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Apr 2021
I remember Malibu
in indigo
The sky sheltering me
was blushing
all over the atmosphere
tryna hide the rose-oiled clouds
but to no avail

I remember Kiwi Land
in its coarse sand
The ocean dissolving itself
trying to meet the land
and I almost swam away
when You were giving me
the upper-hand

I remember KLIA
in the scent of marmalade
Citrus-fresh and borderlines citing
in every pre-departure
I'm an intricate mess,
I was flying
to the points of no return

I remember Manila
in the taste of gelato vanilla
My heart tasted just as soft,
but now I indulge in its bitterness
but even long before seven,
You are the One
that brings joy to my happiness

I remember Jeju
in the form of spicy bulgogi
Savoured upon me,
the heaven in hell I could not resist
for I lost myself in translation
over a trend
I can't keep up with

and I remember Medan
in its harmonious melody
playing the tune
of my awakening,
where the path led me
to the missing notes in my every song,
to the missing lines in my every poetry;

Turns out
the becauses
to my whys
has been You all along,
and that is my
To whom can a heart long if it's not its Creator?
Written by
izzn  22/F
         N, Thomas W Case, Alma, Eloisa, Nabil and 10 others
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