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Lost in despair, Found on faith.
These happen to the forsakened, things just happen with no warning.
Rather it be lossing your bearings, Or just walking in the believe of something greater than yourself.
Forsaken can break their curse, But can also be bound if they so choose to let it.

Ravenous from rage, Claimed with love.
Two things that monster's feel, though they can't control this outcome.
Rage fills them when barricades block their path, Love fills the monster with clearity allowing it to relax.
Just remember the monster is no different from being forsakened.

Monsters feel rage, Forsakened feel vengeful.
Forsakend feel hope, Monsters feel love.
Those who barricade or break a path are in the direct path to being ******,
For on the otherside is a Merciless and Vengeful being heading your way.

To be forsakened is to become a monster, To be monster was once forsakened.
Thinking about it is no diffent then watching you lose your humanity,
Doing something is to change that which you became.
Forsakened to become a monster, Once forsakened and now choatic.

The monster is and will always be a reminder for those who barricade ignorantly,
Forsakened is the first path of the monster, It's up to thy forsaken to be monster or human.
Which path would you choose if you become forsakened?
Would you let vengence fill your veins, or try forgiveness?

My path can't be alterd, I didn't get the chance for choice.
Too many barricades, Too many losses.
Those who know this are already monsters, Those who don't make your decision.
The path is yours to make, For those who been blessed with a path.

Monster Forsaken or Human?
Amethyst Fyre Jan 2017
Grab my hand* he says
I know what you're going through
The cycles of firey independance
That you can make it, on your own
The wrenching despair
The flashing moment where you don't want to be here anymore
And it all seems so pointless
I know it
We don't have to be here anymore
Take my hand he says
I take his hand
And when the ensuing darkness falls around me
Like choatic endless falling stars
I do not run, I am relieved
My heartbeat is the last thing I hear before he leads me
Into the wild, overgrown garden of sleep.
Dreamer Jan 2015
Skin on fire
Eyes ablaze
Sparks igniting
scarlet in the night.

Sins melted in lava
The light hurts
when you've been lost
in the dark

widen your gaze
and find your path.
This choatic menace
is just another dire fervor.

ethereal flames
inundating your soul

Ignite! oh ignite!
From the smokey abyss I will rise.
Tranquility found at the surface
where the sun enlightens the blinded
Destinies renewed
Hearts imbued by the warmth of the Golden light
shimmering above

tickling on your skin,
blazing in your heart.

See it glow,
for it is passionate,
it is undying.

It is Inferno.
My first collab ever with the amazing, Jamie King! I would like to genuinely thank him,  Check him out, he's the best!
Dawn of Lighten Mar 2016
It's this ism of schism,
And lost in racism with perpetuated choatic cataclysm.

This fixation with complication,
And devotion to destruction.

Lines of grape vine leading to purely deluded wine,
What was devine shine left in oh so decline of our prime.

This determination to provocation,
With invocation to division.

Stuck in the darkness becoming blind,
So **** blind by our hate filthy grime of our sinful crime.

It is our limitation to our self infliction,
For all action comes with reaction.

Time and time again feast dine not knowing our fine line,
To define what is right of mine,
this line this line pathway to beyonder.

To build this rotten fruition,
It is but infliction leading to degregation.

What is this demoralizing scene, hatred, digression of the old days displayed among our mist?
My faith in humanity is like a vine line, and so often as time passing by, the line that held my faith has thinned to hold that line.
Amethyst Fyre Feb 2017
She has a gift from the gods
For she is a seer
Eyes unblinkingly open
Seeing all the world
Flutter between her lashes
In choatic, chalked out frames
Body wracked by sobs
She begs the gods
To rip her eyes from her skull
She is an innocent
She rocks herself back and forth
But there is no comfort
For those who watch the world die
Every time they close their eyes
And sit on their beds, paralyzed
There is no comfort
For the seer
In Greek mythology, Sibyls= a sort of seer, usually related to Apollo
SelinaSharday Jul 2021
prose '"Oh Hidden Avatars They Are"!
The avatar note found. unattended unfinished below.
"My Tea is spilled my cups  emptied all up, tee hee hee,
Dig in my family tree's."
Its me, its us, its them, we be trying to get our profits in.
It's her, it's me. it's us it's them.
No really it's usually mostly me. hee hee.
We sick we tired, we sorry we lied, we crying in the closet
Sayin woah is me. Such a casualty we caused we see, we chompin.
On our own ***** now, what tragedy.
I's getting sick of these youtube streets.
Beating me, she, her, us them down, we bleeds.
My all time fame now wicked lame.
Should have kept  my Own goose tucked.
Cuz now its all  been plucked.
Choatic corrupts my end seems near.
No one believes me oh I fear.
Cause I am she, I pretend to be, not me, not me.
Its not me y'all all are liars.
But I keep setting these fires.
Cause all I know how to be is Narcissist me.
And drag along all those dummies that believes in me.
I'm huh, I'm her, we each worked to stir.
We all do prefer you come for her. leave us, we be..
Alone we weep we moan..
Gone leave us Narcissist alone..
Bury me, bury her, you can't see me heeehaahheeee.
In The end.. we are all here just to offend!!!

Writer. I'm Just having fun. Intro I'm a NoseyHeaux Live subscriber,
a Candy Washington sub and a Haus of thee princess & Marcella sub lovin it.
I barely post online lately. But I enjoy doing poems..
By SelinaSharday Rose Poet. 7/9/21
s.a.m @H.E.R_Heavens.Ebony.Rose
please share if you like.
da unheard girl..
Writer. I'm Just having fun. Intro I'm a NoseyHeaux Live subscriber,
a Candy Washington sub and a Haus of thee princess & Marcella sub
& more.. @lovin it.
I barely post online lately. But I enjoy doing poems..
By selinaSharday Rose Poet. 7/9/21
s.a.m @H.E.R_Heavens.Ebony.Rose
please share if you like.
da unheard girl..

— The End —