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Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret ,Kenya ;

On 13th January 2014 Dr. Wafula Chesoli of Mt Kenya University, at Lodwar campus in the north western part of Kenya published a scathing attack against homosexuality in the Neighbourhood, a daily circulating paper of the River Delta state in Nigeria.Dr Chesoli justified his contumelious position against human homosexuality by basing his stand on the scriptural citations of the Bible. The Bible which  Dr. Chesoli has operationally defined as the word of God in  this article that he entitled Strong holds of Homosexuality ;Biblical Persapectives.Chesoli’s argument has a depth of Biblical groundings, however I beg to differ with him in principle, given the  scientific scintillations on humanity of homosexuality from the recent researches of health education and psychology.
Firstly, I humbly remember that about three years ago I also published an article in the East African standard which harshly condemned social and behavioral position of gay and lesbian marriages. This was when the Anglican archbishop Dr. Eliud Wabukala of Kenya had in a similar tone lambasted the archbishop of Canterbury for suggesting that there was need for the office of the gay Bishop in the Anglican Church. I strongly supported Wabukala in that I even called gay and lesbian behavior as cultic and satanic hence to be condemned with all forms of capital nemesis. Some of the contents of my article in which I condemned homosexuality are here;
Let us support Wabukala stand on gays and morality
(January 13th 2011 at 00:00 GMT; By Alexander Opicho, Eldoret)
Practice of psychology and Christianity operates on a universal principle of unconditional positive regard for all. However, there has been a twist in this convention when media in Kenya at the start of this week carried a story that depicted moral fortitude of Bishop Eliud Wabukala; who has out-rightly dismissed the idea of establishing the office of a gay bishop in the leadership of the Anglican Church. Wabukala has come out boldly on this against the strong currents in support of gay marriages from his superiors in the Church. The efforts by Wabukala befit all manner of felicitation from all of us who believe in morality as a basis of humanity. The basis of gay relationships is legalistic and political. African culture conscientiously discourages a cult of gayism. And in Kenya living as a gay is living in contradiction to the Constitution. These collectively fall in an agreement with basic teachings of Christianity. Gayism, lesbianism, celibacy and trans-species ****** behaviour are admonished by Biblical teachings. Gayism is social deviance that originates from degradation in ****** behavior; it is a state of ****** depravement. Read more at;;_title=-Let-us-support-Wabukala-stand-on-gays-and-morality.­
Little did I know that as I was publishing this article two percent of my friends and my family members are victims of ****** behavioural disability, which we are calling homosexuality in the above juncture. As university teacher in the departments of social sciences where student populations is usually high, I again came to discover sometimes later that ten percent of my students always have disordered ****** or gender conditions. I found these to be substantial revelations that provoked me to carry out both desk research and investigative *** socialization researches into this bamboozling human phenomenon of homosexuality and other related disordered ****** behaviours.
The order of explanation would first require a position which posits that; religions both Christianity and Islam don’t have any intellectual nor social machinery to carry out a socially ameliorative process in relation to disordered gender and ****** behavior in any society. Their approach have been and would still be parochial in the sense that the only outcome to be achieved is prejudice, bigotry and discrimination with full harassment against Christians or Moslems with ****** or gender disability. Thus religion should pave way for other competent social players over this matter.
Dr Chesoli’s Position that the Bible is the word of God and the Quran is the word of Allah and hence those with physiological conditions in contrast to the word of God and Word of Allah are satanic, only to face wrath of God on the judgment day is simply devoid of modern logic. I want to sensitize Dr Chesoli on the fact that not every thing in the Bible is the word of God neither   every thing in the Quran is the word of God otherwise called Allah. To support my position before I just explain scientific position of homosexuality, I want Dr. Chesoli to learn that; 159 psalms in the Bible are poetries of Kind David, Kind David whose leadership was full of Machiavellian tricks just like the current leadership of Yoweri Museven of Uganda. The book of Job is theatrical and poetical literary creation of Moses. But not the word of God. This is so because the land of Uz in which Job lived is pure fiction. All papyrological surveys have never established geographical evidence of this land. The last part of the Bible is made up of 21 epistles or letters of Paul the benjaminite. Paul’s writings display eminence of intellect as a lawyer and a person schooled in the Greek classics of Homer’s Iliad and Odysseus as well as Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.The idea that the words which Paul wrote was the word of God is not founded ,perhaps the last stage of Jewish casuistry.
