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Rangzeb Hussain Jun 2010
Know the dominion of the beasts,
For therein dwells the lurking hellspawn,
Let ravens pluck out mine eyes
As to the gallows tree I go,
Hang my dreaming head in disgrace,
Encase me in a jaded iron gibbet,
Forever let the creaking flutter through the bars of desolation,
Rip out this raging heart so false,
Shatter with heavy pincers my teeth of pure rot,
Be not so kind to this tongue which rasps a trail of saliva lies,
Nails long and hard strike like hammers sharp
Into me they please pin,
Pain, sweet burning pain,
True, the only truth, is pain of love,
Spikes clatter into me,
Come, all you there, slash my autumnal flesh,
Under skies of oblivion suicide leave me evermore,
Barking branches scaly with age, wrinkled hate,
To me they scratch and tear, waltz to this tune,
Oh, face old of mine, dance you now,
Noose knotted with stringy sweat wrapped with cold rope,
Sink this does into my wrists and neck of mossy meat,
The rope cuddles into my skin and settles down to rest,
Let my red rain splash out in rivulets,
Bones crippled beyond torture,
My tattered arms swing a limp jig with the fair wind,
Hairy evening shadows snarl towards me,
Eyes of this night search for eternal light,
Immortality lies in the trap of rats that by us sleep
Day to day, from mourn to grave and so to everlasting grief,
History is twisted by the fist of the stained victor,
Rose thorns round about me twine like barbed veins,
Pulses throb through my corrupted blood,
Dead is innocence, all defiled and exposed she lies,
Wasps of poison bury themselves into me,
I feel the gnawing of flies as they burrow through the tunnels of my lungs,
How truly sublime, I stretch here expiring
Whilst all over me life is transpiring in a cycle of vibrancy,
Here I am then, a human compost heap,
Care not I for honey rose vipers that spiral between my toes,
Larvae, slugs and speckled eggs are laid in my torn nose,
Wonder of hatching birth so soon by the harsh light
Of a baleful moon that keeps mute vigil as my soul is devoured,
Witness now how my spineless heap shall become fertile,
More use will I be as muddy earth than false flesh and ****** broth,
Never again shall I creep whilst the gentle grass whistles past,
Blind to this glory road of reborn voices was I once,
A natural symphony breezing colours never before beheld,
My ears only heard the cacophony of polluted *******,
Dead to courage was I, witless beyond scales of measure,
Fear eats the soul, gorges on it, wet lips digesting raw courage,
Not anymore for me this hateful way of retreat,
Hang my songs I say and be done with it, freedom wings await,
Make no more warm my corpse, let the blood chill to a standstill,
Darkness lights my ragged way, homeward bound nevermore,
Clenched concrete knuckles scrape my eyelids,
Still I bear witness to a sight fearful, wide open and blind,
Unfaithful heart once so wild and carefree, now trapped in my dead ribcage,
Release steps my way, but for you heart no escape,
Simple foolish beating muscle of mine once so proud now so helpless,
Rage against thy prison walls of meaty flesh,  
Thrash and pulse, throb your drumming tune no more,
Be at ease you tireless ***** player, music within me dies,
I shudder spasms of painful pangs, fluttering with the briny sea breeze,
