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Elle Bogue Feb 2017
There is no greater disappointment
Than looking up high
And finding no Moon
Lighting up the night sky.

I looked into your eyes many times before
Finding love, comfort, hate, passion,
But not this desolate goodbye,
Until there was no moon in the sky.

This emptiness spread into my heart,
Now hollow and inconsolably dark.
The only white pearl that can make it restart
Didn’t think twice to turn off or depart.

Yet hope is still here,
Shining as lonely stars;
For the moon to reappear
And heal all deep blue scars.

*By Elle Bogue
Edna Sweetlove Oct 2014
Have you heard about old Erik Satie?
He was quite slim and not un fatti;
Son père was a Frog, his Ma a wee ****
(which must have given quite a shock
to his musical chums at the Conservatoire
where he wrote "Trois morceaux en forme de poire").

While sitting 'au piano' one fine day
At his Honfleur home so bright and gay,
Our Erik felt himself come over queer,
(le résultat triste de beaucoup de bière).
He hadn't felt so odd since he didn't know when
(that's when he wrote his "Gnossiennes").

Now I don't want you to think Erik was bent
That certainly wasn't what I meant;
But there's no doubt he was a little odd
(indeed many called him an asexual sod);
For, although French, he loved not the ladies
(and he also wrote three nice "Gymnopédies").

Many piano pieces which Satie penned
Are rather silly and round the bend;
One was called "Prélude for a Dog"
(which he wrote whilst sur le bogue);
Perhaps his best known work is called "Parade"
Which some people think is quite avant-garde.

He was a bit ***** and collected umbrellas
Which set him apart from saner fellers;
He had lots of velvet suits to his name
(and for some reason, they all looked the same).
But he over-did it on the *****, was often ******,
Thus he died prematurely, and is sorely missed.
Dejad que siga y bogue la galera
bajo la tempestad, sobre las olas:
va con rumbo a una Atlántida española,
en donde el porvenir calla y espera.No se apague el rencor ni el odio muera
ante el pendón que el bárbaro enarbola:
si un día la justicia estuvo sola,
lo sentirá la humanidad entera.Y bogue entre las olas espumeantes,
y bogue la galera que ya ha visto
cómo son las tormentas de inconstantes.Que la raza está en pie y el brazo listo,
que va en el barco el capitán Cervantes,
y arriba flota el pabellón de Cristo.
El lago una mancha
Parece de azogue.
¡Que arranque la lancha!
¡Que bogue, que bogue!

Mi Musa que esmalte
Adquiere en las cimas,
Será gerifalte
A caza de rimas.

Aromas diluye
Sobre el campo el aura.
Doquier vida fluye
Que el cuerpo restaura.

Ramazón umbría
Sobre el agua cuelga.
La pajarería
Canta alegre en huelga.

Mariposas raudas
Van entre fulgores;
Del guadual las caudas
Dan gratos rumores.

En mundos que fragua
La mente me pierdo,
Y el rumor del agua
Aduerme el recuerdo.

Cual góndola zarpa
El alma a la aurora.
El bosque es un arpa
Que alivia al que llora.

Que traiga el ensueño
Bienhechor descanso:
¡Oh campo, oh risueño
Celeste remanso!

La ciudad ahoga....
¡Que mi cuerpo vibre!
¡Boga, lancha, boga!
¡El alma aquí es libre!
Que tus ojos radien sobre mi destino,
que tu veste nívea, que la luz orló,
ampare mis culpas del torvo Dios Trino:
¡Señora, te amo! ¡Ni el grande Agustino
ni el tierno Bernardo te amaron cual yo!

Que la luna, octante de bruñida plata,
escabel de plata de tu piel real,
por mi noche bogue, por mi noche ingrata,
y en su sombra sea místico fanal.

Que los albos lises de tu vestidura
el erial perfumen de mi senda dura,
y por ti mi vida brillará tan pura
cual los lises albos de tu vestidura.

Te daré mis versos: floración tardía;
mi piedad de niño: floración de abril;
e irán a tu solio, dulce madre mía,
mis castos amores en blanca theoría,
con cirio en las manos y toca monjil.

— The End —