Homosexuality has to be understood as lameness or disability like any other animal or human disability. I am aware that Dr. Chesoli belongs to the old school which only appreciated the fact that lameness is limited to physical, mental, eye and hearing impairment.However, this position is now scientifically obsolete. Humanity is now understood to be sometimes a victim of ****** lameness, intellectual lameness, emotional lameness, racial relational lameness and other plethorae of lameness to be uncovered, courtesy of science and research.
Like the condition of ****** disability can be heterosexual disability or homosexual disability. Heterosexual disability can be indicated by misfortunate human ****** conditions like; early *******, erectile disfucntion,oversize *****,undersize *****,frigidity,phobia of opposite ***, oral ***, **** ***,****** appetite for your own child, ****** appetite for your sisters, brothers, uncles or aunts, frigidity, small ******, abnormally big ******,insatiable libido or insatiable appetite for ***.
But on the other  hand  homosexual disability are often indicated in the perverted ****** behavioural positions like male to male *** also known as gay and female to female *** also known as lesbian, or female to male to female to male *** also known as bisexuality. We also have other ****** phenomena like celibacy, voyeurism, *** with non human creatures, *** with inanimate objects, *** with ghosts and *** with spiritual creatures like the one accounted in the Bible between Mary the mother of Jesus and an Angel Known as Gabriel. There is also *** with dead family members. Dear reader just accepts that the list in this line is long.
Now labeling above positions as satanic or ungodly can be misleading in the modern sense. The motivation for all the above behaviours is sensual satisfaction. But the physiological cause of the behaviour is few and far between. Some of these conditions are caused by genetic misprogramming or mutation; some are due to body malformation. Like having female reproductive system in a male human casing or male female reproductive system in a female human casing. But the sorriest part of this human experience is that victims of these conditions always feel that they are right human creatures in the wrong body from which they struggle to jump out but they have never succeed.
This is why the Journal of Pan African Voices known as Pambuzuka news has a platform for anti – homophobic journalism, which actually purport to promote social and intellectual awareness among the Africa societies about matters relating to ****** and gender disabilities. This journal strives to minimize homophobic positions like the one taken by Dr. Chesoli in a smokescreen of Christianity or Islam which will ultimately only end up as heinous violations of human rights.
An empirical position has facts that gender and ****** disability conditions is rampart in urban areas than rural areas and more rampart in industrialized or developed countries than peasant rural based countries. Thus logic will tell you that we have most gays and lesbians in America and United Kingdom than in Kenya or Malawi. This is why President Barrack Obama in an imperial stretch conditioned the govermenent of Uganda to make a legislation that favour gays and lesbians. This was also reflected three years ago in the United kingdom when David Cameroon warned the government of Ghana that if they don’t make a legislation that appreciate homosexuals then United Kingdom would not give economic aid to Ghana.Contextually,both Cameroon and Obama were wrong. We don’t use vents of desperate imperialism to manage a misfortunate social condition. We first of all begin by educating our people, then socializing the idea among our people then we finalize by positioning the idea among our people. Thanks for your audience.
Alexander K Opicho, is a social researcher with sanctuary research agencies in Eldoret, Kenya.He is also a lecturer for Research Methods in Governance and Leadership.
David Barr Mar 2014
Have you ever been impacted by the feminine vocals of this plight of legalistic acquittal?
Let us travel northbound along those east coast beeches where the historical presence is tangible and innocent sexuality is exposed in oyster-bars of cobbled awareness.
Acknowledge the fragrance of the hanging-basket in English country gardens, where nectar is extracted by nocturnal mammals.
Do you have any suggestions about the outcome?
Kelly EC Jul 2013
My dear friend received a letter from you.
A note written by a deceived elder,
Whose words were motivated by goodness,
Sent out of your pastoral duty.
But, you must be oblivious to the hate in your ink.
A warning,
An invitation,
To excommunication.

