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Ivy C Drape Mar 2015
I didn't expect for it to end like this
It was almost too easy
I said that I needed time
So you left me
Just like that
A year long love was gone
Like a storm, it was there
Did it's damage
And left
And now I'm here
Standing in the pouring rain
Outside your aparment
Phone in hand
About to call
About to ask for another chance
As I raise the phone to my ear
The door opens
You walk out onto the wet pavement
Memories assault me & fly away with the wind
The day we met disappears
Our first lingering kiss gone
All of those nights we spent together fly away
The first time you uttered 'I love you' shatters
And I'm left, empty
A shell of who I used to be
Because you're there
Walking past me
With someone else
She's clinging to your arm
Like you're her life-line
Just like that
All we used to be is gone
Like dry lightning in a desert storm
You're gone into the storm.
samuel hdz Mar 2013
Remeber when I gave you the ring.
I wore it that night around my neck.
Thinking I would never have a chance to give it to you

So parking lot pimping turned into a night in jail.
You were my first call somehow knowing you would answer.
I came out shirt torn, bruised and mouth ******.
I had a smile on my face, not because I was proud of what had transpired but because you actually gave a **** to show up.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket rope and all. Handed it to you saying ”I forgot to give you this”.
I rufused to go to the doctor a decision im still second guessing.

Took you out to eat. Subconsciously knowing you had been wanting to go to hayashi .
Held your hand in love and appreciation knowing that I would never want to do that to you ever again.

You wore the ring it was pretty much a perfect fit.
I tried my best to keep that promise engraved on it.

I did things I would never do for another who I did not love.

I may have my demons, but for you in your time of need they could never get in the way.

Now it probably sits in that little jewelry tin case in your new aparment  with you not even giving it a second glance.

But if you ever decided to pick us both back up. It reads.....

” given in love for proctection”.

— The End —