Gulps of molten rust braze through my open windpipe,
Such tender tragedies do I endure,
Steep spires from dales near pierce my stricken ears,
Frozen worms of yesterday snuggle under decaying fingernails,
Fog whispers on the mournful barrows,
Nothing stirs near my dread place of execution,
Wrapped in autumn leaves I lie strung and swaying,
Indeed, it is me who is now part of the bark and weeds,
Plague snakes furrow into my hollow stomach, marching inwards,
Apples of late summer decompose against my winter body,
Sweetness denied to me, soul eater hungry with empty holes,
Blossom so pink and fragrant wafts through the gloom,
Seasons have become drunken and confused,
What once was Winter twists into Summer, Spring coils into Autumn,
Must come a time for a suicide of reckoning,
Life blood boils on the canvas,
Colours of the soul shrouded shades, chasms so far apart,
So short, so brief was my dream of idle days long gambled,
Dim distant that road now seems, behind over my crippled shoulders,
Stars burning with my final plight,
Fame never was my aim, cruel fate ensnared me in a vital grip,
All barren is the world of human rule, nothing but folly,
Let me curl in your boughs that by me lie, sleep eternal,
In these branches that now cradle me, gently rock my weary limbs,
Night winds brush my hair, worldly cares drip off me,
At this late hour, as I no more drift, away to forgetfulness I glide,
Bliss so smooth by me stands,
Stars so high are extinguished one by one, winking as they expire,
I will travel with them methinks,
To places unknown I shall go,
No fear accompanies me, I journey alone with millions alongside me,
The time of glow worms slides over my exhausted corpse,
Cosmic galaxies swiftly cloudy and milky,
Pastures filled with random harvests, biology and chemistry blend with whirling pace,
Be at ease now, I hover over solemn lands,
My sightless soul wings into the mouth of a mighty cave,
There she waits, a lady complete of cold,
This frost daughter welcomes me with fiery fingers,
Price of skin I pay, there the bargain is stroked in ink dipped from my iced veins,
I am reborn, and I see myself through my child’s eye,
I have no mouth yet I itch to scream,
Become have I now nothing more than a voiceless ice worm,
Remember me for one who never forgot,
Dreamy night with talons, ******* rusty blood,
Creaking skeleton mine, dust of ages now,
Islands in search of continents, drowned oceans sailing for thirst,
One speck of truth contains more fear than mighty deserts of water,
No sense in this, unreal rose, falsely it speaks of truth,
I waited by the portal of time, grew grey with age,
Yet still no sign of you at the gates,
Thou hast been sidetracked by the green-eyed serpent that yonder by you lies,
In the deep ravine valley of wailing desolation,
Mayhap we may truly exchange words, but it does not seem soon,
Still, here I scratch my wrinkled skin and grow old like a child,
Bury me in the graveyard of truth where eagles gorge on souls,
The ghost road will go ever on
And I will limp behind,
In front of me a long line of suicidal grief relief,
Behind me I see nothing but me,
Even my shadow has deserted and left for places less forlorn,
The moment has arrived for me to knock on coffin doors
And hear the songs of truth,
Come, join me, gather together,
Let us sleep eternal,
Death comes.

