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Christine May 2010
My toenails are metallic blue.
My feet are scrubbed and soft.
An older Asian woman with leathery skin
And crazy soft hands
has polished them to perfection.
She told me about eHarmony
Her ****-clothes
Her elderly boyfriend.
In an accent I could barely understand
She told me about her life.
She rubbed my calves with lime green
And lotioned my legs
With cream-colored juice.
Her nails were French-tipped
And long.
She flicked off the excess polish with them.

She does this dozens of times a day.
Dozens of pairs of feet.
I wonder how many people have heard her story
And know about her rich boyfriend.
How many people have felt those soft hands
On their toes.
I wonder where else those hands have been
On her old boyfriend.
Nathan Jones Mar 2015
3/4 a bottle of fireball and a bag of cheap wine later you and I could be found cuddling the concrete at 3 a.m
Chalking our night on to the streets together
I felt alive
My inhibitions were lowered so when you asked if I was afraid of the dark I lowered my guard
and simply told you no. I've only ever been afraid of what I might look like when I came back into the light
When I had to face the mirrors again
The cracks and the crevices where my confidence hid
Under the bundles of broken glasses and chipped teeth
You were silence at full volume
I had tried to rip the whispers from your windpipe, but they always seemed to blow away with the reasons to let myself love you again
You were a page torn from the bible three nights before they burned it
You were one of the last surviving scriptures
And all I ever wanted was to be granted your gospel
To wash my sins away at the mouth of the river
My heart soaked and my smile wide I would arrive in heaven every time you were by my side
I know you never meant to fire, lover
I know we never meant to burn each other
To break the glass over the grass and walk on broken beauty and shards of crooked spines
I know we never gave each the time of the day
Even when we were sober it was hard to walk away
You captivated my chaos, and made it easy for me to accept crazy
That handle of fireball wasn't the only thing that fazed me, you dazed me and entranced me
It was hard to believe someone as awkward as you romanced me
But you spoke love like you learned it from Rosetta Stone
I worshipped at your alter, the confessional of those eyes, I spoke in tongues
I was bilingual and forever single
Learning the words to every catchy jingle from eharmony to
Maybe it was because of every boyfriend who ever dated my mom
Who made me feel inferior
That taught me being a man was being handsome and completely ugly on the interior
Or because every time I broke a heart
I would go home and paint pain to wrist a work of art and find a new place to start again
Or maybe I was so used to best friends who played pretend
Who sang first comes ache, then comes break, it seems no one can really relate with Nate
Once I hit bottom, bottom hit back
And I left because you ended up being everything I lacked and for the simple fact that when you were to say I love you I was too scared to say it back
So I drank 1/5 a bottle of broken and tried to fill the empty spots
To make it whole with just a few more shots
Usually ending up back on the concrete
I would wait until you fell soundly asleep
The night holding tight to dawn as I held you tight to me
I whispered into your ear, I'm not afraid of the dark my darling, as long as you walk through it with me
Mike Hauser Feb 2014
I've undertook the most grueling of tasks
Of matching numbers with the alphabet
I'll soon have them all coming to me
The greatest thing since eHarmony

Standing in the numerical line
With the alphabet I came to align
Spelling out what will come to be
As easy for me as 1, 2, and 3

Right away I matched up A with 22
Thought as a couple they looked mighty cute
The crowd liked what I did so they asked of me
To find the perfect letter for the odd #3

That's when K stood up to say
That he was next in line
I knew there and then I'd found the perfect 10
So I matched him up with #9

I didn't have much luck with setting  X up
It never worked out somehow
I tried and tried with the cute #5
But he has stood her up 6 times now

I worked and worked from daylight till dark
Proud of the progress I made
Taking the alphabet and the letters they met
Each giving their hearts away

But I still have a bit of a problem
I seem to have run into a snag
Though I've found the perfect match for much of the alphabet
I still have plenty of numbers left
B Young Oct 2015
Is it all just cheap hash (and)
****** shopping malls (and)
identical housing developments
is it expensive Asian dinner (and)
mom's special casserole on the stove
left to simmer (and)
a sticker on your school paper about cars (or)
a lucky four leaf clove
found innocently playing in the front yard,
hidden from the world by pickets white but barbed  
(and) beautiful (and) normal.
Is it all tricks turned cheap, sudden loss of breathing (and)
smoke inhaled (and) powders breathed (and)
emotions bottled to be beheld kept seething.
A ****** cold Mexican TV dinner, fake.
A sad sloppy American lunch break, for Christ's sake.
A couple of teens talked on tinder set up a date (and)
put each other in a relationship so fake,
it was lost to the scrap yard.
A pair of adults met on eharmony (and)
scratched, picked, clawed at each others minds until
they were ****, blistered, scabbed.
Wet hot beef (and) (or) dry cold spaghetti on a plate,
makes the post nuclear family come together feeling
just great :)
MarvelMe Oct 2018
I can't help but be dark
Cause there's a hole in my heart
I want you to feel my pain
I want you to bleed insane
My rhymes are capital crimes
Where the sun will never shines

I got a lot on my plate
I know darkness isn't my fate

I just felt a spark of love
I can't help but think of true love
Is it a gift from above?
Does it look like a dove?
Please just tell me how do I find love?
I know it can't be disposed of.

