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Temblaban las manos, sudorosas a la temperatura,
se quebraban las piernas del suspense
mientras te veía caminar hacia mí.

Me detengo con el tiempo sin asegurar mi aliento
y me ahogo en el desasosiego de la espera,
los pasos cada vez más lentos,
siento las gotas de mis manos caer,
mis músculos titilar impacientes a tu llegada.

El verde hacia énfasis ese día,
lubricando mi pupila agitada.
El jardín de concreto nos presentó
de forma súbita,
y ahí, en ese lugar, te vi;
destruyendo cada partícula de temor
y volviéndome el alma y el color.


Las curvas que tomamos fueron insignificantes
comparadas a tu silueta esplendorosa.
Era inconsciente de todo lo que me rodeaba
pero tu presencia - aunque no tangible-
ya la reconocía y me sentía en curiosa paz.

Éramos niñas exaltadas en el momento,
turbadas por las miradas, los roces inocentes,
las risas nerviosas y los besos en el cuello.
Esperando, como nos es costumbre,
el instante previo.

Ese con el que tanto jugamos y evadimos
buscando ser perfecto,
pero la perfección no existe si no es de tus labios
que buscaron los míos sin importar el lance
y se adentraron en la ternura
haciendo paréntesis entre lugar,
dejándonos libres de los sentidos,
esos que nos distraen de nuestra causa.


Tu mirada entra en mí
como torrente de río bravo,
golpeándome con tus emociones
y haciendo las mía paralelas a las tuyas.

No hubo descanso alguno de mis ojos
desde ese instante, diligentes ante ti,
esperando cada movimiento, cada facción
de tu cara dulce.

Son anestesia tus manos sobre las mías,
tan suaves y delicadas,
fuertes y femeninas
que me tomaban como suya.

Cada palabra saliente de tu boca
eran milagros hechos de diosa,
retronando en mi cabeza
expandiéndola y haciéndome entender
la vida entre oraciones.


Nunca presté atención a nada,
no recuerdo ningún rostro,
ni las palabras dichas esa noche.

Pasaba los minutos luchando,
esforzándome por mirar otra cosa
que no fuera tuya,
estar atenta, estar dócil,
calmando mi deseo mientras se acercaba el momento.
Estaba hipnotizada bajo tu aura,
tu presencia sobresaliente ante todo.

Tu mano siempre tomando la mía,
mi mano que se escapaba a tu pierna,
las personas hablando,
y yo escuchando nada.
"Vamos, vamos", pensaba repetidas veces,
intentando mantener mi compostura.
"Vamos, vamos", me dijiste o lo creí.


Desaparece la espera que me agota,
el cansancio que cerraba mis ojos por inercia,
para abrirse en su totalidad
admirando la belleza que expones.

Mientras bajan tus prendas,
subo a la búsqueda nerviosa de tus senos
que se encuentran primero con mi boca
y tus manos descubriendo mi espalda.

Ya había estado ahí,
presagio divino de la prórroga
que me hizo conocer tu olor,
tu sabor, tu esencia antes del acercamiento.

¡Qué desasosiego glorioso!
encontrarme entre tus piernas,
suicidio impetuoso de mi cuerpo
acabando en los mares de tus ganas.


Se hacen las caricias infinitas en la noche
y se dejan entrar las luces
logrando iluminar la figura de tu cuerpo
sobre mío titilando.

Siento de nuevo las gotas de mis manos caer,
mis dedos se inundan en la complejidad de tu mares                                                           y puedo  sentir tu fuerza desintegrarse
perder tu mirada al vació,
oír tus sonatas acoplarse
mientras suenan venideros tus te amo
con los míos, se unen
dejándome incapaz de respirar
anegándome en suspiros.

Qué delicado tu pecho latiendo,                                                                                 el olor de tu cabello denso,                        
tus labios rojos cargados de los míos.                
El camino asomó tu esplendor                                  
y el azul cielo, me compensa…


… Sin embargo pienso que tu rostro
-con todas sus expresiones- es más solemne
que las montañas que te rodean.
Que son más cálidas las paredes de tu interior
a la lava ardiente.

Invencible te miro un segundo
y al siguiente, débil,
tus ojos cerrados hacen juego con tu desnudez
y tus labios enaltecen los míos.

El largo de tus piernas son la ruptura del tiempo
dejando cicatrices desobedientes
y marcando un canon en mis quimeras.
Sigo la teoría de los mares;
arropan nuestras tierras
y me dispongo a imitarlos
arropando tus males.


Soy partidaria de la soledad,
de los espacios y del silencio
pero soy entusiasta de tu compañía,
de tus sonrisas suaves,
las conversaciones ajenas a lo serio
y las que se tornan formales.

Todas con el mismo fin;
marcar tus mejillas de sonrisas concluyentes.
Así se reducen los minutos
y volvemos a esperar,
esta vez a que termine
para seguir tenaces en la misma acción,
aguardar al momento del encuentro.

Reincidir en la ventura, que con él,
siempre nos alivia.


Es fácil admirar tus gustos de erudita
y tan difícil dejarte ir.
Fácil la atracción de nuestras peculiaridades
y tan difícil soltarte.

Tan fácil aprender de ti y callarme
y tan difícil la espera.
Son verdaderos los momentos
y mentira el tiempo.

Reconstruyo los lugares
y te pierdes en sus caudales.
Tanto me lleve de ti
y tanto de mí se quedó contigo.

Recupero alientos mientras me alejo
y ya las montañas tan pequeñas se ven,
como hormigas claras y cómplices.


Hubo una vez un muro separando a los amantes,
desgarrándoles la cercanía pero nunca el deseo.
Estuvo y era tan frío que hería los pulmones,
esos con los que respiraban el aire del querido
y que ahogaban de desesperanza a aquél que esperaba.

Hubo una vez media república, separando nuestros cuerpos
pero no nuestras ideas.
Castigos de caminos largos por el llano o las favelas
que nacieron equívocos, erróneos
pero que no desune nuestra esencia.

Miles de infortunios puede haber
a lo largo de la existencia,
severos climas que acrecienten el temor
pero ninguno calcinará nuestro credo.