©Rangzeb Hussain
Judy Ponceby Jul 2011
Aloft in my helium balloon
I watch the cloud formation.
White puffs of water vapor
Play scenes of battle simulation.

Of great dragon wars
and vast rebel forces
Colliding with hellspawn
and gladiators with horses.

Soldiers impaled on billowing swords,
Dragons in full embattled flight,
Brash vivid images up in the heavens
Lead to victorious imaginings this night.
From fascism to fascism,
Through a softer, sly disguise,
Under Satan’s dark baptism,
Tiny worlds meet their demise.

Genocide and degradation,
Artificial to the core,
Spirit’s death and mind’s stagnation—
Drowning deep in filth and gore.

Fear and blind submission lead us,
All foundations cast aside.
From fake plagues to beasts they breed us,
Till the herds are stupefied.

Fools don’t set the night in motion—
They need sheep, not hell unleashed.
Empty heads find full devotion
If their coats are soft and sleek.

But what path is left for moving?
Hell is here, it’s not ahead.
Hellspawn rule us, all-consuming,
Feasting on the souls they bled.

Politics is just a circus,
Where the clowns obey commands.
Truth is drowned in lies on purpose—
Crowds don't bite the guiding hands.

So, they earn their fate in measure,
For the madness owns their breath.
Not for years, but times unmeasured
They have worshipped lies to death.
John B Apr 2014
Echo one, Another hung ansuz games through padishah

Satellite twos, Saplant end master orian's human hellspawn

Pride three kiddy riddlers intro dilemas enthraling inepts
Something evreyone can get behind...
McCaslin Mar 2010
"To brave the Northern Pass

in dead of winter?  Thou has

resigned thyself to death."

"We fear not death, nor hardship

for we are fighting men.

War calls us North and we shall

go to defend our homeland."

The cold was hard, but not as

the sight that froze our blood.

The Beast, he roared and shook its

mangy head.  A muttered curse, an

oath swore to see the hellspawn dead.

Our swords like fire, sang a song of

lethal steel.  The beast had met its match,

five strong warriors who fought back to back.

Alas the Beast would not so easily be slain,

and saw I him four my brothers maim.

"He took my eye, but I his head.  A small price

for him to pay.  By his hand four my Brothers dead.

So hear my tale green young lad, and heed its

meaning well.  For that pass in Wintertimes

holds no horrors steel can't quell."
When the demons come out to play,
And the angels lose their faith;
The unholy will rule.
Heaven, Olympus, nirvana no more.

The darkness will ***** out
Every flame that dares burn bright.
The world will be devoured whole.
Humanity will not survive.

Oh, but there will be humans
Millions of men and women.
Man will **** man, woman will **** child.
The angels will fall from grace.
The demons will rise out of their graves.

When the blood is shed,
All sheep of a same colour.
The fleece will fall off,
The wolves will once more stalk.

Hellspawn never really came from hell.
Gabriel, Michael , Raphael; they too were ordinary men.
Armani Dec 2017
I'm a hellspawn suffering, in a world of angels
Perfection and happiness, so never attainable
alienated from the ones I love,
turbulent but forever low.
Dying slowly and bathed in anguish,
emotions I'll never show.

Ballad of the Baphomet's first born, my seventeenth and final poem
soul is forever split down the middle but I always lean to evil, I don't know how or why.
guess that's what happens when you expose a tortured soul.
thought I'd find warmth in love, but you know how that goes

cuz tenacity and optimism, were seeds that were never sewn
I sound pessimistic but happy feelings I've outgrown
in my soul I feel a torrential void of darkness and repressed unshowns
and fire where the demons lurk,
it's no surprise I'm alone.  

cuz no one's a ******* artist, I'm a minority in my household
and in my country too.

always defeated, always retreating
no-one to run too, I have to face my demons
but I lost that fight, my entrails hang from the ceiling
gave them passage to my heart, through the ****** sequins
I smoke cuz I'm afraid of the thoughts i think when i don't sleep enough
like how I'm worthless and undervalued,
the true thoughts I optimistically decline.

I know you love me but I don't love myself
and that's the ******* problem, I got ******* problems
and no way to solve them
except a brain and solemns,
but they don't solve my problems.
Cuz it's in the silence,
that I hear the violence,
between my eyelids,
and that's why I don't sleep I cry.

i have four dimensions, soul, mind, body and spirit
but i'm down to three, cuz i sold my body to spirits
lost my mind, and now my spirit's gone too
nothing but a shell and his soul, is this what it's come to?

