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Sleuthed Nov 2012
your shoulders shyly dream of collar bone wings
you're crowned
by the way willows bend at the words you sing
if this was our life, our nerves that clung to the page
and brace for each wound when you crawl out of the cage
would you bring me with you? i'm dying to breathe
again, to see again when i can't wake up from
this stethoscope mountainscape
Jake Spacey May 2014
here come muddy landslides
rushing down, demanding spectacles
be viewed through lens: wide
stricken by euphoria revealing
a mountainscape: your gum line
destroying homes built hillside

this is quality, the feeling worth the feel
this is beautiful even after enamel peels
this is what i want to take me, crushing quantities
Jane Smith Apr 2021
Some of the days seem so short
And some so dreadfully long
All depending on the time I spend
At night under an ill-begotten sun
Love, though deep, strangled at the hem
My life, my being ripe at the core
Completely sin, dyed, and then
Washed up on white marble shores
And while I find myself astray from the path
Walking the ragged mountainscape
I simply walk some more at last
I seem to have found my escape
chrissy who Apr 2018
You ask me
"What does it feel like
To sit around waiting for the person who you know is going to hurt you
To go ahead and get on with it?"

Have you ever tried to pretend your heart
Is a pebble at the bottom of a fast flowing river,
Have you ever imagined it as the backside of the mirror
Where you stare yourself in the eyes
Trying to talk yourself back up,
Have you ever thought what it would be like
To be the darkest part of the mountainscape
In that painting in your living room
Where you sit on your couch
Taking breaths,
But so so here.
And real.
And aching.
And bleeding.
Have you ever tried to control the cosmos?

— The End —