The threat found on your paper,
Missing from the Bible,
And your Book of Mormon,
And your Doctrine and Covenants.
Appropriate for legalistic religion,
But the polar opposite of Christ.

She left her father and mother
And is united to him.     1
Before each other,
They knew no one else,
Promised to each other
Reminiscent of Abraham and Sarah,     2
Isaac and Rebekah.     3
God doesn’t see certificates,
But committed love.
Can you?

Noah made use of his vineyard,     4
And Jesus made wine from water.     5
Encouraged for ailments,     6
A blessing bringing joy,
Can become sinfully abused.
God can tell the difference.
Can you?

If she cannot mark her body with ink,     7
You cannot cut hair at the sides of your head,
Or the edges of your beard.     8
Were the vegetables in your garden,
Or the fruit from the market,
Forbidden for three years,
Before you ate them?     9
All these ancient commandments,
Are found in the same chapter.
Jesus looks passed them.     10
Can you?

You have heard of rules broken,
Number those proven.
Your ear leaned toward gossips,     11
As you rejected the woman slandered.
God sees the people behind their sin.     12
Can you?

Woe unto hypocrites,     13
You deny communion to her,
But did you do the same for your daughter?
Was she rejected when she birthed your grandbaby,
A *******?
Or was your daughter, like my friend,
Repentant,     14
Tired of being told who God is,
In the throes of figuring God out?
When you partake of communion,
Are you worthy?     15
Jesus allowed Judas to partake of His holy sacrament,     16
And invites us all.     17
Can you?

She loves Jesus,
To whom she prays,
Her boyfriend,
Who sleeps by her side,
Her friends,
Who she shares an occasional drink with.
The tattoo on her foot,
Reads “Love”
In calligraphy as beautiful
As the love in her soul.
Jesus sees this.
I hope you see it, too.

Love your God with all your heart,
Mind.     18
Love your neighbor as yourself.     19
We both are praying for her,
But I’m also praying for you,
To know the God of love,     20
Who is jealous for her,     21
And for you.
He wants you to love Him,
And He wants to love on you,
But your worship of religion is getting in the way.
Stop your adultery,     22
And run back,
Prodigal Son,     23
To your true love,
There’s room at His table for a sinner like you, me, her, and all.
And our Jesus,
Writes the invitations.
You are not to review,
And mail them.
But only to accept and share the One He sent to you.


1 Genesis 2:24; Genesis 2:30 (Inspired Version)
2 Genesis 11:29; Genesis 11:18 (Inspired Version)
3 Genesis 24
4 Genesis 9:20; Genesis 9:27 (Inspired Version)
5 John 2
6 2 Samuel 16:2, Proverbs 31:6, Mark 15:23, Luke 10:34, 1 Timothy 5:23
7 Leviticus 19:28
8 Leviticus 19:27
9 Leviticus 19:23-24
10 Romans 3:23-26
11 Proverbs 11:13, 20:19, 26:20-22
12 Isaiah 43:25-26
13 Matthew 23:13
14 1 John 1:9
15 1 Corinthians 11:27
16 Matthew 26:24-26
17 1 Corinthians 11:28
18 Luke 10:27
19 Matthew 22:39
20 1 John 4:8
21 Exodus 20:5
22 James 4:4
23 Luke 15:11-32
JerrHoll Jun 2014
Sometimes we rant and rave here for no real value other than the release we think it grants,
A release as real as the ****** everyone seeks.
There is no release in this ether any longer, the words captured and dissected for all to consider, left us limp and wasted - unfulfilled.

The facade created for legalistic cause, show your lifestyle to be rich and full,
all it was is empty halls and vacant thoughts. Desires unfulfilled from the first, your facade.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner on the hoof!
Parties and settings to raise the roof,
False invitation and another deceit
Open the crypt of your own design.

