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Marshal Gebbie Aug 2012
My love, my love these shaky Isles
Abandoned in the vast blue seas,
Born in Mesozoic times
When sedimentary oozes ease.
From far Antarctic mountainsides
To windblown dust from Austral plain
They lay in layers thick and deep
Beneath the Tasman Sea's domain.

A thousand million years of ******
Of plate tectonic shear and drift,
Mid oceanic larva seep
Determines continental shift.
Deep magmatic plumes arise
From down within the planet's core
To burst asunder from the crust
As mountain God's volcanic lore.

Ash and larva from the vent
In pyroclastic feirce display,
Obliterate the cold blue sky
Explosively in massive way.
Rooster tails of feiry ash
And bread crust bombs cascade about
Vulcan roars his rage to all
In violent, vast, volcanic route.

Ignimbrite flows from the vent
In sheets a hundred meters deep
The incandescence, from on high,
Would, watching Angels, cause to weep.
Like quicksilver, it cloaks the land
To cover all in burning flow,
To last a million years as sheets
Of sharded rock where 'ere you go.

So the land was born of fire
And bent and twisted by the force
Of upthrust from the great, beneath
And earthquakes felt throughout, of course.
Earthquakes of unearthly fear
Wrack foundation's very base,
Sudden as the artic gale
Unpredictable to face.

So the shaky Isles were born
Here to lie in ocean's vast,
Clad in forest lush and green
Snowclad mountains, rivers fast.
Well kept cities, well kept towns
Population proud and clean,
Beauty all around is felt
Perched atop creation's dream.

So the Shaky Isles exist
Perfect in their place in time,
Perched atop subducting plates
Perched in ignorance sublime.
What's around the corner now?
Who's concerned, who really cares
For Kiwis make the best of now...
The rest remains as chance declares.

Celebrating a love affair with my beautiful New Zealand.
31 August 2012
Rachael Taylor Apr 2016
No one there to touch, to feel,
To hold every second it strikes me
In this hellish agony

You brought me out, but were never there to comfort me, comfort me, comfort me
Don’t remember how you could have made me this way, this way

There’s ice spilling from my voice
From the deepest pit of my heart
There’s ice spilling from my voice
Loneliness is my only art

Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah

Think you can help, I’m unimpressed
Chop away at that iceberg
I’ll make it so you have nothing left

You brought me out, but were never there to comfort me, comfort me, comfort me
Don’t remember how you could have made me this way, this way

There’s ice spilling from my voice
From the deepest pit of my heart
There’s ice spilling from my voice
Loneliness is my only art

Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah

Formerly, I was in the light
Oh the way I kept the ice in my chest
Now I have been pushed too far
Time to release all my feiry

There’s ice spilling from my voice
From the deepest pit of my heart
There’s ice spilling from my voice
Loneliness is my only art

There’s ice spilling from my voice
From the deepest pit of my heart
There’s ice spilling from my voice
Loneliness is my only art

Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah
Ah, ah ah, ah ah
This is a song more than a regular poem soo...
Jwala Kay Jan 2013
Chartered this life from demise
I grew to prefer schedules
open for celebrations,
as well, for funerals
in pouring rains
or in breezy plains.
And I rose occasions to escape
oblivion outta daily delights
and saved my nerves
for coffin wood fragrance
and feiry dark grey shades
and hid myself in timid
strange bubble world.
Then I would blare to stay aside
by missing to pull together,
but to fall apart dodging
any greetings, yet fearing
goodbyes, like fire-darts,
'coz for everytime a beloved
hits the ground, dead cold,
it burns a part in me
smoking away the reasons
we make to live, before we hit!
Miss Masque Apr 2010
I wave hello to myself
reluctantly, expectantly
but my image turns its back
Walking away
as I reach out for it
it shakes its head

I call out to it
it walks faster
Two steps away
Beside myself
with lonliness

A shadow of my former self
a dark, hollow shell
of what I remember to be

My hands unfamiliar
as I lay me down
on unfamiliar ground

The unfamiliar feel
of my palpatating *****
in my chest
the sensation of the air
grazing my body wistfully
carelessly unaware of
my state


Hey You!
I turn to see my reflection
glaring at me, feiry and

It's not about you
Try looking outside of your
own scope and
listening, watching, feeling
other people's
emotions, thoughts, sensations

And maybe you'll understand
And I will return to you
and I will be able to become proud
of the individual
will be

And with that
I blink
and I am gone
and then engulfed
in a silence so complete
that silence itself shudders
Written: November 25, 2009
The shadow, behind where darkness lies
A glittering coal flowing with grace,
The robe of a thousand agonies,
The angel who fell from grace;

Behind him is the Chase,
A pack of hellhounds,
Burning eyes and feiry mouths,
Snapping jaws full of fangs;

The luminous girl runs,
Her broken wings tucked,
Her silvery gown ripped,
Her golden sandal missing a pair;

Through the Howling forest,
Where the shadows lie,
A trap she did not expect,
A contraption snapped;

Her foot caught on a jaw,
A steel mouth full of teeth,
Scarlet streams oozing,
Deep pools in the earth;

Now the Agonies come close,
The Chase opening its maw,
The liquid fire bursts,
And Ivy finally burns...
A series of poems about Angels facing the judgement of Lucifer
penn Oct 2015
My  mind  is  a  pandemonium
A  chaotic,
crumbling  mess
An  imbroglio  of  words
and  memories  haunting  me.

What  would  it  take
to  just  light  a  match
and  watch  everything  burn.

I  will  not  tame  my  demons
But  I  will  keep  them  caped
Hidden  from  the  world
Their  feiry  tongues
and  hearts  of  stone
will  brand  hate  in  my  soul
But  I  will  keep  on..
Because  if  I  let  them  loose
the  flames  will  consume  us  
Fallen Angel Aug 2015
As I go through my life and begin to contemplate,
These aspects of love and hate tend to control my fate.
How do you control your emotions in this malicious delirium;
When everything you used to feel is replaced by these numb
And unbearable, malevolent, just terrible soul-crushing feelings?
Lord, please help me with the sinister cards that I'm dealing.
I need Your love in my life; oh, please save me Jesus.
My heart's been stolen, broken and obliterated to pieces.
I can't move on but I'm moving with the world now; it's cold now.
Caught up in the midst of this evilness as it takes me on its own route.
The pain is like a dart on fire and fired to straight into my heart
Because I loved you from the start and I hate to see it all fall apart.
But that's just life and life, as they say, it moves on.
You gotta get up and carry on even if a huge part of you is gone.
But you tell yourself if it's true, she'll come back to you
And no matter what you do, you know she'll always love you, too.
I just can't let you go no matter how hard I may try;
These memories haunt my sanity so vividly as I sit here and cry.
We said a lot, meant a lot and went through too much just to pull the plug;
To just cut me off, pretend I'm nothing and sweep me under the rug.
It just seems that no one understands how real it was to me.
You changed my heart, mind and soul girl, my life will never be
Complete without you and this I say is true; your love gets me through
The worst of the worst. You make me feel brand new.
I sit here dropping tears wondering how it got so bad;
Like cyanide, it kills inside cuz you were all that I had.
Maybe one day, the Lord will grant me that miracle
Of seeing your delicate smile and divine and shining eyes again, girl.
But I gotta be patient and let the Lord's will be done
Even though this waiting burns like the inner core of a feiry, blazing Sun.
I can't stop you from loving another, no matter the agony;
You will always be there with me in my dreams where we're free from this misery.
The song is for you; written in blood as it slows my heart rate,
I wait for that I seal this...with a kiss, love,.....and......fate.........

— The End —