El concreto cae para convertirse en trenes
que nos adentran a la longevidad.
No importa el medio,
el encuentro es certero y perenne,
y los amantes eternos.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
3 weeks, that's all it takes,
      how many necessary things could have
been said, but weren't...
    i could have written to my local m.p.,
or say - an imaginary letter to
Lorca, like Jack Spicer -
     instead, i wrote a few pieces of
verbal-diarrhea - sheer frustration -
      how debasing i sometimes see myself
becoming, all this talk of self-censorship,
     it's this ominous shadow of some third
party sources... the more you write
it seems, the more you start fearing
in the existence of that famous chestnut
known as writer's block...
                         it's such a fear that it's
impossible to call it irrational,
a tiny fear, a phobia, fear without a narrative...
so you end up becoming debasing for a while:
thankfully: there's nothing in concreto
about it...
                    you begin almost in trance
blurting out words to no civilised purpose -
  just to go beyond the rust and stiffness of
3 weeks sober, as if starved from the world:
because your grandparents don't have an internet
      and you return from a place where
you have to time to read books, and be content
at being fed by a television set...
                rather than having to feed
the computer and that amassing of knowledge
and shared experience...
      a digital detox they call it...
   i call it a double-whammy detox... and strange
how doable it is: it doesn't require
a rehab...    or some guru telling you
       that you have to block out thoughts
immersed to the internet...
                    but then again, is it about that?
all i can claim to say is that:
    the internet can really become a cul de sac...
i'd feign to believe that anyone with
   it can read a novel these days...
                       i know i can't -
     in the most ordinary circumstances -
                     a complete shut-down can provide
enough furniture to be so less itchy
and nagging to touch...
                               and it wasn't even a case
of a self-imposed hiatus...
                    don't know what it actually meant
other than an immersion in: what
life was like in the 20th century...
                              and on that touchy subject of
certain words being treated as if said
by children and deserving the scorn from an elder...
well sure, would that give us many more
graces to: write in the fxxx?   and if i actually did -
if only the english language used some sort of
orthographic, but it can't: since it has no diacritical
    the aesthetic is so different in Poland...
you don't censor certain words so might think you're
talking roses and adorable puppies for some
grand social project...
       there's a graffiti joke in Poland...
              and there about four different variations
of the same word (as it sounds) -
huj                         hój
             chuj                                and chój...
  there are no others... but there's only one accepted
spelling of the word: given the orthographic convention...
and if this word is seen on walls
   without the correct orthography, it's a good joke...
  (it's the first spelling of the word that's correct,
if you want to know)...
     what i can't understand is creating these excessive
emotional associations with words,
not sentences that lead to a fuller meaning:
but isolated words...
                         it's a simple bewilderment that
using such words, for the sake of using them, might
suddenly lead toward some antagonism of
an ethnicity -
                                 it's black on white -
there are no hues of words... but when it's used
from fear of a writer's block, and it has to be used,
once again: not in concreto...
                        then it's again, used like i might
throw everything into grammatical categorisation of
words, and get back a lesson in grammar...
    that's 3 weeks without a keyboard - you're
bound to vent out some frustration...
                    at least there's an antidote to it,
on saturday i experienced zenith of the frustration,
until it dwindled away, overnight...
                             rarely do you see a review of a poetry
book in english newspapers...
   perhaps the guardian, but in the times?
               once in a blue moon...
           the review: if jeremy corbyn wrote poems...
    for almost a whole evening i was experiencing this
sort of: debilitating paralysis, debilitating because it
was wholly mental... i equated reading this review
with an experience of: ethical monopoly of vocab...
    and it really does exist... its not a question of political
correctness, but a case of ethics:
                  could i use the word nxxxer or not?
    can it really be so scary to see that correct spelling?
and what if i wrote about the river Niger, because
i felt like it... or took to the fancy of a trip to Nigeria?
       boy, Niagara falls must be stunning to look at too!
i don't understand that privacy can be so usurped,
so wrangled out one's on comfort...
    so we have our closet racists and closet intellectuals
(who i call the bearded white boys
                 in chequered shirts and torn jeans) -
    but in a fit of personal transitioning, are we really
about to censor each other, and on what ground?
      yes, i have a ku klux **** hood in my closet
and i'm about to shout ye ha! on a lynch frenzy...
      it's a word said out of context with a historical content
still ascribed to it... if this word were taken into
an urban environment: it would be an epitome of
what once was used with the words *******...
         i'm not concerned with the word historically...
       historically speaking: it's urban now...
                               it can literally mean: thick-as-night...
and can you start to begin finalising such
nano experiences in life...
                           some people get to sky-dive,
or hunt lions on safaris...
                                i'm stuck with a wasted evening
duped into thinking this out:
  like so horror minority report, said the word:
predestined to do the most god-awful evil...
                       or like i said the word:
and that's equivalent to not washing my mouth for
2 weeks... 2 weeks spent on a diet of onions,
garlic and raw beef...
                           it's this absurdity that has nothing
fancy about it, this could not be written by
Albert Camus... it's too worm-like absurd...
                 i don't whether to laugh or cry, or tell you
how i had to find a counter-frustration...
but i did, the review of a poetry book in a saturday newspaper...
philip collins' take on unreconciled - poems 1991 - 2013
   by michel houellebecq...
                               i'm guessing the actual book
would make me feel less frictive than the reviewer's take on it...
   such this huge ball of fungus dropped into
my cranium and started to cannibalise itself with
digestive juices of nihilism... thankfully reviews like this
would spur me on and make me want to read such a book...
just to get the antithesis (if that's correct word to use)...
   to me, it sounds like a book
that's supposed to oppose the european use of the haiku...
   for me not all haikus are philosophical...
     although i know they're intended as such...
personally, i think that the art behind the haiku is
more than the actual haiku...
    say, someone who invented this medium,
yes, an easterner would probably write 20 haikus in
a period of 20 years...
     writing too many haikus (usually done by westerners)
is precisely the opposite of the art-form...
      how can a haiku be written without a year-long
restraint, and when finally the pressure is too much:
you get ''so little''?
                      well sure, i can write a haiku any moment
i can... but i'd have to have a gnat's worth of
consciousness to write one without having meditated for
a year...
                we europeans can at least write
absurd excerpts from our rigid lives...
                        and houellebecq does that -
   we live in these snappy narcissistic observations taken
from the world we have so made systematic -
    and i guess reason is a big tender dog -
given that unreason is a ******* chiwawa that
constantly keeps barking... or any other small dog
for that matter...       well: once again -
who told these people who review poetry books that
poetry is an Ikea manual?
                               lack of imagination, i'd say...
   and i'll say that about any other liar out there who
can say that visualising poems is easy -
     modern art can be seen as pretentious ******* -
but then what can you verbalise about it is the whole trick...
   just asking, because i was thinking about when
that famous school of fine art in Florence is going to
reopen, and why no one bothered to remember the techniques
using oil on canvas...
                 evidently something is up in the zeitgeist -
    i'm guessing we'll not see a **** study by edward calvet
any time soon... and it'll remain so, for quiete some time -
something is being revised - i'd call all modern art
by the movement: revisionism -
                      well: the dark ages were revising something -
everything's crude once more...
                  as came with the over-exposure to our
******... and did i say there's something wrong with that?
but evidently seeing too much fucky-fucky
    has created jelly in the eyes of artists who have to
go back to basics... it's like artists are looking for words...
they want to return to a dialogue of the reneissance...
    or at least it sounds like that... oh no, not from them:
from the people that have a critical eye on the matter:
the intellectuals... i see it as a hope for coming back to
dialogue... if you can't return to a dialogue over
a very simple modern canvas... there's no point
talking about the greater intricacies...
                             that leave you speechless -
  i mean: what's the point of talking about a mona lisa
when you can enjoy a joke asking whether
the devil didn't have his hand up her skirt?
       or the ecstasy of st. theresa... what's there to talk about?
i look at that statue and just want to get a hard-on...
but first i guess i have to rediscover a dialogue
with what the current times prescribe me...
and these really are works of prescription... there's no
point look into pharmacology's list of prescriptions...
   as going about saying it's all a load of *******,
leads to the first step toward modern alienation...
       if darwinism can be a humanism, a study of
the human... i can only give it a motto:
there's a reason behind everything... there's a reason
snakes don't have eyelids...
                              or that giraffes look funny...
             or that camels are the most vile mammals
to walk this earth...
                       personally i
Olho p'la janela e vejo que o dia nasceu belo;
Toda a atmosfera irradia uma tonalidade magenta -
O Outono já não tarda a chegar.
Há alguma paz nisso, mas não tanta que dure.
Dói-me ser.

Pudesse eu aprender a abraçar as sensações imensas,
Em vez de me afundar nelas, sem ar que respirar;
Pudesse eu seguir os ensinamentos de Álvaro de Campos
E fazer do sentir uma viagem infinda,
Um caminho ascendente em direção a Deus.

Pudesse eu sentir como sinto,
Como sinto tudo -
Deste modo exagerado que tenho de sentir tudo -
Sem deixar qualquer sensação tornar-se numa angústia profunda.
Soubesse eu olhar as flores
E amá-las como amo enquanto as olho
Sem que se me partisse irreparavelmente o coração
Quando não as pudesse olhar mais.

Dói-me ser
Quando parece que tudo o que sou
É esta enchente de sensações que não sei sentir devidamente.
Quando tudo o que sou é algo que poderia jurar não ser realmente eu.
Mas como posso não ser eu se são minhas as mãos que escrevem estes versos e
Meus os olhos que se quase desmancham por ter que os escrever e
Meu o coração - esta penosa maldição que carrego no peito -
Que bate furioso por não o saber ter?

