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OnwardFlame Sep 2016
Theres just no amount of new clothing
Writing poems
Or plotting how to pull myself out of this
To do the trick
Or make me a better human

It just is
And will pass
Sanchit Matlani Feb 2012
Love ***** Everything extream
Gotta try everything today
Now that I'm no more a teen
Career, future, everythings unseen
Lets give a try to something new today
Being responsible is not everyone's dream

Everyone's got new friends to make
Social Networkin is on outbreak
Sittin on the front porch
Waiting for daybreak
Friends are too many
Yet no one to communicate

Hormones have gone crazy
With changes more than I can take
My brain is debating itself on pointless topics
While the ***** on the left is suffering from heartache

Adventures have been many
But the memory of only a few I can retrace
Rest are just a blurr
Like some of the pictures I left in my bookcase

The world is a different place now
Different from the one I used to make
Its got more colours than I knew existed
Its not just my persrpective that has changed

I'm growning up today
Into someone who should self sustain
Yet the kid in me hasn't died anyday
Its just sleeping
Waiting to be woken up by a new man someday..
Tea Apr 2012
Only To Test The water
Static, still unmovable
Freezing up and slowing
World tilting and growning
I am owning up and coming up
Through the cracks of expectation
They all lay wait in a crazed fascination
Like I am suppose to come alive in a new safe haven
Like I am the same way, before they left me
A new home and place is suppose to lay a foundation
lay the ground work for a new creation
A stronger me, and new me, one that knows how to smile
They think I fight it, but it just was put away
Frosty water laps at my past, I’m too slow to move so fast
The world is warm and moves with haste
I sit so still as the ice crystals form around my face
And it aches and it burns and my heart twist and it turns
Salty water drips sown my cheeks and the sun begins to leave
Who is anyone to limit me and what that means
I mean to explore and to understand, not to undermined
To switch the malevolent movement of the water
I never sought to make them mad, to hurt with sand
Only to test the water.
Ignis Mar 2017
Barely a few years out the womb
Already they seek to entomb
To drag me by my feet
To fulfill the ends they seek

Riddle me this
With a flavorless kiss
Words whispered to my ears
******* away my human bliss

I want to be free
But they place me
In a numbers game
With many a name

Dear Lord!
With your empty words
I am a number on a list
Each contributing to this ever-growing cyst

Test me, test me
Let me see
"Learn what we teach"
I say practice what you preach
You leech

Government daycare
Slowly killing their clientele
The ones who came unwilling
Shackled in laws
Under scrutinizing stares
Of the systems eariler products
The ones who need to be molded
To fuel the ever growning hellfire

Turn The Wheel!
Be a Cog!

Our beasts of burden
Seeds for the next crop
Reaped, to grow our grain
To labor in vain
While we grow fat

Why do we subject ourselves to this
When right in our grasp
Is bliss?

It'd only require
An amount most dire
Blood made green
Filled with rottings of evil hearts
ashlee allee Nov 2014
I mite of had a little too much the other night because when I woke up this morning
The stomach kept on moaning and
And growning.
Like fire with flames
Ken Pepiton Jul 2019
no new tricks, my fr'en' Jax, he say, you may learn.

did that happen to you? getting old,

did it happen for you?

did you make that happen?

In my youth, I aimed for an end,
then found life goes on
and I asked,
what haps
when you ask
super, but natural, forces,

wind and water, or
sun and soil to be in your favor?

It's like the movies, only you direct the action,

--- ah, rhett or rick,
give a ****, play it again, Sam I am
--- y'lost this trick,
--- this old man came rolling home,
(Sisyphus gimme a shove, from the top)

See ya,
in the funny papers, yeah,
we said that.
wayback when Krazy Kat was gay.

yes ,oh, no, you lost it all.
Life past,

you failed to pay attention,
you ignored the
ignorance growning around you,
as you aged
full of grace, accepting today
as the starting point.

from here you can see forever,
pay attention,
ever learning, never learning

ever, ever, ever this
last bit of what can be known

lost on the info-super-highway that
Al Gore used to make global
warming seem like

some new thing. Old men who paid
never fretted. We remember polio

and marching dimes giving hope a
booster shot on a sugar cube,

love being more than a four rune symbol,
we used to wake
merry boat rowers who believed,
as they were told,
life is a dream to
dread getting old in.

Hear, ol Adam Clayton Powell laff'n'say
"Keep the faith, Baby" then choke on all
the lies he left for a legacy.
He died, maybe never knowin'

what magi know of faith these days.
make note, young dreamer,
Magi and magic shall never be unlinked.
row, or turn around and flow.
Jax ***** inspired this. Today, all my children and grands are around me, and I am an older man than yesterday, watching a sunrise no man has seen befor me.
Elaine Everdeen Feb 2019
If mouths can actually talk
Then eyes would rather see
The ears would start to hear
What wonders mold to be

If that world then exist
My skin would trigger touch
My nose would then smell
The beauty, such and such

But when I refuse to live this way
Start an enclosed  journey
Let my mind hear what it feels
Have my heart say what to see

I would start to feel the world
Growning upon my palm
Then wash away the fears
When my senses would be calm
Just let your senses die for a while, and see how limitless feelings can encapsulate your mind. Its......good.

— The End —