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F White Nov 2014
I can make my voice strong
but the truth of that falsehood makes my throat burn
I am losing ground

slip-sliding over gravel
boots into wheels and I am back
and that control
is not over you
and it's not over me

it's just lost in space floating
between my pillows
and my quiet thoughts at night

the balm that I hope I can bring by turning off the light does
not quench

sleep does not smooth and
the jolt of decisions overly made
hashed and delayed

has my existence catching itself at the door

I don't want to be human anymore.
copyright fhw, 2014
Raj Arumugam Jul 2012
Water, Mother
Huang He
Vibrant Yellow Beast of fine-grained loess
fierce and breaking all bounds
like a restless dragon
Dragon with fire in its belly
and that screams out of its den
Oh Life-Giver, Death-Bringer
River, Yellow River, Huang He
with animal jaws that ****, with lingering ******
and disease even after your rage -
what brought you to wildness?
such madness and ferocity - you wave away
villages, animals, women, mothers, children
and men and soldiers and trees and life;
you re-make the landscape with few brushstrokes:
black ink, swift flows, a scroll that is left sparse
Oh you who gives life at other times
with your arms of warm embrace –
Water, Mother
Huang He
Yellow of fine-grained loess -
why do you take it all away
with clawed hands of wanton, unbridled dragons?
- Poem based on painting “The Yellow River Breaches
its Course” by Ma Yuan (1160-1125)
LJW Nov 2015
leaf mold
loam: a rich, friable soil containing a relatively equal mixture of sand and silt and a somewhat smaller proportion of clay.

marl:  Geology. a friable earthy deposit consisting of clay and calcium carbonate, used especially as a fertilizer for soils deficient in lime.

argil: clay, especially potter's clay.

any of a variety of soft, unctuous clays of various colors, used as pigments.
a medium red-brown color made from such clay.

loess: a loamy deposit formed by wind, usually yellowish and calcareous, common in the Mississippi Valley and in Europe and Asia.
till: a stiff clay, a glacial drift of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders
Aminah Nasser Jul 2015
Ava holds me tight in her delicate skinny arms,
And whisper perfectionin my ears.
Ava comes to me at night, she fills me with dreams and leaves a kiss in my mind.
She breaks into pieces, like a flower loess its Patals as winter arrives.
Lost I call out to her, not a whisper.
Somewhere between obsession and perfection I lost control.
All dreams were illusions, illusions which made me quietly bleed.
And now I walk a blurry path unsure and lost, where the only exit is death
As I slowly dig my grave, I sit and watch time fly by, as my soul run away, my existence begs for redemption, begs  me not to give up, but I'm already far to gone.
Ava penetrates your mind and controls your life.
Ava is a liar
First poem
a limning rush of sinister
     fiery angry flames bent avast
analogous copse,
     where every limb bough, bore full

     roaring furnace hot blast
spewing weighty incendiary volcanic
     magmatic eruption out classed

Krakatoa, no longer the benchmark,
     sans most powerful trajectory arc
this latest supernatural phenomena poetic
     pre sent dent trumpeting not don
     shearing, slamming,

     and stripping off tree bark
(most definitely paging the innocuous Clark
Kent, where like loess lain
     during Pleistocene Epoch
     rendered, manifested dark

kenning shroud likened
    to world wide webbing em brace
where lava floes easily did
     (like a poetic souped up Chevy)
     out to chase innocent prey
smoothing over (akin to mason,

     or gigantic glazier) clearly shining deface
of planet Earth with a smooth glassy like face
though starkly barren, bereft, bilked
     every last trace of civilization
     nonetheless exhibiting amazing grace

which global catastrophic event poo tin brake
fast upon ONE haughty, egoistic
     arrogant **** Sapiens chief drake
particularly ***** king machine "FAKE"

superman usurping free reign crowning himself
     totalitarian American tyrant,
     bare ring his right arms
emulating gesticulation sans dictatorship

     of the Proletariat make
pact with credo of Karl, Harpo,
     Groucho, and Chico Marx,
     where mortals DID NOT quake
especially empowered youths
     asper grassroots action they did take.
Yah, ma brew their,
     and American sister golden hair -
     afar and away
book as aye ken ream hem bar,
     yea when yar **** jist a bay
bee, *** me
     verily hoppy goo
     loo key lil boy whar 'r each day

