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A box junction,dysfunctional miscommunication,down by the station in one more of its type,a shattered crack pipe and a broken down motormouth man,spanning the distance between here,over there,swiping the air,******* his pants,ranting at rainbows,begging from strangers,
he's just another of the night time ghost rangers,a shadow that falls off imagination and walled off behind solidified dried up and **** out hot dreams that appeared to be real,in the stealing of childhood in the big world bad wild hood,where the good don't die young but are used as the fate bait for just wait and see state, you get in,when you stick the pins in your veins,bleed drain fluid cleaner, how keen are you now?

How the mighty have risen to be crushed,cast aside on the mad ride to stardom in the Kingdoms of blinged up and blind men,
dazzle me, quick me,me brain's oh so sick me,
and sometimes I wonder
and sometimes I don't.

I won't make apologies to pygmy type minds who only find it within them to carp,criticise,and as I prise up the mountains to catch moles for my dinner,I ask of my god,just who is this winner that's wrote of on totems?
Poles apart
we start in the middle,fiddle the figures which figures not in the outcome and I come out fighting,
delightful in madness where the sad can't attack me,where the strait jacketed banality of life is finally flushed,where I'm not rushed in decisions,make insightful incisions with obscure ramifications and cut anyway,cut everything away and cast off.

A bit like knitting
but not with wool.
Sequoia C Mar 2013
Sweating like pigs
we avoid everyone's gaze
because in the world I grew up in
a second glance meant
giving them a chance;
blinged out heels
and tight shorts
leaves no one to guess at who we are
but we don't give a **** –

order our burritos
nothing special here
double large horchatas
and my hair seems too straight all of a sudden
but we're too high to be
overly self-conscious
or at all
so we laugh to each other
we're the only ones
Big Virge Oct 2017
Ya Know ....    
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!  
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A ..... BETTER WAY ... !!!!!    
Than How We're Living Nowadays .... !!!    
NO Forgiving ... Minds Displaced ...    
Thinking Things That Lead To HATE ... !?!    
Drug Induced Cos' That's The  JUICE ...    
That New Age Crews Are Now Into ... !!!      
OTHERS Too Now Think It's COOL ... ?    
To Live Their Lives HIGH ON ... DENIAL ... ?!?    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER Way ... !!!    
To Nurture Seeds Inside Our Brains ...    
MORE Depth of Mind WITHOUT The Lines ...    
May Help You MORE ... I Think You'll Find ... !?!    
LESS Thought of War MORE Thoughts of Peace ...    
MORE Thoughts of Warmth Less Coldness PLEASE ... !!!  
Turn Down Fallacies So That We Can SPEAK ...    
About The Things We All ... Believe ...    
Less Dividing And Colliding ... !!!    
MORE Combining ...    
Those Who STAND For MORE Than Grands  ...    
So That We Can Build SOLID Plans ...    
That PROTECT Our Lands From HARMFUL Hands ... !!!!!    
UNITE Humans From DIFFERENT Strands ...    
The Game's To PLAY ... NOT Desecrate ... !!!!!      
It's NOT OKAY To HATE A Race ...    
Because They Move DIFFERENTLY To YOU ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY ... !!!    
Come On ... It's TRUE ... !!!!!    
Just ... THINK It Through ...    
Less Fights .................... In Sight .......    
Would Be .... ALRIGHT .... !!! ? !!!    
And May HELP You Feel SAFE At Night ... !?!    
Unless You're COOL With Life These Days ...    
If You Are ... OKAY ... !!!    
But Let's Get Things STRAIGHT ... !!!    
Things Are NOT ... Okay Today ... !!!!!!!!!    
RISING Hate Cos' Life's A STRAIN ... !!!    
Less Youthful Veins Than ... WEBSITE NAMES ... !?!    
MORE LIES Than Faith ...  
MORE Killers Today Than DINNERS On Plates ... !!!    
MORE Laws Than ... " States " ...    
MORE ****** Than ... " Babes " ...    
MORE Silicone Bits Than ... BIG OL' ***** ... !!!!    
SEE These Are Things That Make Me THINK ...  !?!    
There HAS TO BE ...    
BETTER WAYS To ... LIVE ... !!!    
And YES Okay A .... BETTER WAY ... !!!    
It's Just Wordplay ... At The End of The Day ...    
But ... THINK About The Things I Say ...    
And Things Now FOUND To Be DISPLAYED ...    
By People BOUND By What They FACE In Todays NEW AGE ...    
A World WITHOUT Millions of Pounds ...    
EXCEPT For Those Who Gave Them Roles ...    
That Fed False Hope And Ropes For DOPES ... !!!!!    
On Which To ... CHOKE ... !!!!!!    
Okay THAT Quote May ROCK  Some Boats ...    
But NOT In Ways That ... Systems SHAKE ... !!!    
Systems Built To CONTROL Wills  ...    
And LOCK THEM Down Like MANY Now ... !!!    
MANY MORE Than ... Years Before ... !!!    
So Now The HOARDS ... APPLAUD The Cause ...    
But Really AREN'T SURE What They're Clapping For ... !?!    
Because They Choose To ... AIR The View That ......    
"Everything's cool, but i'm feeling you !"  
"If you're feeling me ?    
Do something dude, and face what's true !    
Then maybe we can see less bleed,    
and more succeed in finding peace !"
LESS Room For Greed And FALLACIES ... !!!    
MORE SPACE For Plates And ... EQUALITY ... !!!    
So That ONE DAY ...    
We ALL Can Feed OUR FAMILY ...    
..... HUMANITY ..... !!!    
I Speak Sometimes ...    
Within My Rhymes ...    
About ... UNITY ...    
But Right Now It's EQUALITY I'm Trying To GET ... !!!    
Cos' It Seems To Me ...    
If I've Got ONE And ... You've Got ONE ...    
What We Fighting For We're Both Still POOR ... !!!    
Did That Line .... STUN ... !?!    
Were You Thinking ... GUN ... ?!?    
See That's The Thing ....    
It's Our Thinking That NEEDS TO Equate ...    
So That Balance Is DISPLAYED In ALL OUR WAYS ... !!!  
Now That's PRETTY DEEP ...    
EVEN For ... ME ... !!!!!    
"Whoa, now i'm SCARED !"    
So I Think That's Where ...    
I'll Let My Pen Now Find The End ...    
MORE TIME For Patience .........    
LESS Spent On ... Ignorance ... !!!!!    
MORE Upliftment ... !!!
LESS Time For ... DESPAIR ... !!!!!    
MORE Commitment ...  
LESS ... " I Don't Care ! " ...    
LESS Thoughts of HATE ...    
And Division of ... RACE ... !!!!!    
LESS ... LUST For FAME ...    
And A BLINGED' Out Range ... !!!!!    
What More Can I Say ... ?    
Well ... LESS GUN PLAY ... !!!    
Cos' There ... HAS TO  BE ...    
........ " A BETTER WAY " ........ !!!
Just viewing the world as we progress, I felt I had to express my view on how things could be improved ....
Jeff Barnes Nov 2015
Coffee to sharpen our minds
***** to dull our senses
Meetings to shape our town
Dinners to mend the fences

