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Lou Costello’s
bronze semblance
dipped and danced atop
his granite pedestal
spinning miasmatic tales
of enigmatic hope and
resplendent labor

“the sweet
expectation of
hope once
surged down
this city’s streets”
... said Lou

"I was a self made man
until someone thought up
the idea to cast a bronze
caricature of me and
bolt it to this grand rock”

is the boldest form
of fiction
culling from the past
the things hoped for
in the now

“growing up
I clipped school,
played ball,
rolled drunks
and fought
nickel ante
prize fights
to get my
daily bread,
I literally
punched my
way out
of this town”

a smith smelts a
batch of liquid bronze
pouring molds full of
a fervent wish
a madman's delusion
a priestly promise
a Pollyannaish illusion?

baskets overflowed
gushing hope, offered
at the holy altars by
honorable workers

it was said that
a morsel of labor
could feed 5000
starved families
breeding hopes as large
as a half cup of water

the size of a
mustard seed sparked
recovery of 1000 sick children
dying from the Asian Flu
at St. Joe's

willed an end to war’s slaughter
which ironically was bad for
Paterson's war profiteers
forcing layoffs
sparking labor actions

ignited conflagrations firing
the resurrection of dead industries
lately there is a lot of hope
circling this one

miracles spring
from the pronounced
lips of trembling hearts

the hopeful amassed
slogging forth on bloodied toes
along razor thin slices
of expectation
hoping to begin again
eager to build anew

new starts sometimes
grow old fast soon
hope expires
winging back home
on broken wings of
misspent labor

hoping for the snow to stop
a lump of coal to last
the labor of a budding crocus
rewarded, breaking through
the hard crust of winters end
blooms for a day then expires

hope is a beggars wish
gods give yearnings heft
prayers earnestly chanted
willing paradigm shifts

prayers of absolution
play the angles
calculating odds
of probabilistic mathematics
a sure thing long shot
the prayers of the
righteous availeth much

we hoped for jobs
we hoped for leisure
we hoped for love
we hoped for labor
we hoped for rest
we hoped for luck
we hoped for a life
wealth health blest

laughing at our follies
crying over defeats
our city a tragic star
a comedy of schemes

hope and labor
is the keystone of
our self construction
cornerstone of
a grand city’s edifice
its negation our

tragedy and comedy
invested and spent
falling and laughing
foibles and faith

belief trumps evidence
happenstance slays surety
horror and beauty
compose a life's mural
nothing happens
by mistake

learning and ignorance
fate and chance
the risk of randomness
expiration dates arrive fast

predetermination a bold
conviction, suspicion,
intention a splendid  

banality becomes
laughter is ******

...the mystery is in
the loam... says WCW
...the finished product
is what I’m after...

“what the
**** are you
doing here?"
the bronzed Louis

"Hey Abbott
look at these clowns
in the yellow plastic
garbage bags!

bobbing in a sea of
midnight mist

a posse of
neon clowns
donning glad bags
on the most dismal
night of the year

twinkling under the
gloom of my playgrounds
faltering streetlamps

“twinkling targets
easily tracked,
a trained eye,
a steady hand
could pick you off
at a thousand paces
what gives?

“what the **** are
you doing here?

“what the **** am I doin
here for that matter?”

“the second question
is easy to answer,

“I’m Paterson’s
finest son....

...“Wherever he is tonight, I want him to hear me," and went on with the show. No one in the audience knew of the death until after the show when Bud Abbott explained the events of the day, and how the phrase "The show must go on" had been epitomized by Lou that night....

"Mr. Bacciagalupe
he use to live on
Cianci Street

“who’s on first?
what’s on second?
I don’t know is on third?
was a riddle one recited
to get into his speak

“his Ginnie Red was legendary
and no one was ever known to
die from drinking his bathtub gin”

the old world ways
are made new
by the arrival of
new old worlds
supplanting old Italiano

“where is all the goodwill capital
we invested in this place?”

successive generations
thought it best to export
the capital of the
expired generations

it was ferried
across the river,
crossed the
city boundaries,
leaving for Wayne
and the fairer lawns
of Wyckoff and the
greener grasses of
Franklin Lakes

all the old wise guys
died off or were sentenced
to life by their children,
some still doin time in
old age homes in

all the sport clubs
boarded up but their spirit
lingers like an espresso
ring on a post slurp
demitasse cup

“hell my body is buried
in Hollywood but here
I am, holding court in
Costello Park
talking with you
a baseball bat
my royal scepter
a brown derby
my crown, truly a
King of Nothing,
Lord of All

“the soul of my city is
eternal,  like the comedy
of tragedy or is it
tragic comic?

