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Kiara McNeil Jul 2011
There’s a ***** in me.
A ***** that hides deep below.
But don’t try to **** me, kid.
Because that’s a ***** that you don’t want to know.
You think Jazmine Sullivan ****** your **** up, that’s nothing compared to me.
I’ll smash glass in your breakfast and make you drink bleach.
See how crazy she gets?
This ***** that hides away from the publics eye.
But not in private, no this crazy ***** will make you cry.
She’ll make you pant and moan
right before she breaks three of your bones
So go on and get gone, ‘for I release her early in the morn.
Don’t lie to me, our I’ll release the dragon from the lair.
Hurt me? I’ll hurt you tenfold and will not care.
Its not that I don’t love you, but you simply must pay.
Your lies have not gone unnoticed by my heart, and neither has the games you’ve played.
I’ll fight you to the death, gun or knife fight, its your choice.
But everything changes love, even my voice.
Once so sweet and angelic, becauses the demon’s tone.
So think twice before you pick up the phone.
And lie to me about who you’re with and where you been.
Be honest, because it will benefit you and I in the end.
Because this crazy ***** guards my heart.
And if you play with it well, I’ll allow her to rip you apart.

Sincerely, A sane female.
Labeled explicit, it could be offensive due to the language. I guess..
Megan Grace Feb 2012
If I could
I'd buy you an
I'd give it to you
in the biggest bottle
I could find.
I'd put a ribbon around the top
because that would make it
exponentially fancier.
I'd put a sailboat
right on the water
to remind you to breathe.
It would have an anchor
because I know you like those,
and I'd put little whales in it
because whales are cute.
I'd give it to you on a crowded street
in the middle of some busy city
that we'd pretend to hate
but actually desperately want to be a part of.
We'd be wearing dresses
becauses dresses make everything more special
and there would be bikes.
I'd wear yellow and you'd wear blue.
You just would, okay?
And we'd both have hats on.
After I gave you the ocean you'd laugh
and call me dumb
but then you'd say
"I love you"
because that's what people who need each other say.
And you'd put the ocean in the basket
on the front of your bike
and you'd smile.
Isaac Middleton Dec 2015
I find myself tongue-tied, and i have been for a very long while.
i'm not quite sure what i can attribute this to...
it's been a quality of mine ever since i've learned to speak.

     (where i've gone and
           the few faces along the way,
                    with eyes like distorted mirrors
                                     showing me my strange self)

i have trouble finding my place, yet i've found many places
i don't  know how to connect, though at times i feel connected

you have  me confused

                   s c    a     t       t e      r            
                               b      r a         i      n    e  d  

back and forth for so long, and finally landed separate,
fixed in each other's shade of the soon-to-be-forgotten past
because-- i don't have a because.
because i have too many becauses.

because i simply cannot

i can't place my finger on why.
i don't feel as real
                                     as i used to.
please understand

life is confusing because there are so many different ways to see it.
so one can never be too sure what is true.
about self,  reality, or other people.
there are a million different experiences of the color green.
i am seen one way, but i feel about myself something invisible.
and sometimes i don't feel anything about anything at all.

spoke as if she knew the world down to its heartbeat,
and could see through its bones.
she spoke as if her eyes were the only eyes,
and they saw all truths.
she was not careful with her words
and never stepped outside of her body
to see how imprisoned she was in her thoughts.
she obsessed over what she saw in others,
and what they saw in her.
for that, i think, she always wore the sun.
Your Angel is dying slowly, they say that angel's never die,
but believe Angels are merely people that do good works in other people's eyes.
We hurt, we cry, we feel pain, and we feel our hearts break in two,
we know when our spirit breaks we will never be the same way too.
We keep our selves locked away so no can ever see us  again, especially those who hurts some even though we have forgiven, but we remember the event that caused the hurt and heart broke and the words that said
and made starting crying.
Months later apology comes and we have to forgive to be forgive, but from that time you changed that angel she always stay hidden.
You longer to see that Angel but she inivisible to you  becauses when you broke hert heart this is your punishment to you.
Angel dyng slowly with very few words to say accept she will always be with all night and all day. She will aways be your friend even though you are far apart. Keep on the road you have chosen it will take you far.
Alexander Akin May 2015
Because you ooze grace and beauty
I take a vow to remain faithful and hearty
Because your light shines million miles away
I promise to have you around me all day
Because you personify all that glitter
my affection and feelings won't dither
Because you are wonderfully made
I will make you my queenly maid
Because you are set to rule the world
I have decided to make you my fortress
Because you have a smile that  lights up your city
I won't leave you for a moment, it'll be for eternity
Because I can be for you and you for me
I will be the custodian of your heart
and Because of all the becauses above
I remain under your causes(curses)
Luna Craft Mar 2021
"I am happy because it is all I can be,"

The just becauses' twisting around your tongue as another statistic sticks in your teeth,

"I'm not alone."

Are words coated in the sweetness of pretense, the inevitably suicidal thoughts of a generation give you solace,

"I'm feeling good today"

Words you use to describe the fact you can't play your favorite video game any more, without the guilt of not know if you'll ever go back.

