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We are afraid
As we give you aid
We have the liberty
To maneuver your head
To the extent your are
Deprived a go ahead
To tend
Your  self-development
And self -reliance

"When money speaks
the truth is silent"
If you want to continue
Our client
Remember you're macilent
So  try not to be violent
Fighting back  with" Though
I'm poor I 'm somebody!"
'Cause, snobbish, we may prefer
This budy from that budy.
Don't be naughty
There is nothing
As such inviolable

A budy
That does not
Help  better optimize
Our advantage
Shoddy, could not
Come to the same page.

Note also
We could pull strings
And  to loan givers tell
"When we speak
Wag  your tail!"
To Trump and World Bank///

Pat Ethiopia on the back than stab it in the back

Intolerant of a crushing poverty that bound Ethiopia hand and foot,   the country is dead set on escaping the daunting scenarios its citizens across generations had suffered. Members of this generation too have known the brunt all their lives. Population boom has been exacerbating the problem.
Despite the bounty and plenty the country boasts, for aeon, it was forced to go through the throes of poverty perplexed by its inaction.
The calamity of inclement weather such as droughts and subsequent shortages of food had been souring the country’s fate.
To add an insult to injury, Ethiopia could not get its economy off the ground rocked by internal turmoil that went on unabated fueled by struggle for power and also disturbed by the proxy wars and revolutions exported by those who want to emasculate the country depriving it the power to use its resources like its trans-boundary rivers.
Hence it was coerced to heavily lean on foreign aids, which resulted in dependency syndrome. As such, in molding its fate the country had no option than remain locked in the doldrums of inaction. True to the wisdom-packed saying “Give a man a fish you feed him a day. But teach him how to fish you will feed him the rest of his life!” it was this point international donors were laboring to ram home in lecturing Ethiopia and others. Ethiopia’s developmental ****** to feed itself and illumine the region is in consonance with this silver bullet.
But making 180 degree turn and contravening the aforementioned ideal more often than not they uphold, hypocrites in this set are forcing Ethiopia to compromise its national interest and brush aside its developmental drive simply to cheer up their pet country, depressed out of jealousy as Ethiopia is outstripping it in geopolitical importance. Hypocrites want to support those who sow the seed of terror abroad spoiling fifth columnists in Ethiopia, envisioning socioeconomic take off beyond its perimeter.
“When money speaks the truth remains silent!” runs the adage. That is to say the pauper and the feeble turn vulnerable, when the affluent wield power. This does not work for Ethiopia that never ever compromise its sovereignty even in the face of war inferno.
It is cogent that an enemy of your friend or your handyman is your enemy. With this mentality white supremacist that spare no effort to optimize their advantage are seen trying to twist Ethiopia’s arm “We could underwrite developmental aid to you if and only if you show alacrity to what we blindly dictate to you. There is no room for taking what we say with a grain of salt. If you fall out with our pet country a punitive measure expects you.”
Hypocrites and their pet country also leave no stone unturned to lure the rational minded countries to their side so that they fall out with Ethiopia. The pendulous behavior of the riparian and neighbor country, which was a votary of the truth up to recent times, testifies this disposition.
International donor organizations to which hypocrites attached their apron strings are revoltingly echoing the stance of hypocrites creating pretexts not giving a second thought to the fact that their action could be weighed by the global community as a double standard. Such tail wagging goes a long way in eroding international trust. Here, it is no wonder if one alludes to the true farce of Barban and Jesus. Hang the votary of regional growth and release the exporter of terrorism is the modern version of it.
Such a subtle attack is unfair and unjust. Besides, the donations of hypocrites were meant for mutual objective—maintaining peace in a strategic area of global importance. As such, the negative impact could not be seen as a unilateral one. Where is the picture perfect love of hypocrites to democracy?
GERD is  Ethiopia’s  flagship project that is reminiscent of the victory of Adwa that threw into shambles white supremacy and showcased colored people could square up to any challenge. Is it because of this,  for want of due protection, we are witnessing attacks on our flag in Europe in sharp contrast to the etiquettes of international diplomacy? Crime by omission is no less than crime by commission! The international community must heed this as put it emperor Hailesellasie before League of nations “today it is our turn tomorrow it is yours!”
Averse to the trend international donors wait on Ethiopia hand and foot, the country is harnessing its resources to its and regional benefits. In so doing, generating electricity it is garnering foreign currency. Extrapolation shows that if it presses ahead with this noble task the country could beef up its muscles to the extent of seeing developmental aid as something it could manage without.
Ironic as it may sound, lately the lower riparian countries are inundated by the water of Blue Nile though they were crying foul the first phase of the filling and subsequent filling of the dam could cause a dearth of water in their lands. As a kid cowers imagining a bogeyman, lower riparian countries must not shudder imagining unscientific and farfetched things. Besides their heart tells them Ethiopia is marked for considerateness to others.
Let it be known Ethiopia is not a pushover. It is a standard-bearer of bootstrapping. In cognizance of this fact the rational need to pat it on the back than stab it in the back.  //
At bathroom
i'm singing
a song
so sound
no budy
my song
i'm singing
my self
broken word
just with
bath room
door broken
so nice
Chinny Maia Oct 2020
I wake up to your sweet cuddles  and
Your love bites like tiny needles,
but it’s all part of ur love, nonetheless