“here I remain
spinning about
frozen forever
in a magnificent
bronze age,
erected to my likeness
beholding me
to stand witness
to this litter strewn park
decorated with corrugated
Big Mac boxes, plastic
Big Gulp tops and discarded
rubbers bagging the ****
of this cities arrested

never actualized
never naturalized
citizenship denied
at the commencement
of ejaculatory flows
of joy

unfulfilled spirit
of citizenship
never to experience
the splendor
of yesterday’s
metropolis and
Lou’s stand up

“look at that John
over there, that guy
wheezing like a
ruptured blacksmith’s
billow, pounding away
laboring to get off

“the poor little
******* just hopes it
will end soon

it does
**** he’s done

I” knew that guys
getting off
runs in the family
and remains one
of the few things
that draws the progeny back
to the old neighborhood

“you can still glimpse
snippets of the old ways
rising in new ways

“an Armenian
sports club
around the corner
is a new
incarnation of
the old Neapolitan
social clubs that
once demarcated the

“these days
great grandsons
of once proud
Sons of Italy
come back to the
old neighborhoods
begging for hand-jobs
from crack ******

“welcome to my
burlesque world

“since the Gumbas
moved to Franklin Lakes
the wannabe wise guys
became ***** whipped
dumb *****
making ***** of
themselves with
their painted ****-job
Jersey Housewives

“they ***** their families
out for a bit parts on
MTV and a free lunch
at the Brownstone

“their grandfathers
labored long hours
to assure the well being
of their families in the expectant
hope of a better shot at life
but the children squandered
the hard earned bequest lovingly
bequeathed by reverent forebears

“in the wee hours
one can sometimes hear
a weeping chorus
of concrete Madonnas
musing melodious lullabies
to the sleeping
Lombard's lying
in uneasy repose at
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

“they twist in their graves
dreaming of a last dance with the
Lady of Unending Sorrows
at weddings for unrepentant
wayward daughters and prodigal sons

“its small
recompense for a
lifetime of an
honest day’s work”

the dashed hope
of squandered labor
begets a city of ruin”

at the
parks northern corner
the Salvation Army’s
rumbling bivouac rests
in a dreamless sleep
its residents
patiently waiting to
inherit this city
abandoned by
nuevo wise guys

this tragedy
is all comedy
the comedic hope
of tragic labor
buried snoring
the millenniums away
awaiting resurrection

Lou was getting ******...
“get outta my park

“the artists
in the rehabbed
factories across
the street
are resting

“nothing much
going on there

“if you're hoping
to find some
homeless slogs
head over to the river
you should find some there”....

Music Selection:
Frank Sinatra, High Hopes

Part 5 of extended poem Silk City PIT.  PIT is an acronym for Point In Time.  PIT is an annual census American cities conduct to count the homeless population.  Hope and Labor is the city motto of Paterson NJ, nick named The Silk City.
We pass the
walled incline
of Barbour Park

during the day
a foreboding
patch…an open
air market for
the slave merchants
hustling crack and
**** drippin ****
that's been stepped
on so many times
its a wonder the cut
can still chide a high
out of a wrangled soul

the park’s
modest elevation
is an advantageous
lookout for
runners dealing
dimes while
petty ante
gun blazing glories
of their next big job

not long ago
the park was
refurbed with
an industrial
strength plastic
Jungle Jim,
soon after
the park was
as a no go
zone for kids,
the litter of
needles and
mounds of
lead spiked
soil, deemed
a public health
risk for youth...
as a crib
for ballers…

back in the
day, the shady
pocket park
lifted Paterson’s
citizenry off
the heated
pavements of
a bustling

a respite from
the pulsing
tensions of urbanity,
a secular sanctuary,
balancing the urgent
industry of commerce
with the propriety of
residential life

