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So Dreamy Jan 2014
"Dunia ini terlalu indah untuk dilukis, Sayang,"
Begitu katanya
"Dunia ini juga terlalu luas untuk dipahami, Sayang,"
Begitu pula katanya

Aku tetap tak mengerti
Mengapa masih ada orang yang merasa dunia ini
Terlalu sempit untuk diketahui
Terlalu sulit untuk dijelajahi

Apakah jendela cakrawala mereka saja yang sempit?
Atau nyali mereka saja yang tak bisa berdiri sendiri?
Hanya berani menguntit ditemani mata menyipit?
Barangkali pikiran mereka juga hanya bisa mengintip?

"Dunia ini dipenuhi orang aneh, Sayangku,"
Ujarnya kemudian
Secangkir teh diteguknya perlahan
"Dunia ini juga dipenuhi orang berotak kosong, kamu tahu itu,"*

Kukatakan dalam hati bahwa aku tahu
Tentu saja kami berdua tahu
Bumi ini dihuni benak-benak yang melayang liar di balik masing-masing bahu
Yang tak bisa diam walau hanya menunggu waktu

Menunggu pikiran gila lainnya merayap masuk ke dalam kepalanya
Membuat secarik kertas dan sebuah pulpen meleleh di tangannya
Melantunkan kalimat-kalimat indah menjadi sebuah sajak
Menyulapnya menjadi sebuah mahakarya yang terus menanjak

Kukatakan sekali lagi dalam hati bahwa aku tahu
Tentu saja kami berdua tahu
Bumi ini juga dihuni benak-benak licik yang tak punya dinding malu
Yang meraup beribu untung tak kenal waktu

Diam-diam aku bertanya juga

Di manakah jiwa-jiwa kotor itu bisa membeli dinding malu?
Mengapa mentalnya tak beda jauh dengan mental para benalu?
Orang-orang aneh itu masih terus menunggu waktu
Orang-orang berotak kosong itu malah berlari meninggalkan waktu

Orang-orang aneh itu terus menciptakan karya
Orang-orang berotak kosong itu malah dibicarakan di berita pagi dan dunia maya
Orang-orang aneh itu terus menumbuhkan bunga di atas nama bangsa
Orang-orang berotak kosong itu malah menumbuhkan duri di bawah nama bangsa

Seperti yang saat ini banyak terjadi,
Seniman dan Koruptor.
Ann P Aug 2018
Setiap tarikan napas
Satu hembusan
Aku berhutang

Setiap langkah kaki
Satu jejak
Aku berhutang

Seratus ribu
Satu juta
Berjuta-juta rupiah
Aku dapatkan
Aku pun berhutang

Hutang yang kekal
Hutang yang indah
Hutang turun temurun

Pada mu
Pahlawan ku
Aku berhutang
Berhutang kemerdekaan
Berhutang kebahagiaan
Berhutang persatuan

Pada mu
Pahlawan ku
Aku berjanji
Menjaga Indonesia
Membanggakan Indonesia
Untuk membayar
Perjuangan hebat mu
Sandy Macacua Jan 2019
to our forefathers;

who fought for our rights for golden years

who bled for peace even before we were born

who screamed for our freedom for decades

who died and dedicated their lives for the future and welfare of the Bangsa,


the tears of the mothers, the widows and the orphans will now turn into joy

the flowers will bloom in the battleground of the blood and sweat of the Mujahideen

the scars of the bullet wound from the past will now heal

to the survivors who continued the fight;

the war is over, you can now rest and start over.

no more running, no more hiding.

you can now take the streets and dance with your grandchildren without worries.

no more guns to carry, only pens to write new beginnings

this time, a beautiful one.
Aridea P Oct 2011
Palembang, 1 Oktober 2010

Kemerdekaan t'lah diraih
Indonesia bebas dari penjajah
Tiap tahun mari kita rayakan
'Tuk mengingat jasa para Pahlawan

