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Sam Hain Aug 2015
The guy bangs awful, horrid creatures:
    To touch these things you wouldn't dare:
And undeterred by beastly features,
    He'll stick his slimer anywhere.

Meghan O'Neill Aug 2014
Streets filled with bodies
Dead or alive
Nobody knows
Blood runs through the streets
Like floodwater
Innocent blood
Flows like runoff
Through concrete veins
But only because we let it happen
Because of judgement
Because of ignorance
Because of prejudice
Prejudice that we carry over
From our predecessors
The violence and hatred of our ancestors
Continues on through us
But only because we let it happen
Because our naïveté lets us see the world
As monochrome
Everyone belongs in one solid genome
Straight white cis
So they lock us up in a cage of exile
Invalidate the opinions that don't sit well
On a stomach full of lies
So we stand in solid lines
Hands locked together
Silently screaming
With the ******* hidden in their claims
It hurts but the pain isn't enough to break our chains
At least until the weakest link caves
And the flood gates open up
Our nerves sting with rubber bullets and tear gas
Police brutality and 'controversial' crowd control tactics
Resulting in the blood of innocents.

The truth comes out
We deliver new life
Spoon feeding democracy
Cookie cutter
Build your own government kits
Follow the instructions with a gun held to your head
Puppet government
Corporations pulling strings
Calling the shots with a mouthful of greed
Blaming tragedy on street rats with golden teeth
Hiding behind business suits and briefcases
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtains
Take part in the rat race
Get distracted by the fast pace
Pay attention to your own **** problems
And forget to see the big picture.

Another ride on the metro
Catcalls and wolf whistles
To the wrist to the neck to the ankle
I'm breaking the dress code
The double standards are air tight and unbreakable
I'm stuck in the choke hold of the patriarchy
Kicking and screaming
Perverts jacking off to the sight of me
Objectified, and only fourteen
Take precautions stay safe
Because we have reason to be afraid of the dark
When we have to assume that everyone is a ******
The world is out to get us
Plaguing the younger generation with pop music and photoshop
Shellshocked by the devastation of self confidence
Short hair means you're a ****
Long hair means you're property
The American dream is four walls a roof and a wife to call your own
To own
****** assault is normality
I'm appalled at the way my peers think I owe them something
My virginity
My body
I'm not a carcass to be picked clean by vultures:
The beasts who sit next to me
Who view me as a threat because I'm intelligent
A ***** because I'm intolerant to their ignorance and oppression
The gender roles and discrimination
A one woman war
That every woman faces.

Hopelessness stands at the alter
Spouting discrimination
Dug from the depths of the bible
New age bigotry
Picket signs versus pride parades
Spot the queer in the crowd
Wipe them out
We are not a virus of humanity
Your hateful words aren't the only thing that cuts me
When coming out equates to ear splitting arguments
"Get out of my house"
"you are not my son"
LGBT blood on the streets
****** of trans teens
Pop culture is enemy to androgyny
*** education skips over me
And change is met with board meetings
Conservative parents complaining
Claiming they know better than the mouths they feed
Age is not a crown of wisdom
The 21st century witch hunt
Discrimination spills from the mouths
Of little Hitlers
Screaming "God hates ****" before they know what the words mean
Wrap my coffin in a rainbow flag
When they find my mangled body on the street
The product of a hate crime
The product of the war I'm fighting
Brittle bones riddled with stab wounds
Every one carries weight with the words they were paired with
I don't have invisible amour
The words pierce me in a way that can't be seen
My blood leaks silently and joins the masses.

We are a generation so full of hatred
Promised so much that wasn't delivered
And so we raise our hands and salute the mother ******* rebellion
Our sweet saving grace
America isn't free and neither are we
We are slaves to misogyny and bigotry
Police brutality
Crafty government puppetry
The enemies that we face aren't the ones we see
Well **** society
We can create our own
Carry in the revolution on our shoulders
On our knees
Plastered across our twitter feeds
We fight with words
With fists
Whatever it takes
Speak out across our dashboards timelines and comments
Word of mouth
Engrave them into your skin
What was started needs to be finished
We have a price to pay

It's time for a revolution *****.
This is very inspired by the recent events in police brutality and racism, as well as a hell of a lot of pent up frustration towards the patriarchy and white *** conservative ******* trying to tell me how to live my life. I think I speak for the masses when I say that I am well past done with the *******.  We're bringing in a liberal age and it's time for a ******* revolution!
jeffrey robin Nov 2014
*** (  )))        
    /(     )\

