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Flower Scent Nov 2010
I wanna dance the mambo,the cubin cuba mambo,

I wanna dance the cha cha,hips movement with the cha cha!

or maybe try the salsa, deep ,sensual, is the salsa.

I wanna dance the samba,the fun brazilian samba,

or maybe the lambada,brazilian hot lambada!

My favourite s' the tango,intense ****** tango,

Lost in  the  flamenco,ardent spanish flamenco.

May even try the polka,high energy in polka,

the Czech bohemian polka!

I wanna go and party,good time ,dancing the rumba,

latino americano,cubano, africano.

I wanna do the hip hop,hip hop,hip hop,don't stop.

Dance reign  in the ballroom,

as I dance the Ball Room,under and above,

With you ,I dance my last dance,the classic dance of love.

Are you ready partner ?
This is one of the first poems i ever wrote..thought i share it with you,by reposting it here,thankyou :)  Lyrical poem
You arrived suddenly in my tangerine bliss
with my heart clinched in your fist
you touched me... and the dance started
with a gape of spontaneous combustion
you swirled me around the dance floor
dancing cheek to cheek....

we skipped the light fandango
fox trotting and waltzing to the beat of tango
the big band broke into a swing
while the love light shone as a crystal disco ball
jitterbug jive and a reet beet
dance macabre and so light on our feet

You lead me by the hand bodies musing
all the while... you lead me out by my hand
and made way into the galaxy for our feet
as we danced like fine wine...becoming intoxicated
by its beauty~ you danced me into Shangri-La
with my eyes wide and full of imagination
we danced through tangled forests of light

like Fred and Ginger
tiptoeing upon the backs of stars
dipping into galaxies and twirling on quasars
i hold your hand as you pirouette
upon the moons of a mystic world
as our romantic lambada is unfurled
forbidden planets and forbidden dance
the secrets of whirlwind romance

we were like Phoenix that had risen
dancing into the morning dew and nectarine
and I kissed you as the tangerines fell
from the sky~ dazed with a trial of stars
and then oh yes then.... I pronounced myself
as we escaped to paradise
dancing all the while.....cheek to cheek
as you gave me the Tangerine Kiss.....

tangerine kisses, tangerine dreams
sipped of the nectar of the gods
the fruit of creation in the form of love
a blessing from goddess, earth and above
we dance the steps of swoon and lean
and sweet nuances of tangerine
with every blessing in between

I felt a kiss upon my frozen cheeks
a clear promise of all our tomorrows
as I sleep with love within our hearts
your sweet tangerine kisses and dreams
are part of our creation... straight from above
My heart is dancing and dreaming
with you always a blessing from God.
What a joy and what fun to write collabration with awesome poet wolf spirit aka quinfinn
Zoe Mae Feb 2022
Or spotlight
Let's dance
This night

Or maestro
We can

Cha Cha?
Oh, na na
I'd rather

Slow dance?
Oh, no chance
It's simply
A love trance
Realize Hello Poetry made this public before I wanted it to. Anyone who has to see it again, just ignore it like most people do.
Moe Awad Jan 2010
Join me, embrace me.
Take me in and call me your own.
Adopt my religion and experience my nirvana.
Give into me. Come to me.

Thus is the title of today's Media's agenda.
The title which fuels their un-endless propaganda
To recruit as many of us as they possibly can.

Join me, embrace me.
Take me in and call me your own, goes their slogan.
Give in to me. Come to me…

They grab our attention by showing us light and turning it into gold.
That or any other materialistic miracle that never gets old.

Those of us who need no more persuasion are hooked and are welcomed with open arms.
Those who defect are labelled renegades and rebels and are welcomed with open arms. Ready… Aim…

And you know it's not a game when, out of the silence, a hollow voice whispers.
Not quite a baritone… Insidious as sin.
The voice says, "It's safe to say that I'm ok.
Come to me and I'll take you away.
Don’t be scared, just let me in.
Don’t you want to be my friend?
Come and see what my followers have become!"
And then the television switches on…

The chorus of Rihanna's Disturbia plays and cross fades into Jay Z's Run this town only to be mixed with another song and another after that.
The music is almost tantric but nothing compared to the laser light show provided.

