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Dig silwer linte dans na die maan
in wolkpluime wat na die strerre toe maan
ek is weer hartseer
weer stukkend
daarom nog 'n siggaret toestaan
an my mense bestaan

ek beaam my met die kwale
van 'n ongebonde wereld
wat pleit om liefde en genade
wat soene soek in suikersoet
wat drome droom so swart soos roet
wat binne die lyne bly
en so ook verlossing by hul neuse in lei

want meisies is net slette
as hulle saam die verkere perd saal
of die slippie laat val
na hul vir die aborsies betaal

en seuns is net moffies
as hul sukkel om 'n rugby bal te vang
vergeet van die agsteman wat gretig
na die flank se balle verlang

vloek en laster bring God se toorn
werk an jou eie vokken balk en los my doring
dalk is jou masker meer heel
as die van my...
maar met elke krakie...
is ek darem 'n krakie meer vry
- as jy
Waverly Feb 2012
The bodies
wash up
in the night.

Wash up on the neuse
and I stand
with a trashbag;
talking to myself.

I spend the morning
walking along the shore
picking up dead bodies.

I look like a man throwing
wet, leather purses
into another
black bag.
I sway from side to side. Floating, hovering above the ground. My heart beat is starting to slow down. My vision fades subtly. My eyes feel like they're going to pop out of my head. The cold leather coiled around my throat, starts to chafe my skin. No feeling of air inside my lungs. Not breathing feels comfortable, it feels right. It feels peaceful. My mind casually slips away from me. Sweet serenity graces me with a final kiss I've been waiting for. Black. Everything is so fuzzy, and so shifty. I can't see straight. I collect the fragments of my mind. Above me hangs the remains of my neuse, frayed and torn. I lay on the floor. Unbelieving at this sight. This attempt has failed. Hopefully the next won't.
It's one thing to want to end yourself. It's another to try and fail.
Remember the times we use to share
Nights by the fire, I'd stroke your hair
We laughed we loved we braved the rain
I'll never forget this sugar coated pain
I was so young I couldn't see
A love too real, fantasy; imaginary
I held your hand but held it loose
In the other a tightly knotted neuse
Now if you asked me back I could only refuse
You know. I always thought I belonged on a neuse. Or I believed I should have been killing someone. But. Now. Everything's changed. My life and perspective have been flipped up right. I know where I belong now. I belong next to you. Beside you. Always. I know I'm basically speaking in clichés, so I'll try to sound more original. For once in my life I'd rather hold someone than tear them limb from limb. I want to kiss and not bite. I want to love. And not fight.
A delusional psychopath, trying to put the lonely remnants back together.
Gray Ndiaye Jan 2021
I crawled deep into
The cave
Before realizing
I was drowning
A river swept
Me away in its
Violent current
The tides pushed
Me deeper
I saw nothing
My lungs became full
I hyperventilated
Each moment of relief
Was followed by moments
Of hopelessness
The waters brought
Me deeper
Into the cave
Slowly, surely
I remembered I
Could swim
Not only could I swim
I could dive
The stronger the tide
The deeper I dove
Into the water
Finally reaching
The bottom
This was the point
Of life or death
I was sure of it
Then suddenly
As I swam back
To the top
I saw light
My head pierced the surface
The waves had calmed
I was no longer in the cave
I emerged on the other side
Light greeted me
I saw the shore
And I floated
Towards it
I laid on the land
Yet grateful
This was my rebirth
This is my beginning
Nicholas Jesse Jul 2013
Knowledge is power
Believe it now more then ever
No college at Harvard
Still accomplish endeavors.
Courageous or coward
Think till your head hurts
Impossible's just not so
It's prolly good you left her
I was told I dont know what the future holds
And then in school that it was mine to mold
Cause the Myens believed they made a future home
But did make  tools that mined them gold
So I take them both as truths
But I'm not sold
both are a neuse
This life's cold
You may not make it if you think it'll be cute
But you can make it to the top
If you start with the roots
Berry Blue Dec 2018
Afraid of living life in variance.
In vainglorious,
Not proud of the factorial desgin.
Theres steps to the madness.
Levels on levels on levels
She's a 3x4x8x7x125
Three by four by eight by seven by one hundred and twenty five.
Experimental data reigns here yet bows to detrimental denominators.
Watch your parameters!!!!
Rho your boat and watch the time!!!!
Just enough to keep you confused until you decide to restart the computer and surrender to professor neuse.
Research methods fall 2018

— The End —