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Cedric McClester Oct 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Lindsey Graham should be ashamed
For saying Trump’s unfairly blamed
In this inquiry, as he’s claimed
Though to him it’s all the same
Lindsey’s Trump’s favorite acolyte
Pretending everything’s alright
But what’s done in the dark of night
Will come out in the daylight

Linsey Graham’s now full of stuffing
See these days he doesn’t stand for nothing
When he criticized Trump, was he bluffing?
Like your average ragamuffin
Lindsey Graham once had some pride
Now he doesn’t, but you decide
Should he be reelected or denied
When good judgement is applied

Graham’s not who he used to be
And that’s plain enough to see
So if he’d get up off his knee
Maybe then he would be free
But Lindsey does like his golf
Ask Guiliani, as in Rudolph
Who has bitten more than he can chew off
So now we view him as *****-off

Lindsey Graham has gone crackers
Just the same as most Trump backers
And I guess that directly factors
In the thoughts of his detractors
He’s clearly not the senator
That he used to be before
An idiosyncrasy we can’t ignore
Let me stop now, although there's more

             Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.
lins Dec 2017
“I want you to kiss me”
and to my surprise he did
one second I’m giggling
and the next I’m kissing him
“this doesn’t feel real”
I don’t know if that was
because of the tequila
or because I was  
kissing my best friend
either way, we were both breathless
I just wanted to get closer
I just wanted to kiss him more
experience him as he did the same
we were intwined for what felt like hours
I couldn’t believe myself when
I was cuddled in his arms
I kissed his jaw
I had been longing to do that
but it was actually happening
he gently played with my fingers
and lazily dragged his finger tips
up and down my side
“I knew you wanted to get cuddly tonight”
embarrassed that he could see right through me
I buried my face in his chest
“I wish you could’ve had the courage
to do this sober, Linsey”
staring into his deep brown eyes
I managed to say seriously
“I will kiss you when I’m sober. I promise.”
he nodded in agreement
beginning to kiss me again
his hand in my hair
the other trailing up my back
my hand on his jaw
feeling the stubble on his cheek
his tongue and mine
finding each other in the dark
in one fluid motion
he had squeezed me tighter
and laid me on my back
our bodies pressed against each other
he started on my neck
goosebumps lined every part of me
he chuckled, his warm breath hitting my skin
we pulled away and
just grinned at each other
knowing that we had done something
we couldn’t take back
but who would want to?
lins Jan 2018
repeat it over and over

what you don’t realize is that
I am trying
it may not look like it
but that’s cause I don’t know how

my trying is not good enough
but it’s all I got
so I guess I’m the only one
to blame for how I feel

I’m not good enough
I can’t do this
I’ve never been able to do this
only now has it become necessary
for survival

“you have to try Linsey”
oh ya thank you that helps
it just pushes it further
that I am trying but
I’m just failing

give me something
to hold onto
I need a crutch
even though it’s “unhealthy”

I think this,
this being alone all the time
through no fault but my own
is becoming my biggest enemy
becoming my death

— The End —