What is this I see inside?
Behind the rainbow and beneath the sky.
A steady shape grows from deep within the Fantasia-like backdrop.
Then appears a bright silhouette of a woman's bare back top
Or in other words, her shoulder.
Hidden amidst the uproar of colours.
Then as I keep on watching, or in other words, behold her…
I see her… I feel like I know her.
Even more so, I feel like I want her!

The temptress in the red dress.
Nothing is too outrageous for her; I can't look away as she begins to sway.
At first she moves so elegantly, with the grace of Astaire and the confidence of Xena But then she twists and turns her sweet ballet into something that even the Lambada would call seductive.
What am I supposed to do? ...
She dances on a checkerboard floor.
Her dress flows like gushing blood.
She looks like she moves and she moves like she knows me…

I steal another glance at her. She wears big earrings with pyramid shaped ornaments dangling from golden chains. Inside them a single eye... Just lovely.

Men want her. Women want to be her.
Come to think about it… Isn’t that how they promote goods nowadays?

What happened?
I look at her again and all I see is nothing???
Why was she taken away from me?
Maybe it's because I'm not allowed to ask any questions!
Because using my mind is old fashioned right?

Now I see what time it is. Now I see that she was false.
As false as the voice's promise.
It was all a mere figment of real life, it must have been.
Because never has my imagination let me down like that.
I blame myself for letting them get to me.
He, the voice and her, the blindfold.
They knew me.
They know us.
They've shaped us.

They have been shaping us since the dawn of time.
They, along with their leader have been trying to lead us astray all along…
In truth I was not surprised when I came to this realization. Simply because it was written in all four books but I was still in doubt.
I guess they got to me and I didn't even realize. Wow…

Clever they are. Give them that I will.
Possess infinite knowledge of the dark side they do.
They plague us with mind tricks and play us like chopsticks.

Their tactics are ingenious yet very unsubtle.
They control us through fake dreams,
And through low self-esteem, enslave us.
They know what they are doing…

Join me, embrace me.
Take me in and call me your own.
Adopt my religion and experience my nirvana.
Give in to me. Come to me…

Ever since mankind had learned to learn,
He was taught and bought.
The infamous "They" have been picking away at us as if we were a giant iceberg, non-stop using only a needle… They have been doing it for over a thousand years. Now we are almost the size of a thirteen inch ice cube and they are in charge.
Our days are numbered and we are melting fast.
Our 40 days aren’t up yet but time is against us.
It's time for us to choose.

Either dance with the devil, and join his rebellion,
Or go with the Ring and switch off your television.

~An original piece by Moe Awad~
nick armbrister Nov 2019
By Craig J. Burt /Jimmy Boom Semtex
Are you ok?
Your brain's rattling like crazy
You're dancing like a ballerina
Twerkin around these crazy hot streets
You say why be a bore?
Life is a chore
Refuse to fade
Like a shadow of a doubt
Silver star filled skies
Shining proudly
Living freely & deep in love
We're no longer
Strangers tonight now
Sensational romantics
Loving devoutly

And the clatter of heels echoes
Upon concrete downtown Havana
Never had it so good or free
The Castros’ grip and communism fade
While we dance chest to chest
Thigh to thigh Lambada-esque
Los Lobos couldn’t be this cool
Nor move so ****** like you and me
For freedom for Cuba for us
This goes on and on
Like a whistling wind
Calling your name
Stop stop and listen
Do you hear it?
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Carmine curtains pulled from the window,
wrapped around her while wrestling,
***** lashings from my tongue ensue,
both of us submitting to the other's passions.

The Lambada lasts into the night,
lovers swirl and bounce,
crawling and jumping,
until the music winds down into ecstasy.

— The End —