Pensado em mim,
Não me imaginaria ser como sou;
Pensando em mim,
Não sei se me imaginaria de algum modo concreto mas,
Pensado em mim,
O que sou é uma mentira mal contada.

E, se o que sou é uma mentira, ser deveria ser um vazio gigante.
Mas o que sinto ser é tudo menos um vazio gigante.
O que sinto ser é um transbordar de Ser e
Como, tenho já dito anteriormente, uma contradição imensa em si.

Dói-me ser se o que sou é sentir.
Dói-me sentir e dói-me sentir que o que sou é uma construção incompleta.
Dói-me isto, tudo isto que me foi imposto como um dever -
A personalidade, o pensar, o Ser...
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2017
with ref. with the title, i.e. my so called "poems"...
here's to tautology... it's not akin to a wd40,
but it really is akin ub40... white man dos
the reggae... wd 40? it's sometimes called
a paint-thinner...
  ub40? sometimes hailed as a nostalgia machine -
  or as we like to call it: the grey area.
the thing i mean, minus the punctuation rules,
i find to be worth a rocking horse
and an easy chair, and being aged 70 wiithout
allegiance to a crossword...
  i write: the so-called "poems",
when i can leave out the so-called and just
use the punctuation already included.
- there's already a booming industry to tell apart
saying and then writing: allegiance
          and allegience...
  æ.... graphemes aren't the basic
      units of encoded speech... had you noticed
the vowels and consonants? no? i can't do *******
with this tongue-tie other than make
bow-ties and distinctions,
or those halo-like hovering marks
above the letters known as
diacritical marks... and yes, poets
have a fear of the paragraph...
   they prefer to use the cascade verse....
i could write you a David Jacoby narrative,
or what could be worth a Copperfield-esque
cool... because it just happens...
  and i'm there to pick up the pieces
as narrator...
         but then i am of the sort of peoples
that leaves an umbrella / poem in
a crowded place,
and i leave it for reasons that can't be
far from the clerical authority of
a lost package office...
    i leave my **** where the sun don't shine,
i leave it there, just to tempt the kleptomaniac
magpie looking for a silver spoon
trying to shove it up its ****...
         and then fly... thinking it wasn't
tied down by some "obscure" anchor...
        i leave my poems in public
spaces, lest i turn to forget and not forge
a memory concern to conscript...
   a fern akin foliage of the lost tract..
and the needy footprint
needing applause with each step...
     it's no longer a case of London
being place you can be deemed as bored
and worthy of a scaffold to become
siamese worthy of an execution...
     i'm starting to think whether London
is split between Moscow and Dubai...
     and if approaching Kant's
pendulum of a priori and a posteriori...
there's the a fortiori cut in the middle...
pulverising from "a" beginning...
              and there we are, "beginning",
in concreto mort: a-,
    and that denotes: without.
death really has become a shabby piece
of furniture, a joke of keeping morals,
or needing to write a history,
of course, merely as an e.g.,
        and as an e.g. i feel no alliance towards it,
i have no desire to be "seen"...
  in a cafe, sipping coffee...
                      to be part of an insomnia that
cares no more for a a grave than it cares
for a bed, but it nonetheless roused
from each to establish heaven, or at least
  so i write my poems as if i might leave
an umbrella on a train...
      i call this kleptomania minor -
     i''m actully playing banker with it...
it's never exactly a high street with these
"exfoliations", but an alley...
  and i'm rarely found engrossed in
holding four roses... rather... clenching
four knuckles... don't know, i haven't
seen a man worth a punching bag in a long time...
  unlike my friend, who mistook me
for a punching bag, having seen his father
divorce his mother...
      landing on the moon was a bad omen...
it didn't make western civilisation
more grounded... the Islamic attacks seem to
translate as: stop exporting your "perfection",
stop your post-colonial colonisation!
    ******* never listen... what with Iraq
being a Saudi Arabian proxy-war...
what's with the delusion that the Islamic war
is somehow a unified body?
       Saudis hate the Iraqis and the Iranians
hate the Saudis...
                       the Turks are an anomaly...
except when combined with the Mongols,
situated in Uzbekistan.
the 2003 war was a proxy war...
           i held to account "democracy" when
the people marched, and left nothing
but a balloon pop indentation to be cared for
as effect akin to a stoppage...
       you had the catholics (sunnis) and
the protestants (shia)... they're not a unison
organism... they have had their own shism...
  all i can see is Iran laughing...
i can't hear anything about Shia extremism...
    orthodox Islam seems to be attacking
the protestant uptake of heretical texts found
in Egypt in 1945... it's attacking protestant
incorporation of ancient texts that neither
catholics nor the orthodox could care to accept...
   you couldn't find the nag hammadi
worked on in the underground in either a catholic
country or an orthodox country...
      that quote: you have to be cruel to be kind...
what's happening in russia is a way to say:
we need to keep homosexuality a taboo:
so we can have an artistic source...
    imagine if we gave the people what the west
gave, bypassing it all, given the science...
with a self-inflicted Behemoth idol...
        **** up north: testicles down south...
   for some reason the aylum disappeared...
     well... only because Hippocrates
    said to psychiatrists... you are inquiring into
their ailments without a cure,
                  but a desire for romantics!
well... that's called a singled out view of the world...
and anything beyond that is...
well... the world we live in.
             what is being imported isn't
exactly north african augustine - i don't know what
it is... michael jackon could better explain
his albino theory than i could explain a mirror.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
any reading of a philosophy book, outside of university, is mapped without the sort of strategy to receive a grade, for a "correct" interpretation (rather a regurgitation) of said work (mentioned below); to say it in simpler terms: i do not ever think that understanding a concept - in concreto - is worth some sort of "passing on the genes" (memes) of one individual to another - given that a meme has become pop culture, and as the french would put it:
        ce crasse et petit irritante chiotte valeur de merde
                                                                ­                        (i.e. un cliché) -
truly written like and englishman -
   a meme is that crass and small irritant bog's worth of ****
                                                            ­                                           ( " ),
   at least that's peckham french, del boy french,
                         i was well informed about this french dialect.

- and to even "think" why there are so many blue
indians, and so few piggies; perhaps it boils down
to the fact that the blue indians believe in
   burial within fire, rather than earth,
  and they prefer to surround themselves with the living,
rather than with the dead; and piggies do,
  graveyard upon graveyard,
    and that constant "nostalgia", idol-worship
of the past, where nothing greater can come again;
for those who surround themselves with the living,
their existence rages akin to the elemental
tomb of their burial... but for those who surround
themselves with the dead,
   their existences decompases akin to the elemental
tomb of their burial, a heart-broken: nightmarish
earth. -

for some reason, i always get these
"revelations" (for lack of a better word) -
as one might receive a signature
of a thunderstorm in the form of
lightning upon the sky -
           and it usually predicated by
listening to a few pop songs -
   and then listening to the
    *cantos of templar knights
            but then again, you sometimes
really need extremes,
     as the canadian sayings goes -
we only have two seasons,
    one's winter, the other is construction.

but this is about technicalities,
one could even cite the following as
the part of any contract, the terms & conditions
written in the smallest possible print,
   lodged in hardbacks worth over 30 quid -
not your cheap bestseller paperbacks -
   those too could be appreciated,
   but akin to pressure to keep a worth's of
expression in sanctum of a hardback?
   take the year 1996 for the cantos 1st
on toilet-paper (paperback) - but in brick?
take the year 1970...
  and where do the technicalities come in?

   - heidegger's ponderings V, aphorism 41 -
technicalities akin to the rules of
a game of cricket, or at least the pointing system.

but count it nonetheless, half an hour to scroll...
12,700+... till i got to april the 8th
  and resurrect a memory?

