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T E Pyrus Sep 2015
i love those
spacey rooms
where basketballs
echo like
an irregular
beating heart;

i love those
little rooms
with huge windows
and careful white
walls, that try
to make up
for narrow floorspace
with ventilated dreams;

i love those
vast rooms
with wooden floors,
and a mirror
that covers
an entire wall
along the length,
beside the
ballet bar,
and alternating
false pillars of
hollow wood
along the
lonely wall
that faces the mirror
so that music
echoes and
to outweigh
the ghost footsteps
in pale satin
ballet shoes
that dance alone
through the night
in a resolute stupor,
occasionally peeking
through the
now-shut door,
awaiting the
gracefully grayed
shining eyes,
the off-white shawl
with tiny red
tulips like
summer theater,
and a walking stick
to waltz delicately in
at the break
of 8 o’clock tea.

i love those
cozy rooms
with an exquisite
mahogany coffee table
and a crystal swan
the patterns on
the couch in a
range of shades
of coral to match
the snugly sized,
maroon, artificial
velvet cushions,
and a gray
stone fireplace
for when it snows,
a dimmed lamp
on the mantelpiece
beside the
mollified and dozing
black cat,
and the water-colour
painting on the wall
of a waterfall
with surreal
strokes of yellow,
lilac and rose,
a tiny framed
photograph of
a redheaded
young lady
with a green scarf,
her lover’s arm
around her shoulder,
their smiles, warm
enough to melt
the blowing blizzard
from the north;

i love those
overly spacious rooms
that come with
white carpets,
and white walls,
and white bedsheets,
and a brimming itinerary,
the glass window
that covers the wall
facing the miniature
a bright blue
coffee cup with
a tiny yellow
handprint rests
on the glass
center table,
and the faded
sound of pouring
rain and sleep
deprived keyboard taps,
the blankets in
the morning
smell of half-familiar

i love those
smallish rooms
with a twin sized
bed in a corner
by the world map
on the wall,
the light gray
t-shirt from
the previous day’s
excursion with
uninteresting people
lies comfortably
on the chair,
a fumbling trigonometric
ratio beside the doodle
of a scratched out
name on the notebook
beside the headphones
on the floor,
an old piece of
ruled paper
sticks out from
in between the
yellowing pages
of the old dictionary,
that lies idle
amongst the
bizarrely ordered,
rewritten pages
with the ingredients
for that story,
with an old orange
crayon scribble saying
my brother
told me today
that dragons ar real,
and the dark
blue curtains
flutter only slightly
in the midsummer
night’s breeze
through the open
window, and the sound
of a far-fetched ‘perhaps’
in a psychedelic dream
that this was
the night when
the dragons
would return…
Erin Melody Jul 2013
in the doorway
the floorspace between
your feet and my
jumbling path
i've become deaf to
whatever ways of love i used to know
in all the terrain that surrounds me
the only way is up
up towards your eyes
up towards the stars

i'm lost in the electricity
of each clever sound sliding from your
lips i can't quit
wrapped in your arms i become
mesmerized by your heartbeat
your chest is my pillow
your skin is my lullaby
you are the peace
that sings away my anxiety

your soft shoulders hold
a freckled galaxy
i love to find constellations
as you slowly breathe
i love to kiss each speck of soft pigment
and press my cheek against
all my favorite parts of you
i'm smitten with your skin
and up towards
your smiling moonlight eyes
i love to catch you watching me
i love to watch you loving me
Hooflip Aug 2014
You're my best friend
Come snort a line with me
We'll have a ball
Create some memories
That we can lean on
When we're feeling small
Conquer all the gatherings
With charismatic mastery
Get plastered, acrobatic
Magic lines & rap battling
Laughing when crash the scene
And till we leave
Back to the doorway;
Pick the mat up, cop the key
Unlock it, step onto the floorspace
Step into the room and recount
All the actions
That lead us back
To the pad that we're crashed at
Mi casa,
Its your home too
You are my brother
I would die
So you could stay in view
And you would for me too
Because we're family
Like, chemically
Not by blood or marriage
But by self inflicted chemistry
And revelry
For all thats good and golden
In these moments pure
And more of them tomorrow
Come with coffee
+Cranial tours
It always was assumed
and said oh,
Time and time again
That we would
Have each other's backs
Until we're backed' a wall
By death
You stopped your chemistry
and most communication with me
Yet started speaking of me
and my like for light vacationing
Perceive me with an illness
Spread by talking with the facts wrong
Its been months,
Brother you have not seen me AT ALL
Yet say i've changed and rearranged
My Soaring for a sad crawl
You'd take a bet
That says I take a dose a day
I'd hate to see you bet your life
for you'd be throwing it away.
But I suppose it makes sense,
It's like i'm ******* dead to you
And obviously
That is where the friendship
Ends with you
Why would you treat me kind?
Im just another faceless skeleton
That tries to make connections
For the hell of it
Its getting easier to choose
The ones to stick with or stay away from
But homie me and you have been kickin it
Since like, day one.
I never thought i'd see the day come,
You preaching hypocrisy
About one of your brothers
And the subject is a BUNCHA *******
If you cared you'd take the time
To think and then approach me
Opposed to judging me
Over something you've never seen.
I heard, that you heard, that he had heard it from.
You said, that he heard, that she had heard it from.
Its ******* dumb,
Information with no form or ******* source
Better feels for it's upon digital paper
Perhaps it will be seen,
Perplex, inspire beautiful strangers.
Perhaps it will be laughed at,
Perhaps it helped you grow
Perhaps perplexing inspiration
Supposed to ebb and flow
From all the everything experienced
There's always more to come
More to create, more to be done
More sadness, bliss, separation.

