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Dark n Beautiful Nov 2013
I’m not a hideous wall flower;
school girl steam pleat, designer girl,
Nike or Jordon’s silly Preteen, air heads
I’m gifted, provocative,
I am the teen princess.

I able to fuss, blush and rebel,
I’m awkward, backward,
I am Peppy long stocking;
I’m all that!
I am teen of the pack;
I am not likely to turn back
I am your commercial, billboard cover story

Smarter than you can imagine,
I am passionate,
but a little old fashion, yet modern,
bold and witty,
Oh yes!
I’m so ambitious, super delicious, super fly
with an upbeat modernize Hollywood red carpet style
I speak in a youthful way;
that’s my urban thesaurus

I am not curse, the curse that invades your privacy,
sometimes, I am sluggish and  downright lazy?
I am mommy baby and Daddy maybe
However, I’m no wall flower
Hal Loyd Denton Nov 2011

His hands only could fashion it take golden light make the perfect circle for earthen days it would display
A halo a form of perfection it is pure a distinction for all to see all who walk under this ring lighter than
Air a texture with an undeniable statement these are blessed love is told it is befitting and bold did I not
Make the planets round together light and sound are ever bending the sun and moon are forever
Mending by rays of warmth or the coolest glow tidal highs and lows from this all is growing
It is the promise aflame marking time until they will be reordered for each of you a golden crown
You are today renowned whatever your humble place might be you make the host of heaven smile
All the while you follow my lowly path I left along the muddy Jordon or the Sea of Galilee in humanity’s
Tide I asked you to abide through small acts you could as a whole defeat a mighty foe mend the tear and
Pain of many lost souls darkness the great gulf between myself and them I arrayed you on many battle
Fronts as truth and light not one enemy can stand when you exposé your hearts that bleeds for the
Prisoners of the dark one your bleeding is the freeing and continued victory that was begun on
Golgotha’s hill there I fulfilled the Fathers will sin encircled as with the crown of thorns that I wore
The blood glistened but it was shouting you have the children’s hearts wrapped and held by thorns this
Act and murderous intent will not stand in this single act of lying down in death all will forever be free
Not by words that is the only half hearted way the enemy works but by total love that held nothing back
You are to walk with me I go before and behind you are my sheep I didn’t seal it with a ring for your
Finger but one for your head because all battles are won or lost in the mind yours is guarded by this
Holy fire you are the only one that can remove it and walk away some have but the way is always open
To return and will only end when I return and split the clouds of glory then all who are enemies will
Be dealt with and know my wrath none are ever forced to walk and have these rights many sadly afflict their own souls and the great day
Is near then the harvest will be gathered the golden grain to heaven the chaff for the burning.
Omar Ibn Elkhatab went to visit the blessing land
Where his successor was there

He was honest of this nation
This was the calling by the prophet

Ibn Elgrah was the little men
Who believed in the prophet

The prophet evaluated him
He was so strongest at his thought
He believed in God

He believed that he the only
Who control the all creatures
Who created everything
Who could hurt or get useful
Who made the sun rose

He believed that the prophet will get victory
And beat other opinion
He believed that infidels be at undermost

The believers who were hurt
Asked Mohamad to pray to his God
To get these atheists

They worshipped another god
They worshipped some statues
The begin of statues were from that person
Amro ibn lohie was the first Arabian who worshipped these statues
Who was so ranked an important person
All Arab heard and obeyed
They looked to him as a persuade

As he was so pious
He saw the humans at elsham land
"the blessing land"
Included Syria, Jordon and palatine

He saw them worshipped these statues
He asked,” Why?
They said,' as we asked them to down the rains
They rained "
He asked to give one of them
They gave "Hobal"
Hobal was the first statue
Was put at Mecca
The honor men were irresolute
They final worshipped

Afterword the statue increased
Mecca was filled with statues
Equal to the year's days
Two of them were famous

They called " Ellat and Elozza"
They were woman and man
They loved each other
Their love was so strong
They went to Kaaba
The holy home of the God
They take a chance when the mosque was empty

They entered Kaaba
They did the sin

The anger had prevailed
They converted into statues
Naked as they were born
For the ancient Arab's foolishness
They put one of them at elasafa
The mount where the umrah and hajj Muslims
Walked to it
And Marwa they walked to it
Doing as hager did

