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Fukn Zach Feb 2011
I'm out here on my own
Trying to find the place called home
Making myself a name
Replacing the one you framed
I can't deal with this game
Just remember who gave you your fame

What's my name? Do you even know?
Help me get sane, before i sink to low
I can't find myself, unless you find me
I'll be glued to the shelf, unless we could be

More memories but a fresh face
The past comes back with every taste
A new location that feels like the place
Where I fell in love & watched your smile erase
It's been a long time but I'm in no race
I just have high hopes to fix this case

You have your chance, at medicating
I'm stuck in my trance, of forgetting
Happiness comes back, when he's around
Happiness is what I lack, when he's your ground
What's my name? I can't remember
Me, you could tame, I'll be your lantern
I'll guide your path & remove all the darkness
I'll be your half & distract your from the harshness
The curse that once consumed me
As the mordern tech allowed him to find me at first I ignored his attempts with an lol but he continued I gave in little I didn't think I entered with my whole gave him my soul my body I felt alive and dead at the same time his eyes big brown mesmorised my intelligence his light skin beautiful long hair with my fingers inside it was not magic but mistycal he became my world I flaunted him I was happy little did I expect the eminent pleasure I gave him he was to be my forever it was written in my smile
But he killed it tore me had me questioning my beauty my love it wasn't enough he was a curse I couldn't forget depression deep in to presures of stress I fell into a slum a loss of happiness anger consumed me and he didn't care all he wanted was forgiveness without a valid reason I hope it was worth it now he's beauty hides and I don't see it he's presents repulse me and leaves him ugly in my eyes he's smile is like that cheap chineas heel that broke in the street while I was walking attention is what I gave him my hope and all he offered was depression without a valid answer a curse for me to forget.
#lost an idiot I loved
Charles Sturies Jun 2017
Sandt Amaro and Karl Spooner on the old Brooklyn Dodgers.

My 2 all-time favorite players of my favorite team the Yankees are
an putfielder acquired in a transaction Vernon Webb
and the Rookie of the Year for, I believe, 1957
an outfielder first baseman Norm Cisbern.

My 2 favorite all-time Illinois basketball players were sixth men Ed Perez and Joseph Bertrand.

My 2 favorite all-time Detroit Lions are Bobby Cayne and Pork Walker with Ces Bingaman a nice third.

My favorite all-time Cleveland Browns are Otto Graham and Frank Gatsby.

My all-time 2 favorite Chicago Bulls are Michael Jordan and Dave Corzine.

Mordern-day-wise, I like Parig of the LA Dodgers, Steven Aren who last I saw was with the Washington Nationals, and in modern Illini football I loved Monty Wilson. He hit so hard and the sound of a prize recruit who never got in on a game. D'Angelo McGary and I liked the sound of the name. Duane Brantley who was a large for the time offensive lineman out of Chicago wo dropped out before he had a chance to play.

This is just scratching the surface, I guess, since I'm not into the star system per se.
Charles Sturies
Anya Dec 2018
Superficial rules we create
We confine ourselves within boxes
Answering a desperate plea for order
Some semblance of control, of understanding,
Shape, within shapeless mass, shapeless space
We build cages, chains, interlocked, intertwined

Yet, a common phrase
“Think outside of the box”
We acknowledge,
This cage
And in many cases it can be good
But we also acknowledge,
That to truly come up with something great, unique, to leave a
Lasting mark
One must think outside of the box left behind by our predecessor’s
Thoughts outside of their box
Which form our box

It’s like

Understand how to read notes
Before you compose your own

Know the color wheel
Before you experiment

Read books,
Before your write one

Maybe that’s where successful people come from,
People who manage to learn about their box
Well, before they manage to
Break it’s boundaries

And each minute, each second, each millisecond, each
This is happening again, and again
Our cages being broken
Reforged, anew

And through the internet, the media, mordern communications
Knowledge of this new box, these new boundaries
Can be spread

To pique another child or adult’s interest
Until the boundaries are broken
Once again
A cycle
On repeat

Until finally-

Is it like the universe,
Ever expanding,
Infinitely large
Without an end?
Lefa Mzondi Mar 2019
I'm looking for that person who told you it's okay to slaughter a cow but not a cat
And who told you slaughtering a goat was evil
Who told you that only cows and sheep should be eaten
That person who told you cow milk was "healthier" than your moms breast milk
Who told you the Bible was superior to the Quran
Who told you Silasi, Buddha, Mahommed, Krishna & Christ were different
Who said African ancestors were evil and English ones weren't

I'm looking for that person who told you mordern medicine was better/different from traditional medicine
Who told you cannabis was a drug
Who told you English was a sign of intelligence, and illiteracy shown you were 'stupid'
Who told you education makes you wise

I want that person who told you being 18 means you're old enough to vote, drink, get married, etc Why not 13?
Who told you a woman's place is in the kitchen and a man's in the garden
Who told you that you have to wear specific type of clothes

And who the hell told you white skin was better looking than melanin?
The person who told you you gotta bleach your beautiful melanin skin, burn you hair, speak a foreign language, to fit in
Who told you my dreadlocks were 'unprofessional' and untidy, and your silky hair wasn't?
Give me that person who told you "thick" was better than "skinny"
Who told you big bums are sign of beauty

I want the person who told you 'traditional' wedding is not legal but 'white' is
That person who told young people it's Okay to respect elders
Who told them it's okay to disrespect tradition
And that person who told you you can't change tradition

I want that person who took your ability to think for yourself
Wo took your ability to reason, research, read

Bacause all I see is a lot of dead fish flowing with the river
betterdays Nov 2017
pin dropping
silence shattered by whispers
gossip abounds
pinpricking comments
draw beads of bright red
food for the masses
spindoctors prescribing
the ****** of the day
click and share the apple
the new fashioned way
fast to the patient
science is blind
social media
the panacea for
the mordern mind
drink up the draught
of absinthe light
drink again
follow the plight
of the reality ****
and more
**** till your full
drink till
you pour your
down the drain
drink and dance
till you feel no pain
then wander oblivious
until you can do it again
sense and money
down the drain
no longer able
to hear the cries
of other's nearby
just caught in your
own  circle of lies

pins drop
but no one hears
all caught up
with little screens
and musical ears

all caught up
in soapbox tears
all bound up
with first world fears

all we hear now
are the silent screams
muted by apathy

just a background murmur
......getting we walk away
with faces averted....
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
I tell thou all my dear man
Never go behind a woman
Never give thy heart to her
Focus on thy work, career and prospects
Focus on aims greater than heavens
Conquer your emotions and needs for physical stress
For all the three woll never betray
And will keep you truly happy,
even when, she would leave you with pain
Relationship always remember gives nothing to gain
True relationship I have learnt is without emotions and feelings
Not with attraction but with a deeper meaning
So stop going behind the mordern women
The harsh truth that,
your feelings mean nothing to them
Your resolve and values are your yoke
For this word love is nothing but a joke
What love, that makes thou cheat and betray without thinking
that feelings that  are without values and meaning
Always remember true relationships are with loyalty, commitment and honestly meaning
With responsibilities, without fun, attraction, sensible discussion, adjustment and  genuine dreaming,
Many people in the world succeed together in this ship
Those enjoy the bliss of a true relationship

— The End —