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Albero Centrale May 2014
Closed eyes cannot save
The young and the brave
Cries of agony lingers
As enemies become victors
There exists no code of honor
As men destroy and conquer
Can heaven truly exist
Or are we caught in the midst
Of paradise and hell
Neither angels nor demons dwell
As the innocent are piled
We search for a Star child
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
A choking and desperate voice reached my ear this morning. It was a friend. One of my best friends who lives in Michigan.
What she said was barely intelligible...

"Cath... Cathy... I'M D...YING!
C..C..CAN'T B... (cough) B...BR... BREATHE!
(cough. .. cough. .. cough. ..)"

Immediately I knew I had to be calm. I had to get her anxiety level down. In a very soothing voice I stated...

"Baby, you have to calm down. Sit down in front of a fan... slow your breathing. THEN I WANT YOU TO JUST LISTEN & AGREE...

I said a five-minute prayer with her. I first praised God for the miracle that He was going to bring about. For His miraculous nature. For his Power and Glory! I said I wanted to glorify Him with the miraculous healing that was about to take place!

Within 2 minutes she was breathing easier. She was not coughing as badly. And she could talk. Then I instructed her to go lie down with the fan on her and her back propped with pillows...

I called two friends to pray with me on a conference call. We all prayed together. We prayed like our own lives were depending on it! We prayed the Word of God...

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (woman) availeth much."
James 5:16 KJB

I called my friend 30 minutes later. She had been healed! She still had the congestion, but was calmly coughing that up too! She was beginning to blow the congestion from her infected sinuses!

So don't tell me God is no longer in the healing business. He most definitely is...!!!

♡ Catherine
Please pray for my friend. Her name is Mary. She lives alone and has no medical insurance or money. Her credit card is maxed out. She doesn't even have money to pay her property taxes this year. But she's trusting in God. And we have found over the years that HE CAN BE TRUSTED!

Also pray that the Day of Rage doesn't ignite full on racial riots. Please pray against the forces of Darkness that are undoubtedly going to use this demonstration to stir up chaos.
My hometown Tucson Arizona is going to have one of these demonstrations. Please pray for us!


I'm going to start reading now. Please forgive that I have not read your work yet! This crisis came about this morning and now I have a lot of catching up to do...

Albero Centrale Apr 2014
Through her eyes
Watches as her soul dies
Looking towards an endless abyss
Searching for a needed bliss
Graves to her left and right
Showing no signs of fright
Reaching outwards
Known only as cowards
Begging and pleading
Shouting that her path was misleading
She continues forward, this girl
Her hair shade of a pearl
Behind her, past so bent
This is Jane's Lament.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
Swords clashing through the haze
Allies shouting with praise
Will they fall tonight
The most noble of knights
A grin graces their lips
Swords tight in their grips
Rushing forward into battle
Enemies mere chattel
Sky blazing in flames
Fighting with no names
Winning within mere seconds
Together, they fought as legends.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
The gracious dragon smiles
As they have been apart for miles
The girl so beautiful
So youthful
As they dance into the night
The moonlight oh so bright
The dragon and the rider
Both are one another's guider
Until dawn breaks
They will dance, no matter the stakes
Even when they are lost
Their paths will someday cross
And dance once again
Through snow or rain
Joined once more
Through the sky, they shall soar.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
The poor helpless child
Unable to bear a smile
Tears run down elegant cheeks
Her heart longing to speak
Sorrow is her destiny
Engulfed by jealousy
Her soul stuck in her own lament
Her soul so broken and bent
“Stop it!” She cries
Nevertheless, she is her own demise
Nothing is ever free
Her end is destined to be
Help is what she desires
But already gave in to the liars
Her souls, once like a festoon
But taken away by the crimson moon
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
Gazing upwards forever
My side, you left never
Wrapped in your arms
Enduring the worst storms
Smiling up at the sky
Feeling the need to cry
Watching an endless ocean
So many different emotions
Watch day and night pass
The stars moving in chasse
Wandering innocent eyes
The world under a guise
It never seeming scary
In this state of reverie.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
The whispers of the wind
Fills my confused mind
Hoping once again
That you shall erase my pain
Ending this terrible nightmare
So much that it fills me with desire
That I can no longer trust
That this is love or lust
But even so
Like the dark elegant crow
I shall fly away
Searching every single day
If only you knew
I cannot forget the memories of you.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
The small girl so young
Her heart full of love it sprung
From the dark corner
She has become a mourner
Of this world she shall see
What her destiny is to truly be
Her features so fair
Her emotions shall never flare
A small smile gracing her face
Welcoming his small embrace
Matter not whether he is human
He is the spirit of numen
Showing her such kindness
Creating an aura of calmness
Do not grieve
For I shall never leave.
Albero Centrale Apr 2014
So many days spent
Sitting in this deep lament
But even so
Forward we must go
To the new day
And embrace every sunlight ray
We shall smile
And make our lives worth while
Before death calls
We shall stay together until the last leaf falls.
Ken Pepiton Aug 28
In life stories form
all informed knowing, be it
beautiful adversity universally
acknowledged with smiles, and
nods, sense of yes, I know, I think,

I see you think, so, I know, I did
finish writing something meaningful;

or, be it in every way some other way.

I think you may imagine you agree.

In conscience used, we take science,
knowledge of beauty, chaotic clouds,
bending rays of sunshine, evening
the heave offering, leaving smooth
cool of the day
white sugar desert dunes, to an ant or bee.

{KJB, viable Bible archetype, declares phonetic
remenants of Eber's unconfused use of letters,
towb rah translate as good and evil, but better see
טוֹברַע good and bad, useful and useless to the point
of wasting effort, in a take it easy world, where we
know enough, drink, remember when it was,
plenty of water, no real enemies yet, and only
one barrier, over which those beautiful wild
seeds have been carried, by ravens, and doves
and rodents who surface only in the night.

Let's recall an old told tale, how folks
skinned in many colors we continue to be coated with,
all lost the knowledge that lying was used, to steal,
during lives times when we are parts in wholes,
until all things continuing, combine your will
to wonder what I imagined I am continuing,

with my own will to wander on, meandering
through the substance of hope, by my own

faith, fi, upright, balanced valence in chemical
terms, fit to fight for your right to think wrong,
confident my pride has been filed to a point,
not my right to be wrong, or do wrong, or lie.
To give good reason for cost of learning.
The faith that gives reason its point.

To tell the truth, sheriffs were good guys,
when I was a kid, a wild little goat, indeed,

I have seen myself in seven grandchildren
and their little heathen friends, so I know,

we get more like ourselves, my mother in law said.

And now, I keep the peace, wu wei easy knowing
towb ra' beautiful efforting life demands in return,

for freely eating from all the trees in the garden, thank you.
Insider's backstory, I met a friend of my youngest grand, who has a sister
in this friend's class, I am introduced as Grandpa, and the kid says,
I've heard of you, Noel talked about you all the time, last year. That's a good kind of pride, letting you see, as we expand with age, we need not puff up.

— The End —