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dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
i'am saveing  a cookie for santa
on this christmas day
he my special friend.
he bring joy an love
to all us    little boys an girls.
on this christmas day.
so i'll  save a cookie for santa
on this christmas day.
he bring toys an joy,
to a  child heart.
at christmas time,
he my   special angel
hope ,joy an love
so i'll save  some milk an cookie
for santa at christmas time.
he bring joy an love to every
child heart.
he's god special angel .
on this christmas day
so i'll save some cookie an milk
for santa  on this christmas day.
merry christmas  special  my angels
of my heart.
my lovely momy an dady.
i love you  so much  momy  an dady.
thank you being god's  special
angels of hope love  joy
on this christmas day.
so save some cookie for
santa . momy dady.

repeat  verse  4 time that the song.

John Cena May 2015
there spider once
spider sad
spider **** small child
spider prad
spider crawl into dead child
lay baby spider
momy pick up child
explode in to baby spider
mommy cry
cry spider in eye
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
He sat there
I saw the sadness in his eyes
He looked at me straight in the eyes and said
"They bully me"
"Who bullies you?" I ask him
"My friends at school they call me names"
"What do you say back to them"
"Nothing I have to look strong or
They will call me a cry baby"
"Its ok to cry they are hurting you
When we hurt we cry" I say
"I do cry at night in my pillow
Where momy cant hear me"
With tears in my eyes
And speechless I think
What has this society came to?
A NINE YEAR OLD is crying in
His pillow where no one can hear him
To look stong infront of bullies
I tell him everything will be ok
And he look at me crying
"Sometimes I wish mommy never had me"
I lost it... how can this little boy
So passionate
So heartfelt
So quite
So sweet
Be going through something
so horrible
So tragic
So breaking?
This little boy goes through something
Something he hides so hes not
Bullied more
The worst part is....
Hes only nine.
I see my little brother who I haven't seen in 5 years and this is our conversation.....breaks my heart
Brian Payamps Jan 2015
Sometimes is best to sleep
sleep deep
In were the world can end
and you won't hear a thing
not a scream or a yell for help
not a noise in your ear
as you sleep deep
that's what I need
I need sleep
the stress of a broken home kills me
I'm a man but family is everything
baby sister asking for daddy
as he sits in bookings probably crying
he's not the only one
I hold back my tears
but deep inside I'm broken
like shattered mirrors
Wasn't home that night
so Im in between their fight
tug of war with my body
as they both pull to their side
I look down and see my sister holding tight to me
doesn't matter where
she'll stay by side
wether daddy or momy
is always her and I
I just want to sleep
a little slumber
don't know who should I believe
but the judge decides that
he don't know what's best for me
or mine
Tonight I want to sleep an eternal slumber
and if I do awake hope is in heavens gates.

— The End —