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Miranda May 2012
He's only a mean, vicious cloud in the sky of my heart.
The sun still blazes behind him, but he will always loom overhead,
Spilling droplets of bromine that stain my skin,
Spilling droplets of ethanol that blind me.
I cast down hailstones the size of his new love's eyes,
Eyes which will inevitably spill their own pearls as expressions of the heartache he delivers so well.
Talon Robinson Aug 2015
As soon as I saw you I saw the lightning aura around you
The neon letting you flow from within
Properties of gadolinium are an excuse
A magnetic principle is what I say
Amazed at the oxygen that flows from your being
Yet shocked at the purity of life you support around you
Your smile like rubidium
Turning the light around you into energy
This helps fuel my inner battery
Which is possibly lined with lead
I'm able to feel the strong calcium within your body
Which is large enough to create multiple bones and beautiful shells
So perfect that you can go with anything gold
Which is why any jewelry is lucky to be yours
But your reach of perfection is further
As you go with any tellurium
Any coloring that's seen within a stained glass window
Just on you will make you look angelic
But to me your beauty is nothing but bromine
Nothing but *poisonous
Going back to the type of poet I truly am. A love poem that utlilizes elements and their uses in the real world.
JL Nov 2011
you can feel him in each breath taken by the plants
                                   each breath taken by me
Cell Structure

is not in the breath of my lungs
or in the depth of my eyes
is not in the hurt of my heart
or the kiss of my spirit

I am a saint

He is no feeling or breath of this world
He is no idea
No crusade

He is the understanding and knowing
In this thought
Maybe, I am alone
Jessica Dec 2014
Multiple times you have been taken from me without my approval.
Spinning, black, nauseating.
The foreign hands touch me.

Face in the dirt.
What is going on?
Stop putting my head there.
Swept into your arms I am dead weight But of course you can manage.

Multiple times I have put myself in the position where they can act upon the morals that they don’t have.
He does what he wants.
He accomplishes his goal.
And leaves naked in the night.

You carry me in, knowing what happened.
You look at me straight and I can’t see your face.
This is okay though, right?
Multiple times your morals have vanished.

You say lets go somewhere else and we walk to the porch.
Bromine, Oxygen, Thymine, foreign to me.
Stop it.
Get out of my house.

I’m coming to Nebraska and I’m staying with you.
Pacing. terrified.

I love you.
Ksjpari Aug 2017
Sanmati, my source, is equine
Arising year by year to twine.
Naming ceremony like a mine –
Mining gold, silver, bromine.
All averse to Sanmati divine
Time and again – old shrine.
I will support her – Him within
Jains as do by going byline.
All will succumb to Him by entwine.
I presume the same qualities spine
Neatly in the world which He assign.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style. Thanks for your inspiring, kind, soft fingers.
laveni Mar 2019
Not a cloth nor powders of bronze
Adorn your skin of gold
A silver's corners with its sharp edge you pressed hard
Against your neck
A small cut like of a paper they induced

You're scared

Resembling an image of yourself
Close to you
Or so it seemed
And inside the eyes,
A rose to wilt between sharp rubies
In long forthwith,
Drowning in crimson bromine

You surrendered
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2019
BR is an abbreviation
Bromine, Bedrooms,
British Rail and Bread.
bcb Apr 2020
from time to time will I stare directly into the face of the moon and imagine myself at the bottom of a well. a charming well, though pallidly dark and a scent of bromine; there lies life far below the veil of light so obscene.
a buoyant mystery.

from time to time will I stare directly into the myriad of stars and imagine each one as baroque needle ****** within a sunken black canvas. an extravagant canvas. constellation of blemishes, an unhinged art. each blotch it’s own name, to set them apart.
a shimmering reverie.

these are the gifts that call to me.
persist enduringly.

be well,
can’t get enough of space
kfaye Feb 2022
The spermicide in your voice
The sink drain spinning
     .After much coaxing

The hair clumps climbing in bromine drips

As the acid burnt label’s yellowing edge
Waits for  further  corrosion  in the cabinet

As we seek to photosynthesize.  Into greater     limbs reaching

We shed the jitters

Humble before the promise of our own smallness

We feel the growth in our bones.


Not yet as a door.

Not as an ear.

Not yet as a scar.

Not yet as a shadow.

Not yet as a self.



The ebbing

Of your eager look

As we roll our eyes,

And are no longer noticed.
kfaye May 2023
The spermicide in your voice
The sink drain spinning
     .After much coaxing

The hair clumps climbing in bromine drips

As the acid burnt label’s yellowing edge
Waits for  further  corrosion  in the cabinet

As we seek to photosynthesize.  Into greater     limbs reaching

We shed the jitters

Humble before the promise of our own smallness

We feel the growth in our bones.


Not yet as a door.

Not as an ear.

Not yet as a scar.

Not yet as a shadow.

Not yet as a self.



The ebbing

Of your eager look

As we roll our eyes,

And are no longer noticed by each other’s fingertips.

— The End —