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db cooper Jan 2015
I flip flopped and tossed
Awake and sleeping
Premonitions of a day of weeping
Lucid dreams on the glass I'm peeping
The moons surrounded my past
Revolving heartaches and the car crash
I saw two flowers grow tall before my eyes
They were hauntingly deceptive
Bluming toward the darkened sky
Like a mirrors reflection
I saw myself
Standing out of bed
The stars began to fall
The stars in my head
Through the open window
My nose again bled
I called for my mother
I forgot she was dead
Standing there, I'm screaming;
Like the clouds covered the sky
On this particular evening
Lucid Dreams
Destre' Jan 2016
I don't want to write something sad
I don't want to write something while on the brink of tears
I don't want to write something filled with fears

I want to write something beautiful
I want to write something equivalent to a summer morning
One where the trees look black against the dim sunrise and the birds sing and the wind blows gently as if to rejoice in the new days light once again

I want to write something worth remembering
Like the first time one sees the northern lights in the dark winter sky
Like the red, green and blue dancing across the stars

I want to write something that makes someone smile
I want to write something that makes someone stop and think for a moment
I want to write something that someone somewhere finds something in
I want to write something that hasn't been written before in other words

But alas, when I write I get lost in the dark
In the cold
In the fact that the stars are so far away and aurora borealis isnt something magical but is caused by solar flares
In the fact that with anything good something bad almost always follows

I wanted to write something beautiful
I wanted to make someone somewhere smile

I can see the colors and hear the birds
I can feel the breeze and smell the sweet smell given off of bluming trees
But to everything beautiful there is something ugly

Why do I always find myself writting about the ugly?
"But Hey! Don't listen to me! 'cos this wasn't meant to be no sad song .
I've sung too much of that before" - The island

This write is awfully long and slightly repetitive
I don’t know what the original problem is
I haven’t got a problem
I never robbed a bank
I never stole a car
I never bashed anyone
I blame you for my being sick in 2004
I wanted to live in a fantasy world
I wanted you to give me the internet
I didn’t know what I was doing
I though I would I like to water
Down the computer to grow a money tree
And click on the fertiliser about 50 times
To make the tree grow
The computer was a ****** up computer
And I was thinking that watering the
Computer will actually make it better
And I did this every day
I went to the mall to buy
A large bottle of coke
To tell everybody what I saw on tv
In my opinion
And I drank the 2 litre coke down fast
And I walked around the lake
Noticing the sky looking cosmic
And I never knew what was wrong
I was walking faster than normal
And I was visioning people
Trying to kidnap me
Once I got off the bus
But I was running away from then
I was scared and timid
I felt he was chasing me
Or trying to rob me
This happened a lot throughout the day
Coke walk coke computer money tree
Every bluming day
Then eventually I had an episode
Where I was getting phone calls
From people thinking they were old
Mates wondering how I was
I killed my family cat
I don’t know why, I was sick
The police came over
To stand over me and then
I was thrown into the paddy wagon
And I yelled out help I am being kidnapped
And I was given a shot of medication
When I entered the psych ward
And I pushed through every time
My parents visited me
But I felt I was entering the gates of heaven and I was becoming a Buddhist
Seeing god fixing people off to
Their next lives
But I was eating all the soup
And I was missing the computer
But I still thought my parents were
And I was let out and
I still wanted to water down the computer
So the money tree can grow
But I was given a strong medication (risperidal) which was a bad one which started a series of look ups  which was worst than me when I was sick
Then in 2009 I was taken off those drugs and put on  seroquel to stop the look ups but I wasn’t off the medication I swear but
I was sick again and I was feeling I was pushing my apartment up into the air into outer space but I through a lot of stuff outside the door and off to the psych ward and I got out in time for Christmas and I watched the Christmas carols and I yelled with pat saying it is Christmas Brian
The second time I wanted to be an artist and writer and YouTube entertainer and I hated how my family were getting in the way

— The End —