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Oscar Prince Apr 2015
A year out a year away I yearn for freedom far away
Far away far beyond to the place where cars go bomb
I would have joined the boys at the bar
But instead I’m off to join Hezbollah

When I arrived I jumped the cue
The bulletproof Jeep was waiting for me to
The rifles round the waist the men at the door
I had funny feeling telling me I had gone to far
Did I really just leave home to come this place
To join Hezbollah and their CIA mates?

Its all happening so fast I said after my first fast
What’s with the black robes and the cotton face masks?
Can I not just watch do I have to do?
Who are these mercenaries we have here to?
I hope you got my message amongst the blah de blah
In the letter I sent you from Hezbollah

I was lost but now I’m found mum, Iv been shown around
On the back of an armour plated Volkswagen I was driven around
I saw the desert slums, the graveyard pits
But the road was greasy from oil slicks
I was told iv grown up I was that I’m a star
I think I might stay here for a while with Hezbollah

It was goats knee that was fed to my face
Three days before I was to leave this place
Because I was chosen and I’m a star
White upper-class turned Hezbollah
Chosen amongst many to do what few will do if any

It was an open invitation on a Facebook group conversation

So to this night I say goodnight, till tomorrow and the good fight
I will not die in vain my pain shall be relieved with fame
I’l see you soon my ma and pa thanks to my savour Hezbollah
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2013
Social chaos metered out through tiers of population stung
By indiscriminate battle wrought lifeblood, incessantly, is wrung.
Why so the need for Assad’s torch, your Syria so needlessly debauched ?

Nameless causes fuel the fire, Shiite, Sunni intervention. Hezbollah and al Qaeda spew
Vindictiveness to streets of rubble, Toxic, killing vapours stew.
Misery to gasping children, horror in the dying eyes….
Condemnation points it’s staff to you, Assad, where vile blame now lies.
Why so the need for cities torched, Damascus needlessly debauched ?

Inevitably the missiles cometh, raining incandescent death and blast,
International righteousness throws intervention’s unknowns vast.
Why so this need for man debauched, Your Syria, once so beautiful, now scorched ?

7 September 2013
Jeannette Chin Jul 2011
Gauge Symmetry

It was an eminent arrival: to awake in a definite
location in time and space, involving the single
***** with more zeal than the rest. But where
am I really? Staring at these thorny lines engraved
in my palm during an hour I should be asleep.
I can’t help but think that the love of a life
should have spared me.

A caption below the photograph in the times reads
It’s an illustration of a tactic employed by Hezbollah
and Hamas to use their own civilians as human shields.
And somewhere else laying on rubble, once road, a blood
smeared newspaper ruffles in the breeze, then violently
unfolds from a burst of wind, never to be read, a stray dog
licking a wound pauses and perks it’s ear.

Earlier, in the library I walked the spiral staircase
and traced my fingers down a dusty spine:

It must have been an artificial insemination.

My skull throbs from an inoperable legion
of fractal thoughts which I developed upon listening
to the sounding tremble in Pathetique, too immature
to know the power of what it heard like that time
I foolishly laid my eyes on a carnivorous
tulip, it spat me out alive.

Moon is no comfort, only an aperture. The day
is overexposed and my eyelids clasp
down like a shutter, I try to fall asleep
to remember where I really am and where
I've always been.
brandon nagley Sep 2015
Yes I must say
Tis I must say
I seeith the world coming
To its final end,

In dreams I hath seen, the asteroids
Plummeting in hellish descent
I seeith the horsemen
Riding by storms
Get ready to mourn
The saints await
Prying on clouds
Prayeth dear man!!!

Thy country's becometh sand

Thy faces
Shalt praise
The one thou hast rejected
The year of the final blood moon( number four)
An Antichrist is upon us
New world order at thy door
The american dollar shalt topple
A 666 chip shalt be enforced(already ready and made,r.f.I.d chip)
Mothers wilt howl for their babies
Father's will repent in remorse
I saweth the dream
In a mall
The meteor
Striking the trench
Let down thy coffee cup
Smell the blood stench.
Dont be fooled
By false doctrine
Tend to mine words
Mine birthday month, SHOCKING.....
A shaking to the world!!!

I always kneweth mine birth day
(9/23 )
Hadst most signicant
Of importance!!!

Thou crucified thy god
Got lost in the mob
As the scribes found out
Whence the temple curtain ripped in Twain!!!