You meow so sweet and lovingly
as you stretch and reach out out to me..
for a rub and a caress... o how that moves me..

You came into my life at it’s lowest point
I was giving up on joy, life n living- there was no point
But you waltzed in and turned it all around
All my despair to eagerness ...

Eagerness to watch you grow
Eagerness to wake up each day just to love you more
Eagerness to protect you , feed you play with and hold you more

You have no idea how much you saved me
How much you still save me
from my pain
From my despair
From my disdain

You are literally the reason I get out of bed every day..
If I don’t, you attack my feet, hands , nose n lips🤣

Having you in my life has given me a reason to stay alive

You are my right had man, drive buddy,walk buddy, netflix n chill budy.. travel buddy, fight buddy n best of all cuddle buddy..

thank you for saving this soul that was about to give up..

Thank you Olaf..
I love you my Ollie loly limlim baby💕💕💕
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
because all the narratives are slipping...
once upon a time...
once upon.... there was a time...
and people had their lives...
huddled: bonded...
spoke to the fire...
teased a shadow drunk on a night-out
not returning with a one-night-stand
teased a shadow drunk:
for a handshake that would
become a classical: greek... wrestling...
the advent of judo...
sort of... hey there!
         i'm bored of the lies...
             i'm actually more than merely
bored: i'm numbed...
here's to! fishing for: the last covenant
of nazis...
just today...
i was watching the odessa file... 1974...
jo(h)n voi(gh)t...
                             even though...
****... this... **** that...
a people so... "conquered":
brought together...
                 what speaking of land...
to be conquered...
             yes: fishing for nazis...
scouting for them too...
the diaspora finally congregated...
i have to... feed into feeling...
an itch of...
the bother... should...
the words of: Balaam the Diviner...
              i guess i am a "diviner"...
i sentence each word with:
please! spare... this land this...
whatever it might be...
    of which i am... "exiled" from...
i keep the mothertongue in the shadow...
         we had affairs in the shadows:
when we wrote...
not much fun... when all the rotting
woodworks are busying themselves
with evixction notices for the:
karaluchy - cockroaches...
   two or three words:
   the original advent for the pursuit
of life... hell... that almost feels like
feeding ten piglets!

the black lives protests were just
an interlude...
the attack in reading with three dead:
you keep a libyan hound
on a leash for long enough...
collateral damage...
     of the union to oust Gaddafi...
i would never be a fan of anyone...
so... gifted in exfoliation of attire...
but then again:
fishing for nazis... without...
their... signature... hugo boss...
          who dressed these "neos"
in forgetable... attire?
   uncorked a bottle of champagne
when figuring out...
the new innovation of what was
once: the radio...

i.e. make them... wear...
forgetable... attire...
       some grey suit...
     but... of course the but!
   they can't succumb to the eccentricity
of... wearing the same ****...
over and over again:
the trick would still be played...
that they might...
for themselves: of course...
and have the clothes washed
and primed for re-use...
like back in school...

                  i could swear to have clicked
on my usual ctrl + c / + p...
   for the ц: not being on the keyboard...
by "magic fingers" and all the more
a "magic will"... redirected to...
          ah... "surds"... "signs"...
      like...                 the g-nome...
                           the g-nostic...
                                  otherwise: some variation
of... diaGnostics...
                             my own little...
bless the veil of inconvenience...