o'r flowed with giddiness oot nar the
     secluded Harris estuary
frolicked amidst muscled shoals
     gnome hatter sky turned
     f'ty shades o' gray
hawk cool when
     **** heat squished sand
     hall lung pristine beach hooray

ah...those memories (hmm...oh...well)
     wii ch war newt mine,
     boot bar rowed fur room Jay
son and  argonauts cave his Oh kay
seance ah waz tip poor
     tuff ford me own may
mar ease, noon thee lass nay
var tha lease, aye fain tis eyes hub boat

     hoof "FAKE" sea
     yuck rat passageway
along tha loon lee coo west
     hove yar hug quay
thee pass sea if 'ick Ou shin sum
     moo with as ray
dee aunt gull lass oon lake now win me
daughter ring auld age aye

wharf heal moss elf ill eagle
     red dee tug *** bye
bye, cuz hive eel
     emotionally frenzied, harried,
     and jangled as if
     o'er dost hay'n reedy to die
on barb bit char writs eye
lichen to a class five

Saffir-Simpson Hurricane,
     methinks oh pen hee van
     thar iz a big oop stares "guy"
     seen 'm once, when we booth said "Hi"
aye **** juiced up t'har - me no lie,
what, a stripling lad,
     (thus jist man hedge gin my
flat hand outstretched wheel nigh

fin gars call loess tug getter try
tou pet yar palm awk
     coo pull hove feet
     fur him tha floor),
     now (NOT FAKE) chalk
wii ch hide id hawk
daring ma prime er skool daze
     didst slip smooth white

     totally tubular woo din
     lock (like) thin small
     round joint long stalk
con vein y'ant lee a'signed
     tuck clap 'race ears oot side den maze
wen axed bite t'eat char, me Noah talk!
Claire Elizabeth Jan 2021
i am the sawdust/sticking to the crevices of the garage floor

i am the smell of evergreen and cedar chips/on the wet air of the woods

i am the reflection of tail lights/flashed in the rutted puddles

i am the sound of train horns/riding eddies of cold winter air

i am a midwest city sleeping/halted still in its big tracks

i am the fog/floating in the dusk of the street lamps

i am the lightning and the thunder/crawling over the bluffs of loess and trees

i am the damp basement walls/steeped in summer

i am the heady nostalgia/filling lungs with ache and contentment
From thee... eldest daughter,  
who need not brood,
nor does padre whoosh
to stir loess hood family feud
(hence an attempt merely
to convey melancholic mood).

Profound contrast extant between
your high achieving
life a wonderful hit parade
on the go compared tummy mellow
existence, yes rather staid,
now devoid of any parental
responsibility since years back, ye bade
farewell to yours truly

(perhaps forever), atop a jade
did apex inverse to my nadir paid
with ignoble deeds soul limb lee,
dissimilar to thee,
a young vibrant woman, unafraid
to take life by the (figurative) horns,
owning free choice (linkedin, nsync,
prevalent...) with autonomy swayed

independent lass not succor tubby paid
tummy, nor does this "sir" ask (delayed
by one day) for thee to "FAKE" express
sing nonexistent affection,
this decision...opting to evade
papa, who must accept such choice,
asper his first born, fortunately UNLIKE me
she earned top notch grade

nonetheless, this dada before he gets laid
to rest (actually most likely cremated),
whose ashes tubby scattered across favorite sites,
yourself and Shana Punim played,
which wistful nostalgia plucks heartstrings
rubbing raw thy psyche, who cannot trade
past concupiscent  transgressions (emotionally
turbulent waters I did wade),

and no intent to telephone and invade,
sans audiologically your ear space,
this paternal, essential, and critical need
my psyche weighed, lamented, and encumbered

grief, nonetheless proud,
thee "star student" made
herself whip smart
by dogged academic pursuit
in tandem with ardent biological
bone a fide exemplary filleted
(within chromosomal dom) mignon,
similar, when Semitic forebears