Lay in the linens your deceit bought - rest your head on the silken pillow,
The door closes one last time
And the blade is raised.
Darkly - Kidron flows to its end
Temple on one bank, mount on the other
Dark with the blood of sacrifice
Gethsemane calling.
Inspired by my life's events and 2 Samuel 15
Have you ever seen a fish fly? I don't mean a spectacular leap accompanied by twirls and accentuated by the water dripping from its scales like a couture gown. Nor do I mean the astounding burst of speed a "flying" fish exhibits as it leaps out of the water, expanding their large pectoral fins, and gliding to safety. What I mean by my question is the following: have you ever seen a fish exert the energy required to achieve take off and to truly soar among the clouds and dance at the feet of the heavens. Have you ever seen a school of fish flutter in such synchronicity of purpose and action, they sound as one creature? Have they exited our plain of view in such a flurry of color and sound as to be considered art? The answer is no. They never have nor will the ever behave in such a manner. Why you ask? It is not their nature.
To know the universe one must first know themselves, but are we obligated to follow our nature? As much as I would love to disagree, the past year has presented me with an abundance of evidence that my legalistic disposition cannot ignore. Prior to college, I regarded my resentment of tedious and technical activities as a phase of adolescence that would soon pass upon entrance to college. However, the opposite has proven itself to be true. I have become even more resentful, enraged even, at the technicality and tedium of my classes. While I have ideas of implementation and grandeur; they, the classes, deconstruct ideas until they are merely a collection of uninteresting facts and figures void of life and purpose. In just the past month, I have had my motives and resolve for engineering questioned by myself, my advisor, two professors, and many friends. The question is always the same "how do you feel about engineering?" and my response is equally predictable "I think I'll stick it out, besides there is more job stability with engineering than with art." I am dying! Like a fish out of water, I am gasping for air and nutrients but nothing is coming. My skin is drying and I am left expending what little energy I have left desperately trying to get back to the sea, to get back to art. For all the beauty of my mind, it is wasted on my efforts for this, engineering, is not my nature. I became so inthralled, so utterly captivated by the stark blues of calculations and whites of lofty ideas and esoterica, that I ignored the kaleidoscope of colors beneath me as unorganized and useless fragments of information. I never appreciated the bright pops of corals, greens, oranges, reds, yellow, along with every other color known and unknown to man until I had managed to jump clear past, what I then saw as, the boundaries of art and got stranded on the dullness of solid ground with a sound as dense as the colors. Those bright colors were not merely background noise, those colors formed my world, indeed they formed me.
The time is very late now and I am running out of energy, but I know I have to get back to myself and my nature. I'm not quite sure where I'm headed, but this little fish is going to keep swimming until sea meets sky. Who knows, maybe I'll even grow my own set of wings and fly.
Julian Nov 2018
The padlock on the continuous barnstorm of a transcendent time whose bunkum is transmuted consciousness aligning with parallax to a congruent worldview is not axiomatic but certainly a veridical property of reality. The universe is as much concept as percept and both properties of consciousness that lead to adaptive behavior are tethered to the eccentricity of the observer rather than the oblong nature of the observed where errors in prima facie judgments delineate the saplings of humanity to beaze under the proctored sunlight of an eternal sunshine that withers seldom to the whims of capricious arbitrage of those whose hubris exceeds the limits of the intellectual frontier because they are gilded with bricolage mentalities that scaffold the skeletonized worldview rather than apprehending the concretism and synthetic arraignment of interrogable reality in a manner that acknowledges the factitious intersection of pioneering understanding and the corporeal existence of realities both transcendent in spatiotemporal mapping and reversible propinquity to the sensible acquisition of tangible knowledge. I contest the worldview of many philosophers as a callow retread of basic logic whose ambition is underserved by a desire for prolix pellucidity rather than cogent succinct promethean formulations that dare to muster the herculean task of demystification even if the entropy of formulation is always flawed by the jaundice of the observers rather than the disdain of the observable consensus. We swing by a filipendulous thread that dangles speculation and reifies the blinkered piebald world of spotty concatenations among neurons recognizing that incomplete associations become the staples of philosophies that are precarious in some logical foundation but sturdy enough to weather the vagaries of the bluster of mendicants who verge on comprehension but pale in comparison to the monolithic edifice of so-called truth when the defalcation of figureheads supplants the clerisy as the new proctor of knowledgeable assertion. I contend that foofaraw is a primeval instinct of community ecology that expedites the balkanization of otherwise unitive properties of society and ravages them with bickering based on clashing predilections that are bellicose and combative rather than irenic and balmy. The acerbic fates of many leads to a rudimentary pessimism or a chary optimism that chides against the fortified exegesis of divinity that can be both proclaimed and stultified for its latticework properties of buttressing society in a permutation that is nimble in some respects but too turgid and rigid in others. The goal of humanity is to become a pliable instrument of a pliable universe that does not rely on buzzword dogmatism or the masquerade of hollow punditry but that relies on self-reliant principles for ascertaining veracity and impugning mendaciloquence with vigilant alacrity rather than casual sportsmanship that reaches finality only