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I have the spirit of a champion
with the heart of a lion
idk why you can't speak truth
why you gotta keep lien
my wings are unseen but I believe I am flying
inspiration through deep observation  I'm on the rode to success I jus gotta be patient  
I want true love from a women  not jus a quick ****** relation
I'm talking deep intimate *** with hella *******'s
but an average man deserves an average chick  
I believe I'm superb that's why I don't have no chick
kuz most of these girls are used to average **** that's quick and hella ready to  jump ship.
I man enough to say I want to cuddle and ****
I want the long walks talking about absolute non sense  
I don't wanna spend money see I wanna spend time and let mine and your life fall heavily in line
But nowadays you women don't deserve it
you think I was put on this earth to be your servant
No your my equal my whole other half and if you think
I'm bout to lay back and let you run all over my *** that used to be me but I left him the past  where I will leave your ***
kuz just like you deserve love and  want to be treated with respect don't think
I don't deserve the same just kuz I'm a man!  

I am a champion and a champion deserves a champion!
Regardless of the things i do i can never lose my faith in you. See you are perfect and i am not so i only wanna be more like you. I know that everything i do is vain if its not glorfying you. Then why do i still chose to go my way instead going the way you do. I know that its not by my good works in which im saved its a battle thats already won kuz of the challenge you took and the rode that you paved  . You walked through life and fought the temptations. Help me fight them lord kuz they hold me down like intense gravitation. I believe in you not for what you do but who you are. See you are the justice even when the unjustice prevail. You are the wind that keeps on blowing directing my sail.  You still love me even when the test comes and i fail. You are the reason in which why in this life and the next i will prevail.  No matter what comes my way i must  keep going! I must keep chasing after you because not even can i trust myself so father i need your help. I dont deserve your mercy and grace but its something that you give no matter my mistakes. Your are the faithful  who will never let me down. But i get so upset with myself kuz i feel as if i always let you down. Conflicted with the world and the lust over girls i struggle to adhere and follow your words. Im trying lord even if the people around dont see my efforts. The rich and the poor are no different because our lifes all end on tha strecther. But lord you stand up for  poor the weak and those who have been strickend by injustice.  So lord please stand in place let your word and your way be my only way. See i know where i must go an what i must do i must take the focus of me and this world and put my focus solely upon you. Because regardless of my mistakes  regardless of my vain pursuits i know that you wake me up because there is greater destination for my life  and it is up there with you!
Robbie McIntyre Jul 2014
Let it flood let it drip,
Let a piru **** a crip,
Let it rain let it flood,
**** a ckrab kuz I cklaim blood,
Let it rain let it thunder,
Bury a ckrab 6 feet under,
When I die show no pity,
Bring my soul to red blood bity,
Can't stop won't stop,
Ck all day till my red dawgz drop,
Throw the red flag raisin,
Nd the blue flag burnin,
Boom boom the blue ckrabs is dyin,
Ck all day ery day!!
See I'm shy and I'm meek because I think before I speak
I'm the head of the Indians so they call me head chief
smoking on that natural but I'm far from the natural used to be a skaterboy so  you can call me Mr radical    
I'm broke to society no money in my pockets but that could never stop the  blasting of my rocket  
no man can hold me down no women will lift me up  I'm just a man thinking of a higher plan where we all stand hand in hand  
I'm baked my eyes heavy from the weight dreamin up a better place when I think of the words my minds soon erased  
why are we paying to  live when life was givin to us freely I may sound a Lil crazy but I think were all missing some screws
I dnt run with anybody I'm not bangin no crew I'm jus young man trying to spread the truth
its not something that's taught but is inside of you  its the Lil voice that's always calling you to stand up and say *** your job and do what you really wanna do
so maybe we're all shy and meek but that's OK kuz we all jus been Asleep listen to what I'm saying life ain't cheap but life doesn't have a price if you get what  I mean!
We all are  one being searching for the same things besides the ones in charge shitin on our dreams  
they  don't want us to change kuz were ****** with there scheme they got you believing everything on the screen instead formulating your opinion and chasing  your dream
we are in a stream of delusion tainted with illusion causing mass confusion  religions misused to keep us  confused and infused in a certain set of rules
if heaven were real we'd all miserably fail but because of the divine were all posting bail only you can free yourself from a life of hell its within all of us
we are the keys to our cell!
Emancipate yourself!
Its a blessing to be a father but not in this world
I cherish and love my baby girl but I'm not apart of her life due to the funds and so its easy to see this world is messed up
there's so much I can teach her given the chance
honestly I wish I would've kept my **** in my pants
kuz no father should have to go through this
no court should determine whether I should see my daughter
I'm broke dnt even got a quarter  and if money determines the worth of a father then it's sad sad thing that I gave birth to my daughter regardless of the fact I'm still a father and that's the greatest blessing a man can
be but I've been deemed unworthy because I have no money
obviously I'm worthy kuz there's something I can't see theres reason why I'm father
kuz there's something the I seen in me so thank you lord for letting me spread my seed and you will be the reason on why I succeed!