compacting a
brief escape
from the clanging
metronome with
a viewing stand
offering elevation...
a heightened
perspective on
life’s parade
up and down

this urban
oasis planted
at the center
of Silk City’s
the most
transit point
between opulent
Eastside mansions
of livin large tycoons
at one end….
and the
industrial district of
The Great Falls,
rising at Broadway’s
western terminus,
dollars for the darlings
of fortune and
subsistence for
workers yearning to taste
the crumbs of
prosperity that may fall
from the tables of

the park once a
pleasant face of
the landlocked
4th Ward filled
with homage to
a nation's greatest
citizens, Hamilton,
Rosa Parks,
Madison, Fulton,
Montgomery and
Franklin has
denounced the
virtuous pursuit of
their aspirational

now playas
feast on
the mead
of sustenance
harvested from
emaciated streets

commerce has taken
up full residency...
the wards cottage industry
homes, hoods and

as the
4th Ward
grows ugly,
the healthy
matrix of
street life
breaks down
the peeps
lay prostate
offer veins
to blood *******
going south

wise guy
get busy
the system
short changing
themselves and
hustling game
to get by
in the sweet bye
and buy of life

at night
a back lit
Barbour Park
floods with the
yellow haze of
blinking Fair St.
lamp posts
and the pulsing
crowning the
of St. Luke's

sentient figures
shift between
park benches
flitting among the
black torsos
of skeletal trees
blending into
the faded
of abandoned
swing sets

I swear I see
Hurricane Carter
shadow boxing
around a gangling
Elm, jabbing
away, lifting
a sweet uppercut
working combos
of left hooks
and right crosses
hoping to drop an
banging away
at a body politic
forming the walls
of taunting

Hurricane stays
busy delivering
body blows
to burst
through the
prison bars
Barbour Park

Music selection:
Bob Dylan, Hurricane


A fragment from extended poem Silk City PIT.  
Published today to honor the death of Rubin Hurricane Carter.
May he find the freedom in eternal rest that eluded him during his lifetime.
A fragment from extended poem Silk City PIT.  (Part 4: Funky Broadway)
Published today to honor the death of Rubin Hurricane Carter.
May he find the freedom in eternal rest that eluded him during his lifetime.
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
We went from being a broke man,
To being a joke, man
From saling crack in the music,
To being a coke stand.
We went from being a nobody,
To being the president,
We went from being in poverty,
To owning 6 residents

We went from being in war with others
To being in war with one another.
From fighting knuckleheads in the streets
To fighting our own brothers.
We went from making life longer,
to influencing it to be shorter,
From following our own guidelines
To being everyday transformers.
Take off the masks.
Robyn Dec 2013
Reasons Why You're The Best and I Love You
1. You introduced me to Streetlight, Be Your Own Pet, Squirrel Nut Zippers and dozens of others
2. You checked me out so hard you ran into a car
3. You brought Chisomo into my life. He stole my heart.
4. Introducing me to Jim and Timmy. They're knuckleheads and I love em.
5. Accepting my guitar player fetish and yet still limited knowledge of guitars
6. You're a guitar player
7. Your hoodies. They make you so warm and cuddly and I love stealing em
8. Your smell. That probably sounds creepy but you always smell sooooooo awesome and it's one many things about that just makes me feel better
9. Your dorky little smile. It's just a little crooked but it's huge and adorable. Everytime I kiss you, it shows up on your face and you look a little dazed and intoxicated
10. You're so smart. It's ******* awesome
11. You love Thai food, and it's silly but it makes me happy, cause it's my favorite food
12. Always being so happy. I mean, I know you get sad sometimes but I'm almost always sad, so your optimism is kinda . . . really nice.
13. Dupont Teflon
14. Being freinds with Lexi. She's my best freind and you're my other half so I really need you two to get along
15. Loving 80's movies and chick flicks
16. That little thing you do with your eyes, where you'll look at me and they'll get really wide and then get smaller again
17. I love your handwriting, it's silly, sue me
18. For buying me a copy of Looking for Alaska just cause you knew I was 132nd on the list for it at the library
19. Loving me even though I'm an "I love you" ****
20. Liking when I act like an idiot
21. Being an idiot with me
22 Waiting months to become my boyfriend and sticking with it when no one else did
23. Introducing me to Rocky Horror
24. Understanding my introverted-ness
25. Accepting my struggle with depression
26. Writing me a beautiful poem and kissing me in Jenning's Park
27. Considering a real future with me
28. Those times when you kiss my forehead, or my cheeks, or my nose or my hand. I LOVE every single one
29. Sending me pictures because they make me so freakin happy
30. Coming to my concert and sitting through your least favorite genres of music just to see me
31. Encouraging me to write
32. Not judging me too harshly beause I used to make really bad decisions
33. You **** at video games just as much as I do
34. Nerd Ropes
35. For kissing me when I was sick even though you knew you would and did get sick too
36. Wanting to make me happy and not understand that you already and always do
37. Trying really really hard to like Doctor Who, just for me
38. Loving to read just as much as I do
39. Wanting to help me sleep because you know I hardly can
40. Holding my face or head when you kiss me
41. Telling me you love me everyday
42. Loving me at all
43. Waiting **** patiently while I slowly add more things to this list, because there will be many, many more
Geno Cattouse Oct 2013
Ivory towers like third appendages flipping of the sky.  Profane.
Rivers run cris-cross beetles in the bog.Traffic logjam.
Instant grats.                     Gratis time bomb ticking.