upon the handshakes of a battle waged that concedes the impotence of gladiatorial spectatorship as just a gambit of the half-witted cockney witticisms and shibboleths of sportive diversion rather than consequential and decisive reckonings with the subaudition that undergirds all events of any consequence with either a clinched victory or a callow defeatism of a futilitarian worldview that stoops to reconciliation only to propitiate antagonism and buffer against the truculent brunt of weaponized coercion to checkered flags that arbitrate the outcome of a binary polarity of humanized affairs. The majesty of creation is that reversible boundaries can be permeated in a bi-directional manner through the artifice of concerted thought rather than the orchestration of a linear traipse through the deserts of an inclement fate won immediately when projected upon the tangent of any given velocity at any point of acceleration away from the targeted impetus that grants only a partial vantage, a cantle of reality that is fragmented and piecemeal rather than circular and emergent. The most dire battle that humanity faces is the attrition of circumstance by the purposive declarations of imperious authority that seeks to muzzle the ingenuity of many for the deliciation of the few creating an accidia among the clerical institute of thinkers that imposes hogra that few people can grapple with that they are marooned into a cloister that reaps fewer rewards for an ascendant intellect than a virulent libido can clutch with predatory gallops against the also-rans that fight for carnality rather than the ethereal principles lingering within the grasp of many if it became a cynosure of worthy heralded acclaim. We witness the mass fecklessness of giftedness as a shackle of those whose plaudits come intrinsically fortified but sustain none of the abuses that the pedestrians would like to obtrude upon enlightenment to curtail and abridge the art of invention like the coagulation of blood to rob the vitality of throbbing pulse of importunate self-discovery of its macroscopic vista and its telescopic foresight about the future hodgepodge of a recursive fractalized reality besieged by the enemy of linear logical formulations implemented by ivory tower psychologists to muzzle the empowerment of abstruse language in order to make savory the nostrum of the apothecaries of delegated truth bereaved of recourse beyond certain leaps they cannot fathom well enough to flicker with even a faint transient wisdom that is designed to be amenable only to the supernal nature of ideation rather than the caprice of bedazzled humanitarianism. We need to forswear the -isms that flicker with doctrinaire dogmatism and flirt with forceful harangues that exhort a codified message and launch veridical properties of recondite etherealism into an immovable orbit whose inertia can broadcast a singular message of recoil against puritanism in science or skepticism in faith. The bedrock of this message is the deployment of useful extravagance without inordinate delay, the drivel of malcontent transmogrified into the prattle of estimable giants that have stature among the leviathan enough to recriminate against the autarky of self-smug simpletons that infest the world with barbarous indecencies and crude prepossessions that abortively crumple when met with the acerbic teleological gravity of ulterior consequence rather than blossom under the siroccos of manufactured wind designed for windfalls that always create a crestfallen aftermath from the anticlimax of understanding leading to the desiccation of consequence and the engorgement of precedence. These frangible realities become buoyant because the physics of the public dialectic insulates the creaky rickety vestiges of canonical knowledge as a sworn precedent inviolable and immune as a building block of all scholasticism, a retread of parchment recycled over and over again to entrench the past as the titanic vehicle that dictates the future of thought even though the porous inconsistencies of the vagrants of crude formulation make such a vessel less seaworthy than scientism and dogmatism of the monolith would have you believe to be true. The querulous quips of the uninformed predominate with such clutter that the armamentarium against useful idiocy is stagnated into a resigned accord with infernal subjugation of the public volition to insubordinate against a system of parochial enslavement rather than a catholic enlightenment whose universalism of principle ensures a steadfast society guided by scruples rather than undermined by the prickly thorns of abrasive contrition and the magnetism of empathic concern that sabotages the clarity of intelligence and provides a welter in the place of a well-arrayed code of peculiar but defiant distinctiveness that acts as the splinter that cracked the intangible but refractory borders of human inclination and demonstrated the sheer force of golden consistency rather than fickle withering resolve. I exhort and implore the world to heed the best minds that realize the syncretism is answerable to contradiction rather than scuttled from beneath by the impudence of its assertions against the common propriety when it stakes controversy as a gamble to aver the veracity of worldviews that violate orthpraxy with gusto as a brazen gallantry to rescue a foundering planet that seeks disequilibrium in harmony rather than an equilibrated sensibility that is proud to discriminate properly and honestly to clinch fact rather than kowtow to factitious slumber of somniferous kumbaya that is too deferent to maxims that are unduly polite only because charisma supersedes genius in its efficacy to mobilize people to fulfill their roles. With the miscegenation of justice that occurs because of expedience we find holes in many legalistic precedents because they anoint pettifoggery over sensible jurisdiction and face a leaky and ramshackle fate to foment paternalism and divide the clerisy among certain key considerations in order to save face rather than to impose a clarity of orderly supervision that seeks to dissipate the embroiled spiderwebs of dodgy prevarication and quacksalver logic to once and for all ascertain the truth that lurks beyond the primal jaundice of Kafkaesque confusion.
Jack Ghaven Oct 2014
We spend so long
Telling kids what not to do
Warning them of what is wrong
What is "bad for you"

