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Timon chukwuonu Jan 2018
I have pow ,should  I say it's power
The law of attraction
Do not put my mind off the role of spirituality
when my heart is cloudy in pains of the afternoon
I couldn't be happier than a bird
Due to the missing piece of color and sound
Above the sky
Everybird has its place
You can not be a mockingbird and grow to be an eagle
You can only be born an eagle But the nature of humanity Is very important and not rigid.
You can be born a handicap or a disable person
But you can still be a very important person to your generation .
I  am even and you are odd
But you can plus and multiple us to get a figure  
So do not be shy of whom you are
Because you are a bird or generally an animal.
Even if you are an animal.
What kind ,will you be.
Cat, dog , tiger or lion
It's funny,when someone preteach us to be a bird due to The circumstances of life
I will be optimistic about you and your personality Because it's definitely worth it..
Humanity, hopefully , nature.mindset
Kevin Eli Jan 2013
I admitted every wrong thing I have ever done.
I had to give the grand list of all of my resentments, fears, harms, and ****** misconducts I had ever committed in my life and tell all of it. All of the gory, gritty, *****, uncomfortable wreckage and baggage a person carries that you would never tell anybody, not even your best friend or wife.  Not just that, I had to find the resentments I had in my life and discover where the fault in my actions had me at fault...
I will not go into any detail about what I said on that mountain that day.
All I will say is what I found out about myself.
I had realized that every resentment I had was because I did not get my way, that people didn't do what I wanted them to do, and that I couldn't have complete control. All of my fears came from me not being able to to control these situations. This fear was born because I wanted to be accepted and if I wasn't, I had to find a way how to be accepted, no matter what. Through my pain, I created a fear of other individuals in which I wouldn't let people close to me. I was hurt by the girl I lost my virginity to and in turn, I treated women like they were all objects, and used them, out of fear that I would be hurt again if I didn't treat them badly first, or treat them as they “deserved”. If I didn't like what happened in a situation, either with a job, a girl, a friend, or anything else, I would turn it into a resentment and blame others. This roundabout of negative reinforcement in my actions created a long and downward spiral which to this day has governed my actions to put on a mask. Behind that mask, was an illusory person that would prey on others or target and focus on things I wanted, regardless of the repercussions.

It was explained to me that I had the unnatural ability to get what I want from people through reading and listening to them, and was able to do it very quickly. Within ten minutes of talking to me, I could know your personality, your insecurities, your desires, your strengths and your weaknesses.  As an example, when I would see a girl I liked, I would unknowingly look at her, target her and find her vulnerabilities, likes, dislikes, habits, turn-ons or anything I could find out that would help me get what I wanted. I would use these things to my disposal and manipulate this person, upcoming situations, or other parties to create an atmosphere or climate which I could have control of and then ****** this person through mind games and lies to get what my sick mind wanted.

Now hearing this about myself and coming to the realization that this is the way I have behaved in every relationship I have ever been in, I was horrified. My immediate reaction was that I had just envisioned and compared myself as a cult leader, a serial killer, as a mob boss...
As a predator.
I knew the only thing I could do in my heart at that moment was exactly what the program I was in called for. Complete honesty and desire to be relieved of these defects of character and how to do what I could with these skills to help others for good. I asked what I should do... He said, “Pray”.

I asked the universal force I understand to be the creator of all things and myself to give me the strength to do with me what I could not do for myself. To let these things wash away and give me the strength to change the things to come which I could not in the past, and let me walk through life as a person I want to be. I ask for vision as I write this to remember what I have learned and not let it slip away or be buried by fear and self-hate. To let myself be okay within my own and do what I know is right. Just when I wake up tomorrow, I'll remember.
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Your just sad,
stupidity of the most flamboyancy
you throw your arrow's

catching others off guard,
showing them the illusionary's

to something fake.

Oh no you don't!!!
I'd **** for much less
but I'd **** you slowly painfully
if you stick me with that!

I'd hurt you and make you suffer

slowly-  meticulously  
like you've made me hurt, cry,
die a bit each time- so many many times.

time after time I failed & fell prey to your games...
your sick mind must be wondering

what next you can do
to me

Baby baby baby...........

I'm no longer blind to your wicked deeds
and all your silly schemes.

I got your number  
and yet you still
think your gonna fool me,
Not this round and never again,

you should be ashamed of yourself
for the misconducts and falsehoods you
and your magical arrow's have
shown so many, not just me.

all kinds of being from ever walks of life,
all around the world.
Your silly & sad really,

and truth be told someone
must have ruined your love long ago

I heard ya momma did you in and for what?

Beauty is only skin deep or so they say.

she must of hated that your love was given
to someone else!

Did  you do it, huh did ya?

Yo you ******  ya momma  

Your a stupid *******-  yes you,
Kama, Amor, or so they called you

I hate everything you claim to stand for
if you understood true love

You'd know ya arrow's cause lust & desire
not love,
not even real infatuations.

you've did your damage
and if you stick me again
I'll **** you!

You don't inspire romantic anythings.

You wreck happy homes
given young girls false hope
false wishing and dreams.

you ******* leave me be and go away.

stop playing  go on now get outta here!




Man I swear.........

