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Alem Kidane Feb 2016
Your imperfection enticed me
Your delicacy melted my heart
Full of sin and blemish, I fell in love with you.
Your pride disgraced my honor
I withered like a dead flower before you
You spit your venom and spite at my face,
I succumbed to your impudence.

You captured my heart and squeezed blood out of it
You ground my audacity and snorted it like a drug.
Filled with depravity, you bewitched me
I fell in love with you.
I cracked, like an ancient wall
Before your profane presence

You are as hopeless as life itself but you are my faith,
You are not worthy of worth but my being values you
With your flame all burned out, I fell in love with you
Having washed out my life, you left
I lost myself in you.

I looked for you with tiger eyes; a day, a month, a year
I sniffed around the earth like a hungry wolf, to locate your scent
My ears were pulled up like a cat in case I heard your strides
I walked and walked, I ran and ran,
But I couldn't find you

Then I found someone who said you were gone for good
You left the world with displeasure and that displeasured me.
But I want you to know, when I depart this life,
I long to come to hell…so I can be with you
Then you will see me for who I was and
Be satisfied.
And that… will satisfy me.
Emily Jones Jan 2019
The loud thumping from high places
From the stalking in small places
Erie eyes around the corner
And suffocation without warning
He stalks me from room to room
Eyeing me down in displeasured doom
From early mornings and late at night
Hes overly attached and still uptight
How he rules from his furred throne
If you didnt know by now than consider yourself told!
His baleful glance can stun grown men.
He promptly plops down and states demand
King Doodle rules ons comand!
But how sweet his face is in delight that you can not help but give to his plight.
No matter how many times you trip being mad just doesnt stick
Not to this ball of sweetened demand
King Doodle we are yours to comand.
A cat poem for my demanding companion. King doodle of the fluff kingdom.
André Morrison Apr 2019
Life's never too Ideal, it's like stormy weather
Two eyed child with his third eye's perspective severed
Heard of blessings, received a curse & wants it tethered
Hates the weights on his consciousness & wants it feathered
Fate states he's never to end with this endeavour
Forever to be displeasured
He's just sought the comfort he so vividly treasures
Taught effort won't make him triumphant, doesn't matter
***-for tat, in tatters, with his hope set to shatter soon
The night sky is his mind & his dreams are the moon
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2022
i.e. squadron
not sq.
i.e. square.

i was never going to go quietly into the "gentle night": if i were i go into the night i would awake the gods and lay claim to the mountains and the seas! i would pass the night with earthquakes and storms the earth has never seen! all because a ****** akin to a fictional character was spawned that undermined: less of a self and more of of a hierarchy of Darwinism... the proper order of "things"..."

well, it was a perfect day, a Matthew met a Matthew at the
bus-stop... i don't know why people confide in me...
our first meeting he was slagging a friend off...
he was into Taekwondo or was it Jujitsu...
he's having a hearing on the 21st of October for assaulting
someone, for insulting his Missus...
oh **** me: the honour of women?!
if women can't defend their own honours and airs...
what's there for me to do: mindless retorts coupled
with more mindless violence?
if that's what it takes to keep a woman? **** that...
but we talked... so, what's prison like?
i know a little background... i work with an ex-prison guard...
i know that the nonces are isolated and kept like
dodos in the prison system...
so it's not like Shawkshank Redemption...
more like Porridge? yeah... more like Porridge...
i too love women, but let me tell you, Matthew,
one Matthew said to another:
my grandmother was a *****...
he was dying for about a month...
when did she call me? a day before he died...
he was already in a hospice suffering from AGONIA...
i swear to my heart's content that
the telephone is no ******* cul de sac...
i was looking at the girl sitting next to us...
once Matthew no. 1 got off Matthew no. 2 was taking note:
she started sniffing and almost slobbering...
about to cry... TOUGH!

the shift at Wembley was a breeze...
quirky little me:
i'll support the Lionesses but i will not support the Three Lions
on a shirt... i'll support the women's international football:
thank **** those ***** best those Yankee ***** 2:1...
if those ******* are under performing i don't know
what i will do! they better be the best in the world!
and? currently?! they are!
good! they should be!