"I'm tired"

And for once the honesty comes out like a sewage leak; there is a harmony of agreeability in your statement, the words both acknowledged and ignored.


To toss and toil you lay your bones and finally close your eyes, thoughts wildly awake but silence envelopes you.
izzn Apr 2021
I remember Malibu
in indigo
The sky sheltering me
was blushing
all over the atmosphere
tryna hide the rose-oiled clouds
but to no avail

I remember Kiwi Land
in its coarse sand
The ocean dissolving itself
trying to meet the land
and I almost swam away
when You were giving me
the upper-hand

I remember KLIA
in the scent of marmalade
Citrus-fresh and borderlines citing
in every pre-departure
I'm an intricate mess,
I was flying
to the points of no return

I remember Manila
in the taste of gelato vanilla
My heart tasted just as soft,
but now I indulge in its bitterness
but even long before seven,
You are the One
that brings joy to my happiness

I remember Jeju
in the form of spicy bulgogi
Savoured upon me,
the heaven in hell I could not resist
for I lost myself in translation
over a trend
I can't keep up with

and I remember Medan
in its harmonious melody
playing the tune
of my awakening,
where the path led me
to the missing notes in my every song,
to the missing lines in my every poetry;

Turns out
the becauses
to my whys
has been You all along,
and that is my
To whom can a heart long if it's not its Creator?
Bob B Jan 2017
What does Russia have on Trump?
A little? A lot? Nothing? Who knows?
Nevertheless, there are more questions
Than we can count on our fingers and toes.

Trump seems to have greater regard
For Putin--which is really bizarre--
Than he does for people here,
Which goes to show how crazy things are.

He thinks that he can allay
Our fears by sending out tweet after tweet.
Instead of making the man look stronger,
His messages make him look more effete.

We'll probably never know all the answers.
We'll never know the whys and wherefores,
The truth to faulty explanations
Behind the empty becauses and therefores.

We do know that something is fishy.
Trump's overreactions as such
Are revealing, to say the least.
Methinks he doth protest too much.

- by Bob B (1-14-16)
a m a n d a Feb 2018
i've been thinking about you
for awhile.
at first,
i found the whole thing pretty funny.
the parade of women.
all the photos that
suddenly disappear
only to be r e p l a c e d
the next day
with all new ones.

then i saw a photo of you,
and you reminded me of myself,
before you know who
quite literally
destroyed my entire life.

and i became genuinely concerned.
are you a hardened old ***** in disguise?
so you are probably a wonderful,
sweet, intelligent,
beautiful woman.

let me ask you this,
how would you feel if
you saw a baby in the jaws
of a wolf?

because that's how i feel
when i see photos of
the two of you

alarmed. like i need to take action,
and help you
because i'm not
a ******* monster
like he is.

so this is not about him.
up until now i'm sure it has been.
but once you know the truth,
it is about you.
and you will be making a choice.

before you,
there was your predecessor.
and before her,
there was me.

Mrs. Buscemi.

for 10 years.
his fiance 6 months before that
and his girlfriend 2.5 years before that.

do i know everything about this man?
admittedly not.
but i do know more than anyone else,
including him,
and including you.
and if you were ever married
or in a relationship that long
you would understand and
feel the same way.

i get the appeal.
especially now.
everyone seems to admire
and love him.
he has energy and passion.

but he is also mean.
and downright cruel.

you would never know this by looking at him.
but i know.
and if you don't listen,
so will you.

in my recollection,
the grace period is about a year,
year and a half.
maybe he hasn't even
screamed in rage at you yet.

i mean,
especially because he had someone right before you,
and someone right before her.
someone he put on a ring on.
sorry, three times.

he likes to punch things
when he's angry,
like holes in walls.

he also likes to hurl what he would
refer to as some kind of radical honesty
but is really just an insult,

for example,
during a fight when i locked myself
in our bedroom probably 2 years into
he screamed, "****"
at the top of his lungs
while trying to punch or kick
the bedroom door down.
go ahead and ask him.

i had NEVER in my life
experiences anything like this.
i was terrified.

when you ask for help around
the house,
or say, ask him to help with dishes
since you cooked dinner,
he might say,
"why should i clean? i never asked you to cook me anything."

he likes to buy things.
he is very attached to toys
and machines,
and his outward appearance
to the world.
not so big on the love.
you have to remind him
to call his mom
and sisters.
sometimes you have to tell him
that certain things are important for families.
you will think you can fix him or save him
or help him,
but he will eat you alive.

every single person in his life
that you have met are looking at you as
a replacement to a replacement.
i was the original.
i had his name.
i know so much more
about him than you it's literally insane.
you have to understand,
i thought i was going to grow old and die
with this man,
so you can probably see how
this could be upsetting.

he refused to shovel
or plow snow
for years.
not once cleared a spot
for his wife.

he does an absolute **** job
of anything around the house.
he stuffed clay in a mouse hole
outside once in a house
we rented.

he will take your love
your energy
your devotion
your sacrifice
your money
your ideas
and he will run.