Hager was the wife of Abraham
The grandfather of the prophets
He married her
When she had pregnant
And got a child
, his old wife got jealous
So he was ordered to immigrate
He immigrated to the holy land

She was so empty
The dessert was so the queen
When his family established
He leaved them
Hager called at
" where do you go?"
She was an old Egyptian princess
Of the elmenia governor
When hexoses occupied Egypt
They took her as a slave
She took a snake as a pet
No one could rap
She was so honorable
And the king of Egypt admired
So he gave her as a gift
Her wife loved her

So they became friends
The respected family had good character
They deal her as free as an honest
Sarah the old wife of Abraham
Advised him to marry
To get his dream child and get his happy
He married and got the child

Hager called at
" where do you go?"
She repeated three times
There were no answers
She asked, "Does your god order?"
He answered with yes
She said," so he will not lose us!"
He went

The food and water was finished
She went to the mount
She had to get food
She looked at right
And ran towards the mountain
It called "Elsafa"
She got over it
She looked towards the valley
Where did the holy home of God exist
She must still believe in God
That upper power prevents every worst
That gives goodness, luxury, blessing,
She learned everything from the prophet
He cultivated the faith in her heart
She gazed at her son
She ran towards him
As he cried a lot
She carried him and rocked
He became so calm
But after some silent
He cried again as the hungry bit him
She stood and ran towards the another amount
It is called
She got over it
Looked at the wide valley of the land
To find any one carrying food
Or even carrying water for the drink

She looked again towards the place of the holy home
And looked towards her son
Her heart called her
To get some aid to get him calm
She stood again
As her child cried
She ran towards the mount
Who is called
She did it seven times begins with mount
Ended with mount
She prayed to her God
Every drop of her blood
Every atom, every part
Let the rain of happiness covering the world
Let the seed of love growing so full
And get green and good fruits

Let the day covering every seed
To make the feast appeared
Let the hearts praying one word
Thanks our God

She got up over the mount
After she looked at the wide valley
After she found no help
After the mind of human thought
That he would fell in destroying
She looked towards the blessing point
Even the devils lied eggs of failure
After the crows got off every pigeons
After the injustice was the announcement of the world
The hope must overflow
She found her son got calm
She thought worst thing had come

Her heart flew her up
She moved with a blink at his leg
The great angel downed
He dug that land
The water flew up

She was so happy
Her kinder got calm
The angel must deal him with happy
She faired that the overflow of water
May destroy every point
No hager, your God is the highness
No Hager, no
Your God knows the fare
She said,"Zam, Zam"
It became zam zam
Muslims when do vesting the holy home
When they do Umrah or hajj
They walked between tow mounts
Elsafa and Marwa , as they get known
They also drank from zam zam
Blessing water

to be continued
inside the pains, inside the hopeless, there will be a hole of light. God will get every happy
believe in it
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
Dedicated to Eva and a southern mother
“  I grow weary at times but having my mother’s spirit, I always bounce back”