Cupid must think I'm

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Yatma Faye Aug 2014
Make sure ya know how to live in this life full of fake folk
act like me and ya won't worry 'cuz i don't give a ****
they'll laugh when you've done da plan they made for ya cuz it'll be gorgeous
when ya don't do what they want they'll laugh and say ya ain't courageous
***** ya needa shut your mouth if ya ain't givin' me to eat
ya better tryna be like me rather than telling bull-****
****** keep telling ya <<TRY IT>> but neva want ya to get it
cuz it's hard for 'em when da book they wrote 4 ya got deleted
****** **** ****** to be a famous or on a head of a royal
dead lying of judgin' people without knowing'em & dat'z ain't loyal
everyone knows that life combines both hard & easy things
but no one wanna live it together gathering like siblings
if ya wanna know da reason why i can't talk a lot
cuz i got only one TRUST & i already gave it to God
we needa use our past misconducts for help today & tomorrow
we're out of hearts if we mad & don't forgive then we needa borrow
things make us feel like how we take 'em, don't take 'em difficulty
we're out of courage if we say we can't do 'em cuz they ain't easy
make sure ya know da ones nearest of ya hate ya da most
probably da ones ya neva knew save ya when you've lost
neva tryna be a king or queen somewhere ya weren't born
cuz whenever we're ,near or far our bridges gonna get burn
help gonna get lack like a search dat isn't existed on google chrome
when da time arrives everyone gonna wish to be at where they came from
Lyrics written by Y-S-M
Timon chukwuonu Dec 2017
A boy
A girl
Could be different in many ways just imagine it yourself
I would,due to parents
Yes,due to different home with one religion and different culture
Or different religion , one culture
Both in a special expensive clothes known as G "as far you could remember"
Boy could be you "Igbo, Yoruba or hausa,
Likewise the girl
But goes to different schools and.attain different education with misconducts attitude towards Life
As they both enjoy life in a grips of moment
She forgot culture,
He forgot religion,
As the division of life brings difference between them
She is educated and he is hard working
Both Really have no reason to work together rather than to build a home of one religion and one culture .
I think, Both are in love
Culture and religion.
Love can combine culture and religion.
Stop fights
Alice Burns May 2013
Did I ever tell you that I saw you?
Did you ever hear my breath as you journeyed through the darkness with your pleasures?
Did you sense my body feeling the covers move in unisons with your misconducts?
Did I ever tell you what I saw?

My vision was possessed with the shadowed illustrations of your daytime dreaming
And the flashing lights revealing your silent movements while you lay to rest
I was in my own private screening of your devilish fantasies
Yet, I was pulled into the canvas, and subjected to a catatonic state, feeling everything, but limited to just witness.

I saw her in red, as she slid in between the streams of light
And she melted into the floor and ****** up onto the bed
I heard her pleasure, and I saw your lust
All I could do was lock myself away, trying to cover my inner eye.

Did I ever mention that I caught you?
Did you see my gaze read you like a children's book?
We're my cries enjoyable to you and your ever changing company?
Will you ever empathize?

Your words, so deep and loving in direct meaning
We're squashed I between your finger and thumb
Your eyes always looked through me, as if in search of another in my reflection
I was transparent, I was water.

I flowed continuously, swept away with love and distractions,
Yet, as water, so did I flow, never broken by your rocks and twigs place in my way
You pushed me over the waterfall, but I was not hurt,
With the tide I grew stronger, and I crash down upon your rock and sticks

And now, I am far out in the vast ocean,
where your rocks sink, and your twigs break down.
I take in the warmth and love of the sunshine, I sparkle incomparably under the bright moon
And I spread this, honestly, without need of a finger and thumb to hide.
I am real.
aurora kastanias Jul 2017
As a child I struggled many a time
With notions of rights and wrongs,
Searching in the voice of parents
Through approval and scolding
Lessons to identify misconducts.

As an adolescent I began to challenge
Conventional behaviours striving
To find my peers’ admiration, long
Considerations over good and evil
To become someone deserving high regards.

Entering adulthood I withdrew from the gaze
Of others as no one knew who I was and who
I intended to grow into, making my own rules,
Relying on instincts to drive, religious
And philosophical reflections to call mine.

Now that I am half way through I realise
Each and every human being stores
In the depths of its consciousness a truth
No mask can hide and no one can deny.
Keys to the glorification of humankind,

Being faithful to oneself by living
In the light of love, contagiously spreading
The energy of kindness, getting rid of lacerating
Desires of vengeance, retaliations for our own
Frustrations, based on illogical self-contempt.

As I ponder on justice I have ceased to dwell,
Eye for an eye or turn the other cheek,
As the illuminated essence within me
Inevitably resolve to peace. No revenge serves
Any purpose if not that of perpetrating evil

To the detriment of humanity as a whole.
Akpovona Ambrose Aug 2020
He is neither hue nor leucoplain.
No, not mean, just humane.
Hatch to good codes
And harsh to misconducts.
A delight to the grey; a connecting figure.

One of a kind, non-gossiper,
Door keeper to secrets kept.
Not proud of pride.
Cardiac chamber…mon ami:
succour for the low.

His every step is marked on slates
whispered around in shadowy sheds
The grandson of a devout
Who stood his ground
against the horseman and his sword.

Reviled by the sharers of same chalice.
His good, their acrimony;
His smile, their scowl.
“Why spread his hand thus?
We too are Abrahams”.

He feared not for his blood
‘cause the Lamb is on His post.
A slap to Prophet False
who creeps into innocent homes
And peeps through frail shrouds.

Dark apprentice PF called “daddy”
Drunk in mystical drinks: green-eyed monster
Whose sneeze had been snuffed
By his knees that humble not.
Chained, yet darts at the dear.

But the lonely believer staggers on
Eyes gazed on the path.
His conscience, a witness.
A clean heart he offers
To whom his spirit answers.

— The End —