                                                        ( bent outta shape )


would having *** with a SHEEPLE
make you guilty
of the sin of

******* ?

/: /

If so

Since most of us don't stand up

We are SHEEPLE !

and if having *** with



is it any wonder that our

Aren't blessed by god ?
voyager Jun 2015
Alas! where did humanity go
justice ,is what we call for
perhaps the government should hear this
intervene and act upon this
But my cry falls on deaf year

Fathers have turned to their daughters
Mothers like their partners to their sons
**** day in day out.

is this humanity or *******???

the globe is changing as it were said,
the end is coming,the rise of evil will o'ercome
the good

men to men
women to women
slaughtering fellow humans  like goats
surely is this humanity???//
voyager Jun 2015
Alas! where did humanity go
justice ,is what we call for
perhaps the government should hear this
intervene and act upon this
But my cry falls on deaf year

Fathers have turned to their daughters
Mothers like their partners to their sons
**** day in day out.

is this humanity or *******???

the globe is changing as it were said,
the end is coming,the rise of evil will o'ercome
the good

men to men
women to women
slaughtering fellow humans  like goats
surely is this humanity???//
Silver Heinsaar May 2017
Vaginalicious lips of a ******
My blood boiling but will it deep-fry
Bootyful scent, heavenly blessed with vigorous acts
Salvation, who needs it, i have ******
Perverted lies, formally known as depth of our eyes
Hidden and buried, in the openings of your inner canals
******* at its finest, convention of the furries
Bend over as you groan, make your daddy proud
Swear on your breast, spit out your sins
*** for the poor, enough for everyone
Every mother is a mother i'd like to tuck
Under my sheets, where they belong
Prepare your **** speech as i try to reach
Insert my deoxyribonucleic acid
In the dirt where you work, down to earth
Pounded forever, from nine to eleven
Here's your order, hope you enjoy
Cameras rolling, focused on *****
This will make an excellent plot
Sauce drippingly delicious extravaganza
Handcuffs included in case of a need
Sharpen your knives for hundred wives
Night is long, keep your disguise
Poles and ropes will go together
Sticky fingers, sliding up the shoulders
They said i have no talent, that it's just for a show
I'll show 'em my skills, you know the thrill
You'll become the star of my ***** film.
jeffrey robin Jan 2016
! !

we try so hard to please yet also

Try so hard

Not to be pleased


We hide our fear behind the masks of sorrow

We pretend are real

in a vain attempt to appear human


In the stormy night while ghouls and other demons

Move amongst us

In the shape shifting power

Of ****** *******


We cringe

We curl up in sterile naked ***** of self induced

Hot lust

And try to ****** the

Last of pure childhood

To squawk with pleasure

At our ugly display of ourselves

For sale in the marketplace


We don't have to but we chose to comply

With the dictates of morbidity called the



We could simply live freely

We could be beautiful

We could become humble

We could become wise with compassion

We could accept each other

And thus come to  accept ourselves

We could touch gently

Yes we could

I know we can

Cause I have done it

It is good

Is well

I am here

I am all you could ever want

jeffrey robin May 2015

                        ­                             )


the nakedness of the eternal marketplace

For excuses for our lack of real love


( salvation on the cheap )

she sells her body expecting Indulgences

from the Church Of Human *******


( mating like swine we please our masters )

The chill winds that numb us

And mask the fact that we are already numb


We talk so playfully of pain and death

To mask the fact that we are terrified

Of any thought of an after-life


the little boy

( over there ! )                                                
Are you surprised

                                       That he looks just like you ?


I love you girl

I love you for your floppy *****

Spread your legs quickly

Soon I'll be gone


the little girl

Sleeping underneath the bridge

Go tell the kids

Then we'll go have some fun


pretend we are policemun !


( true ameriguns ! )


We could simple be loving but why ?


We are lost / almost gone


Who is pure ?

We know !