my little escapism: well it's fresh...
it's not a newspapers' opinion column...
when journalism was something
          it's fresh and it's...
how did i abandon finishing Dicken's
   the Pickwick Papers?
                      to have to glue the ridge...
that page turning skeleton...
it is... after all...
an edition from the 19th century...
i want to finish it...
but i dare say... if i did...
the binding would not retain its:

                  so... are we still
scouting and fishing for nazis?
the romanced old baddies?
      the ones that would... somehow...
agitate the arab world post 1945
in shady dealings...
how... the diaspora would finally
and a people could be robbed
of their land...
an israel...

        but the... diaspora didn't...
"finally" congregate... a sceptical bunch
of kippah kaddish qabbalah scientists...
ibn saud and the myth of the dajjal...
by god: the arabs would never drink...
impossible... camel jockeys that they:
were... are...
so... sugar-frenzy!  
                 they do like their sweets...
and sexed-up juices of trickle
phlegm from the harem of harems of:
****** olives and ******...

            hell... wouldn't it be just nice...
to see someone... donning a ******* with
pride... for... open-range practice?
but these's days...
it's all a game of... so... who's who?

arab playboys or new-money beijing
shrimp whittle-wichard squirt: a squint
on the altar of lemon-C... some minor
vitamin deity...

                  narratives: all shrapnel...
    all existential "complications"...
have... honest to "god"...
become... constipations...
and the best of these are in england...
what with the school of...
that aesthetic...
i was looking for a word...
a german hyphenated centipede was born...

what was a "complication" came to be easily
served as... a constipation...
oh... and i've had my fair share of
those: wild adventures of Mr. Turdy...

was once: a not once upon a time: je(t)ц(t)цeit:
or the concept of abolishing a theory of gravity
and the great devauliton of a van gogh painting...
classical verbiage...
word salad of misnomers...
if they were only misnomers...

candly floss of stripped nuances...
the elder: a democrat...
"social distancing"
or the... grand revisionism /
revival of the feng shui...

igorant moi...
   feng shui: a geomancy...

        (my my! and that is!
a schematic for...
a loitering... paragraph)...

   who among the porcelain folk...
tinged with...
       is to speak of chiromancy...
or... to treat the stars and their
with... impertinent questions...
to salvage some sort of a remaining
whole: that some man lived...
that some man...
would be...

a zen parody... a zen anything:
anyone: anywhere...

      to proscribe a tao placebo:
is to live a taoist sickness...
to live "anything" and an "anytime"...
to be so conflated with the confines
of an immediacy: a heideggerian: dasein...
that there's a "there"...
sein... there are more connotations
being excavated from
the etymological "term": unwavering noun...
concerning being: a space...
a coordinate...
than there's... wild dreams!
annotations to subscribe to
a temporal fatalism... by that...
indeed... time...
                  fall of the: and gathered
knee of amen...

                bridal coup:
this.. laced fake sellers' poignancy...
the brightest of minds...
and the darkest of tongues...

i came to this posit: inquiring...
my last... salvaged futility...
and it had to become apparent...
i had to find myself:
unable to leisure...
for the eventuality of all eventualities...
the supper of languid:

the mushroom hijacked the brain
of ape...
the tree imitated serpet in shedding
its core... of bark...
the elevation of answers...
via... the 1960s psychadelic
experimentation phaze...
              + + + +....
                                we had to...
acknowledge the gemini:
clone... and the brain subjected to...
the pickling jar...

            why wouldn't i partner
up with... the death closure dynamics...
yes... yes... because...
the sober are the sane:
no sight of dolly the prodded:
proud matriarch fo miles around!
b'ah b'ah...
   i sell my consonants
with an ambiguity of vowels...
every... chance... i... get...
to have to: and i have to...
divinate the tetragrammaton...
in the "H" the vowel-catcher...
phoneticism of the god of words...
and in the beginning...
easy "thing" to desecrate...
the hierogylphs...

   the 'ebrew god wouldn't...
desecrate... the roman alphabet...
wouldn't... desecrate the phonetic
encoding of the greeks...
cul de sac of "adventure"!
             i hear...
the litany of the gods of the conquering
the 'ebrew god... didn't...
conquer and...
the egyptian hieroglyphs... were...
                  canninites... canine bark-alongs...
the hebrew conquered...
                  scribble fancies of arabs...
the revenge of Keturah
the mother of Khadījah
this... inbreeding of violence...
old sway old...
                   new sway new...