but i can't support the male team... i have my favourite
male team already... Argentina or Germany...
why? it's sport.... there's no clarifying why...
i finished the shift at 11pm... i would have been
come at circa 1am but i had to detour...
eh... brothel traffic... i was readied up... resorted to some
proper *******... i like a good **** like
i need to breathe... i need "vs." there's a good **** in place...

obviously i had to wait...
i was waiting for this plumb bursting cherry of a number...
she just came back from Romania and i just itched to
slap her ***... but she wasn't available...
thief! thief! awake!
who was available? i don't know her name:
well, i do, but i have forgotten it...
i remember her face alright...
and her most benevolent healthy pair of ****...
i could forget the existence of pears
and apples with them in my hands...

i showered prior to ******* after giving her the money...
i think women greatly appreciate the hygiene of
a man... i need to wash myself... i simply... have to!
after the shift i just look at these fuckless men...
some a tier above me in the workforces' hierarchy
who wallow in LEGO constructions and here i am...
******* off to the brothel...
well... if you have specific hobbies you either end up
wanting women or not wanting them:
bibliophilic "nuances" make you want women more
and more...
last time i heard i've only performed about
two ****** positions... and neither party is bored...
her on top or me arching over her in a missionary clutch...

i need *** as much as food...
not as much as air....
but no ******* DWARF is going to usurp / hide my hungers
in a fictive tale of games... now my game...
i bought 500ml of dry 8.2% cider... drank it
walking around with the moon on a "leash"...
rubbing my **** in the night...
just checking... healthy... blood's pumping...
sipped about 20cl from a 70cl of a bottle of Brandy...
kept rubbing: still healthy...
i really want this chubby cherry cherub of a ****
that's been away for almost a month...

bad luck... i had to have this one i first met while
having a ******* who performed the most pristine
hand-job... second time? i still don't know her name...
i don't remember having ******* with her...
just oral ***... oh... now i remember...
she implored me to not kiss her...
like **** that's going to happen this time round...
obviously i had to steal a kiss from her lips!
and i did!
i stole a kiss, i stole her lips...
does it matter is she ****** off a "dwarf" prior to me?

the skin of men is like the leather of animals drafted
into curating chairs and, etc.,
the more use the said material encounters...
the better it is...
            a **** always tastes and is worked better if it was
been worked by the many rather than the few...
for the first time i felt that i had a proper Kama Sutra
phallus... i was matched to a ****!
i was too big for once!

i was only halfway in when she started contorting her face
with a pain-agony...
it was rather beautiful to watch...
because i love that taste of uncertainty
when it comes to how a woman is pleasured and how she
is displeasured and what the **** is up with *******:
i don't want to know...

that's when she started admiring my hair chest
and hairy stomach... rubbing through the hairs...
that's when i started my war against Tyrion Lannister...
then she moved to fiddling with my beard...
and she called me... oh **** me: fiction dies right here and now:
she called me a Leu... yep... a Lion...

why then asked for my name: Matthew...
she didn't believe me... i growled my second name: Conrad...
we smoked and drank some more of the brandy...
i managed to "steal" a scarf from the match...
what a quick to steal: kleptomaniac...
sure... you can have the scarf... just give me one more

nothing can compare to the tender-firmness of a decent
pair of *******...
but kept asking: kept asking: what are you looking at?!
what are you looking at?!          YOU!
can't i... why are you looking at my so intensely?!
why?! WHY?! because i want my mouth
to turn into an eye and i want my eye sockets to
become two mouths with which to eat you with!

i'm tired of abstracting! to truly love women
you need about 3 or 4 passions,
if it's drinking: it must be drinking with a measure for
the appetite for woman: greater than the appetite
for drinking... if it's an appetite for books...
the appetite must be less than the appetite for reading
a woman's face during *******...
she must ask you:
why are you looking at me so intensively?!

sure, i too could have my Jamie Lannister moment
with a first cousin, a Justine, revealed...
my aunt, not much than 5 years removed from me....
me and my great-grandmother...
she and her grandmother....
running barefoot in the rain...
sorry are the stories we tow...

now i'll smoke a marijuana joint and
sleep the deepest of depths of nothings the world
will ever "learn" to fathom.

— The End —