These emotions i have for this girl thats not even mine. Its like im falling in love again for the very first time. I mean from the way that she walks to things that she talks' she knows exactly what to say to encourage and keep me in line. Now right now shes just a friend but god i HOPE for  more. I mean is she the one o father' is this the blessing of women for me  you've had in store. I mean she seems to have it all in order but has revealed to me shes is torn. When she comes around i know the wisdom will leak. When she comes around it is wisdom thats speaked. She is strong women of god a blessing from you to me. The fact that she still talks to me regardless of what she sees is something i cant put my finger on kuz she sees something in me. Our relationship is cool kuz not only is she beautiful she a friend too. So i ask you father let this relationship bear the fruit you intend it to kuz i cant keep chasing women nor do i want to! Am i overreacting to a little attention but the women ive described to you she fits the definition. Should i go for this girl i mean whats holding me back. Hours on the phone pillow talking like in high school she doesnt have to try her personality is just  cool. I dont want to ruin the friendship i dont wanna express how i feel to soon. So maybe i should just sit back like before and just play it cool! Heart on my sleeve  so its hard to keep these feelings inside. Play it cool i tell myself but i just wanna see if she feels the same. If she gets away and i never expressed how i felt it will only be me to blame.
I smoke so much my lungs will never get a brake  inhale exhale purple flowers on the intake.  Trapped in my mind dont think ill ever escape. flying over cities  but i will never wear a cape. mary j is overtaking me i feel like i been *****. But you can't **** the willing so i guess mary got away. They say marijuana  is the gateway but i started with alcohol so the system needs an update. Everyone says there real but their actions are fake. Say they hold there own but there eating from your plate. True actions are shown when the times get rough. Then you find out the real and whos been calling there bluff! Even tough break down kuz at one point even the  tough have enough.  I kick back and smoke kuz i can never get enough i mean  maybe one of these days me and mary will break up.  But  when that day come ill let you know  kuz right  now we still in love! There flowers they bloom! but they call em a drug but its time to re up  let me hit up my plug.
Not many understand or get how I feel
our minds are being washed by this corporate treadmill
we run and run but to avail we only work to provide them wealth
we ain't getting no richer but we fail to develop the picture
well three strikes there out I'm an ump or a pitcher so Im calling the shots and striking them out  
step of the treadmill and look from a far our lives are being controlled and we think
that's jus the way things are  
we are life and I'm tired of running every time you look up someone's tryna sell you something
yo check this out its new best thing man **** all that were the only best thing
me and you john sally and billy to I've made this a joke kuz I'm laughing at it to!
What is our world coming to or should I say where is going back to kuz history's on replay and its happening on the media right in front of you
I'm not alone with these thoughts and thank god I'm not
unless u dnt have brain and then well its not my fault  
Keep running on the treadmill like a captured hamster
then you will  see that you are really captured !
#Emancipate yourself
Unless i ask for your advice dont give me any. Because you only want to judge the life im living. Your opinion is yours so keep it to yourself. Unless i open up my mouth and ask you for your help. See you only want to know about me so you can gossip to your so called friends. Cant you see the devil has you trapped and dwelling  in sin. Well im here to speak the truth so this is where the gossip ends.  You are not my friend and i no longer wanna fit in. I dnt wanna hear about others if the postive is not within. See you fail to realize the one you call your friend is the one whos talking behind your back when your not around. Instead of talking me up your always talking me down.  You say your real you say your different your the homie for life.  But i see it different now kuz you talk behind my back and gossip was the knife. Im tryna make a change. But the more i hang around  you its as if you wanna keep me the same. I can not point the finger at you kuz im the one to blame. But that being said i see where i gotta change i gotta cut you off and end this gossip game!
I am the thing that haunts you in the middle of the night i am regret 'defeat ' i am ugly sometimes. I am here to show you the mistakes that youve done. But when you dont learn from me i will re occur. I am the past ofcourse and some of me is ugly and some of me is good. Do not beat yourself up with me but learn from me you should. You can not change me for they are the choices you made. But you can be forgiven from me but thats a choice that you make. Kuz god was there for every choice that you've made but you wouldnt turn to him so you kept making the  same mistakes.  You kept beating yourself up saying why wont this change. Thats kuz you weren't  willing to take a step in the direction he paved.  You just kept it up trying to do it your way.  But theres gonna come a time when theres only so much u can take. Then you will see that there Is no other way.  Dont give up on yourself but give in to his way and i guarantee when you do your future will be that brighter day! So dont dwell on me  wishing that i would change. Because i am the past so look the futures way and begin to make those changes starting today!
My mind won't shut up so I gotta let it out
its time for us to stand up and fight for life.
growing up all I knew was pain and as I get older the **** is the same. they want me going crazy got me tryna fry my brain and the more I stop tryna ryhme my mind won't stop playing like a tape
I guess this is what I asked for and I'll die for what I believe in
kuz they may take my life but they can never take Stephen
I will always be the same nope I'll never change there is no tomorrow there's only right now
so before I go imma let it all out
*** you if your not down for the cause
keep slaving for them ****** as if that's the cause
love is my religion  why do I sound mad kuz I  grew up ******* poor and I'm still in the same state watching my moms go to work every dam day jus to feed my *** and when she was living with Me all I used to do was *****
Now the shoes on the other foot and I have to hear this ****
I pushed her to get a job as if it was right
now its my turn to do something I won't stand down ight