"Don't drink alcohol"
"Don't do drugs"
They drive you off the wall
They make you violent thugs

This method makes me furious
Feed them information
Then tell them not to be curious
Wonder what's wrong with this nation?

We don't let people be
Be themselves for once
So *******, sincerely, me
You legalistic dunce
Just written after an observance of how kids are fed information.
Classy J Jul 2019
Something shifted, in my persona.
I’ve become dark and twisted,
Sick grin that comes in like Ammonia.
You know nothing, for ya just a John snow loner.
I’m sick of yawl white walkers who hate on me cause my skins darker.
But I’ll expose you like mysterio did to Peter Parker.
Whatever the cost may be even if I’m deemed a demon or a martyr.
It doesn’t matter to me, the classiest mc.
That’ll burn ya like a third degree.
Then we’ll see if you’ll remember me.
I bring substance that goes in deep like surgery.
And If ya want stale bread buy a drake Cd.
But if ya want soul, stay tuned to me.
The number one public enemy.
That calls out racism, corruption and misogyny,
Which makes privileged pigs upset with me.
But those blinded ******* don’t faze me.
For I wanna see the day where we regain some sense of humanity.
Freedom for all except for blah blah blah, ***** you and your hateful ideology.
Freedom for all no exceptions, are you listening?
Freedom for all if you want to have prosperity.
Freedom for all in order to not fear other cultural identities.
Is that so hard to ask ese?
Apparently so,
Transparency shows,
conspiracy rules,
Nations divided like the boarders we hold.
Kids locked up head to toe.
Shooters in schools,
Religious believers killed.
Oh can you see that we are fools?
In our home and native lands that colonists stole.
Make America and Canada great Again, but it wasn’t even great before.
Get to know the true history,
In order to destabilize the core.
Of racist and sexist doctrine that our countries still hold.
In God we trust but even Gods not that cold.
Don’t blame your religion for being a complete legalistic *******!
You won’t deceive my eyes with all your wool.
So stop being a tool.
For its about time to get off your stepping stool.
And maybe get yourself educated instead of spreading hate like some fool.
For that should just be a classically common sense rule.
Sav Feb 2014
I'll write poem that'll seep beneath your skin so deep you'll have to exfoliate for weeks just to get it out.
I'll write a poem that'll rattle your rib cage because your heart has laid dormant for too long confined between the bars of apathy and ignorance
I'll write a poem that'll plant seeds in your lungs so all you ever breathe out is tenderness and I'll watch the seeds sprout and take root in your heart, grow a vine around your veins so you can't move without beauty spreading across your entire nervous system
because maybe that's what you need- you need something that tells you you're worth the fight of that there's still plenty of hope to go around
because you see sunlight still dances on dead trees long after the last autumn leaf falls to the ground
you see,
I know how cold this world can be they mail you hate and slander
slip war and disease under your door; you sit in the 7th pew every Sunday morning but you haven't heard a sermon in months because all you can hear are the orphans crying
or the homeless dying
or the unemployed trying
everything they can to fill their child's empty tummy
but you just keep going to church
you've learned to auto tune the cries of all the broken people around you into background music while you fill your own head with lies and excuses for letting your brother suffer when we were never meant to even live apart from each other
my mother always told me if I want to grow I have to water my heart
this is gospel
wake up
it's time to start drinking your wine in glass not a sippy cup
you were never meant to ride through life with your training wheels locked tight to complacency
the inscription in your genetic code has been baffling people in white lab coats for centuries
nothing about you was made to be ordinary
wake up
this is @ America
and even though you are #blessed i suggest you log onto a new server because your follower count won't impress the oppressed
this is gospel don't you feel it in your chest
wake up grow up wake up I grew up in tulsa Oklahoma
where it seems most people have for their Bible Belt on too tight
it doesn't fit quiet right
so they spend their days and their nights
trying to readjust a buckle that was never meant to bend them out of shape, to make them buckle under pressure of a weight
but they're too occupied with do's and don'ts to escape the legalistic ways they've lost their faith
wake up
you can't breathe smoke rings into cold air and pretend you're old enough to shake cigarette butts out the window when plenty of people are already dying from lung cancer
you know growing up sounds a lot like self destruct these days
we're all just broken people looking for better ways to fill ourselves or **** ourselves faster
running towards the next
best thing that promises to stay
because if you take a look at your addictions you'll see your pain is self afflicted
be convicted
we were never meant to live in contradiction
saint on Sunday
sinner every other day of the week
and you can't catch your breathe because you're too weak to seek any help
your lungs are too small to carry anything but love
give God his breathe back
and He will wake you up
Kelly EC Oct 2014
God has an amazing way of tearing down every racist and hypocritical pillar of my legalistic mind.