To much for thy brain?
Calleth me insane
Scientists hast called it
The government plans for it
As missles are on the move (China,Russia, USA)
To shoot that rock down.....

Oh yes
I must address
(Bennu's) that flying boulders name( directly coming in earth's path)
Two miles long
On a Jewish holiday
As said by the French minster
"we hath 500 day's until climate abyss, and climate Chao's
Coming on the day of mine birthing

As at that time
The pope shalt speaketh amongst congress( Meeting Mr President)
As well to speaketh at the new Yorker united nation's;
False prophet arrisen!!!!

Speaking peace to thy ears
Splendor thy tears
Awake to the bombs
Tell mother and father
Say goodbye to thine sun.....

The sun shalt be blackened
The moon wilt be blood red
These signs were from long ago
I'm just relaying thine end!!!

Prophecies already hath happened
The start was 1948
When twas Israel becameth a nation(had to happen for events to occur, the world's own fate....

As countrie's showed their hate
As this sphere of a hell
Shalt soon find out,
The stars shalt fall from heaven
With a trumpet to shout
Martial law shalt take affect
Hast thou watched the news?
Murders against cops
And cops killing innocents ,
Media pushes the elite's LIE'S
Hatred they choose!!!

But anyone canst turneth
Away from all their sins
If they'd seek the one and true god!!!

The alpha
And end!!

Pay attention to thy tube
The one with false media relayer's
The one who post's for the ones above them
The massive swept dicatators.

The world is in perplexion
Wars are all around
Blood fills the battlefields
Of middle eastern sounds

Thou canst feel it in ourn weather?
Its cold in mid June(rainy as well)
This weather is not normal
For its end shalt be soon.
( much weather man-made manipulated ( gvt operation called h.a.r.p)

Dope addiction
False idols
Are all on the horizon
Again I'm just relaying
Something to thou
Not satisfying!!!

Though if thou shalt call me silly
He's gone and lost his head (one sais)
Ive seen this far and coming
And this country, and world's own bend.

The fortoken chips hast been dropped
As country's right now do war games
(North Korea threatens nukes)
(Russia new cold war,)
(China warships practicing...)
(Hezbollah,Hama's shooting rockets at isreal)

Ourn presidents insane!!!

As false he is to,
I hath a feeling who he is;
Thou myswell not vote
Its all coming to an end..

Thy votes dont count anyways
Bilderbergs put in who they will( top elite's, bilderbergs, illuminati, other group's)
The gvt's front with Osama.....

They hide all from thou
A mystery indeed
But I'm not blind
I prophesize,
What thou verily needeth!!!

Listen to none of this
Though it will cometh as a thief in night,
Want to know more?

I hath an inbox, please do write..

Prophecy told isreal
When thou seeith them come by sword(claiming to do god a service) (,Isis)
Know the end is near....
( as now more than ever Christian's are being beheaded, hung, children and familie's slaughtered, and imprisoned, even in our own country right now a woman stood up for Christ... Sit's now in jail, as bible spoke many will be killed, and imprisoned for Christ before his return and during the tribulation hour's, awake America and world... Awake!!!!) As refugees are fleeing middle East, many Christian's because Isis and hateful group's are slaughtering Christian families and children)....

Sorry just prophetic verses........

Yes maby I knoweth to much
And others way to little.
But I'm just passing on this knowledge
So thou shalt know truth,
When the storm cometh in and trickles;
And thou shalt think safety is here and peace,

Thou wilt feel the blast
Of gods divine heat!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
Dont care for harassment! Just relaying truth! Thanks for reading!!! On YouTube look up asteroid 2015. And four blood moons!! Awake world!! Awake.. And don't care if no one likes this!! All factual!! All coming soon!! Prophecies already done!! More to come.. As pope was prophezied by st malachai to be last and 113th Jesuit pope! One who shall decieve his church and all religions!! Wake wake wake......pray you find salvation in Christ now as he didint come to judge the world but save sinner's... A !man who took you and mines pain on a cross was mocked whipped and rose again the third day and all of his teaching and prophecy has been happening and nothing is different just more keeps coming true.... September America will feel this heat this year or very shortly personally think this month as many thousands others around the world believe.   Awake.. Search the shemitah on YouTube Johnathan caan on the shemitah and learn about coming collapse which has happened every shemitah and war..comes with it and stuff to do with isreal and war.... Awake.. !!!! Pray you find Christ now...get saved... Awake America.. And world... Awake..
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Yes I must say
Tis I must say
I seeith the world coming
To its final end,

In dreams I hath seen, the asteroids
Plummeting in hellish descent
I seeith the horsemen
Riding by storms
Get ready to mourn
The saints await
Prying on clouds
Prayeth dear man!!!