.  ע   ‎
יהוה ‎‎‎
                  sighs from on high...
      and laughter into the depths.

let us just say, that digital is
the new hardback edition -
    to condense my works into toilet-paper
till take more years and more pushy-pushy
tactics, to transform
     a hardback into something affordable...
but in reverse...
               what comical inversion,
   30 years will become 300 years to come
  about for someone to wipe-their-***-to-mouth
fathom of what went on at the genesis
of the birth of the internet,
   in some obscure location,
                  like a catholic school in england.

now the germanic pilot-plotline (regarding
aphorism 41, ponderings V):

    promo enigma-alchimia in vivo lingua,
             anti ipse (dixit) in lingua vitro.

(we're not in posh-boy grammar school,
the language is dead, it's become play-dough,
a malagrammaton-monœgo:
for a man's tongue is to his befitting desire
to state the terms of play).

da / ein-da / die-da          vs.                hier   vs.
                                      die-hier / ein-da

( there / a there / the there        vs.
                                                ­                 here    vs.
  the here / a there    -
                               ­ atheistic scissors of
definite/indefinite articles/articulation of
    what's near, and what's far away,
     the dualistic-dichotomy of here&there,
           as far as i am concerned i cannot narrate
this akin to a vampire romance page-turner
bestseller... too many organic chemistry diagrams
concerning electron migration, sorry) -

   but given the "blank" slate genesis, starting
with articles... they go beyond being categorised
as definite or indefinite...
    namely... am i, or can i be assured that
      there's no X variations?
                da     ein da
       die hier     hier            ???????????????

               isn't ein hier merely "being"?
imagine being forced into a there -
                  without being the there,
akin to a zeitgeist, akin less!
      zeitgeist = a there (communism),
  but the there? that's what hegel
said of napoleon entering jena:
       "das ist ein weltgeist!" (capitalism).

and who are the anglophones?
  i cannot respect these "peoples" -
they constantly stutter when it comes to
  their lack of diacritical application,
they stutter... i might as well call them
the strabismus race...
    and if darwinism is to be the vector-catalyst
(hollywood was thrashing american cities
for decades, what damage could this
observation could possibly do?) -
  if darwinism is to be the prime historian,
that darwinism replaces actual history
and becomes neither in vitro, nor in vivo,
but in situ? why do scientists wonder why
universities are undermined in their
humanities, when scientific populism of
biology (i.e. darwinism) has undermined
papa historia? am i... missing something?!
     if you undermine a credible study within
the humanities with enough darwnism?
what do you get? inertia...
     you can burn crosses, but you can also
burn an image of a monkey into a man's mind,
the same result occurs!
      personally, i'd rather burn crosses,
i might end up drinking beer and joking with
a few skin-heads around an unsual campfire.

the other side just... "debates" loud-mouth
******* who haven't learned the gymnastics
of looking up those grandiose black-holes
of blah blah.... blah blah blah... blah...
     i'd like to ask them... does your **** of talk
ooze a perfume of.... strawberries?
   and the punk-fist fields... forever! ooh...
****** *******' salsa! shwing yir hips
ya bunch of conclaves (p.j.w.) - privacy
                     justice warriors).

        taoist's foregetfulness

grounded in maxim primus -
  to allow the world a breath, allow the world
to let you breathe as you deem fit,
   never too soon to be bound to genealogy,
esp. that of the genesis bound to
the new testament -
  for if the old testament begins with poetry,
and if truly metaphorically chained,
then how pitiful is the genesis of
the new testament, which begins with
  something as sorrowful as the nadir
of greek culture, the expired logos,
   a genealogy, with the greeks ransacking
the jews under roman rule,
  just like the ransacking of constantinople
by the venetians in 1204 (4th crusade)...
who'd start a "holy" book without poetry,
but a ******* geneaology?!
          no wonder poetry these days isn't
a rare appreciation...
    but cheap and as tsunami natured
   in its "production" as tabloid press,
  toothbrushes, toilet paper,
                        toothpicks, among other
the new testament is such a massive turn-off...
if you don't begin with poetry,
esp. that of metaphor translated into imagery,
and instead begin with a branch of logic
that the new testament begins with, i.e.
genealogy... and then expect latter poetics
in the text to be taken literally?!
          clue the keen me into the clamours
of the poly-schismatic version of events...
    sure, christianity is a "polytheism",
                           in that it's poly-schismatic.

and of the garden, should adam have approached
first, as he would have done in asia -
         he would have talked with
the serpent sæwelō -
           perhaps that same serpent of
   caucasus - first, to have a thirst of
knowledge tamed - although never really -
  for the serpent sæwelō would have
tempted adam: eat of this tree, its fruit,
  and your thirst for knowledge will be
forever satiated!
   so said the serpent of order
   so said sæwelō (ᛋ), the sun-snake...
the serpent of illumination -
                            the golden serpent.
and so adam bit into the fruit,
   and such thirst as never before filled him,
a thirst for knowledge that hasn't
as of yet seized -
     for the fruit, which adam imagined
would be sweet - was actually filled with salt.

  and we are initiated into the myth
of how the other scenario took place with regards
to a woman approaching the serpent first,
                and for the woman, the serpent
of chaos, known as ansuz (ᚨ) - the siamese -
who said both truth and lie simulatenously
  also known as the god who's name begins with
yod, in the roman tongue (Y),
                          and he said:
  you will know the difference between
good and evil -
    ah indeed he said so, but that said, it would
imply acts being simulatenously both,
rather than either / or -
he continued: you'll be like the æsir (gods)!
      knowing such distinctions,
                   and will know the meaning of fate,
and justice, and due recompense!

as etymological mutations occur,
   and translations into other tongues
go, let's begin with:

sieg heil - old english - sigel - hail sun!
       if ever a führer (the few, the rarer),
                        so too the sun's eclipse -
   louis xiv wouldn't have minded,
    but at least he ****** to his
         cockerel's content to praise sunrise -
but as it stands, an etymological
           "mutation" in translation: hail sun!

-------------------------- p.s. p.p.s. p.p.p.s. p.p.p.p.s.
    f(p.s.) ad infinitum: borrowing from
mathematics, i.e. f(x) - heidegger
invented the algebra of writing in a certain style
that's only worth a neurotic / autistic pedant's
worth of bother...

   let's just say, in terms of style,
                                        it's purely hellish,
   you can only go as far with a text
when the variations
  range from dasein, to da-sein
   to da-sein to da-sein (i.e. da-ßein) -
    to whatever else is enclosed in the book...
i haven't got the time to write
an expansion of these milimetres
            and a litre of *** waiting for me...

   inverse stress on being
              detached from a "there": da-ßein:

   with regard to the world and its being
   constituting beings (heidegger's style
of expression, i know, can be a muddle)...

all i wanted was an antonym:
   rather than the world and its there,
   i wanted the world and its nowhere,
or rather, a pure form of being: a here,
      being detached from beings,
   the infinite dance of "solipsism",
    mono-direct articulation /
   plural-direct articulation (a march) /
mono-indirect articulation (a thought) /
plural-indirect articulation (a commute home)...

in terms of dictionary ref. to oppose da (there):

ist da - is here
                hier - here
komm her! - come here!
           hier & da - here & there
                  auf der stelle - here & now

       schnellen - quickly
   schwellen (ich bin) - i am swelling
schelle - bell
   bruchstelle - break

                            da-ßien = hiersien

i.e. stressor on being,
             which morphs into a reconstruction
of the original equation:

     i.e. "da"-ßien = hier-"sien" ≠ nichtsein...

