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Nyx Ashling Oct 2012
Girl with the glasses and long blonde hair
Stands at the door to feel the air
A dark girl comes and takes her hand
And asks her to play in the dark sea strand
Glimmers of eyes in the waves of sea foam
A long time she's spent away from her home
Laughing, she tosses a red ball to her friend
Missing, friend says "goodbye, never see you again"
Red ball crashes without a sound
There's her blonde brother when she turns around
Puzzled, he asks "who's that for?"
Seashell in hand, she looks back but her friend isn't there anymore

She's my little dreambird, a star-eyed young girl
But she lives in the shadows, a dark little world
I love her, my dreambird, even when she sees
Musical notes in her muffled screams
I'll be there for her, I'll hold her tight
When the demons come scratching, their devilish delight
I promise my arms are a safe place to rest
But her eyes are still open as I would have guessed
Say your soft prayers as you've said them before
I love you, now sleep, it's almost the morn

Today she's a dancer, and she's dancing now
I gaze silently at the sweat on her brow
My thoughts go drifting, back to a dream
A dream of her, so happy it seemed
Our lips were touching, our hands were roaming
And I wished there was no such thing as the morning
My thoughts are interrupted and scattered away
When she turns to me, says "do you hear that? That dum-******-ay?"
"no honey I think that's just you."
She then turns away, her mood now subdued
I want her to feel better, "you know I don't mind"
She shrugs it off "forget that I said it, I'm fine, I'm fine"
I embrace her and kiss her cute little ear
The ear that hears things only she fears

She's my little dreambird, a star-eyed young girl
But she lives in the shadows, a dark little world
I love her, my dreambird, even when she hears
Songs of the past in her held-back tears
I'll be there for her, I'll hold her tight
And offer my love, my warmth, my light
I promise my arms are a safe place to rest
But her eyes are still open as I would have guessed
Say your soft prayers again like before
Sleep, I'll still be here for you, mi Amor

She's a strong woman now, the strongest I know
Only in rare moments her fears do show
She does not cry, she does not scream
She does not need the lullabies that I sing
She takes care of herself, doesn't need anyone
Occasionally she'll need to go for a run
She doesn't take many things seriously
A more serious girl like me looks at her curiously
She doesn't know that every time she speaks
I love it cuz it gives me an excuse to peek
Her gaze and expression so animated
Everything she knows would leave me jaded
The girl I see now gives me butterflies
But the girl she talks about I don't recognize
I was never there for her, I'm just a new chapter
I was, but only in fantasy, the Happily Ever After
The one that she could lean on
When time ****** up and went wrong
When today was tomorrow and tomorrow was next week
In my head all she'd need was a stroke on her cheek
The one to be her root to bring her back to reality
I'd be the one to push away her "special cup of tea"

She's my little dreambird, a star-eyed young girl
But she lives in the shadows, a dark little world
I love her, my dreambird, she's stronger cuz she sees
Her life is so much more than others make it out to be
I'll be there for her, I'll hold her tight
Whether it's for cuddles or protection from the night
I promise my arms are a safe place to rest
The weight of her head gets heavier on my chest
Say your soft prayers and kiss me goodnight
Sleep long and well until come morning light
I wrote this during a relationship I was having with a girl who suffered from hallucinations and insomnia and who had had serious substance abuse problems before she met me. All of the verses in here are based on real events.
He is
My Azure Dreambird,
(The Sovereign of Songbirds)
That soars upon
Skies of Resonance.
His sapphire wings
Weightless by valor,
Hallowed every doubt
Cursed my shadow
Until credence reigned.

He is
The Musicality of my Soul,
That I climbed as
A stairway
Gates of Aether
Porcelain keys
Of an impearled
Grand Piano.

His sound emittance
Ascended in frequency until
Pitch became subliminal
For height
ceased to be
And depth,
Ceased to be
It was
Ineffable harmony
And resolution became effortless
The touch of his hand.

He is
The Wings of the Dawn,
A Sweeping Rapture
That raised
Beyond the stratosphere
Until graced by
Untarnished embrace
Of the Baptistery of the Sun.

I burst
From Light’s Intemerate Womb,
Renewed and
Gazed upon Terraqueous Gaia
Then for once,
(Yes, for all eternity)
Succumbed to
Faith in the Transcendence
Of his tender affections.

Woe was existence
Before His lightwaves radiated
Within my heart,
For when I purged my pulse
Of that quaking rhythm
Hollow cries
Upon his ears,
He stood moved
And remained
Doughty in his devotion
To me.

In that moment
I fathomed his soul
O, for he had not forsook me.

I bear a pilgrimage.
One sought to be
By my
Somnolent spirit
By the incendiary thew of
His ardor.

My revenant soul
Hath emerged from
The Chrysalis of Time as
The Apotheosis of Astral Flame
(A Reverberation of the Cosmo-Plexus of Love)
That since
The Days of Time Immemorial
Guided by the
Whisper of the stars,
I now cleave
To that celestial susurrus:

To the solace buried beneath
The Soil of Afflicition
(For anguish was all I knew)
In repose
Yet yearning to be
In The Dream of Acquisition,
To for eternity behold
The timeless fervor
That doth layeth
In His heart
Hey guys!! So basically this poem in it's quintessence is an incarnation. Of what? The transcendence I have acquired by means of the love of another (For whom I carry romantic sentiments towards). The inspiration was the moment in which he placed his hand upon my shoulder. His touch etherealized me. I felt as though I became a new creation forged of crystal and yet as light as air. I saw life with mystical eyes that were fascinated with things that had been of no consequence before. The stars became more resplendent, the wind became a benevolent caress, each breath was rejuvenating, and so on.
So basically, as cliche' as it sounds... *Braces himself, coughing to clear his throat and announcing his cliche' with a British accent* I have been transformed from a life of black and white, to one of manifold colors by the thew of love! *cringes in pain lollllllll* I hope you guys enjoy. I also hope that somehow, this piece inspires you to forge a creative diamond from your own experiences (as well as display the valor to adorn the world with your diamonds). Thank you all so much for your support! God bless!
B Wasserman Jan 2016
Oh sweet bird who grants
my dreams, I pray to you
for sweet guidance.
Instill strength, where my memory
proves weak. May my memories
be vivid, and hang thick
where the reproaches of time
may deter them.

— The End —