Through the coldest chill her voice reaches with the warmest comfort in all the vastness that life
Can be she is and always will be the central anchor of life a spirit devoid of all misrepresentation
Love’s most endearing and all enduring I don’t recall a natural physical monument that exists but
It could never stand or grace such a rarefied place that already abides in our spirit our soul the
Almost unlimited mind pays her homage if you checked and ran back to the root of our actions
You would see her precious face eyes glowing with pride at your accomplishments her influence
Is always present like a deep pool of the richest wisdom it surges when you face difficulty or
Know stress without remedy not to leave father out she is the buttress the support beams in all of
His successes his central nerve center tenderness ever winds through his heart and soul and sets
Controls on his actions that would be harder and make life predictably harder she pardons and is
The enabler for him to be a little boy at times that is his refreshing and procures lost magic and
Wonder that is drained by the demands of life her life is a costly one no one else would ever go
To the lengths she goes to they might go but it would be with the complaint this is too hard and
Question is it really worth it she knows the answer to that question there is no greater reward
Than Being the well spring the unending fount that spills and thrills the little ones she brought
Into The world no matter what their ages are and when her earthy sojourn is complete and she
Must cross the chilly waters of the Jordon her limitations now at an end her free and unrestrained
And enlarged noble spirit is in part like the prophet when his guide and enabler was taken he
Received a double portion of his spirit first you have mother naturally that is awesome
Unbelievable then when her earthy duties are over she goes to her reward and lo and behold you
Get her back but twice what you knew before her insights flash in your mind her strength surges
Through your tired and weak body you see ahead with limited sight she is standing on mountain
Tops looking at vistas that create hope from great turbulence of wind that spans the globe and the
Universe taking its beginning from His throne yes she does trim its arrival in your life because its
Two strong for earthy climes it comes just at the right speed enough to make the trees put on a
Glorious show as they twist and bend its musical it’s just fast enough to please and not be scary
That profound ease that slips into your thoughts she has come to rehearse some delightful aspect
She has learned it is gripping it is tinged in mystery so you will long for the knowing it provides
Yes I’m thinking of mother Perry and mother Merrifield as a child I was a thief I stole from these  
Precious mother’s needs that I so needed there are many more that are too many to mention
enjoy Your Treasure if she is present or absent
judy smith Jan 2016
You may think you’ve heard it all when it comes to wedding planning. But while everyone from your mother to your hairstylist is busy babbling on and on and on about what to expect on your big day, they’re unintentionally leaving out a few crucial details. So from the reality of post-wedding blues to the dangers of being too nice a bride, eight real women are here to share what they wish they had been told about their big days—so that you can benefit their candor, of course.

1. There’s such as thing as being too nice a bride. Says real bride Danielle, “Everyone hears about bridezilla, but what you don't hear about are the brides who get everything taken away from them because they're too nice. I was way too nice about my bridesmaids getting things done—and boy did it cause a lot of stress. My advice? Be firm with dates and express your concern if someone is slacking.”

2. You'll be pressured by others’ expectations. Real bride Jordon says, “Nobody told me how many ‘rules’ there are in the wedding industry. They tell you to create something that matches exactly what you want as a couple, but once you start to do the research, you learn how many expectations there are. For example, I can't tell you how many people think it's outrageous that we may not register, or that we're not interested in a bouquet throw.”

3. Someone will cancel last minute. Says real bride Veronica, “Someone will have a conflict and have to cancel a week—or less—before the big day. Yes, it ***** and is super annoying because your seating arrangements are finalized, but no one will notice if their table is missing two people. There's no point giving yourself a bigger headache of rearranging seating at this point—just let it go!”

4. It’s all worth it in the end. Real bride Sara says, “The one thing that no one told me was how much the stress, time, and money would all be worth it in the end. All I heard were negative points—and while those feelings of stress and pressure can't be escaped, there were so many good things that far overshadowed the bad.”

5. You won’t regret having a wedding video. Says real bride Melissa, “No one ever told me that one of the best purchases we could make was hiring a videographer. Of all the things we 'splurged' on, our videographer was my absolute favorite. There are a lot of things—in hindsight—that we could've gone without, but our videographer was the best investment because we have those memories to keep for a lifetime.”

6. Post-wedding blues are real. Real bride Anne says, “You’ve probably heard about post-wedding blues and completely brushed them off. I wish someone would have told me to take them seriously—because trust me, post-wedding blues are real. After all that excitement, the weeks after your wedding can feel like a let-down.”

7. Your groom will care about something you’ll least expect. Says real bride Cassie, “Everyone sets your expectations really low when it comes to your groom and how much he’ll participate in wedding planning. But what they don’t tell you is that he will care about something—and it’ll probably be the last thing you expect. For example, my now-husband was adamant we have a fondant cake. Who knew?”

8. Don’t expect to actually eat at your wedding. Real bride Jen says, “You won’t eat much of the food you painstakingly picked out. Between your guests—who will constantly want to gab—posing for pictures, and slicing into your cake, you’ll be lucky to get a few measly bites. I wish someone would have told me to eat well through the day—or to ask our caterer to serve us a little sooner.”

Lindsey Cira Jan 2013
Dedicated to my dear friend Jordon Dinneen*

So many thoughts linger in my Atlantis mind.
As many thoughts as all of the hairs on my head
blanketing the overflowing ideas inside.
Tangled around justification.
One huge knot.