    and the point being?
    the simple f(x) translation into philosophical
jargon... f(p.s.) ad infinitum...
                      this had to run into a cul de sac
at some point, given all the technicalities
and stylistic disparities between existentialists,
if any remained to live into the 21st century...
but the buggers ****** off
              let's just say the new wave
of concerning italics remains the still
unexplored territory of missing diacritical marks
in the english language...
    as much can be said about writing
            chair    as can be said about
   writing                  krzesło...
           (yes, a consonant grapheme, err-zed)...
funny, in grapheme terms...
   that the german grapheme ß
  never became a replacement of -sch-
     in english -sh- in slavic -sz-,
             seems to be more t'ss... wet snare...
          another example?
    (choo-choo) train / pociąg -
  and yes, that's not implying choo-choo,
   since it's obvious, the verb ćwiczyć:
to train.
Itzel Hdz May 2017
Cielito lindo te escribo por que te extraño, para decirte que las cosas que dejaste se están llenando de polvo, no las he tocado por que la manera exacta en que dejaste todo por aquí y por allá me recuerda a esos discursos tuyos, largos y cambiantes. Me he cubierto con ese enorme suéter de lana que no soltabas mientras estabas aquí y que terminaste dándome aquel día que se acabo la leña para el fuego. Vyvyan me ha traído tus viejos discos de vinilo, me contó que tu tía Hilde se encuentra mucho mejor. Ayer saque a pasear a Balzac, no es lo mismo sin ti, cuando pasamos bajo el puente naranja espera con ansias jugar en el pasto mas allá de las escaleras de concreto, pero sabes que yo no puedo bajar ahí como tu lo hacías. Espero que el cobertor de colores que te envié te haya servido, no se como pases el clima allá. Añoro tus abrazos ahora que enfría tanto, me he empalmado de suéteres incluso el tuyo, pero este frió es diferente, me pregunto por que. Fui al medico por la gripe de Carmen y noto el cardenal en mi mejilla, le he mentido sobre el claro, pero creo que no se lo ha creído. Me acuerdo en este momento preciso de el jueves pasado, hacia las compras en el abastecedor de Darrell, había un anciano, no paraba de hablar, pero no se le entendía nada, deje a Carmencita en el carro y me acerque al hombre, me miro y me tomo por los hombros, me vio directo a los ojos, oh Noel si supieras lo penetrante que era su mirada, se callo un largo rato, y me dijo en voz baja: Usted debe saberlo, !Usted!, el hombre esta acabando con sus iguales mi querida señora, se devora así mismo ... pero...nadie hace nada. Me quede callada mirándolo asustada, y luego no supe que contestar, me soltó, volvió a su farfulle y alcance a escuchar que decía: para que mas querría alguien comida enlatada...
Fue tan extraño cariño, pero me dejo pensando y pensando, me gustaría saber tu que opinas. Quería decirte también que para cuando vuelvas podre usar ese vestido rojo que me regalaste, los golpes ya casi no se me notan, con un poco de maquillaje podría arreglarlo pero solo usare mis vestidos para ti, perdóname por aquella otra vez sabes que no se repetirá.
Te necesito tanto aquí a mi lado por las noches, he dejado a Carmen dormir conmigo últimamente espero que no te moleste.
Los días pasan como una película antigua, lento y muy confusamente, espero que puedas venir pronto, las heridas en mi espalda comienzan a cicatrizar, ha sido ya mucho tiempo lejos de ti no ¿crees? puedes volverlo a hacer para que piense en ti cuando me acuesto por las noches, o cuando me recargo en las sillas del comedor, sabes que no me importa.
Te envío todo mi cariño en esta carta para que sepas que no te olvido, que siempre te pienso, y que a donde mire siempre te veo.
Vuele pronto.
Siempre Tuya
Nov 4/2012
Well this is not a poem but it's a little bit hmm lyrical(?) I think I wrote this because at the time I was in a problematic relationship, in which my partner hurt me emotionally but I stuck with him anyways for a long time..take care of you guys
Aquí pasaba a pie
por estas calles,
sin empleo ni puesto

Y sin un peso

Sólo poetas, putas

recordadle cuando
tengais puentes de concreto,

Grandes turbinas,
tractores, plateados graneros,

buenos gobiernos.

La guardia nacional
anda buscando
a un hombre

un hombre espera
esta noche llegar
a la frontera

el nombre
de ese hombre
no se sabe

hay muchos
hombres más
enterrados en
una zanja

El número y
el nombre de esos
hombres no se sabe.

Ni se sabe el lugar
ni el número de zanjas.

La guardia nacional
anda buscando a un hombre

Un hombre espera
esta noche salir
de Nicaragua
Eu seria sínico se dissesse que estava tudo bem!
Pois é nada esta bem, eu não estou bem,
E dificilmente poderia nesta altura dizer o contrário.
Mas é isto, a loucura do incrivelmente desolado.
Desolado mas não acabado!
E o que agora é assim eu sei que posso mudar!
Hora ai está! Vou respirar fundo e UPS …
Acordei, afinal estou num sonho concreto,
Deixei esse medonho pesadelo muito profundo,
Tão fundo que já nem o vejo, já nem sou capaz,
De juntar dinheiro, pegar no carro, enche-lo de gasóleo,
E perder este meu tempo precioso, par ir visitá-lo!
Ganhei! Ganhei uma vida nova, sem compromissos válidos!
Enfim! Eu sou livre! Mas eu sou quem ganha com isso,
Afinal eu posso fazer o que eu quiser!
Ihihih…. Eu deixei de ter que agradar seja a quem for.
Ótima ideia esta. Vida eu estou aqui!

Autor: António Benigno
Código de autor: 2012.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2017
you would never say about a Kandinsky: where's
the Mondrian?
                 luckily we have enough information
     about Goldberg's sardines,
without asking another poet (other than O'Hara)
to sniff out Billingsgate -     and so too:
if Burroughs said: all writing limps behind painting
       by 50 years -           enough said,
     hence came speedy Gonzales
with his shotgun and his canned paint...
  and i know just as much as sardines in
see-through tins -
                          well: it was worth a joke,
someone was bound to **** into a champagne
bottle at some point, and celebrate:
     in abstract - or to the point:
in concreto - ecce artifex!
                            at least enough
humility would be worth the same dosage -
   specialisations are such:
demanding concepts as aboriginal
in anthropology -
    likewise anthropological:
schizophrenics in urbanity -  after all...
a concrete jungle - like any half-wit
and ****-naked in the Amazon...
                    applause for
comrade Gagarin and Laika -
                   and if Darwin wrote in
cyrilica - then it too would have been
Mohawk and Brain - salutations and applause -
    and if ever in doubt:
call it versailles - to denote all forms of
                     luxury -
     i know: versailles better hides luxury
than the hermitage -
                     or as King Duck could say
being a burden on the Vavel Mount -
                                 even the Vavellian
dragon died from laughter, even though
he was given a sheep stuffed with sulphur -
and drank the Vistulla dry...
but only when King Quack was laid to rest:
and the volk - the naród said:
         Katyń 1 - Smoleńsk 3...
                                    and there was even
a composition by wojciech kilar.
    so then... 50 years lagging?
    disorientating? muddled, spaghetti loops?
   well, as the introduction already mentions,
painters can't write - suddenly everything
has to have geometry!
      any geometrical instrument
      in an art's class is seen like a Sunni in Iran -
or a Buddhist, at a Bar Mitzvah:
                                          boom-town slap-head -
choppy waters, brightly illuminated
                                                     by the polished
cranium sheen.
   so why except a Mondrain from a Kandinsky                          
                             ­  ?!
                                     what a brain-drain!
Mariah Tulli Oct 2014
Alice, Alice
Sempre reclamava alice:

-Como não me amar?
-Porque ter de ir embora?
-Posso eu ser pequena por fora e grande por dentro?

Pare de perguntas alice, me disseram que você andava feliz..

- Sim, eu andava, mas ele me fez encolher de novo

Ah minha querida, isso é passageiro, já já vem outro e você crescerá e
sua alma se elevará.

- Como tens certeza disso?

Ja te disse Alice, não perguntes, apenas acredite.

- Acredite, acredite.... Que frieza minha, achar que seria só meu.
- Como pude querer possessão?