**** these ******* and who ever they are
they dnt give a **** about us jus as long as we keep buying these cars and payin  these taxes you have a since of freedom but this place ain't free its a motherfuking slum of a place that we call the land of the free
**** the government and anyone who's for it.
Love is my religion and they ain't got no room for it!
These suicidal thoughts are not even mine
its ugly *** force that's wants  to take what's mine
but this demon can't have it
so I gotten keep spittin
jus so I can grasp it ******* myself and I need to let up
I'm champion and there is no giving up
I'm the best *** the rest I'm just writing this **** just to get it off my chest
and if you ever had these thoughts yo put em to rest
kuz everydays a new day for you to do your best
*** this demon it can not have my life
that's not the way I'm going kuz I'm headed to the top
I got the world on my finger and its spinin like a top
there's no such things as failure
I'm shipin cargo  guess you can call me a sailor
ain't never been to jail so I ain't speaking to the bailer
suicide thoughts yeah they all end to day
I'm on the rode to success some how some way!
Your OK just be you!
They say listen to your elders so that young do what they do basically pass down the slavery of the corporate pursuit I dnt want to wear a tie I dnt want to wear a suit I wanna just live like the birds and the bees do where there's a since of community unless your messing with there crew but we are more intelligent then the birds and the bees but there's no since of community so the wars will proceed we live in a world of the me me me instead of coming together as the we we we so listen to your elders I'd rather not kuz there only passing down what they've been taught this  is just my opinion but I believe that we've been caught and the only way to break free is to make our own plot now the knowledge they have is not all wrong I mean they have been here awhile but still haven't caught on you hear em  say a bunch of I should've did this or I shoulda did that and I don't wanna get old and repeat all of that life's to short not to chase your dream so I'm running hella hard with a head full of steam and if I crash then I'll know that I was wrong but until I get that feeling this is the course im on!
I dont want to be single but i will patiently wait.
Lord whom is the girl that you want me to date.
Ive tried it my way but i havent found that girl whos willing to appreciate .
Ive tried to be sincere and to make it clear.
That i want to love you girl without any fears.
Am i not good enough to a women on earth.
I mean does any female know nowadays what a good mans worth.
Do i gotta cheat  on you to cause a lil hurt.
So that you will stick around and try to make it work. Do i gotta yell at you and fight with you to show that im a man
. I mean why cant we just have conversation  keep it real and get some things understand.  
Doea any female truely even know what they want.
Kuz when they have a good man its just not wat they want. Does a man have to degrade you  and bring to your lowest point.
For you to fall in love when thats not even  the point. Maybe i just see it wrong because thats not what i wanna do.  
I want to hold you kiss you and be gods man to you. But in my generation i feel as love between a man and women has really been *******.
I mean just because your my girl doesnt mean i own you. You've  been heartbroken and lies have been what you are accustomed to.
So when a man opens his mouth and hes speaking out the truth.
You revert back to everything to when youve been lied to. But if you never take a chance then you will always be  the same you.
And you will never find that man whos been standing right in front of you!
So go ahead girl and let  lies have control of you. Let everyone tell you that all men are the same to.
God has placed good men among the bad to.
You just gotta break out of the past kuz it really is controlling you!
Lord how do i love in this generation of  lust.
How do i show a girl im real when her hearts been crushed.
How do i tell her lets slow it down when everyone else is in a rush.
How do i open up to anyone but you for you are the only one i can trust.
Lord help me understand how to live in this world while im still here.
Lord show me how to love and lord you must make it clear.
Lord i know you are close and always near.
But i dnt want be single yes that is one of my fears.
but trying to explain my affections to a female to them my intentions dont appear . But you know my intentions lord the good and the bad so no need to fear.
So even if the one i want doesn't understand  one day she'll see it clear.
Well the'll be no gurantee that i haven't disappeared .
So before you shrug me off listen to me dear
i am who i am because of the god upstairs!
I know that lies have made you fear love and demolished your trust.
You've given up on realtionships because you couldn't relate.
Your fed up with the arguments and daily debate. You say your searching for the pefrect man but he doesn't exist.
See we all come with baggage from the past but act as if it doesn't exist.
But there will come a time when you find a man you cant resist
and he will take on your baggage as if it didnt exist
but will you tolerate his when he lays out list.
Everyday that goes by its really that im losing time. Im tired of this selfless  world  and this 9–5. I get up everyday go to work an put in time. But im starting to feel like everything on this earth is a waste of time. I mean i really just want to settle down and spend some time. But its as everyone in this world is after their next dime. Well if *** money and drugs is everything to this world then  where is my finish line. Kuz im tryna figure out why this world and why did mine and your life intertwine. You never know who your gonna come across or wat to expect. So lets treat each other with dignity and a substantial amount of respect. They say in order to get respect you must be the one to give it. You will never stop doing something until the lord god delivers. So stress not or complain  at all kuz he is in control and you could be worse off!
Nicholas Green Nov 2018
my heads aching, because my minds racing , holes in ma socks because of the floor that am pacing worried about these Demonds  I’m soon to be facing
up at night in a cold sweat ,  heads a mess ****** up mindset ,  clenching my fists whilst gripping that tight chest and i feel like it’s hard to grasp a ****** breath

