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K Balachandran Oct 2018
Seductive anchor,
News seems deceptively tame;
Anesthetic helps!
Rory Aug 2018
There's a city, moving around me
with five hundred thousand people in it
you could meet one hundred every day
and it would take you fourteen years
to shake that many hands

On my street, now glowing outside
I visit the shops every day
and wordlessly buy anaesthetising
food. I consume it alone
I do not know the names of the staff
only the tiredness on their faces

In my block, of dingy flats
there must be at least a thousand
other humans. Every single one
a contained life. I hear them
sometimes in the walls

Four years.
That's how long it's been now
and I do not know my neighbours
we walk past with our heads down
and watch television to replace
feelings of emptiness.
All fearful of the same things
all bound for the same end.
Why don't we say anything?
In trying to remember
some common humanity
tomorrow I will say


just watch me
mt Dec 2016
I want your voice to take my thoughts away
I want your voice to lead me for the day

But I don't like who I am, when I listen to you.
I don't like who I am, nor do I like what I do.

For though your voice is melodic, and hypnotic,
  and far more artful than mine (moaning and neurotic),
the trouble is that you don't really know me,
  you cannot hear what I say,
and though your art goes on,
  I am wasting away.

As even though you write,  with body, mind and soul,
you're anaesthetising me,  and I'm losing control.

A billion voices in support of their cause
A billion voices firing without pause
Today I choose to turn you off,
  to forsake the never ending search

I choose the voices,  
  with which I can converse
I choose the voices,  
  that can see me getting worse.
Welcome to this presentation of rhyming thoughts. I have trie to make it so that I really do believe each thought I have written. It is not really poetry in any sense that I understand. Yes, there are a few tired cliches, but there is not much more in the way of imagery or lyrical expression. I think of it more as an aide-memoire. For the purposes of aiding memory, I hope that the rhyming and scanning helps. All that notwithstanding, I hope you enjoy.

— The End —