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Viper Jan 2011
we the human race are like wingless flies.

we feed off the expiring animal we call earth.

every day we scurry about, consuming, making waste, and reproducing millions of little maggots to take our place when our lives ceace.

we better evolve.

every day we become a little more extinct.
copyright/Viper 2011
mr inkless Mar 2014
Is the passive monster alive tonight ? Born for peace then forced to fight. While a just war win brings slight delight I oppose for my preference whist I'm in control of my rights. Will he illegally police those who try to cease peace ? Again they'll  get what they deserve they will lye at his feet! They are void of thier consciences and try to take control . A Nefound obsolete consciousness for them and alike will be his goal. Why do they brandish dishevelled mental faculties, disturb happiness, love and sincerity ? Bringing out the darkest in me ? why should they remain "the free" ? . The evil cause ďestruction and seem to live in peace whilst "the best" and all our loved ones become deceased in what always seems to be an ungodly release . Will i Swap my freedom for inner peace and make way for the writing of a
piece ?Contradicting my beliefs so all evil will ceace .  To exist I will beat it from dark souls il defeat until my maker will meet me pass judgement discreetly . I know that in heaven il meet "the best" and I will be free.
Nadine Mar 2019
When I was small, carefree and young
I would laugh, giggle and have so much fun
Who would of known or ever could see
What I would go through what I would be

The roads I would travel the things I'd go through
I had love and friendship that never seemed true
Break ups and make ups, good times and bad
I lived through the fights and the memories I had

I believed in that prince on a white shinny horse
Will he still come and sweep me up of course
I'm still so young and many years are ahead
But at times I feel alone and in side so dead

I have worries and dreads and flights of fears
Its my demons and emotions that I mostly fear
The nights bring no comfort the day no peace
I wish this battle I face would just ceace

I can't explain and I don't know why
Sometimes I break and all I want is to die
I try to reach out and speak from my heart
But then the pain and emotions restart

You'll never know or understand if you tried
The mental agony and pain that inside I hide
Now I'll be fine and all seems so well
Then in an instant I pull into my shell

I know you worry I know you wonder
How can you calm my raging thunder
You cant help me you can't heal me
Cause I cant explain, I so wish to be free

It comes from within and it blows in an instant
Then from the world I keep my distance
It's emotions and worries and panic attracts
When you think it is over it's suddenly back

Where do I turn to where can I run
I wish to be happy carefree and fun
It raises in an instant and stays for so long
Then there goes my quietness like distant song

People try help and give there advise
They tell me to stand up, they tell me to raise
They say I'm stronger than what I believe
I must try harder and to advise give heed

I have tried this and that so many times
But it doesn't help cause it's more than my mind
Its deep in my soul my gut and my heart
If only I could figure out from where is all starts

How to control it so that it won't last
Maybe it's hidden deep in my past
I've dug and I've dug and pondered on things
All that it does is another one brings

It doesn't help me when you stare at me
You think I don't know but I always see
The whispers and giggles and ugly remarks
Don't be back stabbing take of your masks

It's a constant battle to keep it together
I'm even effected by the change of weather
But I keep on going and pray to keep standing
And always on my two feet to be landing

So next time you see me distressed and ranting
Tears in my eyes and heavily panting
Try to be loving, understanding and gentle
It hurts me more when you are judgement

I know that you battle at times understand me
Do you stay away or reach out and hold me
I wish I could change and be more stable
Believe me I would of if only I was able
maybella snow Jul 2013
do you ceace to be
a child                                              
when you meet          
a cirtain age?

or is it when                            
you loose your childish
and everything that goes                  
with it?
Right through most of my whole entire life
I never have and I really don't do still true
Believe in things that really don't really exist
Or above human comprehention life through

If man had any respect for WHOM they call JESUS
They'd be able to live their lives in perfect simplicity
Being if one could not do a good turn he would not
For greed deliver a bad one makes good sense to me

Tell me of a was war that was not based on religion
Where live and let live without racism money or gain
Where some never existed thinking they worked for god
Regardless of broken hearts endless dying a world in pain

Over 300 plus bibles and religions but only one their truth
All worded differently that a Christ had died due to treason
And after this man had died ages 85 in Kashmir married
Over a hundred years later in 310 wrote bibles of reason

When he lived had a daughter named Sara to his wife Mary
After he died they went to south of France their blood holy grail
Never yet via following generations they ever found it at all
So assuming to know wrote their bibles and still they wail

Comes down to the words simplicity choice and live and let live
We all are born and so true we all of us one day all will die
Everything in time has its Karma earth destroyed 6 times to date
Nostradaus wrote 2018 year of earthquakes volcanic voice to cry

Its written this time earth will ceace to exist in via means unknown
And without to speak of warning as none believe enough to panic
Where are the Christians fed to lions by Romans away back when
And where are all that trusted in their God still on the once Titanic

Endless break-away religions of already endless wealth to date
Stop to think that if all donated even a dollar for the poor
The uncountable children and families would live far better lives
With all simply doing instead of praying like dying waves on shore

But religions better than working for a none tax paying organization
Spending their lives like bees in hives closed minded children wives
Convincing themselves they know God better than any above many
Driving new cars dressing to **** in the name of God as life it thrives

The secret to possessing souls is to close their minds easy to handle
Having them scared as id not if not they go diectly to hell below
Well even the pope admitted hell is a fantasy as is Adam and Eve
Their bibles state all sin is forgiven when comes time to go

What they get away with have done still do in the name of God
Yet All their bibles as such packed with endless contradictions
osing minds to ask God for help instead of helping themselves
And due to same an entire world of confused minds and frictions

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

— The End —