how have I let

it get so bad was it because of how I acted , always naughty for mum and dad , horrible to my mrs and kids treating em bad, or was it because I was failed by the care system as a young lad ? is that why i feel like I’m going crazy  , insane or mad uncontrollable thinking flash backs in ma  brain making me sad , thoughts racing, changing  fast just please go away , how long will they last I will never forget but I hope that they pass

I no I got to open up but I feel hopeless , I feel uncomfortably soulless , probably not 2 hard to notice  , I no I need to be strong and get focused but right now I’m  at my lowest point in my life literally feel like giving up this fight but I need to do what’s right  I made this step forward so I hope everyone was telling the truth I hope that they are-right ,  saying we will all help you be there for you , telling me it’ll be alright

Kuz av bin like

awake with no food for more than 10 days in a row trying to escape my mind but I have no where to go , there used to be days  when I felt amazing have a vibrant glow but snap straight back , to vexin , supper stressin , this is real life no messing struggling finding it hard to cope , hopelessly falling back down depressions *****

for my family , friends and loved ones I no it’s got to be hard the things iv done the things iv said  , they never leave my head and it pains me so much feeling mentally scarred, so many times iv tried to change but I feel to weak to do it alone

so today I’m ganna try open up , I feel scared and it feels hard , but I’m begging for help to start  focusing good , a new chapter in my life am closing the last ****** one up , a better partner a better dad a better all round happier  man