Thy country's becometh sand

Thy faces
Shalt praise
The one thou hast rejected
The year of the final blood moon( number four)
An Antichrist is upon us
New world order at thy door
The american dollar shalt topple
A 666 chip shalt be enforced(already ready and made,r.f.I.d chip)
Mothers wilt howl for their babies
Father's will repent in remorse
I saweth the dream
In a mall
The meteor
Striking the trench
Let down thy coffee cup
Smell the blood stench.
Dont be fooled
By false doctrine
Tend to mine words
Mine birthday month, SHOCKING.....
A shaking to the world!!!

I always kneweth mine birth day
(9/23 )
Hadst most signicant
Of importance!!!

Thou crucified thy god
Got lost in the mob
As the scribes found out
Whence the temple curtain ripped in Twain!!!

To much for thy brain?
Calleth me insane
Scientists hast called it
The government plans for it
As missles are on the move (China,Russia, USA)
To shoot that rock down.....

Oh yes
I must address
(Bennu's) that flying boulders name( directly coming in earth's path)
Two miles long
On a Jewish holiday
As said by the French minster
"we hath 500 day's until climate abyss, and climate Chao's
Coming on the day of mine birthing

As at that time
The pope shalt speaketh amongst congress( Meeting Mr President)
As well to speaketh at the new Yorker united nation's;
False prophet arrisen!!!!

Speaking peace to thy ears
Splendor thy tears
Awake to the bombs
Tell mother and father
Say goodbye to thine sun.....

The sun shalt be blackened
The moon wilt be blood red
These signs were from long ago
I'm just relaying thine end!!!

Prophecies already hath happened
The start was 1948
When twas Israel becameth a nation(had to happen for events to occur, the world's own fate....

As countrie's showed their hate
As this sphere of a hell
Shalt soon find out,
The stars shalt fall from heaven
With a trumpet to shout
Martial law shalt take affect
Hast thou watched the news?
Murders against cops
And cops killing innocents ,
Media pushes the elite's LIE'S
Hatred they choose!!!

But anyone canst turneth
Away from all their sins
If they'd seek the one and true god!!!

The alpha
And end!!

Pay attention to thy tube
The one with false media relayer's
The one who post's for the ones above them
The massive swept dicatators.

The world is in perplexion
Wars are all around
Blood fills the battlefields
Of middle eastern sounds

Thou canst feel it in ourn weather?
Its cold in mid June(rainy as well)
This weather is not normal
For its end shalt be soon.
( much weather man-made manipulated ( gvt operation called h.a.r.p)

Dope addiction
False idols
Are all on the horizon
Again I'm just relaying
Something to thou
Not satisfying!!!

Though if thou shalt call me silly
He's gone and lost his head (one sais)
Ive seen this far and coming
And this country, and world's own bend.

The fortoken chips hast been dropped
As country's right now do war games
(North Korea threatens nukes)
(Russia new cold war,)
(China warships practicing...)
(Hezbollah,Hama's shooting rockets at isreal)

Ourn presidents insane!!!

As false he is to,
I hath a feeling who he is;
Thou myswell not vote
Its all coming to an end..

Thy votes dont count anyways
Bilderbergs put in who they will( top elite's, bilderbergs, illuminati, other group's)
The gvt's front with Osama.....

They hide all from thou
A mystery indeed
But I'm not blind
I prophesize,
What thou verily needeth!!!

Listen to none of this
Though it will cometh as a thief in night,
Want to know more?

I hath an inbox, please do write..

Prophecy told isreal
When thou seeith them come by sword(claiming to do god a service) (,Isis)
Know the end is near....
( as now more than ever Christian's are being beheaded, hung, children and familie's slaughtered, and imprisoned, even in our own country right now a woman stood up for Christ... Sit's now in jail, as bible spoke many will be killed, and imprisoned for Christ before his return and during the tribulation hour's, awake America and world... Awake!!!!) As refugees are fleeing middle East, many Christian's because Isis and hateful group's are slaughtering Christian families and children)....

Sorry just prophetic verses........