i know you think you're different.
and maybe you are.
but let's look at the numbers.

did he tell you
that your predescessor
was a friend
that had put us up in her home
years ago?
i slept in her bed.

and what i got for 10 years
of marriage with this man
n o t h i n g.

he was talking to her
behind my back
while we were
still married.

maybe he met you
and started talking to you
while he was still engaged.
maybe not. i don't know.

but you best keep an eye out
for the next one.
i could give you a list
to start with.

did he tell you that
i taught him all about
the man didn't even know to buy a
DSLR and bought some dumb camera
without a removable lens.
After I explained why that was stupid,
he returned it and bought a new one.
he didn't know what aperture or shutter was
or how to use a camera.
did he mention i was a high school photography teacher
for 10 years?
did he mention i taught him how to use photoshop?

what about the hours proofreading
or straight up writing copy
giving opinions and tips and advice
on photographs?
designing business cards, price sheets,

am i saying that i am responsible for his work?
but did i contribute?
**** YES.
and you tell me,
do see that anywhere?

all while working and/or going to school full-time,
and taking care of him.
who do you think sacrificed when he decided
to start his own business?

and i will tell you that
approximately 2 months before
i left our home,
we were sitting at an Appleebees
discussing when to move,
how many years to wait,
what town to go to,
talking about maybe
having a baby.

this is not a stable human being.

becauses 2 months later,
i find out he's seeing someone else
and refuses to do a single thing
to help save our marriage
since i wasn't the weight he preferred.
that came right out of
his disgusting mouth.
i'm sorry, he is the direct quote,
"Loose weight or I'm done." - Andy

to which i replied,
"Well, then, I guess we are done."
and left our home with
$300 in my account.

he had told me that if
i ever got pregnant,
he would be repulsed
by my body.

he told me he wasn't as attracted to me
as he was to other woman.

we had some interesting years in therapy
and there are a few habits you may want to look into.
it's not pretty.
and it will not make you feel good.

if you have any credit card debt,
you better not let him be in charge
of the bills.
he paid his off while ignoring mine,
then left me ****** with
all the debt in my name that
he purposely wasn't paying.

i can tell you all about divorce.

he "bought me" a car
i was driving an hour each way to work
he told me his business was doing better
and i could pick what i wanted,
except if i got a new car,
he had to get one too.
my credit was bad,
it couldn't even go in my name.
he assured me we were good.
i was a teacher that had struggled for years
to get a tenure track position and still
didn't have one. my job was always getting cut.
i wasn't an idiot that was going to go around buying
new cars on a teacher salary.
this was him knowing all this and saying
that it was ok.

next thing i know
i'm getting divorced.
do you know what i got?
he paid for my car for one year.
that's what 10 years of marriage is worth.
he would pay for a car i never would
have gotten without him that he
took me to ******* get.
then, i have to pay $485/month for 4 years just for the car.
i had to move out of my home.
i got laid off from teaching.
and i was forced to pay this outrageous car payment.
because of that, i couldn't
save any money.
do you understand i got nothing?
no money in an account -
i literally asked with the lawyer for
$2,000 because i was so desperate
and Andy refused to give me a cent.
i have all my credit card debt that wasn't paid
because he was in charge of the bills
and didn't pay them.
the lawyers didn't care.
and i was at the lawyer with no money,
with literally no one even there to help me.

and since only 5 short years ago i found all this out,
and he was with your predecessor for i
don't even know how long,
i highly doubt he is a changed man.
in fact,
i know he's not
because i know this man
better than he knows himself.

i have a box of letters and cards.
a wedding album.
13 years of emails and photos
doctor appointments
sorrows and happiness

it did not end well.
and i can tell you
i gave him space.
i asked for nothing.
i went without.

and in my worst hour
he treated me like f i l t h.
the woman who took care of him
for thirteen ******* years,
through college,
grad school,
job changes.

he made me feel ugly.
w o r t h l e s s.

but it didn't start right away,
and it's hard to feel it
coming on because he will
make you believe
the things he says
and the way he acts
is normal.

you will stupidly believe him.
you better get your ***
a prenup because this guy
will ******* d e s t r o y

and in the last 5  years he's on
his third "marriage".
so maybe take a minute.

i have documents,
marriage certificate
wedding dress
i have it all.

oh, and he doesn't like to wear
wedding rings.
he will buy one.
or even two.
but he won't wear them.

he likes to show off.
he wants people to think he is
open minded and so passionate
and creative.
dear god, he might even talk about
"finding his creative self" or
"feeling more like himself"
now that he has met you.
and he is emotional.
he will cry.
and he seems very sincere.
but i'm telling you,
if even a drop of this sounds familiar,
the very least you need to do is ask some questions.

i wish that i had someone to warn me
before this man ruined my life.
and that is the only reason
i reach out to you.

if in 10 years you are in
my position,
then shame on you,
because i am warning you.

if you are blissful,
then i am thankful you were able
to find a way to avoid a mess like the one
he has put me in.

i know you think it can't happen to you,
or you are different.
i know because it is what i thought.

— The End —