the end seems so far but I hope there is light , amma hold onto that to get me thu this fight , I just don’t feel as tho I can do it without help , I feel mentally drained, emotionally strained help me please get these demons out , and get them tamed .
It doesnt make you a man when you raise your hand and say look baby im bout to make you understand because she opened her mouth and used her voice and yall didnt agree or make the same choice doesnt make you a man when you go out cheat honestly homeboy you just accepted defeat you tell her your sorry there wont be a repeat she falls for your lies and all your deciet baby open your eyes and begin to see that hes not a man he truely is weak he'll try to cover it up by being all sweet he'll do things he never does like rubbing your feet and youll fall right back in when you need to retreat kuz no women alive deserves to be beat
Life is a journey with so many hurdles sometimes I wanna hide in my shell but I'm no ninja turtle  
wet these ****** up like squirtle breaking out like fat hidden up under a gurtle
looking at life in amazement when tree comes around yeah sometimes I wanna blaze it
poetry is passion so my life I dedicate it they can take away my freedom but not what I write nor what I think  
I'm going crazy say I need to see a shrink so they can shrink me down to agree with what they think
you have your version of the truth but then again everyone does so who can say I'm wrong just me kuz I'm the one who made it up
Me the pen and whoever else wants to join in
I dnt know what it is about her but I'm hella intruged I can't put my finger on it but for some reason I'm  amused  
its like she knows what I'm thinking without me reveling the proof
I'm trying to think of the next move as if I have a plan but all I'm doing is over thinking
I gotta ease up and jus let things fall into place what is meant for me will be mine without the effort of thinking  or judging
I need to open my eyes wide and just be grateful  life will flow relationships will come and go
I just need to be graceful with the life force flow
I am strong enough to handle everything that comes my way
so although im trying to figure her out there's no need to stress no need to wonder kuz whats meant for me will be mine no matter what I'm thinking so its a relief to know that jah is in control!
LERCH Apr 2018
Aw yeah, So greatful to be spreading peanut butter over
Warm bagels for breakfast today.

Mhm, whole grain and gluten free.
i was so hungry,
I wouldnt care if they were full of gluten,
And Grainless.
I shove a piece into my anticipant mouth
And think, "thank God"
As i sit and eat em.

I cant help but look forward
To when i am sitting, and looking at the most beautiful back-of-head
That belongs to the beautiful girl, who is the thesis of my daydreaming.

****** at the fact that i can't find a lighter,
I turn the stove on high.
15 minutes till class, Perfect amount of time to smoke this clip.

As i step outside i allow the day to rudely awaken my eyes, and i appreciate the same old sunny blue sky, and trees
And i watch as a leaf falls in a way that seemed just for me. 

I stroll to class merrily saying greetings to my fellow Limestone Saints.
Aw yeah, psychology class.
Piaget and whatnot, cognitive development and whatnot, nature vs nurture, yada yada.

I notice that i am actually interested.
I like the teacher. He shares a lot of his experiences with us if they relate to the subject.
The day we talked about drugs i jokingly asked "have you ever tried drugs?" I was surprised at his honest answer.

He even described what it was like for him to us.
"Its like woah" he said, and he held his hands out like he was beholding something great, his eyes as wide as possible. "Words just don't describe it."

Today's lesson was on....  Stages of Development.
As the class goes on i consider what level i might be at. I know I think like an 80 year old but c'mon, i don't go to parties; I am the party !

So class was interesting, but my teacher spoke 3 minutes pass release time.
That must be what prison feels like.

Now we go. Bye class. Bye teacher. Ah, so now i am done with my only class of the day, and i just need to do hw and study. Its true what Gable said; "once u have wrestled everything else in life is easy." This is my first year not wrestling, and it is as if all the difficulty in my life has vanished.

Then i saw that beautiful back-of-head. i got the nerve up to approach this angelic girl who is just so magnetic to me.
I felt a chill when i tapped her on the shoulder.

I told her of my feelings for her as we walked, and i felt a warm gush of hope swelling up in me as she blushed.
But lo, She nobly turned down my request to hang out becuase she had a boyfriend.
"But we can be Friends", she told me.
Story of my life.

But i was as happy as if she said i was her boyfriend, because i made her laugh twice, and her smile is etched in my mind.
Aw yeah, i enjoyed our talk.

But work work work, thats what life is, so off i go to the library like a good little *****. Uncle sam's *****.

Literature for the adolescent; i love this class, but if i don't keep up theres no way ill pass.
Two novels a week !

So i did a booksheet on "Dope Sick" by Walter Dean myers.
A great read.
Lil j reminds me of me; just a brother tryna eat.

But after this assignment, i am academically free for the weekend !
I love the feeling. Sweet.
So i got nothing better to do than go watch the intersquad match.
Ugh, wrestling.

Alas, our tumultuous relationship is over.
But ill watch kuz my friends are in action.
Ritch !
Kayo !
Cliff !
Zoe !
They've still got passion for you, but Iord knows i don't.

I'm actually so grateful that im not elgible this year on a technicality.
But ill go watch the match, and support my old teammates.

Dudes wrestling.
Dudes smackin each others heads.
Dudes taking highcrotches.
Dudes grabbin each others legs.
Dudes putting dudes in cradles.
Dudes picking top bottom, and neutral.
I am thoroughly sick of it, and watching these matches helped me realize that.