Fácil, foi o ego, ele não iria suportar o fato concreto da perda,
então, se colocou a frente, fazendo-a acreditar que se a possessão não
existisse você iria por água a baixo ou melhor dizendo, por buraco abaixo, mas entenda minha querida alice, que....

A alma flutua, e se estivermos na direção errada
ela irá se afundar,como se estivesse caindo num fundo buraco,
só que enquanto você cai vai percebendo que quanto mais ela naufraga,
mais ela emerge,e continua flutuando, como num equilíbrio poético,
sem ter direção,sem ser julgada como errada ou certa, pois a vida é igual a chuva, ela cai e continua caindo, mas como num ciclo ela evapora e se transforma , se renovando, se equilibrando.
17th May 2017
odio tener que admitir que mis recuerdos siguen tomando vida cada vez que se cruzan con tu mirada

odio tener que sentirme indefensa, inútil e impotente a la vez cada vez que pienso en que tú ya no quieres

cientos de pétalos buscan un escape del cerezo
terminando muertos en el concreto

la última vez que me quedé callada por tanto tiempo no recuerdo haber explotado en llanto

la última vez que me sentí tan estúpida preferí callarme
¿por qué ahora no?

ah, cierto
antes tu sonrisa no me debilitaba
antes fingía tolerar y ser fuerte
antes tu mirada no me afectaba
antes era más
Juan Parr Nov 2017
Quiero cortarme
y sangrar,
cortar de lado
mis preocupaciones y carencias.
Que la sangre fluya
y los arpones

Quiero sentir el suave abrazo
de la soga en mi cuello.
Mis ojos saliendo de sus
cuencas desoladas.
Ver la muerte buscarme
por primera vez ser recibido
sin pedirlo.

Quiero ver las lágrimas
sobre mi ataúd,
hartado de alegóricas flores
pretendiendo adornar
lo que un día fue
un muerto sin andar.

Quiero saltar
desde el piso veinte
de un edificio
y conocer el concreto
como nunca nadie
lo ha hecho
sé que no quiero vivir
en concreto.

Para finalizar,
antes del final,
quiero morir en el mar
de tus ojos derretidos, y terminar
en tus melancólicas clavículas.

Ahogado, ahorcado,
desangrado, olvidado.
LUNA May 2018
todos aqueles que escreveram as músicas que eu amo estão mortos. enterrados sobre grama e concreto em diferentes partes do mundo. os artistas que pintaram as telas que me alegram dentro e fora dos museus também. já não há mais fotógrafos do the post espalhados pela cidade que captariam uma foto do nosso beijo na times square. no fim, cabe a mim escrever e representar a arte dessa jornada
El retorno a la tierra natal ha sido tan
sentimental, y tan mental, y tan divino,
que aún las gotas del alba cristalinas están
en el jazmín de ensueño, de fragancia y de trino.
Por el Anfión antiguo y el prodigio del canto
se levanta una gracia de prodigio y encanto
que une carne y espíritu, como en el pan y el vino.
En el lugar en donde tuve la luz y el bien,
¿qué otra cosa podría sino besar el manto
a mi Roma, mi Atenas o mi Jerusalén?
Exprimidos de idea, y de orgullo y cariño,
de esencia de recuerdo, de arte de corazón,
concreto ahora todos mis ensueños de niño
sobre la crín anciana de mi amado León.
Bendito el dromedario que a través del desierto
condujera al Rey Mago, de aureolada sien,
y que se dirigía por el camino cierto
en que el astro de oro conducía a Belén.
Amapolas de sangre y azucenas de nieve
he mirado no lejos del divino laurel,
y he sabido que el vino de nuestra vida breve
precipita hondamente la ponzoña y la hiel.
Mas sabe el optimista, religioso y pagano,
que por César y Orfeo nuestro planeta gira,
y que hay sobre la tierra que llevar en la mano,
dominadora siempre, o la espada, o la lira.
El paso es misterioso. Los mágicos diamantes
de la corona o las sandalias de los pies
fueron de los maestros que se elevaron antes,
y serán de los genios que triunfarán después.
Parece que Mercurio llevara el caduceo
de manera triunfal en mi dulce país,
y que brotara pura, hecha por mi deseo,
en cada piedra una mágica flor de lis.
Por atavismo griego o por fenicia influencia,
siempre he sentido en mí ansia de navegar,
y Jasón me ha legado su sublime experiencia
y el sentir en mi vida los misterios del mar.
¡Oh, cuántas veces, cuántas oí los sones
de las sirenas líricas en los clásicos mares!
¡Y cuántas he mirado tropeles de tritones
y cortejos de ninfas ceñidas de azahares!
Cuando Pan vino a América, en tiempos fabulosos
en que había gigantes y conquistaban Pan
y Baco tierra incógnita, y tigres y molosos
custodiaban los templos sagrados de Copán,
se celebraban cultos de estrellas y de abismos;
se tenía una sacra visión de Dios. Y era
ya la vital conciencia que hay en nosotros mismos
de la magnificencia de nuestra Primavera.
Los atlántidas fueron huéspedes nuestros. Suma
revelación un tiempo tuvo el gran Moctezuma,
y Hugo vio en Momotombo órgano de verdad.
A través de las páginas fatales de la historia,
nuestra tierra está hecha de vigor y de gloria,
nuestra tierra está hecha para la Humanidad.
Pueblo vibrante, fuerte, apasionado, altivo;
pueblo que tiene la conciencia de ser vivo,
y que reuniendo sus energías en haz
portentoso, a la Patria vigoroso demuestra
que puede bravamente presentar en su diestra
el acero de guerra o el olivo de paz.
Cuando Dante llevaba a la Sorbona ciencia
y su maravilloso corazón florentino,
creo que concretaba el alma de Florencia,
y su ciudad estaba en el libro divino.
Si pequeña es la Patria, uno grande la sueña.
Mis ilusiones, y mis deseos, y mis
esperanzas, me dicen que no hay patria pequeña.
Y León es hoy a mí como Roma o París.
Quisiera ser ahora como el Ulises griego
que domaba los arcos, y los barcos y los
destinos. Quiero ahora deciros ¡hasta luego!
¡Porque no me resuelvo a deciros adiós!
Krusty Aranda Feb 2018
A veces no sé quién soy
¿Qué quiero?
¿Qué digo?
¿Qué pienso? ¿Qué hago?
Soy un cúmulo de malas decisiones,
de impulsividad y sobrepensamiento
en los momentos equivocados
Empeño mi corazón a quien no debo y se lo arrebato a quien lo compra
Soy el egoísmo de la tierna infancia,
la necedad del adolescente en plena pubertad.
Soy la risa del demente,
el silencio del estruendo,
soy la incoherencia en persona y he venido a restarle sentido a este mundo obsesionado con la falsa verdad
Soy la definición de lo indefinible
Soy la abstracción de lo concreto
Soy todo, absolutamente todo,
excepto una cosa.
No soy yo
La tarde me está ofreciendo
en la palma de su mano,
hecha de enero y de niebla,
vagos mundos desmedidos
de esos que yo antes soñaba,
que hoy ya no quiero.
y cerraría los ojos
para no verlo. Si no
los cierro
no es por lo que veo.
Por un mundo sospechado
concreto y virgen detrás,
por lo que no puedo ver
llevo los ojos abiertos.
O fulgor do ódio incauto, a devastação em chama ardente, faz cambalear o ser andante. Carrego o que fiz do destino como se embalasse um filho morto. Um aborto deformado e coberto por repugnância. Engendrado em ventre seco. Fruto interrompido de um estupro incestuoso. Esquartejado pelo bisturi de um hospital clandestino e imundo. Levo as partes dilaceradas deste feto hediondo à boca, devorando-as, freneticamente saboreio o sangue ainda morno e a carne mole desossada, elas descem entalando pela garganta, me engasgo, tropeço, vou de encontro ao chão, superfície áspera de concreto, me fere a face queimando minha pele, me observo nu enquanto vestido, vejo transeuntes vivendo suas vidas pacatas, com suas roupas da moda, seus farrapos, com seus carros de passeio, populares ou de luxo, com seus apartamentos, suas casas, sobrados ou mansões, os vejo em bares, em igrejas, no trabalho, alegres, tristes, esperançosos, desiludidos, preocupados, já não pertenço a este lugar.