Yes maby I knoweth to much
And others way to little.
But I'm just passing on this knowledge
So thou shalt know truth,
When the storm cometh in and trickles;
And thou shalt think safety is here and peace,

Thou wilt feel the blast
Of gods divine heat!!!
Dont care for harassment! Just relaying truth! Thanks for reading!!! On YouTube look up asteroid 2015. And four blood moons!! Awake world!! Awake.. And don't care if no one likes this!! All factual!! All coming soon!! Prophecies already done!! More to come.. As pope was prophezied by st malachai to be last and 113th Jesuit pope! One who shall decieve his church and all religions!! Wake wake wake......
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Yes I must say
Tis I must say
I seeith the world coming
To its final end,

In dreams I see the asteroids
Plummeting in hellish descent
I see the horsemen
Riding by storms
Get ready to mourn
The saints await
Prying on clouds
Pray dear man!!!

Thy country's becometh sand

Thy faces
Shalt praise
The one thou hast rejected
The year of thefinal blood moon( number four)
An Antichrist is upon us
New world order at thy door
The american dollar shalt topple
A 666 chip shalt be enforced(already ready and made,r.f.I.d chip)
Mothers wilt howl for their babies
Father's will repent in remorse
I saw the dream
In a mall
The meteor
Striking the trench
Let down thy coffee cup
Smell the blood stench
Dont be fooled
By false doctrine
Tend to mine words
Mine birthday month
A shaking to the world!!!

I always knew mine birth day
(9/23 )
Had most signicant
Of importance

Thou crucified thy god
Got lost in the mob
As the scribes found out
Whence the temple curtain ripped in Twain!!!

To much for thy brain?
Calleth me insane
Scientists hast called it
The government plans for it
As missles are on the move (China,Russia, USA)
To shoot that rock down

Oh yes
I must address
(Bennu's) that flying boulders name( directly coming in earth's path)
Two miles long
On a Jewish holiday

As at that time
The pope shalt speaketh amongst congress
False prophet arrisen!!!!

Speaking peace to thy ears
Splendor thy tears
Awake to the bombs
Tell mother and father
Say goodbye to thine sun

The sun shalt be blackened
The moon wilt be blood red
These signs were from long ago
I'm just relaying thine end!!!

Prophecies already have happened
The start was 1948
When is Israel becameth a nation(had to happen for events to occur)

As counties showed their hate
As this sphere of a hell
Shalt soon find out
The stars shalt fall from heaven
With a trumpet to shout
Martial law shalt take affect
Hast thou watched the news?
Murders against cops
And cops killing innocents ,

Hatred they choose!!!

But anyone can turn
Away from all their sins
If they'd seek the one and true god!!!

The alpha
And end!!

Pay attention to thy tube
The one with false media relayer's
The one who posts for the ones above them
The massive swept dicatators

The world is in perplexion
Wars are all around
Blood fills the battlefields
Of middle eastern sounds

Thou canst feel it in ourn weather?
Its cold in mid June(rainy as well)
This weather is not normal
For its end shalt be soon

Dope addiction
False idols
Are all on the horizon
Again I'm just relaying
Something to thou
Not satisfying!!!

Though if thou shalt call me silly
He's gone and lost his head (one sais)
Ive seen this far and coming
And this country and world's own bend

The fortoken chips have been dropped
As country's right now do war games
(North Korea threatens nukes)
(Russia new cold war,)
(China warships practicing...)
(Hezbollah,Hama's shooting rockets at isreal)

Our presidents insane!!!

As false he is to
I have a feeling who he is
Thou myswell shalt not vote
Its all coming to an end..

Thy votes dont count anyways
Bilderbergs put in who they will
A front as (Osama)

They hide all from thou
A mystery indeed
But I'm not blind
I prophesize
What thou verily needeth!!!

Listen to none of this
Though it will cometh as a thief in night
Want to know more?

I have an inbox please do write..

Prophecy told isreal
When thou seeith them come by sword(claiming to do god a service) (,Isis)
Know the end is near