goodbye world, I'll miss you dearly
but I'm not right for you, you've shown that clearly
I can't even die in peace, cuz the silence speaks
it has my voice, it says
"Cry to me, I gave you darkness and I can take it back.
Give me your last dimension, and I can save you.
Your soul's already broken, might as well let me fix it
I'll give you the debts the world was owing you, and three sixes
and for future reference you can call me savior."
and I sat there, didn't have **** to say
but I did look him in his eyes
and I said *******; but ask me later.
Will Sep 2020
Blazing down the midnight streets, driving faster with every beat.
The higher the mile, the bigger the smile.
At this great speed, they felt at peace.
Hoping that it would finally allow them to outrun their life of greif.
Lights flicker, fingers numb.
It hurts so much.
Knives claw through the memories.
"Please!", they cry out.
Fingers release, speeds increase.
There it was.
"Amy is right, Chad ***** major ***!"
She drove her pink Hummer to the sorority house.
"Yaaaaas, Queeeeeeen!"
They yelled.
"Chadsworth is gone!"
Cheers went round and their souls rebound.
But Chad was near, he always was, because Chad was an interdimensional demon.
1063629 was it's /name/
Sorority in flames, ladies Instagraming the pain.
1063629 sees this and claims
"/names not found/ feel pain! Emote!"
Empty space.
1063629 cries.
It is alone again.
Soul shattered in the war of JPSL20.
Alone in shame of loss.
Tears of an interdimensional demon.
Like glue.
I love you too.
Glue cracked the sky.
Crazy glue.
Stuck on you.
Glue cracked the earth.
Hades ruptures beneath.
Hellspawn rise up from the shattered surface realm.
The new savior lost, in a battle with the demon 1063629.
In 46-70 the Lord of Demetrius defeated the beast once known as; 1063629.
Glue was the cure.
Earth sealed with glue.
I was maybe a little high. But it was fun to write!
Zee Feb 2022
******* son seeks slender snake
To slaughter weaklings where they weep
And make of mary much too little
The demon ******* ******-off fiddle
Ain't ask so anxious master's agents
In rotten waste riotous with glee
The death march defies much that's daunting
In scope of seizure-laiden bores
Where fires fell villains and villagers
No discrimination, no designation
Could save a life, could serve a little
So no seldom comes a passing grace
Sure north seeking crones plaster gore
Upon a shield upheld and shorn
Could fight off filth and fling back festers
These demons derived directly from thanatos
Battlefield bred more ******* born
Honoring history of father's lost
By fearlessly repeating the cycle hense
Yo bars sick more like aids infected I got heavily heaters selected
Techs rip through skin flesh and bones I attack like the drones
I see you all alone
Hiding against my forceful shield my lyrics make any yield
You playing in the battlefield with a special elite force skilled
I end careers at the start got a heart full of stones
Despised clones thinking they gone roam but I be the hidden vessel of Rome tookin' from the tomes
I reign with Kings of the Underworld this ain't for child play but call me Chuckie
Knifin' strong adversaries in the back makin' ****** macks  
ya whole team'll crack
Like a broken wooden bat
To a 100 mph fast ball but ya can't dodge these bullets
I'm carvin' in ya head with my lyrical blades nothing said but bloodshed
Covered from toe to heads beat the feds
Cuz I took spirits with me instead
I see you dreamin' of demons see I'm schemin'
Nightmares got you shooken and beamin'
Across the blackened corridors I be the God of war
Love the taste of gore too **** ******* I score
More than the Fugees check my filter premium crackin' craniums
With my super vibranium pack steels harder than Titanium
**** aluminium I be an alumni to the devil's eyes
I'm Hellspawn ya soon to don ya casket closed put his head in a basket
Uncovered my shell so I couldn't mask it
Easily I task it tisket a tasket *******
Better recognize when I rise you see the clouds demise
It's the comin' of the Demi Gods survivors of Maygog and Gog
Scripture wise my lyrics baptize
From the touch of lilith ***** beautiful wings
Makin' everything yield at my rhyming
Ain't no stoppin' me and my deadly pedigrees
Lace the blunts to get me
High as the Peruvian yey from the Chi to the Tre
Ride on enemies like Dr Dre experts with AKs
Leavin' smilies face silohuette over ya body that met
