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Rune amergin Feb 2010
want to know whats worse than being "owned" by someone? knowing that at
tthat very same person can disown you.
relationships arnt a secruety blanke
ttheyre a tightrope
and im afraid of hights.
why in the world would i want to be in that posistion
to frolick after
one person
out of the BILLIONS of different people
but why would i want to frolick
after anyone?i have myself, my art, my own world
that i love
why should anyone else have the self proclaimed
rightto share my world with me?i dont want to be
that girl
on a mans arm
i dont want to belong to
to have to rely on
i dont want someone elses feelings
that responsibility
weighing medown
into the guilty depths below that tightrope.
chris miller Jan 2010
I don't need you anymore.
I've found that you were holding me back.
You pulled  when i pushed  but now your gone  and my life is mine  no one else's
I'll walk a path unyet traveled I'll walk this path alone
I will succeed
You will never stop me
I will perivale
After today you are gone , gone forever
Nothing is holding me back  nothing is tieing medown
Im now free to fly were ever the wind may blow.
Anika Nelson Nov 2017
Temptations teach us how to suffer from a smile.
They teach us how to endure
to persevere
and to overcome.
They take your greatest weakness,
and transform it into your greatest strength.

That's all you were.
You were my temptation.
You changed me.
You "gifted" me with a transformation
that wasn't even for me,
it was to give you what you always wanted.
I was your doll.

Until the new one came one out.
Bright, shiny, and new.

You abandoned me, into the pit of your rigorous heart,
forcing medown, it didn't take long to reach the bottom.
All of your other dolls were underneath me.
Their stares all screamed, "I told you so"
and I shattered.
Solitary, and alone.

— The End —