So i watched until the wrestling was over, and i knew that for me wrestling was definitely over.
As i walked out of the room i felt a reassuring feeling of closure.
No more wrestling for lerch :)

One thing left to do !
I must practice the piano.
Major scales, minor scales, pentatonics of course !
Go up in octaves, 3rds, 4ths.
Do the 1, then the 5, and the 4
In every major key.
Then do some more!

Aw yeah, here is where i am truly free; the keys! The keys!
If no one will listen, ill just play for me.
The stress builds up; i just play to ease it.

A great day, without a hitch.
Nothing left to do
but to smoke, and eat.

Thank You Lord
The Dreamer Jun 2016
Each step I take....
I'm alone
I'm scared
But most importantly I'm hopeful
So hopeful that one day my day will come to show the world how bright my light can shine...

I've lied to ppl that matter and tried to please ppl who never cared...
I've lost myself on this lonely dark road
Not knowing who loved me
Not knowing who supported me

I'm just a daydreamer obsessed with a ****** dream
A dream of beautiful days
A dream of loving someone so much that once they're gone u can't take a single breath anymore
A dream of true blissful happiness

So now I scream HELLO WORLD!!
Listen to my words
Hear the heart beat within them
Live up to the words kuz without action they mean nothing

A daydreamer obsessed with a ****** dream
Theres not a title in this world that id love more then being called your man but girl before we get that far there's somethings you gotta  understand.  One im not perfect and two i dont always have a plan. See this life has struggles that won't always go along with your plan. I just wanna let you know no matter the struggle i will always hold your hand. See once you give me that title its no longer just about you. Its about us and what were tryna do. Now if we cant work together  kuz you only have your point of view. Then dont ever give me that title  because i see its all about you. we must work together  for this thing to work.  Do you expect everything to be handed to you or are you willing to put in the work. See we may start off and everything is great but when when we have our first disagreement  are  you gonna retreat or are you gonna try to solve the problem on where we disagreed. I will never Force you to stick around because the door is always open. The man is supposed to provide but i cant give you more then what i have. Everything can be taken away from me in an instant so my love and personality is the only thing i really  have. So if those two things are not enough then that title is one thing you gave but shouldn't  have!
Confused and abused  by this body of flesh. Trying to live for god but its not an easy test. Temporary pleasure of sin not what i need but has me amused. So there no one to blame when i am refused. Temptation of the world temptation of a girl is: a everyday thing and why my visions blurred. See i wanna be perfect in all things that i do but since i became a Christian i see how far from perfect iam when i compare myself to you. How did you do it how did you survie this life. Why cant i be like you why must i suffer this life. I am ******* myself but you say im worthy. Well let me see myself the way you see me come make this vision un blurry. I want to do what you want me to but my desires are blocking your way. Its easy to talk the talk but hella harder to walk the walk. I need you to talk for me and walk for me to. Kuz if i try to do it on my own it seems the futher i walk from you. Why i am here to me it seems unclear  you say you have a plan for my life and theres no need to fear.  So what is your plan for my life am i just supposed to exist. Am i going to struggle  with these sins everyday if so give me the strength to resist.  Show me your plan for my life lord god and this i insist. I don't want to miss my calling i dnt jus want to exist and i really dont want to be one of the ones who has been exempted from your list!i
Why do i crave  for help but refuse to open up why do i feel like i have to be strong and never open up. I feel as if i have to take this world on all by myself. But lord you say i dnt have to so i ask that you lend me your help because i feel all alone and i cant do this myself. I feel unworthy i feel angry i feel depressed i feel so lonely even standing around people who are willing to help. break me lord god  let your presence  be felt. Because i feel like that old book collecting dust on the shelf that no one wants to read! Even with your calling o father i feel as if i will never succeed . I feel like everything is coming agaisnt me and trying to drag me down.  Why cant i scream out for help lord why cant i make a sound. What is keeping me from you lord what is holding me down. Show me the way lord god remove this grey cloud.  Blind me lord god to this world let me only look to you. You say that  you will help well im relying on you to.  You say you will change me from the inside out then why on the inside do i feel all this doubt. Why cant i express myself in the way that you would. Why does everything i say and do seem to be absolutely no good.  Lord i am trying my best but maybe thats not enough. I get over one problem and then theres another to back it up. Is my life just a struggle and im just supposed  to be tough. You say to look to you when times get rough. Well im staring you down i am yelling at you from the top of my lungs i cant do this alone lord god yes ive had enough! When will you come through and shower me with the truth. When will i walk in your will and do what you have  called me to. When will your joy in me overtake this doubt this anger and depression and shine through  me like a light at the intersection!  Lord im tired of feeling like im so unworthy and feeling rejected. You say no matter what i do to you i am always accepted. Then why won't that sink in my heart and why wont my mind accept it. Why was i born in this world and only feel neglection. I am broken lord god and i just have to accept it.  And im solely looking to you father god kuz i know that only you will fix it!