A billions bullets shavin' ya side with no mullet
Triggers I pulled it I'm ****** as Bail I even got jail in Hell with no bail
My minds explodes like a grenade six seconds I turn renegade vocals portrayed
I leave a path ****** as Capone Valentine's Day parade yea
My records spin pass Guiness,
Yo I'm in this to win this, hands stinging like Roy Innis, haters witness,
The blood on my fist, from leeching tasting this, style of a sword grist,
Pain makes my brain, stronger in the range, I shoot a shot, *******,
See the lyrics grow insane, eyes bugged out, like seeing souls drained,
I'll remain, number one seed, draft pick, hellspawn chain licks,
I'm loving it, hovering over the souls, like a canopy that blows,
In the wind, not for show, this for ya mental,
No sentimental,
I turn murders scene comical, joker flow cant stand with cycle,
Of the astro, wheel I'll appeal wicked as God,  with the gold plated steel,
For real, I seen blood spills, I gave King David his kills, by the thousands,
Looks like I'm wilding, styling, over these new kids, I break wigs,
Check the digs, of a mastermind, dug into my universal mind,
Expose the hidden signs, one eye with a sty, wicked slick and sly,
Papers order for the final fry, century 19 to the 13, rose a state of surpreme,
A king before the dream, a project before the beam, the I in the team,
See the superwoman theme, exterminate manhood, there I stood,
Holding my wood, stick see the judges waving the wick, black magic,
Fed to state bureaucratics, leaving wallets deeply impacted,
Poor get a chance, to sell out to riches, new world, but too many glitches,
I see the same moon, the same stars zoom, when the light become gloom,
I'm in my room, like Ruffin day after day, hoping the dark skies, fade away
Now say, what ya gotta say, I'll sit back and hold enemies as prey,
I feast like a lion, I ain't lying, plot for the skill, I stay multiplying, eying,
My legacy, I see them peepin me, like ODB I feel like the lost son, of jesus baby!
It crazy, how many memories, can fade me, I stayed with the, saul agony,
Hearts of many, turned to stone, still standing strong, on my own,
Like Patti service the shotti, while praying to Pesci, dont disrespect me,
These liquid swords, will have ya singing, soprano vocal chords,
Yo I'm a do it for big man, stand on my on two feet man,
Be as bad as I can, cuz I am that I am, it's the summer of sam,
Satan's attacking mentals, smooth criminal, like MJ, on a breakaway,
Or a spin on the lighted walk way, talk but dont spray, invoke your own doomsday, lyrically I possess, the strength of heaven and hell,
At my very best,
In the form of my worse, curse to curse, I flow through with no rehearse,
Saw my own hearse,
In reverse, naw **** that, **** got my nightmares on playback,
Yo slap Bone on the track, ouija are with me, while I lay the game flat,
Fools ain't getting they deposit back, ya soul finna collapse,
Once I spread my raw raps, suckas catching dirt naps, no gentle taps,
When I'm finger ******* the iron, in my sight like Albert Pike,
Make ya skin spike, evil lurks all around us so just, sit back glow black,
When I see my heart, hungering for wolves amongst the black sheep pact,
Its deep impact, soul shatterer since i was in my father's nustsack,
Now I had to put back, my twos sons born for the final payback,
Holding my self back, hellspawn gene eyes going green, when I feel in between,
Love and lust, never trust, emotions cuz they lead to ashes and dust,
Fly me away like R Kelly, beat the industry like Cosby, while yall despise me,
Im just tryna be, free of my own misery, too much ****, got the spirits walking with me, crazy how the times be,
Judas in your sight, nobody knows wrong from right, take your might,
Sworded by the same knight, pale horse with the faceless black sight,
I'm a keep holding, stowing the game until its folding, they be **-ing,
Out their own vessels, no more blood cuz vampires energies done settled,
Deep in they heart, split the sky see the gates of the spirits depart,
Looking for souls to nettle, I'm play it hot like  a kettle, over the stove,
Waiting to blow, similar To Hov and Esco, naw im never gone let go,
Hop in the lincoln mellow, drive way from madness that talks in riddles,
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2024
I admit, first night was hell...
and hell is not a place of screaming