"The Refused Part Two"

We must hold the lines
No more drills
No more compromise
When the worlds barrage us  
With lightning and drive-bys
Cesarian messiahs
Nations deified
We defy
All of their abuse
Stand tall
All The Refused

History stammers
When truth is hammered
By humanistic holograms
Facts edited for one hundred grand
They'll impose new realities
Blessed *******
Proud plurality
Invitations to kiss their wrists
Pray to the state
Silently submit
The faithful must not sign their truce
Stand in the Lord
All the Refused

We know
WE KNOW where our answers are
Rightly divide
Pull apart
Each lawless judge
Each merciless czar
The pawns of nations
Built by oligarchs
To tip the scales of justice
And sew sin in the yard
Stay grounded in truth
Renovated children
All The Refused

There is no glory
In their lesser laws
Secular cures
Palaces of straw
Night and day
They claim to save
With the pagan ways
Of their savior state
God becomes the institution
With idolized science
And cultural revolutions
All we can do is remain astute
Through faith in Christ
All the Refused

We the Refused
To promote perfect union
Cast down the witchery
Of humanistic confusion
Their messianic state
Their Socialist ways
Their lust for dominion
And unending praise
We cling to Jehovah
We sing the Evangel
We pray each day
For the demise of tyrannical scandals
What else can we do
But deny revised history
And fabricated new?
Train your minds to study Truth
This is war
All the Refused
Charles Sturies Jan 2018
I like my silliness sometimes

and my utter seriousness
with tongue in cheek sometimes
just to add a little - like I say
my father called it - sense of humor.

An emphasis on how *******
should be prevented in civilizations
if at all possible - once again.

I'm trying to be funny -
cause we don't want a
decline and fall of the
American Empire
but the police - man's other
best friend besides a dog -
will prevent that
which brings me to this - what
my sister dear calls
perverts or this ****** harrassment business
is being made too big of a deal out of
not that it's a doable offense but
some of us don't like a crime wave
of old men after all.
-Charles Sturies
This devil inside me.
Is a rhyming machine)))
On coke and gun powder
Deprived since 19..)))
I ride for the dream)))
I'm guilty of much...
At 23 I got arrested
For giving another species
my stuff.....
I watched *******
And that led to erections....
Neural pathways
Carved from pleasure???
Compounding shame and aggression...
Mired in internal loathing
Void of any normal intentions.....
I broke social connection....
Started smoking ****. In my room.
To cope "no motive direction"...
Consumed by social skews.
That denoted attention
While promoting grotesque.
Blurs of truth.
And outright. Lies and terms.
Of jokes and invention)))))))......
I gave birth to misdirection
Mood lighting
And hence quips...
Like in the future.
I'll make manure
Into newer ways
To remove the head from your neck *****....
I dropped a **** on 7th street
But dropped a **** on your head *****

Funny thing is I'm putting ****** like cryptic subtle subliminal into this.
But any genius with a degree in hand jobs from the pharmacology of the CIA with a reading book could tell the way I put words together is like a punk *****. Clean conscious having *** lil Hama ******
Stevie Nov 2020
This world is not a place, That Authentic,
Just another human race that is Dysgenic,
Prophetic, Genric and Hallucinogenic,
Research Google and Wikidepia, that not Academic,
Cannot believe history and truths, that so Systemic,
Epidemic, Pandemic are a lie, Then why are we Pathogenic,
We are Schizophrenic and Anorexigenic, But we are too taboo, that so pathetic.

This is a world that face, nothing but Mortality,
Some acts include ******* and Police Brutality,
We are the world, We are Cults of Personality,
We are cults of Sexuality, we are cults of Fatality,
We are breaking the confidentiality,
Of the dying, uploading pictures, of the dying in hospitality,

This is a world that facing, nothing but Ill Health,
Many loose life and battle with Mental Health,
Popularity is the internet way to poor wealth,
Teens are becoming screamers,
Practising and Scheming,
Dreamers and Extremers,
Queens and Teens,
Against all the Vaccines.

This is a world, all in Disagreements,
Nothing but failed Achievements,
Bereavements and treatments,
Pregnancy and ****, Just pure *****,
Another person beaten,
Another Abortion, she a demon,
Just waiting for the child born today,
To grow up and start the next sequence.

This is a world, that lost today,
Fat and obesity, we cannot change our way,
You have to agree with us all, and meet us halfway,
It doesn't affect our health, that is just hearsay,
Just like Smokers to quiet, that just ashtray,
Lung Cancer and Closing Airway,
Selling naked picture and ****** interaction,
That our way to make money, today,
Screaming that our workday,
So do not disobey, just go away,

This is a world, that changed,
Not for the better, but for the worse,
Teenagers promoting ***, Where the hearse,
No need for doctors or the nurse,
God will set up on this earth, with a curse,
No need to reverse,
This is not Nonsense, this is just Intersperse,
Is there a Doomsday Clock,
Or are we on a Clockwork Universe.

— The End —