I can't bow down to no man or no form of law besides natures law I'm a creature with thoughts love and passion but this world here today jus seems so old fashioned  they say we need leaders or else who will guide we dnt need leaders we need teachers that teach not for a price we need unity of nations where we're all  one tribe  kuz in the end it will be the I and I  everyone says when you die you will be judged but I really dnt think so I think that was created by us I mean our whole life  we are judged from the way we walk to the way talk  you must conform to a standard or ur not up to par I mean  life was given to me so why should I have to earn it I didn't ask to be in this world so it must be divine appointment  there's a reason why were all here  and its truly to live as the birds do   and we can if we truly all wanted to!
Free your mind!
Pen to the pad or fingers on the phone i write all these poems because of what god has shown. Never has he left me never was i alone im chasing after god now so the devil is on his own. I am who i am no matter if you accept. The god that i serve he always accepts. He knows my heart he know my intentions. He created everything so truth is his definition. See i am blessed i will no longer let my circumstances get me down or let this world devour me stress. I was once a non believer who held everything thing in his chest but the father of this world has come and put all those things to rest. I am worthy i am loved  if not by you owell haha its from the one above. See i laugh i joke because at one point in time this world had me choked. See who iam now is not who or wat i was in the past. The joy the father brings is like the boxer in the ring so it will everlast. Regret guilt defeat somewhere in the past it will only stick around if you fuel it with your mind being the gas. Roses are red and we know violets are blue no.longer focused on this world because the focus is on you. The promises you made were not in vain. I know through this life there will be tears and pain. The tears will go and so will the pain kuz i must go through somethings before i experience the gain. Its easy to give up and hella easy to complain but where will that get me but stress and strain. The future is brighter then the stars in the sky. So lord take the clips off these wings and let me spread and fly!
You got me outta my element going to library's and reading books
dam you may be some sort of heart stealing crook
but that's OK if I'm being robbed at least its by you
I'm smiling as I write this said I need inspiration to write and everyday I've been with you it flows like the Nile  
I can be myself around you I feel as if there's nothing to hide you wore my  hat and that's something so small but I really I liked  
you've  opened up to me and I've opened up to you  and that's not something I normally do
funny thing is I've only just met you.
People stared as if I'm not suppose to be with you but that only draws me closer and makes me want you your young but
I would think your my age
I dnt know where we are but it feels like the same page
as we sat at the park and geese came up I liked how you ran to me and climbed up my arm
my thoughts were racing and I just wanted to kiss  I dnt know how else to put it but I think I  like this
the weird thing is your not really my type but then again what is my type it really doesn't matter kuz it just feels right  
and i haven't had these feelings for quiet some time!
What are you up to do I really wanna know or should I jus not ask questions and let the feelings flow  don't wanna be hurt again or be cast in the snow I know how it feels when the flowers won't grow
but the little things you do I really  like  

who knows what's coming

I guess that's all up to the father of time!

Lord wat is your will for my life

shall i forever be alone or will you send me a wife

i ask for your will kuz my will is to weak

i dream about this girl when im awake and sleep
but if she is not the one then show me who is
because not every girl deserves this love thats within

the devil shall tempt me but i wont give in
because i dnt want love that starts with sin
because thats not love it truely is lust i dnt want a one night stand or a lil bitty crush
lord i know you are working and cant be rushed

just show me who she is
so these feelings can be hushed!
See mary j she always finds me
i think i love this girl see shes always  kind to me when im down or stressin  she always uplifts me
love when shes around  kuz nothin in the world gets to me.  
Shes a beautiful flower but her nick name is tree
like climb her branches and see how high she takes me.
Shes met my mother and she loves her to
think i may propose but it may be too soon  hmm ill wait few months when shes in full bloom then shell be my bride and well me her groom!
Mateuš Conrad May 2016
encoding sounds with the 26, will never be exact, nor worth deciphering if previously unheard, but it will be more than what western society currently offers with a passive gesture of thinking itself lacking criticism or thereby critical attachment shoving it elsewhere, this grand democratic export: think oneself utopian by shoving one's fakes into other places and return back to oneself to digest a regurgitation.

