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Miguela shine Nov 2015
There's a phrase
I wan to say
Through barrier
Of the tongue
Em thich anh
Rat nhieu
Gosh I like you so much
I could say
Or even
No matter the language
The look is the same
The feeling induced by eyes
I've caught his gaze
My hips his hand graze
Language will not be our demise
chris miller Jan 2010
I've searched and searched never finding it
Famliy and friends said  i was good
But it means  oh so much more to hear it from a stranger
I've removed the vail and  spread my wings

I've tryed to seattle at alittle place they call myspace
Found it to be dull and most were jaded
I tryed to to show my face on facebook
but they were busy stairing in the mirror

i searched for a new home not find one that  fit my likeing
untill now
I've found a place to share my most personal  form exsression
Hello poetry  fells oh so right
Autumn Feb 2013
is it sad tht alli wish is for your acceptance
                                                             is it sad that i wish for you to look my way, and smile
                                                                                                    is it sad that i hate myself for likeing you
is it sad that youtake my breath away
                                                           is it sad that you mak me want to cry  out in pain
                                                                                                    is it sad that i got jealous when i saw you holding her hand
is it sad that you are the cause of thoose scars
                                                           is it sad that you are irresistable
                                                                                                    is it sad that when you defend me it makes me want to scream and laugh and cry at the same time
is it sad that you make me me
is it sad you are you
is it sad you are the one i love?
is it sad you are the one that makes me try?
is it sad that you are the one i hate?
is it sad
at all
stupid of me to
is it dumb of me
like and love and hate and need you

Courtlyn Quay Jul 2019
Sometimes the most simplistic poems are beautiful.

I eat apples because i'm sad, and I like coke too much;

My gums hurt when I bite into the skin of it.
Reminding me that sometimes, the Pleasures of the things that are simple,
are sublimely painful.
like apples, coke in mouthfuls.
It hurts because my gums bleed from chemical burns of stimulates that are lacking opalescence experiances
Jacking my sails  that left me high and dry.
in all odible sensible seriousness,
I'm ready to cry,
hopeing by the end
that I beg
like the children forced to manufacture it,
Hopeing to die.

But I beckon for that pain
Not out of self destructive gain.
But out of recognition for what i've lost.
The identity of the man drowning in Desolate porcelein desserts and tossed into oceans named after the many emotions i'm swayed by.
Sadness leaves me floating,
Anxiety leaves me floundering, Depression has me drowning.
Not a matter of difference but for the sake of juxtaposition.
When Thoughtfulness is chosen.
Happiness lets me see my position.
Then Confidence puts my gears in motion.
Because i've seen bouys floating,
men in yahts gloating,
Survivers floating,
Kids in rags
Not clothing
But like a light house
Your smile

I can't think right now because my teeth hurt. From eating apples and likeing coke too much.
But at least I feel alive
Sunset Meadows Jul 2018
There's no one like him
When I first met him
I knew
I could trust him
When I first knew
I liked him
I didn't wanna tell him
For fear of him not likeing me
Or ruining the friendship we had
If he couldn't be mine
Then friends was ok
When I first met him I felt something a stronger connection
I still feel it
Except now
It's stronger
He's the one my forever and always
My only one
I never imagined that I would
Be dating a nerd like him
He stands out from even the nerds
He's my nerd
My greatest wish has become a
He doesn't fit into any category
Except for the category of mine
He's all mine
Forever and always
Always will be nothing could ever change that
Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2021
Less then beautiful
Education if a witness
Unmade, unwanted,
this shell
Of mine this time around
Do I post and I embrace my
Talent as being less than
An attempt to get out at best
my words were selected
To count lay claim my existence
As nothing else shall, non-likeing
May remain past, my time of I
as all do pass thus
Onto the coming next
A fleshly prison or, test
As this seemed to be
In the least, I will made attempt
To account myself
To have tried

— The End —