Age is an obstruction. mindless pursuits of Material security blankets.
Thumb suckers rule. Knuckleheads telling tales out of school. Glass house myopia.
A cornucopia a chorus of jabbernows.              Verbal diarrhea on wax. passes for reason.

Sin-taxes pay the way
Syntax gone astray. What the @*#* did she just say ?

Novocaine mainlined. Numb all over talking heads on the hill.
Need a few meg-volts to jolt flat-lined hearts to do the people's will.
War is raging, storms are raging. Quiet storms.

Oil. Fuels from long dead fossils. Habit handcuffs.
Cant get enough. Lites out soon.

Powers that be.
Juggernauts...Battlebots...  Taking giant steps backwards.
Chaos is local until in your locality.Doomsayer.
The Giant slayer kneels to place his head in the guillotine. Appease the ruthless.

Know it when you feel it. Babylon is falling.
Yenson Sep 2021
The bovver knuckleheads
stranded him on The Road to Wigan Pier
without a maiden or a silver dime
'bad mistake' says he
for I am Pisces and mutable
can live in sea or land

The currents are my friends
I can float or scale the depths
worry not about me for there's lumpfish caviar
and fresh rain water in constant flow
there's on stress on Wigan's pier
no nine to five in the deep blue sea

Give my regards to the knuckleheads
keep them in line on the factory floors
they're bred to work
have they ever swam at the Revieria
or been to Saint-Topez
do they even know you can find champagne in Wigan

So the dingbats  Duvalier Tonton Macoutes
stranded him on The Road to Wigan Pier
I see an all expenses paid free holiday
here my friend the ultimate break from the rat-race
tell boneheads how many slaves died building your piers
and how many Irish navvies died building your roads
while your parents were suffering in Wigan
Satire...........Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces
These are the signs that end the four seasons and are more flexible and comfortable with changes in life when compared to other zodiac signs.
Check it, i hope yall understand me,
Like 19 keys, cop a few cuties out in Belize, please believe,
Money comes first, then the power,
To get enemies showered,
Well under and devoured,
I took a pinch of the flowers,
Scented in the garden of edem,
People saying dont believe em,
And i dont care if they don't feel em,
I got ninth dimensions, casting spells,
Putting marks on shells,
Nightmares of the holy grail,
Only time will tell,
Is my soul free or is it for sell?,
Valuable lessons, learned quick,
From gripping the smiff and lessons,
Knuckleheads getting a blessing,
Then have the nerves,
To say they stressin,
Never undermind a blessing, and curse to gift of guessin',
In this game of life, aint no fair shake
With the hand rolls on the dice,
Shorty looking nice, but i see the slit tongue spliced,
Demoness with breast, rising from the east to the west,
I manifest, only the realness when herbs fills within my chest,
Only reggies the best,
Dont **** with the kush, get ya soul pushed,
Back into other ****, thays counterfeit, money in my hands giving flips,
To stacks of hundreds, while im a slave to the hundred,
Years of freedom, went from the chattery, to the corporate daily,
Reporting to masters its crazy,
Broke the chains, of misery,
Now im lazy, nothing these days phase me,
Radio airways dont play me,
Realness is a menace to truth, i preach the gospel, with lonely tear drops,
Til i open the eyes of rhe youth,