risked frolicking under shade
of night - countless elapsed generations aid
ding random genetic dice throw begetting
Eden Liat, whose irrepressible
atavistic feral guaranteeing immortality obeyed
viz, call of the wild indomitable

animalistic hankering impossible to evade,
these genealogical ancestors actions unknowingly,
unstintingly, and unwittingly
helped forge, craft, and affect every blade
of grass, and yoked, (a chicken and egg thing)
hereditary survival of fittest
present day unchoreographed masquerade.
KorbydAngyle Mar 2022
Hyper or hyperbole domes of gladed with gaff enables by breeze through broken panes shouldering voracity of greener energy than unborn of saucers nature of beauty asked green granulars webs of pin dot loess fell witness that Gods beauty was nigh bestows with greatness developed worms worlds and wheedles times until victory defeat remain affixed ....who shall join light & freedman night as we saunter through this future redoubt?
KorbydAngyle Aug 2020
Iced Dark Beer and Gallon of Margarita...
Faire terns relinquish the draught from tempest boast that
Daughtered the spiders running spout which
gland nor goad had taken a' sure
Fire maw lapse to foment by
the lash of tongue words an 'bout

Still many heinous fledgling derricks
for citrus n tequila  flapped aurum
Allows a fledging heckle doers 'n feisted
their doubt to fink the stockade
Which earnestly held embossed
spiritual letters donning clad
That spoke of weddings and joy
soaked frost not a catch of the day lost
They had

Heft the clod hopper or tankard or masskrug or pale
Dainty once winged and free swanks none
other all folks of the townehall
Choose the beast path forward for previous
rather than bourgeoisie commercial of other
Thou who thanks loess n troll of vanity
which doled the age an name of the
Finest distillery and brewery still derives a
Djinn waster fought and over with
As trial of nepotism mocks on an the liver's faith
shows magic's jist once more
'what now this been all 'bout'
5 years now soon maybe 6 drug and alcohol free....somehow this almost improvised off my tentative peace
KorbydAngyle Oct 2020
(feels not as original or a truth of ideas however schemes well)
Tally of mace on nucleus of life's decrepit rung
Desperate dance attributes poison apple and silver tones
Inducing revealing cold eyed banter vaudy poems
Insidious demon tongue nor right from wrong
This is our Halloween
Layers of loess everywhere that time calls out
To the lashes of rancid social whips
Daring as shackled warted frogs motionless hips
Another death angel amasses and stumbles about
Forensic silk of life's intonation...
to defer avid devil
voiced cloth into... pathetic aberration
Masquerader not knowing right from wrong
This upon our Halloween song
Aptly a force fire and ice
That strikes a zeal
The zombie pieces of imbued flesh squeal
**** flying birds for altar thrice
Rescind all spots in the pews evil runs through
Sharing nightmare of attrition with nervous children who
Invoke ******* ghostly images of iron bound evil views
In shadows of society's passion of rot
Dire is walking misbegotten ground
Hate fear floating abyssal holds resounds
To wear costumes and rejoice barfing... who fought?
To next generations this passion we try to endear
Is an act as desperate as it is most insincere
This unfortunately my vicious evil queen
It bequeaths the truth of all our Halloweens
KorbydAngyle Oct 2020
Tally mace on nucleus of decrepit rung
Desperate dance attributes poison apple
Inducing revealing cold eyed banter
Insidious demon tongue nor right from wrong
This is our Halloween
Layers of loess everywhere that time calls out
To the lashes of rancid social whips
Daring as shackled warted frogs
Another death angel amasses
Forensic silk of life's intonation... to defer avid devil
voiced cloth into...
Masquerader not knowing right from wrong
That upon our Halloween
Aptly a force fire and ice
That strikes a zeal
The zombie pieces of imbued flesh
**** flying birds for altar
Rescind all spots in the pews
Sharing nightmare of attrition with nervous children who
Invoke ******* ghostly images of iron bound evil
In shadows of societies rot
Misbegotten upon dire walking ground
Hate and fear float as an abyss holds it dear
For this is our Halloween
To wear a costume and rejoice
Is an act most insincere
thinking of extra rework to make louder rhyme scheme etc, only the original you know was the concept and theme as is

— The End —