Because even in darkness where the blindness confine us
I still found us
M Apr 2014
I don't know what it is about you
that always has my head spinning
and maybe it's just on a platonic level now
I just really like your silly giggle
there's something about you
dark and pale
but open,
and closed,
cheerful, adorable,
the perfect jawline
in fact, if someone asked me my ideal partner,
the way I'd describe them
might as well be your eharmony profile
but we don't have to be romantic
and it's okay that we're not
because I get to enjoy you for you
without agenda
without confusion
without angst
just the pleasure of your company.
you're sweet, but not really, but really you are
and it's okay
because you're so unique
you are a gem,
and if I ever find another like you,
I now know how to treat them.
Yael Zivan Dec 2014
Hold you
Till your wings fall still
Till the light is shadowed
By the window
And the bees rest
And the blossoms fall
Till the graves are filled
And the notes stop ringing
Pages burned
Food consumed
And then through the long winter night
Where sweaty hands grasp each other
And pretend that monsters
Just live in childhood
And parents never die
Hold me
Hold me till this wretched air that fills my lungs has all but fled
Hold me till me ribs creak and crack
And painted faces with rosey fingers
Paw the pavement
***** the spinning wheel
Tell me the stories
That have happy endings
And kiss me till i wake
To find that true love
Isn't something sold by eharmony
Hold us
Till the sunrise
Dusts the demons and invites all
To return to the ordinary grief
Of day to day dying
Holding on to nothing
Because death
does not
Have a plus one
Ana Habib Nov 2020
Dead Ringer

As Janey’s coffin was lowered onto the ground Adam Graham looked away. The funeral had a been a small affair, twenty-five people showed up. An 8 year relationship was now over and buried into the ground, along with his dreams. No, their dreams to move forward. There would never be a white wedding in the Himalayas now or a  house made from wood and glass in front of the beach. Adam did not want to talk to anyone so he decided to excuse himself and search for his car. He just hated funerals.  

Adam picked up the pace. Once he got in, he began to search for a small flask filled with something called “fireball” a warm orangish liquid that burned the throat. Adam took a few quick sips to steady himself and put the metal flask back into the glove-box. After what seemed like a long time his mom knocked on the window to be let in. She took off the black feathered mess that sat on top of her head, buckled up and was ready to go home.  Flora lived in Veudreuil-Dorian,. A suburban in greater Montreal. It was home to approximately 38,000 people and was a great place to raise a family. It was a small looking house that had three bedrooms, 2 baths and a newly renovated basement complete with sound-proofing walls, and a bar. Flora got out of the car and quickly started for the steps of her house. After fetching a brassy looking key underneath a false rock, the old woman walked inside.  
She shed out her clothes and locked herself inside the bathroom. Water and wine always made her feel better. Her son opted for the same thing except he hid another flask, this time full of Jack Daniels. No one felt like cooking that night so Adam dialed for pizza along with other fried favourites, in an attempt to eat away at his sadness. It did not help very much but he went to bed around 1 am while his mom stayed back. Flora sneakily  logged onto Adams navy blue HP laptop  and surfed the net for a bit. Tonight she was not looking through her emails or shopping for planters Flora was going to make multiple profiles of her son on various dating sites like Ok Cupid, eHarmony and maybe even Tinder. She could not find too many that suited her but his had to be done. She uploaded a recent picture of Adam, one taken during her 55th birthday party. She had typed out the following onto his profile

“ A scorpion 38 year author looking for friendship romance and fun in a woman who loves to go out long walks, eat thai food, read religiously and save the world one day at a time”

It was 4:42 AM and something went “ding” multiple times in his room. Adam sat up in bed and reached for his Iphone.

“ What the—’’ Multiple requests were coming in from Ok Cupid, Tinder and something called the Escape Adam rubbed his eyes and dismissed everything. He was not ready to date! not even the women his mother approved of.

“Good morning mom, Is there anything you want to tell me” “

Flora had her back to him and was busy frying something on the stove. The kitchen smelled like fresh batter, fruits and coffee”
Adam got straight the point.

“ I do not want to date any time soon Ma, I am going to take this time to work on my latest manuscript and see where that takes me, so don’t bother introducing me to any of your friends daughters or nieces.

Flora sighed and piled his plate with food. He ate in a hurry because he wanted some peace and quiet. He was going to drive to the nearest Starbucks and spend the remainder of his day there.
Adam walked out of the house and towards the car. He was about open the car door, when a 5’4 amber haired, doe eyed woman blocked the way.

He had no time for this but she looked like she had all the time in the world.

“ Hi are you Adam Graham? ”

“ Yes I am and I have no—”

I am  Nicole and I noticed your profile on Escape this morning. I was hoping that we could talk or go out for coffee”

“Get in” Adam gestured towards his car.