Pahlawan Kemerdekaan
Yang tak kenal balas jasa
Hanya harap akan kejayaan bangsa

17 Agustus yang bersejarah
Di 65 tahun lalu yang menguras darah

Created by. AP
Yulia Surya Dewi Mar 2018
Bangsa pribumi di era modern
Memaksa batin untuk jadi keren
Sudah lewat aku di zaman batu
Ku langkahkan kaki di zaman baru
Aku tidak tahu cara naik bus
Yang aku tahu adalah kursi bertikus

Oh jarak..
Jarak yang membuatku berpisah
Aku rindu suasana desa yang indah

Oh jarak..
Sampai kapankah aku gelisah
Aku gundah tidak tahu arah

Oh jarak..
Selamatkanlah aku
Selamatkan aku dari rasa putus asa

Aku takut..
Aku takut pada gedung besi berasap
Aku takut pada mesin yang berjalan
Aku takut pada benda panjang beruap

Siapakah aku disini?
Siapapun tolong bantu aku
Siapapun keluarkan aku dari sini
Siapapun tuntunlah aku

Oh Tuhanku..
Berikanlah Petunjuk-Mu
Tidak ada yang lain selain Diri-Mu
Aku disini hanya pencari Ridho-Mu

-Kediri, 19 Maret 2018-
Rahameem Jun 2022
Aku jatuh cinta kepada apapun yang bebas.

Bebas yang bukan seperti layangan-layang di langit lapangan. Terlihat bebas namun angin dan benang tak terlihat oleh mata. Menggerakkan yang apa ada di udara.

Bebas yang bukan seperti para ikan. Mereka berenang di dalam lautan, menyusuri lautan yang sepertinya tak terbatas. Mereka berenang ke air mana pun yang mereka mau. Mereka berenang tanpa tanpa tahu, terdapat langit di atas lautan, yang merampas dan mengembalikan air laut mereka.

Bebas bukan seperti aku. Menulis ini dengan bahasa, yang katanya bahasa dari bangsa yang telah merdeka. Kemerdekaan bukan sembarang kemerdekaan. Bangsa yang merebut kemerdekaan, namun rasanya kemerdekaan ku hanya berpindah lengan.
Ini puisi cinta. Karena saya benar-benar jatuh cinta dengan kebebasan.
Iqbal Ramadhan Jun 2021
Di negara mana, negara mana yang rakyat kecilnya menyumbang tanpa imbalan! sedangkan ia saja menahan lapar, haus, terik & dingin. Tak beratap, tak berselimut.

Begitu tulus hatinya, begitu besar harapannya utk kemajuan bangsa & negrinya, hingga-hingga mereka lupa istri & anaknya tak makan hari ini.

Wakil rakyat bau amis! kau suruh kami memilih, kau janjikan kami surga. Kau hadirkan kami neraka. Dasar pengecut Tak tahu malu, tak tahu diri, penjilat berlidah iblis, mati kau di hantui dendam.
Ayisha R Nov 2020
"Cik" to "Puan"
"Encik" to "Tuan"

"Cik" to unwedded,
seemingly chaste,

Those who appear otherwise
or have passed
a certain age
and possessed
confident demeanour
—to be married..

Men as "Encik"
regardless of their marriage,
status or demeanour—
but only those
with higher,
as, "Tuan"?

"Bahasa jiwa bangsa,
kenapa kau nak terasa?"

These are some
of the patriarchy
in a white-collar vocabulary
that it is not so much
of the vocabulary
but the society

that I shall

Jadi aku unbottle
them all out in this rant.

Cik [ch'k] (n) = Miss
Puan [puoan] (n) = Madam

Encik [] (n) = Mr
Tuan [tuoan] (n) = Sir

("Language is the soul of the nation,
why are you offended?")

Jadi [ja.di] (v, can also be used as conjunction) = So
Aku [a.koo] (pronoun) = I


© Ayisha Rahman, 2020
Sandy Macacua Jan 28
To our forefathers who fought tirelessly for our rights through the golden years, ensuring that future generations could enjoy the liberties they themselves could only dream of; who stood bravely on the front lines of battle, facing oppression and injustice with unwavering resolve. Your perseverance and relentless spirit have laid the foundation for the freedoms we now cherish.

