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Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014

No desire for words spoken

we sail on the wind

the energy surrounding us

takes perfect dictation

nothing misunderstood

cosmically we sync

we finish sentences spoken


we fit by design

forever equals us

without a moments notice

eternity sealed our fate

the first time we exchanged looks

from across the way


~Butterfly εїз ©
Sam Temple Jan 2016
deep sigh escapes
large white face
ticking slow
less than three
and freedom –
she awaits
with bells on
diamonds in her shoes
breath bated
ultimate goal
I pace
recheck time
tap pencils
on faux wooden desks
thumbs twiddle
minute hand dawdles
might piddle
considering swaddling –
her face forms
my mind’s eye retracing
soft curves
delicate features
astrologically charted
freckle pattern
sharp blue eyes
my heart leaps –
formulating excuses
call it an early day
dash homeward
sweet embrace –
Qweyku Oct 2016
the turmoil of the universe
was carved of a canvass
of black so its stars would
shine ever brightly.

our celestial picture is heaven
astrologically saying;

"the darkness of your troubles
simply serves to luminate
the brilliance of beauty
in all your battles of victory...

for even death is undone
with the last flicker of breath
like falling stars leave
a glorious trail of descent"

**© Qwey.ku
Suresh Gupta May 2021
karmic eventuality

filament of time had but frayed ends left,
as I approached the shores’ end by dark,
a silhouette, by the lantern’s dim light,
placed there, only, for my benefit to see

on approaching, I placed the one coin,
in the outstretched skeletal fingers, and
waded into the boat, that neither swayed
nor creaked, meant for but a lone passenger

with a gentle tug of his pole, sickle at top end,
the final journey across the realm had begun.
the stillness of the air, with not a whiff of wind
sensed in any direction, yet movement was there

now to reflect on times past, of spent years
length of journey, depended solely upon me
astrologically, scales have been my birth mark
balance, I shall, my actions, my deeds, indeed

by the time I dock, leave no doubts to ponder
there is no sense of dread, nor fear of forthcoming
Libran birth, a sort of calmness has enveloped
the scales of justice, the karmic eventuality
acacia Nov 2020
i wanted there to be an explanation for the sour taste in my mouth
and i wanted there to be some hope to figure out how to get it out of my mouth, it is so sour, please:
i am not so sure how, if i ever will, stop. . .
never has there been a moment where one tries to show mercy, and the juice gets in my eyes and now i cannot see.
is there anyone who can see me? anyone who can hear me?
i am not so sure how, if i ever will, stop puckering.
i've been trying to chart it astrologically : and i would love to have the support of those two drawn lines, in order so i could really understand objectively: no, there is nothing wrong with me. yet i still feel crazy. just the thing called 'Life' : don't you feel so calm?

— The End —