I’m not sure what God is deriving of my present secrets and future sins, but although evangelicals would tell me otherwise,
I’ve never felt God this close before.
Classy J Aug 2018
Cardio vascular triple ontondra going in like a diamond back anaconda.
Going berserk like I’m Jane Fonda, turning to the dark side just to see why exactly the devil wears prada.
Working protocol like carter, and knowing I just might die a martyr.
Piecing the clues together to conclude it was the hedge scissors in the ballroom and was perpetrated by the gardener.
I’m as reckless as archer, yet as serious as Kevin Cozner. I’m bizarre like the schemes of jafar, yet I got a killer instinct like a jaguar.

Gathering support like I’m goku, for my bars are superb where other rappers bars are tasteless like tofu.
I’ll keep these rappers in their place for I’m a master like shifu.
My only weakness is that I love having snusnu, but I keep my light and dark centred like some kind of ancient guru.
You can either accept my point of view, or kiss my rear view. Although I have zentoku, I’m also not afraid to initiate a cou.
For I don’t fully trust people so don’t worry it’s not necessary a issue I have with you.
It’s just business, and I’m in the business of self preservation, and just like Batman I always have to use caution.
Now I know why I’m on probation, because I don’t feel safe in my own nation.
I guess I just forget how to be rational in tense situations, and that’s why I’m always on stress leave or on vacation.

What can I say I have strong opinions and passions, and I’m so sick of words but no actions.  
People say I’m unrealistic and idealistic, and they say I’m overthinking things that are actually quite simplistic.
And then I get Teachers wanting to diagnose me as autistic,  society trying its best to group me into negative statistics.
Counsellor worried about my tendency of being nihilistic, religious Pharisees angry that I call em out on being so legalistic.
But **** it, some won’t ever understand it or like what I have to spit.

I have a creative mind which doesn’t fit in with the norm, and my stubbornness won’t let me conform.
I have intrinsic perspective that roars like a thunderstorm, and just when people think I’m done and out I unveil my ultra instinct form.
Look listen up *****, I’m adamant about these clips, and I got an entire empire to run so **** all the haters man for to me they are like blips on the radar, classy j you know I gotta play hard when it comes to calling out all ya hickish mater's.
I’m just a gargantuan indiaho that shuts down all these racist ***** *** gringos.
But a lot of people mistake me as an Español but ya better get your head examined because your a estupido feo!

I’m not that elegant but I’m intelligent with my gambling chips, but a lot yawl can’t see that because my essence is that of an eclipse.
Imma put ya into a perpetual stasis if you think you can replace this! Classy j is my alias, my thoughts are spontaneous, and if ya must know my zodiac sign is a Taurus.
So some may say that I have a short temper, so that must mean I’m to blame just like a Templar.
Or that I’m as brutal as a zar, but I’m just a outspoken poet that sometimes pulls the wrong strings on humanities guitars.
But **** it I’ll still go ******* these tracks, I’ll go hard like palpitations that may shock ya but we both know I’m just spitting the facts.
Getting ya hooked on me like imma aphrodisiac, but don’t get too excited or else ya might give yourself a heart attack.
I’m a mathematic on the tracks, I’m uncommon like unsalted gluten free ramen.
I put my time in, and when you see me with a gun on me in the streets ya best know I’m wildin.