Who bled and sacrificed in the quest for peace, long before we took our first breaths, laying the groundwork for a more harmonious society. Your blood, sweat, and tears have nourished the seeds of peace, allowing them to grow into the strong, unyielding tree that now provides shelter and hope to countless souls. Your sacrifices have not been in vain, for they have paved the way for a future where harmony reigns over discord.

Who raised their voices in defiance of tyranny across decades, never wavering in their conviction and determination. Your voices, though sometimes silenced, have echoed through the annals of history, resounding in the hearts and minds of those who dared to listen and act. Your unwavering commitment to justice and liberty has inspired generations to carry the torch forward, ensuring that your struggles were not forgotten but rather celebrated and built upon.

Who laid down their lives selflessly for the future and welfare of the Bangsa, so that we might live in a world shaped by their courage and vision. Your ultimate sacrifices, made in the heat of battle for the greater good, have left an indelible mark on our history. You envisioned a world where future generations could live free from fear and oppression, and your courage has made that vision a reality.

To the Mujahideen who continued the fight, the war is over. You can now rest and start over, embracing a life of peace and renewal. No more running from shadows or hiding from threats. The days of fear and uncertainty have given way to a new dawn of safety and security. Your perseverance has brought us to this moment where we can begin anew, unburdened by the weight of past conflicts.

You can now take to the streets freely, dancing with your grandchildren without a single worry in your heart. The joy of watching the younger generations thrive in a world free from the turmoil you once knew is the ultimate reward for your sacrifices. The laughter and playfulness of children, the carefree running in the streets, are the manifestations of the peace you have fought so hard to secure.

The weight of the past has lifted, replaced by the joy and freedom of the present. The shadows of old fears have dissipated, replaced by the light of newfound hope and opportunity. This is a time for celebration, for embracing the fullness of life that was once overshadowed by conflict.

No more guns to carry, only pens to write new beginnings, to script the stories of a hopeful future. This time, a beautiful one, filled with dreams realized and a legacy of resilience and triumph. The tools of war are now exchanged for the tools of creation and expression. With pens in hand, we write the next chapters of our history — chapters filled with innovation, progress, and unity.

As we reflect on the sacrifices of our Mujahideen, we cannot forget the pain and suffering endured by the families left behind — the mothers who lost their sons, the wives who became widows, and the children who grew up without their fathers. These families bore the heavy burden of war and conflict, living with the constant fear of loss, and the deep sorrow that came with each life sacrificed for our freedom. But now, as the shadows of the past begin to lift and the dawn of peace emerges, a new chapter unfolds for them as well.

The tears of the mothers, the widows, and the orphans, who have endured unimaginable sorrow and loss, will now transform into joy as their sacrifices bear the fruit of peace and prosperity. The anguish and heartache they have known will be replaced by smiles and laughter, as they witness the realization of the dreams their loved ones fought and died for. Their resilience and strength through the darkest times have been a beacon of hope for us all, showing that even in the face of immense loss, the human spirit can endure and overcome.

The flowers will bloom in the battlegrounds once stained with the blood and sweat of the Mujahideen, symbolizing the resilience and rebirth of our land, honoring the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom. These flowers, vibrant and full of life, will stand as living testaments to the transformation from war to peace, from despair to hope. They will serve as a reminder that out of the harshest conditions, beauty and renewal can emerge, honoring the bravery and sacrifices of the Mujahideen.

The scars of the bullet wounds from the past, etched deeply into our flesh and memories, will now begin to heal, marking the end of an era of pain and suffering. These scars, both physical and emotional, serve as reminders of the trials we have endured and the strength we have found within ourselves. As they heal, they signify the beginning of a new chapter, one where healing and growth replace pain and suffering. The wounds that once symbolized our struggles will now transform into marks of resilience and triumph, testament to our capacity to overcome adversity.

To our Mujahideen, the mothers, the widows, and the orphans, your strength, your sacrifices, and your unwavering hope have brought us to this moment. As we move forward, we carry your legacy with us, committed to building a world worthy of your dreams and sacrifices.

(This is a longer version of a poem I wrote back in 2019, during the result of the plebiscite in Cotabato City, titled ‘Bangsamoro Mujahideen.’)

— The End —