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Niqolet Lewis Mar 2017
this woman
she raises soldiers
Spinning sweet lies
and throwing hard truths
its ******* brutal in here
nothing is sacred
We take what we need
when we want it
Its us against them
we are alone
You are alone
She'll throw you right in
and you do have a choice
You sink
or you swim baby
Mumma cant keep us all up
Come out swinging
She cant tell you whats on the other side
but she’ll tell you that you'd better be ready
gun cocked
fully loaded
She'll light a ******* right at your feet
keep moving
This woman
she’s covered in scars
she wants you to shoot
Shoot for the stars
But you're on your own
Mummas got guns
Pointed at men
Pointed at lovers
Pointed at fathers
pointed at mothers
Love is blind
and she’s firing
Into the night
so take your post
You're on your own
Helen Oct 2013
Every day, the cracks in the sidewalk
draw my gaze, because, not because
I'm afraid of stepping on them
but because I'm afraid of tripping
The cracks themselves, in terms
of wishes don't bother me
I won't ever break my Mummas back
It's how they seem to raise above
the norm of a flat surface to navigate
Trying to make this idiotic body
fall, just sprawl lifelessly, is the crack
But I am born of more studiousness
I don't want to look up from pavement
into laughing faces, amidst concern
gasping with feigned indifference
I want to fill each crack with perfection
from my heel, from my fingertips, clawing
away the empty earth that filters between
and settles, hidden beneath crust and dirt
I want to open the crack to study it's girth
to reveal what it hides, unseen
If there are worlds yet undiscovered
they are hiding in the cracks of the
Sidewalk of Life
Stumbled upon by one who wants to dig
and get their hands *****, on their knees
because they fell, laughing on the way down
Freetowrite Mar 2014
He walks In with a plan
His daddy's gun in his hand
He was dealt the decision
And was now on a mission

He sat in his room
On the end of his bed
And waited the minutes
So slow were the seconds

The hand on the clock
He watched
Ever so loud
Was each tick tock

His head was spinning
But he had no choice
He was the man in this house
Even though he was only a boy

He heard the last bits of her screaming
After his mumma had taken her latest beating

She was the strongest woman
In her every being

She copped a flogging
Almost every second night
When her husband was full of grog
And he started to run dry

He heard her make a move to her room
And he knew she was safe
Time now coming to soon
For his coming fate

He waits for the creaking
The steps on the floorboards
His heart thumping hard
As his daddy tripped drunk over
Hidden cords

Just as his daddy approached his little sisters room
To do what he did nightly
As he sinned under the moon

His daddy stumbled swearing up to his knees
As his boy stepped into the hallway
Faced his father
With eyes pleading

Daddy your not going
to go in their tonight
Mummas had enough
And my sister is to young for this life

"******* boy
Who do you think you are "
As his son stood taller
And confronted him
Eyes hard

You beat on my mother
You abuse my sister
And I've had enough
Nows the time for you to listen

And as his daddy stood up
All his 6"2
His son smiled to himself and said
Daddy .....
I've always been bigger than you

Daddy plunged forward
But his eyes saw the shine
His son with his gun
And a glean in his eye

Daddy stopped in his tracks
" son pass me the gun "
Your sister is safe
And I promise I won't beat your mum

The putrid *****
Back to his old tricks
But the boy wasn't falling
for none of this

And as daddy stepped forward
With a clenched fist
It was then
He heard
The gun go click

The pressure to his stomach
Didn't hurt like he thought
Because he was gutless
And only blood poured

He went down slowly
And couldn't help but notice
The look of relief
On His only sons face

He knew he was a man now
As he took his rightful place

The boy watched his father
Die right there in the hall

And in unison
The closing of two doors

His mother came to his side
And took his fathers gun
She looked in his eyes
And said
"I've got this son "

As he sat with his sister
And the police combed the hall
She cuddled him tight
He  cuddled her  more

They could hear whispers
As their mother spoke
She said
" officer he was drunk must have fallen
And croaked "
He must have been cleaning it
Or putting it away
I'm sorry sir I was asleep
And so were they

My husband always was playing with that gun
My husband always was just a failing drunk

As the officer looked into this broken woman's eyes
He saw her bruises
As they covered her lies

He said mam
I'm sorry for your loss

He patted her son and said
Well now " boy you are boss "

They walked through their days
Better and knowing
Life was brighter
For that ******* going x
Zing amA Feb 2018
Its all gone wrong
major tom
Boomers singing
never gonna give you up
Just another day tucked in bed
Paradise can wait
Mummas teaching a course in free thinking
she won't be in till after ten
Pappas off perming mullets
all weekend
he's a successful business man

Questionable fashion and a lack of common sense
Less said about this decade the better
Who was  raising the kids?
Khushi Apr 2020
Lets change the angle...
The seeds of society
Are rooted deep within the soil of our perception
From there germinates the fruits of stereotypes
Building bondages around your dreams in its every bite.
With a vision to foresee and growing science and technology
We cover our far sighted vision with a pair of glasses
Which do not render you with a clear vision but instead turns you blind....
It turns you blind to every **** growing in your mind
It turns you blind to all those sufferers who being victims are still criticized
So, why not we being intellectuals
Tilt our head a little and change the angle
And let's see the world with a new sight
A sight that is free of blurred vision
Which no more needs to eat those fruits of stereotypes
A sight that is fairer, unbiased, and no more waters those catastrophic seeds.
Lets change the angle and neither see a women shy and weak
And a man violent and devastating
But lets see both of them as sons and daughters of almighty
Meant for spreading love and affection in the society.
Lets not title them as mummas boy and not too macho mans
But just as humans
With a pair of eyes, a mouth, limbs and a heart which is yet beating within longing for a tight hug.
Lets forget all those concepts of man chauvinism and feminism
Lets change the angle and build up a concept of belongingness and compassion.
Let them not be just bodies carrying privileges of ***** and insecurities of a ******
But just let them be souls
Dwelling in the nature, blooming like flowers, flying like a bird, ready to shower their emotions like a heavy cloud.
Lets not mark the foetus in a mother's womb
Boy or girl, male or female, gay or trans
But just as elements of art
Unveiling their beauty in their every little bit like a star.
Lets not symbolise our men as mountains
And our women as diamonds
Let that mountain shedding his tears in a waterfall
Be as pleasurable to you as it is being covered with snow, cold and numb
Let that raw piece of coal black with soot be as beautiful to you as it is being a shining diamond.
Let's not just build political or religious relations
But lets build relations between hearts pouring down love,between the shimmer in the eyes, between the two smiles,between all of us between the moon and the sun, between the sky and the earth.
Lets not divide these seven colors in pink or blue
But lets mix them up and set them free to paint the vacant sky
Lets not draw the irrational lines of division in a garden where there are flowers and even weeds which blooms in their own way.
Lets not victimise the wings of dreams with the expectation of society.
But lets just tilt our heads a little, change the angle and sow the seeds of compassion in a world where there are no boundaries of religion, caste or gender.
But just human fulfilling the needs of their humanity.

— The End —