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jonni inferno Mar 2018
comprising several works -

Intro -     Seas of Tyme
Chapter - 1  Bent and Broken
Chapter - 2  In Sorrowe Wepte
Chapter - 3  Beyonde Alle Dreams
Chapter - 4  Thru Deepeste Nyghte

Seas of Tyme

'neathe starry skyes
warre doth rage
crosse the seas of tyme
yet there upon
this battle-fielde
two heartes

Chapter 1

Bent and Broken

he stumbles
'pon the rocky pathe
in armour
bent and brokenne
his journeye to
bryghte sylvarre-mere
lyfe's hoppe
'pon his shoulders

peeringe deep within
the sylvar-mere
he casts about
darke eyes
a starlit ebon sea
reflekt the meres'
great power

his burninge gaze
losst farre beyonde
these earthly planes
we ken
in darke despaire
forsakes him-selffe
lyfes hoppe
not yet

in anger rages
defiant hope
alle left
this man to gyffe
fromme ebon seas
his tears do flowe
an' pours his lyfe
into the mere

Chapter 2

In Sorrowe Weppte

she walkes alone
the moonelesse pathe
within herr shielde
of stonne
herr journeye to
darke shadowe-mere
herr brighteste hoppe

peeringe deepe within
darke watterse depthes
in searche
of alle lyfes hoppe
greene eyes
an oceanse soffte embrayce
the darke-meres power

herr burninge gayze
losste farre beyonde
these earthly planes
we ken
in darke despaire
reklaymes herr-selffe
lyfe's hoppe
keppte fromme herr stille

in sorrowe weppte
alle lyfes lasste hoppe
alle leffte
faire maide to gyffe
fromme emeralde seas
herr teares do flowwe
darke shadowe-mere...

Chapter 3

Beyonde Alle Dreams

starre-lit skye
herr sylvan voyce
in songe
is softlye raised
for alle lyfes
forsaken hoppe
for hoppe within despaire

when beyonde alle dreams
an' shattered realmze
faire maidens voyce
is hearde...

...her tears
falle softly
into these ebon depths
their sylvar lyghte
reflect within
the darkness of mine-selfe
i must responde
for lyfe
for love
for alle mine owne
lostte soulze

reachinge out within
these darkeste depthes
beyonde alle hoppes dezyre
her gentle touche
at once perceived
in this hour....

then fromme
the darke-mere's
surface rose
ten thousande soulze
once lostte
black swordze uphelde
in armoured fists
'pon steedes of ebon-lyghte

in silence watched
wi' somber awe
beside the roilinge mere
faire maiden broughte
unto herr feete
fell knights
before herr

in silente rayze
of dawninge lyghte
herr slyvan voyce 'tis raised
black swordze
on sylvarre shieldes
do crashe
in honor of herr daye

within ten thousand
sylvarre helmze
losste voices
lift in songe
to winne the lyghte
of dawne's laste daye
'pon the battlegrounde...

Chapter 4

Thru Deepeste Nyghte

theye ryde to warre
'pon sylvarre steedse
armour gleaminge
wi' sunnes' lasste raye

charginge fulle
'gainste nyghtes darke-lords
to wynne the lyghte
of dawnes bryghte raye

an' warre doth rage
thru deepeste nyghte
cross battle-fieldes
of bloode
foule daemons falle
'fore their myghte;
true heartes,
to meete the sunne

an' who woulde lyffe
musste see the dawne
an' feele the kisse
of sunne's bryghte raye...

- finis -

for Kristi Raye

i created chapter 1 & 3 to tie them all together -
perhaps i should not have...
u tell me
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
theres love in my eyes that no one is able to see, i dont think anyone is able to see the despaire i have inside of me i try and try to  let it out but nothing works except crying just balling my eyes out it feels better like im refreshing my screen, or talking to  people who are actually there to help, with helpful words that help with the tears just makes me feel better in the end i dont know how to explain the feeling to certain people because a lot of them dont understand it maybe i just feel the need for attention so im forcing myself to feel like this..i have no idea. those thoughts i have of "i wish i was sick or hurt so people would notice me or see me or at least pretend to be my friends" i hate the fact that some days i can be off in my own world in this mood that just sweeps over me and starts tearing me apart piece by piece and then i just sit there in silence eating my lunch with friends all around laughing and smiling and having a good time or even a bad day but they seem to make themselves happy again with a fake smile that almost everyone brings along with them. but instead i forgot mine and i just sit there thinking of all the things, maybe thinking of that stupidness that i want myself hurt so people would notice me more, or  just maybe people will notice how i look today and they'll ask or wonder and i'll be able to tell them all about it and they can help or relate or just say a few words to put a smile on my face. but then the fear comes back..the fear of what if they dont care? what if they get annoyed..that big fear too its like how do i get the attention i want when its hard to . i think now i should nust continue getting all the help and advice and support i need from friends because thats the only thing going to help me keep going.
just a little inside into my life.
Shay Dec 2019
Had my first one night stand
But all i wanted was to walk hand in hand
With you
My bear
Now im in despaire
Wishing you were there
Never will i wish you bad luck
But I hate you
And i love you
But i miss you so much
I miss your touch
Kisses in the night
Now i gotta fight my head
Wondering why
Why aren't you here
Why are you there
I was good to you
How you doing so well
Without me
How do you cope
I can't describe my loneliness
Emotional pain, turns physical
My chest is about to burst
Im miserable
But what does that mean
To you
You may care
Cuz I gave you me heart bare
Everything i had was yours
But your not mine anymore
Time to live my life for me
Learnt to give nothing to anyone but me
Live my own life
Cuz i gave everything and got nothing
I lost my heart
Its gone
I gave it to you
My first love
My bear
Weird how one moment by yourself can bring back the past. Don't know why but wrote it as if it were a rap

— The End —