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Josh Bilyeu Sep 2012
Hope serves the watchful eyes of the tireless observer.
Freight trains of predacious signals burn through the Western hemisphere, misfiring the neurons of walking creativity. Authenticity belongs in the unknown showers of passion. Growing out in billows of lover’s hair. Lost in translation, victories will be claimed in earnest. To failures be honest exploration.
Ignorance will not bind the bees of new springs or the birds of southern departure. I contend for further marching. Bring about the movement. Action stems from desire. To knowledge I lend my contribution, through passion we make this in-land testimony. Behold the passing of butterflies. Many ponder these chances of fate. Decisive will the what-if tragedies be if one could see the reversal of choice, but rain still falls. Events unfold with the consequences of existence.
Knowing the truthful selves of East and West comes at the even pace of diversity. Personality differs as peaceful individuals of preferable serenity work inwardly as the proclamations of the lively bodies of social intrigue light their torches. Jugs of withered grape inebriate the tongues of their mood. Unifying the tangible honesty of exuberated calm. Flows, flowing in rhymes of poetry.
Josh Bilyeu Sep 2012
Hope serves the watchful eyes of the tireless observer.
Freight trains of predacious signals burn through the Western hemisphere, misfiring the neurons of walking creativity. Authenticity belongs in the unknown showers of passion. Growing out in billows of lover’s hair. Lost in translation, victories will be claimed in earnest. To failures be honest exploration.
Ignorance will not bind the bees of new springs or the birds of southern departure. I contend for further marching. Bring about the movement. Action stems from desire. To knowledge I lend my contribution, through passion we make this in-land testimony. Behold the passing of butterflies. Many ponder these chances of fate. Decisive will the what-if tragedies be if one could see the reversal of choice, but rain still falls. Events unfold with the consequences of existence.
Knowing the truthful selves of East and West comes at the even pace of diversity. Personality differs as peaceful individuals of preferable serenity work inwardly as the proclamations of the lively bodies of social intrigue light their torches. Jugs of withered grape inebriate the tongues of their mood. Unifying the tangible honesty of exuberated calm. Flows, flowing in rhymes of poetry.
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2018
She filled the entire sky.
The fold of clouds evened out.
She smiled regardless of weather.
Her smile peeped through the cracks of closed blinds.
Peeked between open spots of trees.
Her smile bright for all to see.
Highlighting everyone around.
All seamlessly standing still.
It was easy to become lost.
A young woman with rosy cheeks.
At first glance her dimple shown.
The corners of her mouth spread far.
Her perspective of warmth.
A fire resistant to element.
Every branch traced by her essence.
She was free.
Appearing without forecast.
Her intelligence spread far & wide.
No matter the storm she exerted her dominance.
Her smile a halo everlasting.
Yellow and white exuberated by an inspiration of her own.
The news anchor predicted overcast
Still she shone her brightest
Jane Oct 2015
Your face was fresh and exuberated new,
Your voice as pure as morning dew,
Holding your hand with our fingers intwine,
Feeling a knot with beautiful sinew.
Just like his eyes
byron Johnson jr Apr 2022
I’m on the right road of the wrong path
Should be first but I am dead last
Heading true north but I’m south bound
Trying to swim, more like trying to drown

Look I am just trying to move forward in my life. Put some distance in my rearview and grow in my life. Catch a rhythm leading up and explore in this life. Soaring over shooting stars and ****** success with the rest of my life.

Take a step forward but I am yanked back
Spun around and Ka thwacked
Speaking truths but fed lies
Watch the vision forward, wither and die

Play the game but I cannot compete. Each new rule leads me to defeat. Picked only to be released. Now I am behind again, dealing with a handicap so massive it’s missive. Rolling die when I should be spinning the wheel. Kinging when I should be checking. Moving pieces that don’t belong.

So, I try again to play the game
Looking fly but really lame
New tactics but the results stay the same
Stay out of trouble but get the blame

All and all I see the end. The way out is to make my way out. No feints or fake outs. Just a simple plan laid out. No exaggerated, grandiose, exuberated exit. Just a normal walk-out.

— The End —