I lost a friend today,
Or perhaps just shifted to a phase
That's sure to shift again
Come time to pass

I gained a friend today,
Or perhaps just shifted to a phase
That I hope will never change
But time will pass

I listen close
I try to learn
But hear no proper reasoning

I wanna be a better friend,
You want to get rid of me.

I lost a friend today,
Or perhaps just shifted to a phase
That's sure to shift again
Come time to pass

I gained a friend today,
Or perhaps just shifted to a phase
That I hope will never change
But time will pass
Rambling on rhythmically.
May it change for the brighter and stay shining.
g clair Oct 2013
It had been told the boy was old and wise before his time
his locks they say were peppered gray though he was only nine
he grew to be a prodigy, read every book he could
but played as hard out in the yard, this was his childhood.

His skin is fair and freckled, with eyes of grayish green
sometimes they are bespeckled but the clearest ones i've seen
he stared me down the sidewalk and I thought that I would melt
but never told him anything about the thing I felt

I met him then, at seventeen and just a budding rose
much less the height and weight he is but that's just how it goes
I got to know this gentle dude who goes without a sock
the King of Conversation, he's the baddest on the block

He made the grade without the aid of study hall Morrone
Lo and behold God broke the mold, he had a funny bone
but rarely let it out, his quiet kind of fun
his friends will vouch he loves the couch, it's where his nappin's done

Well he's somewhat into music, saw the movie, read the book
periodicals take floorspace while his CDs line the nook,
Lisk ain't into artwork, window treatments, floors or walls,
it's Thanksgiving over Christmas, can't be bothered decking halls

The only one I've ever met who can make me laugh and cry
all in the same moment though I really can't say why
but when I was just seventeen, he turned the big "eight oh"
i wished that I could be around to watch that old man grow.

it's my first cold of the season and my last poem of the year
and though I sit here sneezin', there's nothing we should fear
and I know that he will love this, and he may just shed a tear,
so let's toast, a swig of Lisky and God Bless the coming year!
This is about a boy I secretly loved in my senior year of high school ('79-'80). I didn't know that he liked me back then, although in retrospect his actions should have made that very clear.  Over the years, I would often wonder what became of him. Twenty years later (Y2K), we would meet again and eventually become good friends. Though we don't see each other much, ML remains like a brother to me and I am grateful for his friendship.
gabriel bates Apr 2015
how many ghosts live in these walls? family photos harbor dust. boxes cover the floorspace. furniture moves, it's unsettling. the impermanence of it all makes this place seem dead. it's odd how many things one person can own & still have nothing. love used to flow through each room. all that's left is dust. you can't make a home out of an empty building. you're just moving furniture around now. & when you leave, each memory will stay. the word 'home' will not be said here again. it's finally silent, save for the echoes.
Astor Nov 2016
I've been sleeping on the floor next to my furnace
It started in the summer too warm to sleep in my bed,
sandwiched in between to fans and curled up to control my temperature

but over the months I went back to by bed
slept two feet off the ground with my wobbly headboard that bangs on the wall when I toss and turn

Three days ago I went back to the tiny floorspace I carved out for myself
I thought it was because I was cold and scared I just wanted to curl up
Warm, safe in a little nest after I realized I lost control and I don't know

After I saw a final moment of peace between two wholesome hell storms
I realized that you kept your mattress on the hardwood floor
You kept me safe and warm and now I feel safe and warm on the floor

but this time its without you
Antony Glaser Dec 2021
The garden shows its awkward face
cultivated by the gardeners hand
the beauty of the happy life
whose soil is upturned
Buddleia stumps strongly strung by survival
Alacanta loitering the floorspace
picked by fork
once sturdy Lavatera cut to the base
to begin the December cycle anew

— The End —