Leaving our work at the door
Listening to our spouses *****
Looking down on a homeless dude
He don't know how tough it is

To keep up this ******* day after day
That's heroic man
When all you want to do is take off
And leave it all behind

Get on the open road
Born to be wild
Leave your stress and kids behind
**** this treadmill life

Where's my slice of glory?
Where's my name in lights?
Where my ***, Drugs and Rock and Roll!?
Where's my blinged out Nikes?

Where's my drugged out supermodel?
Where's my ******-full **?
How did life get so boring?
Man I just don't know.

****, time to pick up the kid from band practice!
Bard Mar 2021
dollar earned only a dollar made when its a dollar saved
baller blinged out to holler about dollars he's still a slave
company store takes payments at four just your soul and more
many march in tour of golden doors as debts reach from a dirt floor
chasing the four door you can't afford its the debtors reward

dollar earned turns to dollar spent
when did life turn into making rent
was it while the middle sat on a picket fence
it came so subtle as we all drowned in media
seemed so helpful like a pound in the city

lock up your problems and show no pity
thats how they solve em out in the city
that or send them to a mortuary
words seem so incendiary these days
burning citys as life sets the people ablaze

burn a hole in your pocket to get laid
what's left when the ****** fades
pantyless and penniless riding waves
hoes and jesus since times medieval
both have kneeled to escape evil

crime is just a high risk job kinda like flipping burgers
time shows both ending without any futures
so excuse the hard worker whose turned to dope dealer
I know time is the best healer but it won't fix this
only fix I need is cash on cash in bank thats swiss

thats a low tax on racks so none of it reaches you
a million ways to hide millions from the millions that make do
charity tax breaks in the collection plate let the money accrue
get a wife thats foreign thats a tax break if your american
new legislation to make sure the middle an poor don't win again

poverty makes a child into a survivor
wealth makes a child into a toddler
prince rules over the pauper
for the price of a few cents
still the prince can't afford sense

maybe for a dollar some of mine could be lent
advisors with white collars must seem heaven sent
till someone wonders where the money went
white collar or black mask only difference opportunity
go live in a parking lot for a week if you don't believe me

— The End —