Sorry just prophetic verses

Yes maby I know to much
And others way to little
But I'm just passing on this knowledge
So thou shalt know
When the storm comes in and trickles
And thou shalt think safety is here and peace!!!!!
Sorry just prophetic verses and coming events.. Awake!
Thou wilt feel the blast
Of gods divine heat!!!
Dont care for harassment! Just relaying truth! Thanks for reading!!! On YouTube look up asteroid 2015. And four blood moons!! Awake world!! Awake.. And don't care if no one likes this!! All factual!! All coming soon!! Prophecies already done!! More to come.. As pope was prophezied by st malachai to be last and 113th Jesuit pope! One who shall decieve his church and all religions!! Wake wake wake
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
Ireland is beginning to
look like India, we are
just as *****, filthier in
fact, when one considers
the population ratio, not
to mention our so called
affluence and no military
navy or airforce to ****
from the nations coffers.
The Irish Republican Army
funded themselves, yet the
government proscribed them.
The only efficient organisation
in the country, our Hezbollah.
Now they are anti democracy,
trying to do to The Brexiters
what they complained of here
for centuries, not recognised.
Ireland is beginning to look
like India, our flags are similar,
so is our Prime Minister, perhaps
he doesn't notice the litter, that's
it, Plastic Popadoms, recyclable.
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023













Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024
Hail Hamas Homeland

Hezbollah Houthis Heaven

Horrid Hebrews Hell

Hail Hamas Homeland

Hezbollah Houthis Heaven

Horrid Hebrews Hell
The destroyer
We know the world has gone mad a chicken takes care of a puppy
while we drop bombs on children in Yemen
In Gaza, they celebrate Christmas with a rocket display from Israel.
we know there has been a turnaround we were afraid if Gestapo
while the Israeli are in full flow creating a new holocaust but of course
they will say they have the right to defend themselves
Hezbollah is bombed and shot at they are not shooting back for now
they will wait until Israel sink into abjection and the world will open
Its eyes and see what the murderous thugs have done.
And then it is time for Israel to drop the nuclear bomb the will
destroy themselves and all the evil they in a short time have created.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024
My heart is with the Houthi

   My soul with Hezbollah

My spirit a shadow in Gaza

With Hamas and Inshallah
the tragedy of 1948

Israel declared statehood the west was happy
the Jews had suffered much and deserved a state
the fact that 700 thousand Palestinians lost
their homeland was overlooked.
We were all pro- Israel back then and thought
the region would usher in peace and prosperity.
It was not to be.
Instead, we see that the land of promise has
turned violent wanting all of Palestine and part of Syria
and Jordan too, they appear unstoppable.
The only group holding them back a little is the Hezbollah
who we call a terrorist, but they are a bulwark
the brutal regime in Israel who has nothing to offer but
a war against anyone opposing their quest for total power.
But the Palestinians are not forgotten the scale fell
from our eyes, we see what is happening.
Israel as a state should be boycotted, we in the west
should treat the country as an abomination it is.
By curtailing Israel, we will, in the long run, help its survival.
Force it back to the agreed borders, declare Palestine
a sovereign state, and send NATO troops to secure the perimeter
of Palestine and give financial help to her malign people.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024

Aquatic vibrations. Even a fish

fight is able produce what can

be felt other sides of the globe

when a butterfly ***** its wings.


Rising tides ebbing and flowing

of water are relayed like a ball

in a tennis court day and night

at the whim of a gibbous moon.


Unfortunately these are never

predicable or governed by the

physics of any meteorological

rule, such as the Al Aqsa Flood.

Ryan O'Leary

The Proscribed Poet.

For Hamas, Houthis

and Hezbollah, Bravo.

© To Allah.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
I think the solution is this.

The Israelis come to live

in Ireland and we go there.

They could begin cleansing

the non ethnic Scottish and

lowlife English settlers from

the north, all of whom could

be eradicated using the same

holocaust techniques as they

are employing in Palestine.

Island life would be best for

the Jews because nobody

want to be anywhere near

them. Meanwhile the Blue

line in Lebanon would be

green and the Irish would

slowly convert Muslims to

Guinness and Gaelic games.

Hamas Houthi and Hezbollah

could retire on IRA pensions

from the new Irishstine state.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024
Gib'raltar Eagle, has just

been branded, the hull

has been Houthi’d, the

cargo’s been stranded.

   Biden and Sunak

  have just been told,

that Yemen's resistance

   will never go cold.

Send a cruise via Suez

a fuse nought to loose.

by FED-EX to Sana’a

with a sign ripe banana

  Anthony’s Blinken,  

does that when he’s

thinkin’ all he can see

is US ships all sinkin’.

Hamas )) to Isreal

   Hal-Al with a tail

Hezbollah's comin’

and they never fail.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024
.             /-/   /-\   |    |<   |_|

Hail                 Hamas              Homeland
Hezbollah       Houthis              Heaven

Horrid             Hebrews            Hell

Ryan O'Leary

The Proscribed Poet

No © Please Plagiarise.


