First as a thought
Then as a life
Once as a dream
Ending in a scheme
Once as a husband
Then as a father
For him,
Children were no bother
One is a daughter
And one a sonn
Once as father
His time was done
Once was a life
Lived in strife
Once was a boy
Who innocently loved his toy
And as this boy grew
His experience did too
He learned to live
Learned to love
The one he loved
As elequent as a dove
And as he grew
His love did too.
His love was returned
By the one he so yearned
And after a while
A white dress came to style
With two circles of gold
Their hearts were sold
As they raised their son
They awaited nine months to come
For a baby girl would soon run
Time passed with joy
Until the day momma screamed out
8:15 early mornin
The baby girl was born
There once was a daughter
There once was son
The once was a father
Who thought he had won
Two years passed
As life slowly collapsed
Well father got ill
And momma cried, paying the medical bills
Until her last 'I love you'
11 years late, still to this day
For mother, son and daughter,
Father will never fade away
Another year later
12 since he passed
The memories and thoughts
Of daddy haven't faded away
13 years since that fatefull day
Memories stay and stay
For many more to come,
Another year, on and on.
Closer to seeing daddy
In years to come,
daughter will be embraced again
There is a daughter
And there is a son
There's also a mother
Who will forever love my father