Ando léguas sem freio em meus devaneios, meus pés estão em carne viva, os calos sangram, continuo a caminhar carregando um destino morto, estou sozinho em uma estrada deserta, me desfiz de tudo. Abandonei qualquer esperança, qualquer desejo, o impulso me movimenta.

A estrada de terra levanta ao longe uma nuvem de poeira, a nuvem é carregada pela ventania em minha direção, a poeira adentra aos meus olhos como vidro cortante, tento me proteger me encolhendo em posição fetal, está escuro, e mais, meus olhos não conseguem se abrir, a tempestade de poeira já passou, restando apenas uma bruma que permanece sem alvoroço, mas que se misturando com a noite transforma-se em uma parade opaca, intransponível, impossível de se enxergar através, algo parece se mover dentro dela, e trazer de volta a tempestade, está se aproximando de mim rapidamente.

Um ônibus velho e cheio de ferrugem pára ao meu lado, escuto o ranger metálico estridente das portas se abrindo, todos os meus pêlos se arrepiam, sou derrubado novamente à realidade, à estranheza deste evento inesperado, mais uma vez o impulso me guia, pela primeira vez desde aquele dia sinto medo, pânico. Qual ser atroz faria ali, no meio do nada, esta parada insidiosa? O interior do veículo está completamente coberto pela poeira e a escuridão.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
you can really only begin critiquing a movie, beginning with the soundtrack, and, my my, wasn't T2 such a pleasurable follow-up.

you ever noticed how you can't look
at a moon, cross-eyed,
   with only one eye?
      a debilitatingly obvious fact,
when i started integrating into english
society, i said to myself:
make sure you know the sewers of
this city of tongue,
make sure you know every nook &
cranny, make sure you can speak
the native, better than the natives...
i think i did a fair good job,
   after all, english speakers think that
english is a difficult language to learn,
not to a bright-spark aged 8,
this other italian kid, fat as a doughnut
didn't bite into the tongue as rapaciously
as i did...
              and so it went:
synthesise the acquired for about 20 years,
and then analyse it later...
       my my, what a kinder surprise it
ended up becoming!
     but have you ever gazed at the moon
cross-eyed? suddenly you become
no more the *polyphemus
  you start looking at the moon cross-eyed
and suddenly two moons appear,
  the optical lambda stops working,
             what once was Λ, become a V -
      and you really get to see the world
of polyophemus' father: poseidon,
   because everything almost looks submerged
under water...
                        ­      Λ       two in 'ere,
two up 'er,
                           almost like the sunset on
          and always that persistent guilt over
"ooh the bad n- word",
      oh sure, besides the fact that i befriended
a 60+ year old ghanian grandfather in
the off-lice, once upon a pumpkin-carriage
tale time ago, and i always end the conversation
by a handshake that involves to of mine
and only one of his...
        so i feel this much . of "despair" /
                      "responsibility" when using
a toothbrush... *****, i ain't got beef,
but cut some slack on the shifty every changing
nature of urban slang,
     ***** might just mean: a shady individual,
and if i can't say nigh-jer (niger),
what am i going to replace it with, nigel?!
        if that's offensive, then i think we really
did a pish-poor job at slaughtering each other
or making ***** films...
     obviously we need to crank up the heat...
tell you what...
   you know what the "holy roman empire"
shifted a tad bit to the east,
and involves poland, former czechoslovakia
and hungary?
             first of all, the languages are a bit hard...
and not everyone speaks english
like they do in the benelux or scandinavia,
that's for starters, but the poles received two
great gifts from the german people,
first the marienburg castle given to us by
the teutonic crusaders of the north,
and second of all...
  auschwitz-birkenau, majdanek, auschwitz zwei
(they're intact, and can be quiet easily
i can't even believe i managed to translate
english black humour...
    i thought some things were never
     william burroughs in his book
    the cat inside talks about the SS training...
the initiation into the upper ranks of
the SS was to gouge out the eyes of a pet
cat after feeding & cuddling the cat for a month...
to eliminate the pity-poison and mould
the complete übermensch...
  then he goes on to say how he would never
hurt a cat...
               these sort of people,
the ones that value animal life over human
life can actually become the foremost conscripts...
with my ginger quarus?
  that ******* annoying luciano paravortti?
that qat qaeda who ***** in peoples beds
and deserves a smack?
            give me half an hour,
a bottle of *** and i'll tell you once the time is
      but you see... the german have
actually provided gifts...
  these sites are deterrents...
   and if you travel to warsaw in december,
and land there, and walk outside the airport...
you might as well fall it scythia...
           feral lands, i know i've said this before,
but i've just been rewatching commentary
videos from 2015 / 6 events...
      i've stopped identifying the reality of:
it's only real when i've encountered it,
and: it's just a media coverage when it hasn't
happened to me...
             and sometimes i just end up
drinking and writing something:
completely mediocre, since i know it's
provoking some sort of hornets' nest of emotion,
and that the only redeeming part of this
exhausting effort (due to its mundane
subject matter) is the optical diamond -
for the most part, we peer into the world
with two eyes that are so calibrated to be effectively
synchronised, convergent,
     looking at the convergence point,
clearly indicates that when converging,
   the eyes diverge, and are actually parallel...
i have absolutely no idea how
   this happens, the whole: looks upright
but then translate to the brain is actually
upside-down is one thing, but that's the vertical
aspect, i mean the horizontal explanation
of the eyes... how, even though they are
placed at a parallel, they actually manage to
converge, whereby polyphemus' one
is as good as our two...
                i don't have the resources to explore
of given an answer in concreto,
                     just one guy,
having a drink, looking at the moon,
Marco Bo May 2020
under this gray suburban sky
I am not a brick in your wall
I am not the tool that will lay it down
I am not

I am not the water the sand and the concrete
I am not the mortar that will paste it on
I am not the hands that will climb it
and not even those that will color it
I am not

I am not the sea that separates
I am not the beach that will not receive
I am not the boat that will sink down
and not even the waves that will drift it away
I am not

I am not your eyes that pretend not to see
I am not your ears that don't know how to listen anymore
I am not

I am not your sense of guilt
and not even your repentance on the day of feast
your clean jacket and your plastic shoes
and your Sunday brunch waiting for you at home
I am not

I do not know
what exactly I am
but I know I will learn it on the way
and you
on the other side of the wall
you will never
ever know

sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia
io non sono un mattone nel tuo muro
io non sono l'attrezzo che lo poserà
io non sono

io non sono l'acqua la sabbia e il cemento
io non sono la malta che lo incollerà
io non sono le mani che lo scaleranno
e nemmeno quelle che lo coloreranno
io non sono

io non sono il mare che separa
io non sono la spiaggia che non accoglierà
io non sono la barca che affonderà
e nemmeno le onde che la porteranno alla deriva
io non sono

io non sono i tuoi occhi che faranno finta di non vedere
io non sono le tue orecchie che non sanno più ascoltare
io non sono

io non sono il tuo senso di colpa
e nemmeno il tuo pentimento nel giorno di festa
la tua giacca pulita le tue scarpe di plastica
e il tuo pranzo della Domenica che a casa ti aspetta
io non sono

non so
cosa esattamente sono
ma so che lo imparerò sul cammino
e tu
da solo
dall'altra parte del muro
non saprai

under this gray suburban sky
I am not a brick in your wall
I am not the tool that will lay down
I am not