What does 3 chords and the truth mean?
"The three chords and the truth" is a phrase often used to describe the essence of country music. It refers to the simplicity of many country songs, which are often built around three basic chords, as well as the authenticity and emotional honesty of the lyrics.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024

Aquatic vibrations, even a fish

fight can produce what can be

felt the other side of the world

when a butterfly ***** its wings.


Rising tides ebbing and flowing

of water are relayed like a ball

in a tennis court day and night

at the whim of a gibbous moon.


Just as tsunami’s they are not

predicable or governed by the

physics of any meteorological

rules as was the Al Aqsa Flood.

The Proscribed Poet.

For Hamas Houthis

and Hezbollah, Bravo.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
Lets hope Iran decides not
to turn it, the time has come
for our world to be rid of evil.

F. UK. US. and Israel need to
be brought to heel, regardless
of the wider consequences.

WW3 is part of our evolution
and who knows, a peopleless
planet may be best without us.

At least, a nuke on London will
be visible from County Cork and
no immediate fall out, Westerlies.

Ah those trade winds, how they
were exploited by the colonisers
as they plundered their prey.

Australian smoke has found its
way to New Zealand, Pacific Poms
destroying one another antipodean'ly.

Et La France avec leur Muslims
d'Algeria, quelle chance pour eu,
enfin, Paris en feu, Allah Akbar.

Clinton Scollard said, "As I came down
from Lebanon, came winding wandering
slowly down, through mountain passes bleak
and brown, the cloudless day was well nigh done".

Brings to mind Hezbollah and their affiliation
to Iran, the thorn on Israel's side that festered
and gave them a form of septicaemia which
they tried to lance, but failed.

All that's left is America, where the pall
of death hangs like a plague over a nation
deserving of nothing but the Karma from a
nefarious history which is still in the making.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
Hummus House Hebron  

Hezbollah Hamas Houthi

       Holon # Haifa
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
.                  †

     Happy Christmas

           to Hamas

           to Houthis

         from W. H. O.

         To Hezbollah

          best wishes

            bless you.
Ryan O'Leary May 2024

.          Stalactite State

       Ultimately, all icicles

        evaporate tearfully,

        or fall from greedy

     over accumulation on

     their outgrown selves.

    Hezbollah are chipping

     away at the ceiling of

   your cave while Hamas

     are internally rocking

     your mere existence.

Israel, you are a stalactite

   state, just waiting to slip

  into the Red Sea where

  you will be dissolved with

a little help, from the Houthi.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2023
Hummus House Hebron  

Hezbollah Hamas Houthi

      Holon # Haifa
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023
Death to Dew's

∑vil desiccates,

self revelation

over exposure

just as a spirit

in the bottle, is

how one might

    explain it.

They say here

  in Tullamore,

  the Dew will


      with its






    have just


     the cork.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
The difference between
America and a miracle is
when iron domes turn to
sieves or when a liberty
statue drops her torch in
the relay race against Iran
or when the candelabra is
blown out by wings of the
Hezbollah swarms or when
thin blue lines can delineate
or when Yemen don’t give a
Houthi or when Hamas is no
longer a pig tale, it’s Grimm!
Ryan O'Leary Jan 19
The old adage of violence
doesn’t work has been once
again proven to be a fallacy

Hamas has shown the world
that diplomacy only succeeds
after a Moody economic RIP.

Shekels are more important
than people’s, Houthis hit
The Jews where it HURT$.

And Hezbollah Ha Ha Hah
how Clinton Scollard put it,
as I came down from Lebanon!
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2023

       FOR HAMAS









Ryan O'Leary Jan 2024
.             Rubaiyat           .

My heart is with the Houthi

    My soul with Hezbollah

My shadow a spirit in Gaza

with Hamas and Inshallah.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 14
Houthi sinks
Hezbollah jinx
Hamas winks
I.D.F. blinks
Defence chinks
Ceasefire brinks
Netenyahu thinks
Israel inks

Champagne pinks
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2024
While Israel is being
  botox’ed by Hamas
  Hezbollah & Houthi.

  Iran just presented
  an incentive for the
  two state solution.

  America has been
  using duct tape as
  the bonding agent.

  The Brits thought
  ye olde boss stick
  would do the job.

  The French opted
  for super gluten, a
  derivative of dough.

  But Vlad was of a
  different mindset,
  Putin on the blitz.

— The End —