shree nal sta-ug nah-nug
                   keelm-neem nadul
am me kuz dool bagul
                 undumi shee bagū.

nine, for mortal men, to whom to die.*

doo nikt kań narkań,
hoo me ni shoo... ah sheel,
borozoomish ****?
See I'm you and your me and were everything  from this earth to the stars that we see
everything that you want is inside of thee to many religions to decide which one is right
I've come to the conclusion that all are falsified
I believe we are god and god is us and the only one we can trust is the voice inside of us  
do your thing  sing, run ,shitd  climb a tree life's to big to be defined by a book  to me honestly it was written by crooks
I'm not bashing your belief I'm jus saying really look    
we make the change no one does it for us we are god and no one can take that from us
we lie so much kuz we've been lied to so much so the truth when heard is a joke to us
Wake up FAM I'm calling  on all of you because like I said  your me and I'm you
Think about it!
Emancipate yourself!
tonylongo Mar 2020
The hurricane winds are a bore
When they’ve been pushing you around
For two-thirds of a century
There’s nothing surprising about what torsion can do:
I know, I know,
It’s real but it’s all in your head, both at once,
Your collarbone is at 227 degrees toward Polaris
And meanwhile your left hip is rotating in a
Hyperskewed dimension only plottable with
Imaginary numbers, which is a problem
For peristaltic functions dependent on
Newtonian mechanics – sigh, shiver, burp,
Keep your awareness don’t fall over
You’ve been on orange alert since Ike.

Let’s run down the repertoire of available distractions.
Jokiness? Sometimes worked in small
Person-to-person settings (you see the current problem)
But amazingly hard to pull off in text;
Mentally mugging the innocent online?
Leaves a bad taste.
Obliterating lust? Seems to have annihilated itself
Except in pain-in-the-*** dreams, the actually-asleep kind.
Guitar, or similar toys? Only fun as long as you keep finding
Novelty – which turns into, you know, work.

Drowning your mind in other people’s stuff?
This is the scary part.
Sometimes, still, for a little while; but never for long;
Not the freshest, not the most age-old time-tested brilliance;
Metaphors fall apart – the plot devices cannot hold -
You blink twice and the wind’s whipped the page out of your grip
And twisted your neck down up inside your ******* again.

So blowblowblowblowblow, babybrainballoons,
And Crack Your Cheeks,
Coz the only shred of hope is that if we all keep
Caterwauling our pissant poetic brains out at maximum vocal volume
Preamped and reverbed by global satellite systems to some
Unpredictable transhuman force it might eventually
OutShout the drone of Earth’s idiotic entropy
Kuz krist I’m bored of standing up in the wind
Ike was Dwight D. Eisenhower. My earliest memory related to print is asking Mom about a Daily News headline saying something about "IKE"
LERCH Apr 2018
Move Forward !
Go Forward ! Never, ever stop, as long as you breathe!
Life, A tremendous
Endless wave
Of confrontations,
Disappointments, and elations.
Plans go wrong.
Safe thing to do is not plan at all.
set your attitude to awesome, and leave it on like auto pilot.
Ya mans aint yours,
Ya girl aint yours. 
Go away, get lost.
We each belong to our own adventure.
It seems as if we are all just
Bit parts in a humungous script.
We are Playing parts
That are swift to end.
But, we feel
like heroic 
Bound for a tremendous victory.
Or, at least i do.
I dunno about you.
Aw yeah this epic, tremendous
Awesome adventure feels like it will ever end, but it will !
Do what you will, it matters.
Suffer all to yourself if it makes you feel better.
But me, ill go do it! Ill go get her.
I discovered no one really cares.
Oh really? How freeing! Im gone now, believe me.
You are what you eat, gimme crap & ill throw it up like bulimics.
I mean, some feed you vicious lies to eat. They live lives of evil telling lies to people
With a smile so genuine.
They'd bully me ?
All right then ill fight them
And gritt my teeth.
I need, i want. i dont want to need.
I dont want to want.
I go on because i must go on, but i do not feel it to be anything in particular.
Ill stay to watch the ship go down, kuz
Suicide is not my style. and besides, i have fun sometimes.
Ill do whatever i want to.
I honestly, Genuinely love people
Like a brother.
So how could i lose ?
I cant!

— The End —