I am not the water the sand and the concrete
I am not the mortar that will paste it on
I am not the hands that will climb it
and not even those that will color it
I am not

I am not the sea that separates
I am not the beach that will not receive
I am not the boat that will sink down
and not even the waves that will drift it away
I'm not

I am not your eyes that pretend not to see
I am not your ears that don't know how to listen anymore
I am not

I am not your guilt
and not even your repentance on the day  of feast
your clean jacket and your plastic shoes
and your Sunday brunch waiting for you at home
I am not

I do not know
what exactly I am
but I know I will learn it on the way
and you
on the other side of the wall
  you will never
ever know
bajo este gris cielo suburbano
yo no soy un ladrillo en tu muro
yo no soy la herramienta que lo instalará
yo no soy

yo no soy agua, arena y concreto
yo no soy el cemento que lo pegará
yo no soy las manos que subirán el muro
y ni siquiera los que lo colorearán
yo no soy

yo no soy el mar que separa
yo no soy la playa que no acogerà
yo no soy el bote que se hundirá
y ni siquiera las olas que  la llevarán
yo no soy

yo no soy tus ojos que pretenderán no ver
yo no soy tus oídos que ya no saben escuchar
yo no soy

yo soy tu sentido de culpa
y ni siquiera tu arrepentimiento en el día de la fiesta
tu chaqueta limpia tus zapatos de plástico
y tu almuerzo del domingo esperándote en casa
yo no soy

yo no sé
que  exactamente soy
pero sé que lo aprenderé en el camino
y tu
al otro lado del muro
nunca no sabrás
Mariana Seabra Mar 2022
Mentes perturbadas…

Sempre numa constante luta entre o real e a utopia.

A idealização causa-me insónias…

E as palavras emaranhadas no vento,

São apenas uma coleção de sonhos nostálgicos

Que partilhamos em conjunto.

Esta droga que me vicia…

Não é química, tem um nome.

Nome esse que grito em silêncio,

Mas o silêncio, sempre tão alto,

Ensurdece-me até o espírito.

O inexplicável é tão simples…

Mas vai-nos cegando.

E como um cego de olhos abertos,

Tropeço de amor por ele.

E os momentos…

Que eram tão certos,

Mas tinham de ser errados.

O abismo era inevitável.

Agora, o sonambulismo

É um reflexo teu que me dá inspiração.

O concreto da realidade

Não me atrai.

E assim…

Viajo no abstrato dos teus olhos.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2020
russia never fails at being: unsurprising -
stagnant mother of
the little caucasian dittos -
        otherwise a pristine day...
a breakfast of a coffee... an apple...
and a cigarette...
minutes later... digging up glass
and mirrors from the earth -
       the earthworms and the scuttling
spiders - the woodlice
those sluggish irritations
of glob-like loafs of galileo's bread -
it's almost impossible not
to laugh when picking up
a snail by the shell... timid little
lubricant slob... teasing it to
prop out its eyes...
   fungus-esque vacuum of cul de sac
black prodding (the eyes! the eyes!):
god... that salival gobshite of
a slush munch oozing
like a ******... but slugs?!
ugh... a discomfort like no other...
yes: those spiders dancing a cossack...
with each handling of a shovel
the displacement of these little
pandemonium rugrats...
gloriously wriggling centipedes;
      but the fence is not yet complete...
i have to dig circa 6 inches
into the harrow and plough to...
set up a underlay border...
so the weeds: these consistently demanding
   overlords of will -
can be clogged up against:
a makeshift ha-kotel...
    as i also watched the ants:
how many i buried alive in the cement...
satellite eyes in my skull -
          sushi from earthworms...
like pruned shoots of greenery -
i am sure the clone replica
body tomb will... well:
sometimes one might draw blood from
an earthworm cut in half...
breakfast for champions:
a coffee an apple and a cigarette...
oh yes... the cement - fine fine
grey powder...
and building sand...
      a 3:1 ratio of sand to cement powder...
it just desires air like pollen...
you end up snorting a burst
balloon's worth...
   that was me... a concrete flinging
monkey... i seem to have...
forgotten the ****...
   in response
                 a mini replica of the ha-kotel
or hadrian's wall...
come the evening;
a ******* moth sanctuary that's also
my bedroom...
     which is nice...
i.e. moths...
            unlike indoor plants...
concrete flinging monkey...
       architect chomp chizzy...
             a story akin to: come evening...
a local dairy farm is being
closed in vermont...
         there's talk of... the usual...
it's not that capitalism this...
capitalism that... socialism blah blah...
kafka and bureaucracy...
a forest... a paper stampede:
but tourism...
   i, concrete flinging monkey...
come across a view with a nuisance...
no... not wind-farms...
cows... lots and lots of cows...
i also own a maine **** that...
   meows at the moon...
   well... imitate barking... howling...
fair enough... ah'woooooo!
perfect... but... it's just impossible...
to... say:                woof...
saying <woof> these days is like
some czech saying the word <i> -
                     pronouns are not stand-alone
necessary conjunction shrapnel: and...
i'll bark: without... i'll hark...
i'll imitate... god forbid the idyll of
a "woof"...
       back to the cows...
well... what better cure...
crying: moooooooooooooo'n
at them...
                if not a canvas for
a zebra... then most fuckety-**** assured
a dalmatian running chaos
and concrete evidence for a ziggy
and a zag...
                         because: as you do...
it would be plain idiot
to have to print black paper
to later write in corrector ink on them...

a day as any other:
my own... and that i was alone
for most of it...
creepy-crawlies being resettled
and... those crows...
like they might turn a branch
into a rattling toy...
     it wasn't a hark with wasn't an
outright croak...
blistering black heavens with
a glistening white cross of their
skeleton having fun...

it's enough to have written so very
little... seemingly freelance
livid on a hot horseshoe with not
impeding stress for gallop...
but this is not a grave...
there is no tombstone...
and... there's no epitaph...

           funny... i have ventured
into many graveyards... out of fun:
out of a mortal assurance...
but beside it: to own a grave is a status
symbol... like a second mortgage...
cremate the rest of us: said plonk
and pluck...
              there's a name...
there's a born on and a died on...
     there's an engraving by those
who dearly miss: a loving father etc.
but there's hardly...
an epitaph...

i am yet to find myself... in awe...
walking in a cemetery....
finding a gravestone with an epitaph
detailing a: progressive thesis
for a blatantly borrowed Golgotha!

- that moscow is a memory of a in concreto
of a slab -
perfectly contorted and
only a midnight at a train station
waiting for a ****-plug
heading back to st. petersburg...
is another time... another life...
the same spatial coordinates...

little venice whittle Constantine-ville...
some other-wordly ham-steer-toward-the-dam...
flooding! mr. orange:
the spanish are craving polenta...
and all that's perfectly...
inaccessible for the serenity of
a plonker and a plumber...

              hidden niches of
english phoneticism arguments:
in that they lack any variation
of orthography -
   what even the germans had to mind.
Valeria Chauvel May 2020
¿Y ahora qué?
Es la gota que cae
sobre otra gota.
Es la piedra del zapato
que incomoda al andar.
Es el martillar de un clavo
sobre arena movediza.

Encasillada en una de las tantas
pajareras de concreto
no se puede respirar aromas
ni se puede sentir el sol,
mucho menos... besar con calma,
por cadenas carroñeras,
mediocre humanidad.

¿Podré ser libre?
Del clamor de imaginarios tácitos,
de magras calles y uniformadas máscaras.
Veo luces ambulantes de almas en pena,
el crepitar de ásperas voces en el fuego.

Espero ansiosa al encuentro
con el silencio de una montaña
que se esconde en la nada
y te acoge con sedoso velo.

Quiero ser viento templado
y regresar a casa
para ese momento de ataraxia,
para ese suave respirar.

Envidio a sosegada paloma
que se posa en mi ventana
y me pregunto en silencio...
¿Soy yo Libertad?

— The End —