and torture or fire
and crowd management panic
of a stampede...
it's a silence, a dealing eating silence
to suppose fish don't feel pain
with the exception of the fish
that are also mammals,
whales: who commit suicide by
beaching themselves...
that's not suicide Jonah?
When was the last time a whale
was invoked with such majesty-biblical
the former hellspawn of the depths
Yes what depths are to speak
of Mr. Psychologist if the whale
is a creature that requires a breath
it's not some lantershish
some abomination but a familiar beating
heart of mammalian unison...
hell is a silence... a deafening awe
that pairs scissors with knives...
mountains with former mountains
that are now deserts...
what used to be the great mountains
of Sahara... so much so that people
decided to revise what used to be
by spitting and ******* and *******
a birth of civilization via the concept
of life preserved eternal
in the great necropolis:
first night, just humming of the cctv
computer, that eight eyed ghoul...
i the ghost to boot...
impromptu: buy myself a radio....
patua spreschen...
in the 12h from 7pm to 7am
there is so much you can do...
with sugar and caffeine
and I started smoking again to double up
on what caffeine misses...
reading Dune with enough time
apart from seeing the movie
to appreciate the words...
backgammon and the banality of
games of fate, chance, imagine chess
being orientated around the luck, the draw,
reaching out to loved ones, esp one,
magnetic girl: dried pasta muncher
as I wonder: pebble dust if she
switched to a diet of swallowing metal
I am mentally drained and finally
reaching a worker-ant crescendo
of being numbed into a dissociation
von-sein-da (from-being-there) or hier:
heir to "a" here: problem solving
Athens and the Germanic black root
of humor and full moons
Arbeit arbeit macht not so frail...
Tiredness and the contingency plan
of thinking about endurance sports...
like walking marathon lengths of distance
is easier than standing as pilgrim
in the fort of pillar for the same amount of time:
if not double that...
only today I wept at the sun
then talked
then laughed
then became mad spontaneously
and only for a short while...
besides the capacity to have
to eat for the reassurance of stamina...
there's only so much you can do
within the confines of the night on
a 12h ball breaker...
I get bouts of insatiable need to
******* to ease off the pressure
on my shoulders, Promethium Atlas
rereading of the vicinity...
but! if I treat writing this dribble-scribble
like others might relax when
solving a crossword puzzle...
8 cameras and I try to be professional
about it, namely: to be present
but also with the alias: invisible:
gently nudging reality into motion
beginning from the shadow-front...
then I wait for the hour of radio
transmission from 12am onwards
where advertisers give up churning
milk into the butter to dough of
attention spans willing to shpend
shpend shpend.... seriously?
Pedantic of me: if Liszt the Z is a surd
like in thought you can write
I ought I not note oughts and noughts...
primo: th is
what conjecture is relating
theta to Greek...
This third night and I'm in my element
I am finally orientated
to the compactness of scrutiny of space
and the hyperbolic concept of time-fluctuations:
minutes are meaningful...
hours are meaningless...
days are organic...
weeks and perhaps...
months don't exist...
years I pardon with the gravitas of
a meaning that's inorganic...
time is a special creature
while space with all the universe
so... oh so *******... un- -spec- -tac-
-ular! Ursuline girls would know...
Tis my first night of writing while
on the "job" and how gratifying
the similtude of being ambidextrous
schizoid bilingual of mind..
Schubert first... people should seriously
switch off their t.v. sets and get into
the kink of listening
to classical music radio station at night...
the **** and geese flying?
Solo goose... sorry missed that
Bad WiFi in Lebanon?
Walkie Talkies exploding because
Zee Chimney ChooChoos said so?
Mount my ******* Orion to Zion cannon
of trajectory?
This **** had been happening
since that eventful day I was flying
back from Kauai, last year, 7th October,
2000... 23...
wow... only 15 minutes past 11pm
And I have 8 hours to conjure up
a human with abrupt allowances
of deviating from the magic of:
making inanimate objects animate!

— The End —