’d never been
and I  l i k e  i t
Frisk Dec 2017
Odysseus was washed ashore on this island like a
beached whale, homesick and yearning for hands
that my hands could not fit. he coughs reaching out
for a savior, and water drains from his lungs like he
kept the whole sea – undiscovered - inside him.
sometimes, i have
dreams about drowning.
sometimes, i end up suffocating because
i know Odysseus is not mine to drown in.

“Promise me that this crime of passion doesn’t
find it’s way to Penelope,” I beg for mercy.

“Home is where the heart is – “ Odysseus stubbornly
reminds me, “—But my home does not look like Ogygia.”

It’s always a fever: hungry, insatiable, shameless passion.
when the lion is fed his meat and he cleans the bones,
it is time to move on. the lion can distinguish the elephant
in the room, and swallow the prey until one of us feels
absent and you end up full. what is beyond the veil might
leave us homesick. i take a swallow, and pour the rest
down the drain.

— The End —