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Kiagen McGinnis Jul 2011
is how i justify whiskey shots on the front porch with adults
singing drunken renditions of Wish You Were Here
it's tender and when our disharmonic voices pierce the quiet street
we all cry a little.

Kimmy puts her arm around me and tells me i am
maybe it's the alcohol burning up my throat
or something in the light

Mahdi Dn Oct 2014
Through the forest of passion
Watching man's heartfelt nature
Peace, passion, fear and pain
In concert within one frame

Nurturing all, with peace and warmth
Growing along, in peace at war.

Afraid to unleash all that's locked-up inside
Mists of passion - enshrouding - limited sight.
Love enroots the longing within the heart
And the mind is ceased and gone

Pain feeds on fear of loss
Dovish flower withers, thus...

Earth shakes,
Sun's darkened,
Forest is filled with despair.
Green turns red,
And then grey
Afire - forest decayed.
Laid in ashes,
Staring at the face of the night,
Fragments of hope, spread across her face,
Remarking my fall from grace.

Through the forest of passion
Life remains sans ambition
Peace, passion, fear, and pain
Disharmonic and mundane.

Written by: Mahdi "Monstrosity" Dn.
This is the lyrics of the song "The Four Seasons of Man" by Blood Decant.
Megan Faith Sep 2014
Life has a tendency to flow from a state of order and predictability, towards a more chaotic and unpredictable state. This is the basis of the concept of entropy.

They say before the universe began, it started as an unimaginably small point of infinite mass and density, that suddenly exploded forth in all directions, giving way to a wide variety of different atoms. These primary atoms slowly morphed into heavier atoms, later forming molecules, then more complex compounds, eventually forming stars, planets, and then waaaaay down the line, humanity.

When we die, our bodies go from our structured and familiar human form, towards a mash of organic compounds that decay and mix into the ground, fertilizing the earth, giving life to a multitude of new organisms.

Alone wind doesn't make much of an interesting sound, but when it is passed through an elaborate labyrinth of wind chimes, or makes it's way through a variety of differently spaced holes, we get a complex and melodic tune that is pleasing to the ear.

All of these are examples of entropy; creating something that is equally complex as it is beautiful, from a simple and less dynamic former state. It is the truest nature of life to change and to grow, to expand, and to evolve. Life is one giant organism that is ever morphing and multiplying, becoming more intricate with every passing second.

Be that as it may, humans waste so much effort from day to day chasing a life of static existence, a disposition completely opposite of our most simplistic selves. Against our nature, we fight for consistency, struggle for comfortability, and willingly slave to achieve a constant state of normalcy around us. By suppressing our innate desire to flow through life with random ease, we are sacrificing that which connects us to this crazy thing called life in the first place. We are purposely severing our ties to the infinite, the unknown, a more confusing yet truer nature of reality.

We have become disharmonic. We are no longer peacefully drifting with the safe and familiar waves of reality, we are fighting hard against the current, too caught up in a struggle to notice we are quickly sinking. But I choose to drown no longer.

I have accepted my call to greatness, and acknowledged that my path is one of unpredictability and disorder; and most importantly, I have come to peace with the fact that I don't have all the answers. For the first time in my life, I reached a point along my journey where I have the opportunity to make a drastic change in my current absoluteness. I have reached a small peak; and I can either slide gently down these slopes towards a life of mediocrity and continuity, or I can choose an alternate, more difficult path that will take me to higher peaks, although shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. I have the opportunity to allow myself to expand into a state of increased disorder, to feel the rhythm of the universe pulsing through my veins as I drift into oblivion.

Scared is an understatement. But I will not allow fear to block me from attaining a destiny I know was meant for me. I will not continue to swim against the currents of life, thinking that I, a mere human in this vast sea of existence, could try to direct the waves. I no longer wish to control, I wish to let go and become infinite.

The more you tap into naturally occurring disorder, the more you become open to the divine, the greater the spark of existence you will feel within you. It starts slow, but soon it picks up like a snowball effect, gathering weight and momentum, propelling you through the twists and turns of life, taking you to grander heights and crazier adventures than you could ever have dreamed of!

So I'm ready. I will no longer fight this force that pulls me towards a state seemingly composed of nothing but chaos; for when you view it through the right lens, there's beauty to be found in the random bubbling reality that envelops us.

I am at peace as I accept a future of uncertainty; I have become one, as we fade into entropy.
wordvango Sep 2020
I take my self-identity
from the ability to
Imagine the immense
Complexity: and my failing
Ability to convey
Seven knights ride out to planes
Out of castles made of blades
They ride out at dawn in sunlight
From the towerbearing walls
From the corners midst the mountains
To the sleeping town of old
Their spears ****** the skyroof
Their flags, they clap like thunder
Their swords strike at their hips
Their steeds rip air asunder
One is playing the guitar
Like a brook he's spilling sounds
One's a boy that's dressed a shepard
Shepard's staff's his fragile weapon
Chosen cautiously to suit
His humble role - to play a flute
One bears trumpets full of noise
Each as heavy as a rock
Though he carries all of those
On his narrow skinny back
One is striking at his chest
With both hands to prove the others
That of them he fits the bets
For the role of battle drummy
One of them is singing bare:
"Nothing holy heard a prayer"
Other wields a violin
Disharmonic chords cross strings
And the tension and the fever
The discord, the primal fear -
His inhuman melody
Spreads around and makes birds flee
From the rare darkbarked trees
One is riding solemnly
When they meet before the town
When they reach the sleeping town
Then they'll wake the sleeping town
Then they'll show the sleeping town
That before it lies a desert
That has eyes that you can never
Count. "Can you keep sleeping now?"
Silent Knight will ask the town.
Tom Shields Jun 2020
For the faint of heart:
When I was a child I could not sit still
teachers took notice; offense to this
parents took me to the doctor
and we started up that hill
I took my first pill

A child of my time and place had no voice
we were hit like adults when we talked like adults
and when we were told to do something we had no choice

I was so stiff, I was the comatose mind of a dead child walking
my overactive mind sedated
they said I was intelligent, said they knew my kind
it always felt like there was something about me they hated
I was a first grader who couldn't sit still
and the doctor said give him this pill

Bottles rattle in my nightstand drawer on nights like tonight
faces of everyone I've ever loved, shoved into the back and outta sight
I want to forget, you won't go away when you're not even here without a fight
I push and ignore you, I don't even see you, I don't even want to
and still neurons send those fiery messages, torchbearers carry the light

Faint of heart, I am feint of heart
I am a duplicitous scoundrel, a monger and mongrel
a disharmonic chorus of voices play their part
stirring me up inside all these people from my past
picking at me, like buzzards who can sense the meal is the death inside
I hear every regret, barbed wire grows from a seed and pours through my mouth at last
the world would not change if I were dead, but in my head
I cannot fight the thought, of all the people whose lives would be better
if they found closure in a suicide letter, knowing it meant that I had died

I hear the support now, kicking me and telling me otherwise
the net catching me and telling me reason over lies
and I love them, I hear them, while from the corner of my eyes
my own voice is taunting me, a dead child haunting me
my capacity for evil is my secret to keep,
he warns me when I'm cracking, an animal meant to be in a cage
it's only so long before they start attacking, so take a pill, go to sleep
before your discomfort and disquiet and your madness turns to rage
take a pill, go to sleep
the memory of your younger brother is with you still,
hold me tight and release your pain into the ether
your sister cannot hurt you either,
you are forgotten, but you don't have to forget, maybe you never will
you'll see your older brother, and vicarious pride shall have its fill
do not give up, just go to sleep; take a pill.

please read and enjoy

— The End —