Nicole squealed and talked non- stop till they got to Starbucks.
Niciole was 29. They had gone to the same high school. She completed university in Toronto in Psychology, masters as well and was now working as counsellor for people who suffer from eating disorders, addictions and ****** trauma.  She ordered the drinks and he found the perfect table but something told him he was not going to get much writing done today. She was very talkative and made him laugh. Over the course of the next few hours, well until closing time. Nicole and Adam talked about everything. There was just something about her that put him to ease, she was very insightful and pretty too… Adam got to know that she was into water sports, loved to travel like he did, had fostered a kitten and wrote in her spare time.  

There must have been something in the coffee because Adam let Nicole know about Janey. She didn’t say anything but left him, her number. It was 10pm when they departed. Adam was feeling better and he had agreed to meet Nicole again the next morning.
Flora was no where to be seen the next morning, She left a note saying that she was busy with a friend and hoped that Nicole was worth his time. His mom had done research on the girl after she pried every detail out of him last night.

Nicole decided to see him that morning. She wore no make up and had on a lilac coloured dress. Janey loved lilacs. They had brunch at “Allo mon Coco” Adam settled for crab cakes Benedict and she happily munched her way through a tower of apple and cheddar pancakes.  Janey loved the combination of apples and cheddar too.. after brunch Nicole and Adam spent the next few hours at a flea market looking at bits and pieces of practically everything.
Adam went straight to the booth that sold movies and books and Nicole was skimming through romance novels and necklaces. At the end, Adam bought all the DVDs to underworld and she a necklace made from black pearls.
Adam paid for the necklace and dropped her home.

Nicole and Adam had become a couple at this point and they spent as much time as possible. Date night now happened 3 times a week and she was slowly helping him overcome his grief. Adam believed that he will always love Janey, but it felt nice to have her presence around.  Nicole in return hoped that he really and truly liked her. She never liked Janey very much but she was determined to become a better woman then dead Janey. Nicole paid attention whenever he spoke very fondly of his wife with that look in his eyes and took notes on what she was like.
Nobody liked it when she was herself, but maybe Adam will like it if she was more like Janey.

After 6 months of dating Nicole texted Adam to meet her at Le Colbert, An Italian restaurant.  He did not ask any questions. Life was great, his mom finally stopped pestering him, she approved of her and his book was really coming along. It was about two lovers who died a tragic death but meet again in the afterlife. He dedicated it to Janey.

Adam got there at 8:00 and she walked in at 8:05. Adam did not know what to say. Nicole had changed into somebody else. She dyed her auburn hair black, wore grey contacts, had on a leather dress that brought attention to her assets and walked around in a pair of black platforms. Nicole looked exactly like Jamey when he first brought her here six years ago. He was suddenly feeling very nervous but she looked confident as hell. She kissed him on the lips and opened the bottle of wine.  She had already ordered “Surf N Turf” for him

She filled up his glass with Sauvignon Blanc and then hers, repeatedly.

“Do you like it Adam?” Nicole asked

“ I have liked you for so long but I couldn’t tell you that night, you brought Janey in here and I served you that evening. You were going to ask her to marry you and all I could do was just watch.” So I left Montreal that same night and decided to only come back after I’ve made something of myself” I’ve lost all that weight, people notice me now and I know you like me too” This was how it was meant to be …

Adam gulped down the wine in seconds and felt very dizzy, he was suddenly experiencing chest pains and his heart was racing

“Are you alright darling?”

Her voice sounded very distant and then everything went still.
Elioinai Aug 2018
So I recently joined eHarmony and you know what my biggest fear is? Going on a date and discovering the guy is sexist, or worse, only finding out after several dates. I’m fully confident I can spot most major issues before deciding to meet up, and any I’ve missed prior I’m sure I can spot in person, but I don’t have a clue how well my chauvinist radar works. I never really thought about this before this week. Maybe it’s because of where I’ve arrived in my journey of self-discovery and self worth. I ******* hate the term “Lady”. It’s outdated. I don’t have a use for “Gentleman” either. You’re a good person or you’re not. I guess this actually stems majorly from my pain in my last relationship, with a controlling dude who was a bit sexist. What am I afraid of? Being made to feel small. Having my feelings invalidated. Not being encouraged to express my joy, my pain, my sorrow, my anger, every part of me I want to express. That’s what I hate about the idea of “a lady”, it so often portrays a woman who hides her feelings. **** that! Change the heart, but never cover it up.
I want to be allowed to bloom, I want to watched in expectation and awe.
I want you to be waiting for my next move yet somehow always content.
I want you as a bursting star meets bursting star in emotional brilliance. I want you to be open and ready for all I am to fall into all you are.
I want a glorious canvas covering itself in shocking color to find me as their inspiration.
And that’s why it’s so hard for me to write a list of what I want in a man. I don’t know what to say, I want to be part of a ******* fireworks display?

— The End —