Straight gutta **** boy imma get on your nerves like I’m Alvin, but you better be prepared because imma freak like Charles Manson. There will be no chance you rappers can defeat me, because just like John cena I always kick out before three.
You can’t see me, you can’t see my destiny so don’t come up to me all high and mighty thinking you have the right to judge me!

So I ask you are you God?
Didn’t think so, unless you have a God complex like Kanye and his main **.
Only God may judge me for what I say and for what I do, so throw the first stone if no sin has ever afflicted you.
Oh yeah that’s right your a human too, so you can take your entitled self-righteous easily offended *** outta my sight before I do it for you! I’m sick of people feeling like I owe em something, but here’s the the truth ******* I don’t owe you nothing.
I won’t apologize for being honest, I won’t apologize because I have freedom of speech and I use that freedom to demolish this society that is as deadly as a hornets nest.
Caleb John Apr 2018
I'm sick of it
I'm sick of a world who refuses forgiveness
I'm sick of a filthy world
I'm sick of Christians who believe they're somehow better then the world
I'm sick of myself because I struggle with love
I struggle with loving the way my father loves
I struggle to see the world through my fathers eyes
I'm tired of Legalistic people who think they've somehow got it figured out
That think that somehow they're righteous enough
I'm tired of fighting for the dying that I love
When they reject me
I will still love them
I will still fight for them
I will strive to love the way my father does
I will fight to give the compassion my father does
I will not bow to pride
I will not bow to lust
I will not bow to greed
I will not waste what I have
I will not give up
I'm tired of this world
And I'm tired of fighting
But I have been given the task of Jeremiah
I have been given the voice to speak
Although many will not listen
None of this is my work
I didn't do any of this
My Father did
He gave me his grace
All I ever did
Was say
We, who possess keener wits than nits possess, throw not epic fits
confident that diarrheal maladies can be transformed to proper *****
& assured that surgeons will amputate exclusively agreed-upon bits
Afraid I've always been of bodies on V.W. frames ordered from kits
Mortified I appear to a woman who cares not where her fat *** sits
Upon the breakfast plate what wriggles & squirms surely ain't grits
Today I pray that I'll never be “lesbianized” in a lezzy's lezzy mitts
As I've no real preference for purple, pink, brown, or bloodshot ****
The Last Man on Earth consigned dead zombies to local, fiery pits
When transacting business with lesbians one must retain one's wits
Of course the same holds true for ****-divers, drag queens & flits
Lyndon Johnson's murderous record tied him to eight political hits
Wretch Ratch Wallace at 66 crapped out sans fuzzy, legalistic writs
His poly-lingual nature precluded Urdu, Farsi & lenguas Sanskrits
His argumentative bend roped him into ******, gynecological snits
Stunts in mining his woman's umbilicus gave wake to navel stints
Colored wheels of India shades ridges and stains with roguish tints
Delton Peele Feb 20
No dearth of concern
A cornerstone decree
traumatic legalistic promissory
Top priority..
Believe me...... .
priceless .....
You have earned your worth....
I reiterate
Make no mistake
I have 427 lifetimes to burn
The leverage of jupiter slamming into earth

Pitched upon a galactic beam
Mars wedged up tight
Set as the fulcrum.  
I'm in the pinch point
Child's play
Worry  not .....
For I shall not sway  ......
You clueless clucks
get you're remedial  game face on
Because ......ooooh its on
Every goose 🪿 gosling or wanna bee's.  
Flock up and shut your squawk boxes from talking
And listen closely your new objective ........


****­e is our tapestry
I'm gonna make It wet .
You will make it sanguine......
Discontinue your disgusting campaign on my love
And  Maybe ........
It will change the outcome..
Maybe .......
I will render your recompense
Swiftly .....
It's a definite Maybe
Oh were still gonna paint the sky ...
You and I.........
Your blood ,
My brush ,
What a rush ......
You little reprobates
You're  all  dumb done
The dawn of a new epoch
Called Thesaraseen has begun

My love how I long to be with thee.

I will never give up on you...
Have faith In me

— The End —