A  rope dangling from the ceiling.
I am too weak to climb to the top
of the raw splintery string
stretching across the mile.
No one will find the end.

Reasons are meant to be tangled.
Steady hands may not remove.
Find a place on the gym floor,
lie down, look up, ponder for a moment.

Then, get up and walk away.
Stu Harley Aug 2014
fresh moonlight
leaks from her mirror
into the River Jordon
Stu Harley May 2013
When water
Springs from
Your deep hands,
It is reflection a of
Our great past and
We drink it freely, because
It brings us life and
It gives us hope, and
It runs, in every direction
So freely
Like the River Jordon
Down our shiny purple- black faces
Grace E Sep 2020
When Joshua crossed the Jordon River
God told 1 man from each of the 12 tribes to set up 12 stones
A memorial, to remember that God parted the river for them
The same way He parted the Red Sea for Moses when they were exiting Egypt
And Israel feared Joshua, the same way they feared Moses

Jesus stood in a boat with 12 disciples
Afraid for their lives when a mighty storm hit
Jesus arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was great calm, and the disciples feared exceedingly, saying to themselves “who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”

God parts seas, and God calms storms.
First account is from Joshua 4, second account is from Mark 4. Was reading my Bible and was amazed at the similarities of these two stories, 12 tribes, 12 disciples, one God who moves or calms insurmountable obstacles on their behalf. Love it.
Jerry Howarth Jan 2022
"I heard that those two billionaires, Ab and that
nephew or cousin, or whatever he is to him, LT,
acquired so many cattle, sheep and livestock, that
they started fighting over the grazing land."

"Yeah, I heard something about those two ranchers
fussing with each other over whose livestock was
first herded in the south eighty and even their hired
herdsman got into big knockdown over who got
there first."

"It's my understanding that the old man Ab, is really
loaded with gold, silver and bullion, besides thousands
of livestock of all kinds."

"Frankly, if ya ask me, I think those two ranchers are really
greedy using up all the good grazing pastures, so us little
farmers have to move our stock twenty miles away to feed

"Hold on you jaw snappers! I just got word from a good source,
that old Ab and his nephew got together for a meeting with
all their herdsman and decided to split up and go to other
places. Some of their best foreman threatened to walk if they
didn't get things straightened out."

"Did you hear where they were going?"

"Well, if the information I got is accurate, the old man took his livestock to Caanan, and that young feller took his livestock into Jordon, but lives in some city called *****, which I've heard is the hangout for queers and gays.  Makes ya wonder 'bout that guy why he would choose to pitch his tent in a place like that"

"He has a couple daughters, but gays don't have any interest in females, so they are safe from being sexually attacked."

"Something else I heard as that old man was really religious, and
moved his dwelling tent to a little city called Hebron and stablished a church there.

What's the spiritual application in this account?
This writer sees at least two.
1. Because Abraham faithfully followed the Lord,
God blessed him with an abundance of wealth.
a. I am personally acquainted with a Kansas
famer who was true in his relationship
with God; a leader in the local church; had an
excellent testimony in the community in
which he lived. He had the reputation of never working on Sundays; but often when there was a rain, it fell on his acres only.
I'm just saying it pays to put God first in your life. I'm NOT saying
that God is going to make you wealthy, like He did Abraham, but putting God first in everything will greatly enhance your life.

2. We learn how to peacefully resolve personal differences, from Abraham and Lot. In their case, agreeable separation was the answer to their squabble. I'm not saying that's always the best solution in every situation, such as marital problem, but sometimes   a brief time of separation might be called for.    

3. f I didn't know know how the life of Lot turned out, I would have advised him to pick out a better place to pitch his tent, then in *****. As it turned o, he was captured by and had to be rescued by Abraham, and later on his wife, whose name in unmentioned, fell so in love with *****, she just HAD to have one last look it before God destroyed it, and she was turned into "a pillar of salt."
What's the spiritual application?  Prov. 3:6 comes to mind -"In
all thy ways, acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths."
Apply this passage to the city Lot choice to pitch his tent; apply
this passage to all our choices of life.
From Jerry Howarth's Book of Old Testament Applications

— The End —