Moneys the universal language,
Or better yet linguistics,
Hoes wana grab the biscuit,
Like they owning it,
But i stay showing it,
See how the loot, make hoes go round,
Carousel bound, like earth making its rounds,
Joker splitter, see the hitman markers his hitter,
Giving bodies jitters,
Like when im on the mic,
I treat it right,
Flip more rhymes than tongues to ****,
Better yet let it hang like Mike,
On a fadeaway, begans the takeway,
Fools putting false reps like MLK,
They down for the community,
But all i see piercing,
In the community,
Gangs and ****, sold out for cheap hits,
No leaders, just a bunch of court cases,
And the biggest killers always remain faceless,
Back in the day, we roasted people
All you wee knuckleheads need to know
That talking a little crap
Shouldn't be enough to make you snap
Bob B Jul 2022
As more information comes to light,
There's still a growing appetite
For many to think that wrong is right,
And the Big Lie continues.

The followers remain aloof.
Despite no evidence or proof
Of voter fraud, they keep up the spoof,
And the Big Lie continues.

Candidates across the land
Are truly getting out of hand
As ignorance makes a huge demand,
And the Big Lie continues.

The cult leader makes a claim,
Knowing so well it's just a game
And acting without a sense of shame,
And the Big Lie continues.

Unless you pull a ****, it spreads
And soon takes over the flower beds.
So it is with knuckleheads
As the Big Lie continues.

Tend to your garden; don't delay.
Although you must struggle day after day,
With effort you'll make the weeds go away
As the Big Lie continues.

-by Bob B (7-7-22)
no (apparent) rhyme nor reason
(satisfactorily) explains academic
     disposition, ideally suited
     (swiftly tailor made,
     and harried styled)
     unflattering venomous wicked xhenemy
     (fill in choicest expletive) **** cruelest
     "meanies" always in season
winter, spring, summer, or autumn,

     psychological rabid
     bullying and teas'n,
which only exacerbated
     ma deathly coffin and wheeze'n.
Avenging beastly, eagerly,
     and hungry knuckleheads, rip-snorting,
     analogous to Doctor Zeus
characters, vis a vis stomped,

     and trampled upon my wuss
self, who appeared as
     a listless, passive, ****
see footing, and
     timid complex edifice
christened Matthew Scott Harris,
who regularly got pushed,
     shoved, and verbally gored

in utero potential quintessential
     no salvation from Unitarian lord
ugly vicious wretched
     insults liberally poured
(pre snapchat, instagram,
     hash-tagged age) roared
increased spell of losing measured
     necessary pridefulness scored

requisite susceptibility toward
brow beating, name
     calling, plus tossed
     brickbats staged early life, viz
psychological schizoid state courtesy
     hateful nemesis within
     corporeal lodge warred.
malevolent habitués received

     permanent residency thence
"green lighted" status
     since birth I cannot sense
sub billy understand
     (near) total recall
     particularly names
     no matter offense
of classmates and/

     or teacher's, hence
especially dumb
     founding since defense
less "boy" did not
     shine as a star student
     as is if he (me)
     took emotional absence.
plus to add insult

     to injury, my mouth
     stayed hermetically shut,
near invisibility designated nut
tin beat pluperfect
     "scapegoat de jure,"
     such intimidation found me
     feeling thrashed in the gut
     where (stellar) qualifications

     only made cut
ting worse, (essentially attributed
     to genetically inscribed
     behaviors, characteristics,
   habits, et cetera)

     immediately designated yours truly
     most puny, and
     quietest convenient but
of any atheistic, ethnic,
     and/or idiotic jokes.
Em Apr 2024
Make us fragile
like a flower
Unoriginal, textbook
Crooning love songs behind a hat on the street
I’ve seen mice with more calluses and sinew
Tough on the teeth
Grainy and cheap
If I die, I’m tender and sweet