             what cave... when working with...
i **** on it: perhaps...
there might arrive a castle...
i blow on it...
   sand come... sand go...
or... sand go... sand come...

the dehydrated mind is everyone's
new norm:
because: the cpllective said so?
never the sanity of the mandarins...
lie on top of of lie...
but still...
a "forward vector"...

                but the hebrews...
couldn't erase the roman alphabet...
or the greek alphabet...
they... managed to hide the runes...
they best hid the glagolitic script...
but what good did that?
when the greek solved a revival of
the glagolitic script and served
up a palette for cyrillic?

ergo? the hebrew god failed...
the fate of the hebrew people...
with the 20th century...
as a zenith...
was also their nadir...
          the god of the word:
of phonetic encoding...
you can't... somehow...
stage a fake war...
when... the roman alphabet was
to be used... in computer: code...
you can't... erase this progress!

  you couldn't with a hierogylphic owl...
so much... teasing...
did... the mandarin: your god:
your sanctity saviour: of what?
god of "gods" blush... shy away...
the hebrew phonetic letters...
posisted against the mandarin
what is it? crude bollocking:
and a shard...
          a truly... ripe... "prophecy"...
solomon's harem
the envy of a newly bred...

          i asked the willow...
why it had to gimmicj wilting...
with a Y... as it always turbned...
not the willow... the oak...
sure as ****: not the birch of pine...
to leisure... aging...
by... leusuring a loss of...
skin... leather...

  easy target practice for the god
of the hebrews...
the numbers were also concerned...
for all the love of hiding your vowels...
like they might be
diacritical markers of "accent"...

          hello: pseudo-sand peoples...
4 (ה)...
                  that's as best as i can arrive
kippah... kaddish... qabbalah and lot...
a people: a country...
not worth invading...
a... diaspora... a people...
not worth displacing back:
into a congregation of:
if only... israel...
and there came...
the paupers of the vatican...

   i guess... i guess:
i'm not guessing... the returns policy
of that... parody of a clan...

a diet of diatribe...
  how can the hebrew alphabet claim...
over the roman or the greek...
     "alphabet": phonetic encoding...
when... the greek moved into the theoretical
constants of science...
and roman... remained: instilled...
    for "phonetic" questions...
hebrew: proto-writing...
        i would wait... for hebrew to fail...
when being... dashed...
forged... upon the wave...
crashing onto the caverns of seafront

            to retain some of these letters:
as numbers...
is enough...
            but sorry no sorry...
        ktav ashuri...
   the hebrew god... jealous and proud...
the norse gods... bended their knee...
and became invisibly: doubly apparent...
from Runes unto Rome....
finally! a phonetic encoding system...
that... the hebrews...
couldn't perfect:
or find themselves ar superior odds to...

40 years became 2000 years...
a slow decay i.q. lesson
culminating in the denotated rubric of:
auschwitz... sorry... sorry told...
you can't... treat...
the proto-italian perfection...
like it's some... *******...
hieroglyphic! like it some...
proto-borrowed... syriac / cuneiform!
sand-****** kippah-u.f.o.!

savvy? no savvy? we can have
this argument going... on and on!
it's not like...
  i have care for the crude...
it's not like people are going
to return to the cafe or subject...
they'd hope... themselves
to a live maggot and concert...

you can't... you can't...
perfect what's already perfect
in latin with hebrew...
the music! the music!
     a cul de sac war project of ******* whipping!
which is all the need for
a circumcision!
of a worth of a niqab!
   i'm starting to think that... the kippah...
is a side-project for...
investing in solar-panels...
honest to god: no joke...
it's like the hebrews are being bribed...
and bribed: auschwitz nutz truez...

     because... the hebrew phonetic encoding...
system of x-ray letters...
can... will... somehow...
get rid of the latin...
   they couldn't get rid of the greek...
when greek became cyrillic...
useful idiots... and a laughing god.

my former respect has become...
a... shambo: a ****-pit...
shambles: exact!

         i always hoped to... keep my...
pretty.... toes... to the last.

— The End —