Make us soft
like the morning’s first snow
Harbour us, carve us
Show us off on your front porch
beady eyed and smug grinned
Then rain falls and I’m run-offs
Footprints and mud
Snowman head smeared on the driveway

Make us sensitive
like your childhood TV dial
We’ll dance, we’ll bow
Until our minds get lost in a fog of
wrong signals and wrong sounds
It’s all static and I’m all electric
My breath my skin and my sight
Then you’ll hit and swear at your box until it learns not to fight

Make us young
Like we once knew
Skinned knees, knuckleheads
Holding out our hand and taking our then incomprehensible
comfort and safety
Time will have its pound
The world will have its way
But now I’ll savour this grain that was weighed
From old hands to blemish-less mine
Justin S Wampler Jul 2021
What was that old guys name?
I think it was something like...
****, I can't remember.
I remember it was odd though,
the kind of name that really
sticks with you throughout the years.


Anyway this dude turned
to face Lukus and I,
and called us a pair of
"controlled knuckleheads."

We were drinking at some bar
in Phoenixville, it was the night
that Lauren ditched us
and we had to walk like ten miles
back to his dad's place.

It was my fault she ditched,
but it was my fault that
she was there in the first place.

I miss Luke.
Hope he's doing well for himself.
Please rescue us from this godforsaken place
veritable hellscape, where angels fear ingress.

Just then an unexpected pleasant distraction
woke me from induced stupor linkedin to Los
Angeles fires jump/kick starting telepathic wife
high connection between yours truly husband
to a righteous leftist extraterrestrial establishing
an immediate cove Van Halen brotherly bond.

Here and now would be the time to exercise
opportunistic exchange of communication and
experience unconditional acceptance despite
spindleshanks, which might explain why I beak
came the laughing stock of unrelenting torment
when a student at the school of hard knocks for
knuckleheads, which barely found me earning
a diploma graduating with flying colors - black,
blue, and red, yet interestingly enough the hues
of the home planet where creatures whom yours
truly desperately wanted to be taken to, no matter
I would never get to befriend potential amazingly
literate respondents from All Poetry, Hello Poetry
Tumblr, COSMOFUNNEL, My Poetic Side, Poetry
Poetry Soup, Poetry Nook, Poetry Vibe, Prose. |
A Community for readers and writers, Neopoet | A
family of poets, and Poem Hunter, though amidst
countless bodies out beyond the outer limits of the
twilight zone hiding within dark shadows or maybe
lurking along the edge of night awaited homeboys
to regale me about learning the secret to survive
nothing short of a thermonuclear war, a bajillion
times more horrific than the tragedy that signaled
confluence of meteorological factors wrought,
hellscape in southern California global warming
suspected, nevertheless, who in their grooviest,
and wildest dreams could have thought never
in a millions years Dante's Inferno cruel
fiery fate jump/kick started lapping flames argh.

I read the horrific news from afar (no less than a
bajillion miles from Earth) transfixed watching live
action broadcast from the most sophisticated input
device (unknown to man) finding me rapt (quite an
understatement) and hypnotized fixated on the raft
of burning mansions mega million dollar homes
now chock full of tsuris unbearable unimaginable
unrecognizable fraught nouveau homeless - yes
with money in the bank to seek shelter at a pricey
glitzy accommodation tormented courtesy charred
domiciles gifted into rubble ground hovels searing
casting an everlasting impression upon mine eyes.

Inescapable nightmare reality indelibly etched numb
burrs of retinas burned with ineradicable images see
sinned with unfair indiscriminate scenes grafted in
soot to ash heaps impossible mission to differentiate
though amidst the mounds of mourning dewy eyed
resilience camaraderie witnessed salvation, where
random acts of kindness punctuated disequilibrium
while search and rescue teams combed thru debris
no matter hot embers still smoldered coalescence
generated an eerie orange otherworldly glow like
a quiet riot of Venusian topography where average
surface temperature on said planet around eight
hundred and sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit (464
degrees Celsius), making said solar body the hottest
planet in our solar system due to strong greenhouse
effect caused by its thick carbon dioxide atmosphere
earning evening star appellation qua Earth's "evil twin"
because of its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide
and sulfuric acid, which chemical cocktail poisonous to life.

— The End —